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1、纽约梅隆银行清算业务介绍,Angela Yeh Treasury Service,2011年6月,摘要,纽约梅隆银行发展历程 美元清算系统 纽约梅隆银行美元清算服务 台湾汇款清算系统,2,纽约梅隆银行发展历程,4,发展历程,亚历山大. 汉密尔顿先生于1784年创立,美国第一家银行,2007年7月1日和梅隆银行合并,后者由 安德鲁梅隆创立,分支机构遍布全球36个国家和地区, 全球49,000多名员工,5,一个全球金融服务的提供商,在产品广度和全球影响上的根本性进步,1900-2000 积极建立传统的投资战略,通过收购,和一系列战略同盟达到业务地国际增长,一个共同,清洗和突出的焦点,两个机构联合在

2、一起构成了世界上最大的证券服务商,和资产管理公司, 成为在金融服务方面无与伦比的公司,1784,1869,纽约银行建立,T. Mellon and Sons银行建立,19世纪90年代-20世纪30年代 早期拓展进入托管,公司信托和股票交易领域,1946,与联邦信托合并,梅隆资本管理公司,1983,1993,收购波士顿公司,1994,收购Dreyfus,收购了Newton资产管理公司大部分股权并创立了梅隆全球投资有限公司,1998,与纽约银行合并,2007,与纽约人寿保险信托公司合并,1922,1988,收购欧文信托,2000,收购常青藤资产管理公司,1996,收购 J.P. 摩根信托业务,与梅

3、隆金融公司合并,2007,2006,与J.P. 摩根大通公司信托业务进行资产互换,联合,2003,收购 Pershing LLC,6,注释:以上所有集团的优先债务等级数据统计截至2011年1月19日,纽约梅隆是美国唯一一家获得穆迪AAA评级的银行,纽约梅隆信用评级名列前茅,美元清算系统 - FEDWIRE : Gross Settlement 即时清算系统 - CHIPS : Net Settlement 净额交割系统 - ACH:大批量的单一借贷交易系统,美元支付清算流程,8,FEDWIRE,美元代理行(BNYM NY),汇款行 (ABC),MT103,MT202,CHIPS指令,FED指令

4、,收款行,纽约中间行,(CHIPS成员行),3 FEDWIRE,1 内部转账,2 CHIPS,美国境内 或 美国境外的账户行,美国境内的账户行,Fedwire and CHIPS Summary,9,美元支付清算系统 年交易量和交易金额数据(2010年),Fedwire Funds Service 2010 RTGS - Real-time Gross Settlement System 即时清算系统 Owned by the U.S. Government & operated by the Federal Reserve Bank (12)由美国政府所拥有及美联储的12大区行负责管理 95

5、00 participants 目前有9500个成员行 Participants can be on-line or off-line members 成员行可以是在线或离线的成员 Mainly domestic transactions 以美国境内交易为主Interbank Transfer - Reserve borrowings, Correspondent settlementsSecurities settlements 银行间的转帐 主要为储备金. 同业银行间汇款及证券交易的清算large value commercial transactions 大额的商业汇款 Fed Rout

6、ing Number/ABA Number (American Bankers Association) 9 digits The Bank of New York Mellon, New York ABA Number : FW021000018,10,Fedwire Overview,Operating Hours 运行时间 Implemented on May 17, 2004 to extend the day with business hours. The purpose was to allow overlap with business hours in Asia and EM

7、EA 2004年5月17日开始执行延长交易时间, 主要的目的是与亚洲欧洲及中东的交易时间同步 21.5 hours business day begins at 21:00 (the day before value date) and end at 18:30 (value date) 交易日为前一天21:00开始至当天18:30结束, 共计21.5小时,11,Fedwire Mechanics,付款的清算以现金余额加日间透支额度为基础 借记付款方在:- 在美联储的先进余额 或者- 日间透支额度 贷记到收款的收款方账户 所有完成清算的付款被视为最终的且不可撤销的,12,Participant

8、 A,Participant B,Reserve Balance:$100,000,000- $ 15,000,000$ 85,000,000,Reserve Balance:$100,000,000+$ 15,000,000$115,000,000,$15,000,000,$15,000,000,Fedwire,Fedwire Liquidity,Managing liquidity 流动性的管理 Each payment is settled on : 每一笔汇款的清算基础如下 A positive available balance 必要有现金余额在帐上 2. Debit Cap - u

