1、Lamb Feedlot Nutrition 舍饲育肥羔羊的营养,by T.L. Stanton and S.B. LeValley,Recommended nutrient levels for 70-pound finishing lambs are listed in Table 1. These protein levels (12 percent to 14 percent) are higher than those recommended by the National Research Council (11 percent CP) based on recent resear
2、ch showing lamb performance response. 70磅育肥羔羊的推荐营养水平见表1.,其蛋白水平(12-14%)要高于国家科学研究委员会(NRC)推荐值(11%粗蛋白),这是基于近年来对羔羊生产水平的研究而提出的。,Nutrient Levels营养水平,Table 1. Recommended nutrient levels for 70-pound finishing lambs (dry-matter basis). 表1 70磅育肥羊推荐营养水平(干物质基础),One of the more critical areas to watch is the ca
3、lcium to phosphorus ratio. This ratio should be kept at approximately 2 or 2.5 to 1 in order to prevent urinary calculi. The addition of ammonium chloride (.25 ounces/head/day) to the ration has been recommended to prevent urinary calculi; however, ammonium chloride has been implicated in causing th
4、roat irritation that leads to excessive coughing and possibly to increased incidence of prolapses. 值得关注的重要领域之一是钙磷比例,这个比例必须保持在2:12.5:1之间,以预防尿结石。以前推荐日粮中添加氯化铵(0,25盎司/头/只),然而,氯化铵被证明可刺激咽喉而导致强烈咳嗽,也可能增加脱肛的发病率。,Urea and dust may have a similar implication in the prolapse problem. Urea should not provide mor
5、e than 15 percent to 25 percent of the total crude protein in fattening rations. 尿素和粉尘具有相似的引发脱肛的问题。在育肥羊料中,尿素所提供的蛋白不得超过总蛋白量的15-25%,Trace Minerals :矿物质,Sheep are sensitive to trace mineral imbalances. Since copper-molybdenum-sulfur levels interact with each other, check these trace minerals to prevent
6、 imbalances and reduced performance (Table 2). Supplements that use poultry manure contain high copper levels, so special attention must be paid to trace mineral levels when these products are fed. Selenium also is of concern, especially in areas that have a high incidence of white muscle disease. 羊
7、对微量元素的失衡非常敏感,由于个体之间对铜的耐受性不铜,因此要定期监测微量元素,以防止失衡,降低生产性能(表2)。使用鸡粪做的补充饲料含有高水平的铜,因此在使用这类产品时,一定要特别注意,花钱检测微量元素的水平。硒也是需要关注的一个微量元素,特别是在白肌病高发地区。,Table 2. Trace minerals for 70-pound finishing lambs (dry-matter basis). 表2 70磅育肥羔羊的微量元素需求,Vitamins 维生素,Vitamins A, D and E are important for finishing lambs and usua
8、lly need to be supplemented in finishing rations (Table 3). Including these in the ration is fairly easy; however, some studies indicate that injecting these into lambs upon receiving is more advantageous than day-to-day vitamin supplementation. Water soluble vitamins (B vitamins) usually are not ne
9、eded unless lambs are sick and their digestive systems are not functioning properly. 维生素ADE对于育肥羔羊非常重要,通常需要在育肥日粮中额外添加(见表3)。这些维生素在日粮中非常普遍,但是,有些研究表明,给羔羊注射这些维生素,其吸收率远远高于每天补充饲喂的效果。水溶性维生素(B族维生素)通常不需额外添加,除非羔羊病了,它的消化系统不能正常运作。,Table 3. Vitamins for 70-pound finishing lambs 表3 70磅育肥羔羊的维生素需求,What Feeding Metho
10、d? 采用何种饲喂方式,Essentially, two feeding methods exist for finishing lambs. Method one is referred to as perimeter, or fence-line, feeding. The other is a self-feeding system in which lambs gradually are brought up to a medium- to high-concentrate ration, and feed is available continuously. A study cond
11、ucted at the University of Minnesota in 1972 compared the effects of feeding methods on lamb performance (Table 4). 基本上,羔羊育肥分为两种方式。一种被称为围栏边或栅栏边饲喂方式,另一种为自由采食的饲喂方式,采用这种饲喂方式的羔羊逐渐由中等精料过渡到高精料的日粮,饲料要持续不断地供给。1972年,明尼苏达大学进行了一项研究,比较了两种饲喂方式对羔羊生产性能的影响(表4).,One group of lambs was hand-fed twice daily while the