9、nsecured intraday overdraft line by FRB借记额度是由美联储提供的无担保的日间透支额度 Pledged Collateral secured daylight overdraft by FRB 承诺抵押是由美联储提供的有担保的日间透支额度,13,美元支付清算系统 年交易量和交易金额数据(2010年),CHIPS Funds Service - 2010 50 participants with 22 countries 目前有50个成员行, 覆盖22个国家CHIPS direct member: 4 digits CHIPS的直接成员使用4位数字的会员号例如

10、 The Bank of New York Mellon, New York - CP0001 Universal Identification Number : CHIPS UID number 经常使用CHIPS的银行也可在CHIPS的直接成员银行内开立帐户, 例如: The Agriculture Bank of China, Beijing UID number: CH279631 95% of International USD Transfer 全球95%的美元跨国支付由该系统完成 Real-time, final payments system for U.S. dollars

11、that uses bi-lateral and multi-lateral netting 美元即时. 最终汇款交易系统, 使用双边与多边连续轧差清算 Third-party payments with foreign originators and/or beneficiaries 此清算系统适合用于当汇款人和收款人都不在美国境内的交易 USD settlement of FX transactions 外汇交易清算,14,CHIPS Overview,Operating Hours 运行时间 Implemented on May 17, 2004 to extend the day wi

12、th business hours. The purpose was to allow overlap with business hours in Asia and EMEA 2004年5月17日开始执行延长交易时间, 主要的目的是与亚洲欧洲及中东的交易时 间同步 20 hours business day begins at 21:00 (the day before value date) and end at 17:00 (value date) 交易日为前一天21:00开始至当天17:00 结束, 共计20小时,15,CHIPS 成员行,16,CHIPS The Clearing H

13、ouse Interbank Payment System,17,How CHIPS Works,CHIPS,6 (*5:15pm) CHIPS sends payment orders to banks in positive closing positions via Fedwire,5 (* 5 pm) CHIPS system removes credit limits and releases as many unresolved payments as possibleCHIPS nets any unresolved payments. Banks fund their resp

14、ective negative closing positions(* 5:15 pm) CHIPS releases remaining payments,Intraday Banks maintain positive balances Credit limit: Banks position can not exceed 2X pre-funded balance Participants may:- Prioritize payment- Delete unresolved payments,Pre-funding Balances to fund the days payments

15、Amount is :-Far less than actual payments- Calculated weekly- Based on prior six weeks,2 (*9 pm 5 pm) Banks send and receive payments,Netting process Individual Bilateral Multi- lateral,1 (*9 pm) CHIPS Account at the Fed opens for Pre-fundingCHIPS opens for processing payments(Bank pre-fund required

16、 balances via Fedwire no later than 9 am),3 CHIPS nets and releases final payments,4 Payments are final when released by CHIPS (throughout the day),* Eastern Time Zone,CHIPS 双边交割,双边交割Bilateral Release: 两成员行之间,将两笔或更多笔往来付款轧差,按净额交割,18,BANK A,BANK B,$300,000,$100,000,$200,000,$200,000,$300,000,$600,000,

17、AVAILABLE BALANCE: $2.5 MILLION,AVAILABLE BALANCE: $1.3 MILLION,$500,000,$100,000,AVAILABLE BALANCE: $1.2 MILLION,AVAILABLE BALANCE: $2.6 MILLION,CHIPS 多边交割,多边交割 Multi-lateral Release: 三家或更多成员行之间, 将三笔或更多笔往来付款金额轧差,按净额交割,19,Available balance $3 million,Available balance $2.5 million,Available balance

18、$2.6 million,$22.5 MILLION,$3 MILLION,$25 MILLION,1:500,$0.5 MM,$3.1 MM,$4.5 MM,$26 MILLION,CHIPS Liquidity,1 Bank pre-fund required balances via Fedwire no later than 9 am银行期初余额需在早上9点钟以前透过Fedwire存入 2 Banks maintain positive balances 银行必须在帐上存放余额 - Credit limit: banks position can not exceed 2X pre-f