12、others were self-fed. Those lambs given 24-hour access to a self-feeder consumed more and gained significantly more than hand-fed lambs. Feed efficiency also improved significantly with self-feeding. 一组羔羊采用人工饲喂方式,每天饲喂两次;另外一组采用自由采食方式,这些羔羊可以一天24小时从自由采食喂料器中获得饲料,采食量和增重要显著高于人工饲喂,自由采食的饲料转化率同样也显著提高。,Table
13、4. Method of feeding and lamb performance (Minn. 72) 表4 饲喂方式和羔羊生产水平(Minn,1972年),Starting Lambs on Feed从采食开始,Timing the start of lambs on feed is critical in feeder-lamb management. Typically, when lambs are started on feed, they are brought gradually from a high roughage-low concentrate to a high co
14、ncentrate-low roughage ration over several weeks. Some feedlots have a series of five to nine different rations that are changed every two to three days to enable lambs to adapt to a high-concentrate finishing ration within 15 to 20 days. 在舍饲羔羊的管理中,确定羔羊开始采食饲料的时间是非常关键的。通常,当羔羊开始采食饲料时,要用几周的时间,逐渐地由高粗料日粮
15、过渡到高精料日粮。有些饲养场有一系列的5-9种不同的日粮,每隔两到三天变更一种,以使羔羊在15-20天内适应高精料育肥日粮。,When lambs are fed with self-feeders, another set of management considerations are needed. Lambs can be penned up while the next higher concentrate ration is fed into the feeder. However, determining when lambs will be consuming the high
16、er concentrate level is difficult. A more successful approach is to start lambs on feed by moving them to pens that have increasingly higher concentrate rations in the self-feeders. Lambs are on full feed after four or five pen changes. 当羔羊采用自由采食喂料器饲喂时,需要关注另外一种管理方式。当另一种高精料日粮加入到喂料器中的时候,羔羊必须被圈起来。但是,确定
17、何时饲喂高精料日料是非常困难的。一种较为成功的方案是,把羔羊驱赶到自由采食喂料器中添加了高精料日粮的围栏中,才可以让羔羊采食。在更换了4-5个围栏后,羔羊才可以自由采食全价饲料。,What Concentrate Level? 使用什么营养水平的精料,Energy level is one of the major factors used in finishing-lamb rations and is one of the most important. A 1973 study conducted at Colby, Kansas, evaluated concentrate level
18、 in lamb-finishing rations. The diet contained 17 percent crude protein on a dry-matter basis. Concentrate levels of 100 percent, 90 percent, 75 percent and 50 percent were evaluated (Table 5). 能量水平是羔羊育肥日粮的一个主要因素,也是最重要的一个因素。1973年,at Colby, Kansas做了一个研究,评估了羔羊育肥日粮中的不同精料水平的效果。这种精料含17%的粗蛋白(干物质基础),在日粮中的添
19、加比例分别为100%、90%、75%和50%,评估结果见表5.,Milo was used as the grain source. Concentrate levels of 90 percent and 75 percent provided significantly higher average-daily-gains than the 50 percent or 100 percent concentrate level. Feed efficiency improved as the concentrate level increased in the ration. Howeve
20、r, feeding 100 percent concentrate is not recommended in most instances because problems with enterotoxemia or overeating disease could increase. Furthermore, lambs should be vaccinated for enterotoxemia or overeating disease at least twice prior to being fed a high-concentrate ration. 高粱用作精料的谷物来源。精
21、料水平为90%和75%的日粮,其平均日增重显著高于精料水平100%和50%的日粮。饲料转化率随着日粮中精料水平的提高而提高。然而,100%饲喂精料在大多数情况下是不提倡的,因为酸中毒和羊肠毒血症会显著增加。因此,在饲喂高精料日粮之前,羔羊至少两次注射免疫酸中毒和羊肠毒血症。,Table 5. Energy levels and performance of lambs.1 表5 能量水平和羔羊的生产性能,Another study conducted in Colby, Kansas, evaluated the percent wheat in the grain portion of a
22、70 percent-concentrate ration. Wheat levels of 0 percent, 25 percent, 50 percent, 75 percent, or 100 percent of the 70 percent-concentrate ration were evaluated (Table 6). Wheat replaced milo as the grain source. ADG was not affected significantly by replacing milo with wheat in the rations grain po
23、rtion. Feed efficiency was most improved when wheat was included at 100 percent of the grain portion of a 70 percent-concentrate ration. Colby, Kansas做了另外一项研究,评估了含70%精料的日粮中,谷物部分用不同比例小麦替代的效果。小麦的水平有0%、25%、50%、75%和100%。小麦代替高粱作为谷物饲料来源。当日粮中的谷物部分,用小麦代替高粱,日增重不受影响。而一个含70%精料的日粮中的谷物部分100&使用小麦的时候,饲料转化率大大提高了。,T
24、able 6. Wheat levels and 104-day lamb performance.1 表6 小麦水平和104天羔羊的生产性能,Exercise caution when using processed wheat. It should not make up more than 50 percent of the grain in a ration. Another Colby study evaluated wheat and alfalfa levels in self-fed ground rations. Wheat made up 82 percent, 68 pe
25、rcent, 60 percent and 48 percent while alfalfa was included at 10 percent, 25 percent, 35 percent and 50 percent of the four rations, respectively. (Table 7). 使用加工小麦一定要注意,它在日粮中的添加比例不能超过50%。 Colby的另一个研究评估了在自由采食粉状日粮中小麦和苜蓿的添加水平。在苜蓿的添加水平10%、25%、35%和50%四种日粮中,小麦分别占了82%、68%、60%和48%。见表7,Table 7. Wheat and a
26、lfalfa level in lamb fattening rations.1 表7 育肥日粮中小麦和苜蓿的添加水平,Lambs fed the 50 percent alfalfa ration needed 5.33 pounds of feed to produce a pound of gain. Those on the 25 percent alfalfa ration (the most efficient) required 4.24 lbs of feed to produce a pound of post weaning gain 。Wheat rations cont
27、aining up to 35 percent alfalfa produced satisfactory gains when fed to growing-finishing lambs. When the level of alfalfa reached 50 percent performance dropped markedly. 饲喂含50%苜蓿的羔羊需要5.33磅饲料才能产生1磅的增重,而含25%苜蓿的日粮只需4.24磅饲料就可以产生1磅的断奶后增重(这是最有效率的)。小麦日粮中含有35%的苜蓿,在饲喂生长育肥羊羔羊的时候,可产生令人满意的增重。当苜蓿的添加水平达到50%四,生产
28、水平显著下降。,Should Grain Be Processed? 谷物是否应该加工?,The effect of wheat processing on lamb performance (Table 8) was evaluated in a Canadian study. Wheat was evaluated in the whole, rolled or pelleted form. Lambs fed wheat that was either whole or rolled had significantly higher average daily gains (ADG) t
29、han lambs fed pelleted wheat. Feed efficiency also favored the whole or rolled form of wheat. 小麦加工后对羔羊生产性能的影响是加拿大的一项研究评估的(见表8)。小麦通过整粒、压片和制粒三种形态来评估。饲喂整粒小麦和压片小麦的羔羊,其日增重要显著高于饲喂制粒小麦的羔羊。饲料转化率也是整粒和压片两种形态的要好。,Table 8. Effect of wheat processing on lamb performance.1 表8 小麦加工对羔羊生产的影响,Barley also was fed to l
30、ambs in whole, rolled or pelleted forms (Table 9). Lamb performance was significantly better with the feeding of whole barley. In comparing barley and wheat, wheat had a slight advantage over barley in ADG; however, barley had an advantage in feed efficiency. 同样用整粒、压片和制粒三种形态的大麦饲喂羔羊,整粒大麦饲喂的羔羊的生产性能要显著
31、优于其它。小麦与大麦相比,小麦在日增重上稍微占优;然而,大麦的饲料转化率更好。,Table 9. Effect of barley processing on lamb performance. 表9 大麦加工后对羔羊生产性能的影响,A Missouri study evaluated corn processed in either the cracked or whole shelled form and fed to lambs with alfalfa pellets and alfalfa hay (Table 10). Feed efficiency and ADG were sl
32、ightly improved with the whole shelled corn feeding. This would suggest that cracking corn holds no advantage compared to feeding whole, unprocessed corn. 密苏里州的一项研究评估了,粉碎玉米和整粒玉米,以及苜蓿颗粒和苜蓿干草对羔羊生产性能的影响。(见表10)用整粒玉米饲喂时,饲料转化率和日增重会稍微提高一些。这个试验建议,相对于饲喂整粒的、未加工的玉米,粉碎玉米不占据任何优势。,Table 10. Effect of corn processing on 56-day lamb performance 表10 玉米加工后对56天羔羊生产性能的影响,