19、unded balance信用额度:银行可动用的头寸必须控制在期初存放金额的2倍之内 3 CHIPS system removes credit limits and releases as many unresolved payments as possible at 5 pmCHIPS在下午5点钟挪去银行的信用额度,尽可能去完成所有支付交易的轧差和净头寸计算 4 CHIPS releases remaining payments at 5:15 pmCHIPS在下午5:15分解付余下的汇款交易 5 CHIPS sends payment orders to banks in positiv

20、e closing positionsvia Fedwire at 5:15 pmCHIPS 在下午5:15分透过Fedwire将日终清算头寸盈余划拨头寸退还给该银行,20,ACH Automated Clearing House,Electronic payment network used by financial institutions, government entities, corporations, individualsACH是一种透过电子网络来进行汇款交易的系统, 使用者为金融机构, 政府机构, 企业及一般个人 Can be used for settlement of:

21、可以进行如下业务结算1. Payroll (薪资) 2. Social Security Benefit (社会保障福利) 3. Dividend (红利) 4. Consumer related(普通个人消费): 例如保险费.水费.电费.房贷及房租等的支付,21,22,The Internet now gives you access to CHIPS, Fedwire, and S.W.I.F.T. DirectoriesCHIPS : To find CHIPS UIDs and/or to identify bene banks nostro agents, go to http:/w

22、ww.chips.org/uid/uid_form.phpThis site allows you to search by bank name, city, country or S.W.I.F.T. BICFEDWIRE : To find a Fedwire ABA Routing Transit number, go to :http:/www.fedwiredirectory.frb.org/search.cfmThis site facilitates searching by name, state and cityS.W.I.F.T. : To find S.W.I.F.T.

23、BICs, go to http:/ Websites,纽约梅隆银行美元清算服务,Flexible Charging Features You Are in Control,24,Remitter 汇款人 $1,000,Remitting Bank 汇款行,Correspondent 代理行,BeneBank 收款行,Beneficiary 收款人,“SHA” Bene Deduct 受益人内扣,“OUR” payments,FULLPAY 全额到帐 Fee $25 Charde from Billing/accout 在每月中账单中收取 25美元,MT103,MT103,MT103,BEN

24、$1,000,OUR $1,000,OUR $1,000,MT103,MT103,MT103,BEN $985,BEN (USD) $1000,OUR $1,000,$975,$990(USD),$1,000,Assumptions: Debit Ben-Deduct $15 Credit Ben-Deduct $10,BNY Mellon Commercial Payment Products 美国纽约梅隆银行美元汇款清算服务,25,Expanding International Focus 国际业务扩展重点 Direct member主要成员 of CHIPS, FEDWIRE, SWIF

25、T, ACH and CLS Network of 2,000 correspondent banks worldwide, 100 + markets全球超过2,000 家代理行覆盖超过100多个国家 28 International offices provide service 28家海外分行 22 Representative offices 22家代表处 Focus of international offices is to provide service to the financial community; not compete in local markets主要海外分行提

26、供同业代理行的服务, 所以我们不会成为当地银行的竞争对象 Ranked No. 3/4 美元汇款清算量全球排名第三或四- Global Market Share 10.3% 约占全球总清算量的10.3 %- Daily Volume 170,000 items 每天处理170,000 次交易- Daily Value $ 1.8 trillion 每天清算额价值1.8万多亿美元- 35% Internal Book Transfer 35%汇款通过内部转帐- Peak Daily Volume 245,000 items /$3 Trillion高峰日清算量: 245,000 笔清算量/ 3


28、HONG KONG,SINGAPORE,MALAYSIA,PHILIPPINES,SOUTH KOREA,TAIWAN,INDONESIA,THAILAND,AUSTRALIA,EMEA: Alternative Investment Services, Asset Management, Asset Servicing, Broker-Dealer Services, Capital Markets, Corporate Trust, Depositary Receipts, Global Markets, Liquidity Services, Pershing, Treasury Ser

29、vices, Wealth Management, Eagle Investment Systems,Asia Pacific: Alternative Investment Services, Asset Management, Asset Servicing, Broker-Dealer Services, Corporate Trust, Depositary Receipts, Global Markets, Liquidity Services, Pershing, Treasury Services, Wealth Management, Eagle Investment Syst

30、ems,Americas: Alternative Investment Services, Asset Management, Asset Servicing, Broker-Dealer Services, Capital Markets, Corporate Trust, Depositary Receipts, Global Markets, Liquidity Services, Pershing, Shareowner Services, Treasury Services, Wealth Management, Eagle Investment Systems,Americas

31、33,000+ employees in 7 countries and 2 territories including 5 Canadian provinces and 29 U.S. states,Europe, Middle East, Africa 8,000+ employees in 30 cities across 18 countries,Asia-Pacific 6,000+ employees in 16 offices across 12 countries,POLAND,* data as of December 31, 2010, reflects total sta

32、ff of the company, including subsidiaries and affiliates,27,Reduce Your Funds Transfer Cost 减轻贵行汇款的成本MT103/MT202 Beneficiary Deduct 出账扣费MT103/MT202 Credit Deduct 入账扣费 FULLPAY 全额付款 PRIORITY Payments 优先付款MT103 Early Processing Service 提早放行服务Automated Intermediary Service 自动选择中间银行服务Same Day Cancellatio

33、n & Amendment Services 付款当日取消和修改服务Special Return of Funds Processing 特殊退款服务,BNY Mellon Commercial Payment Products 纽约梅隆银行商业汇款产品,28,Options: Beneficiary Deduct (Ben Deduct) 出账扣费 Credit Deduct 入账扣费 Eligible Transactions: 汇款的方式 MT103 Non-Bank customer transfers Field 71 : /SHA/ or /BEN/ MT202 Import L/

34、C Field 72: Export Collection transactions,To Reduce Your Funds Transfer Cost 减少贵行的汇款成本,29,Bene Deduct Benefits: The outgoing payment is free of charge to your bank 本行在执行这笔汇出款时不会向贵行收取任何的费用 We deduct our processing fee & pay net proceeds to payee bank本行会在汇出款至收款行的过程当中,已扣除我们的手续费 Your SWIFT message volu

35、me is reduced saving SWIFT charges贵行发送报文量减少会节省SWIFT的费用 For non-bank customer transfers, a single MT103 bearing your Bene Deduct instruction is used to replace the traditional procedure of sending:非银行汇款, 只需发送一个MT103从而取代过去传统发送报文的方式 a MT103 to bene bank, and a MT202 COV to correspondent bank for the co

36、ver,To Reduce Your Funds Transfer Cost 减少贵行的汇款成本,30,Credit Deduct The incoming payment is free of charge to your bank处理这笔汇入汇款时,不会向贵行收取任何的费用 We deduct our processing fee & credit your account for the net proceeds执行这笔汇入汇款时 ,本行扣除手续费后,净额再汇入贵行账户内 No need for you to recover The Bank of New York Mellon ser

37、vice charges from beneficiary 贵行无需承担帐务费用 Options: All MT103 non-bank customer transfers MT202 - L/C and Export collection transactions Only those transactions bearing certain reference number in field 21, or ALL transactions, except certain reference numbers in field 21,To Reduce Your Funds Transfer

38、 Cost 减少贵行的汇款成本,31,Fixed charges borne by remitting party本行跟汇款银行收取固定手续费/FULLPAY/ is The Bank of New York Mellon codeword used only in your MT103swhen you would like to effect full payment of the principal amount to the beneficiary. 透过本行汇款时, 贵行如需全额到帐至收款人的账户, 只需在MT103的报文中放入 / FULLPAY / 的指示即可。MT103 for

39、matting 报文格式如下: 71A : OUR: 72 : /FULLPAY/,FULLPAY Service 全额付款服务,32,The Bank of New York Mellon will pass on your “charges: OUR“ instruction to the intermediary bank (if any) or the beneficiary bank. In most cases, these banks will follow the instruction by passing on full proceeds to the beneficiar

40、y and claiming related fees from us. 本行会把贵行要求全额到帐(OUR)的付款指示发送给中间银行或收款行。 在大部 分情况中,这些银行会根据汇款指示全额到账至收款人账户, 反向本行收取相关的 手续费 There is a charge back fee of $25 on your monthly service charge advice to cover the fee subsequently claimed by the intermediary/beneficiary bank. 此服务的手续费为每笔25美元,已包含中间行或收款行向本行收取 相关的

41、全部费用,这个手续费将会显示在贵行每个月的帐务服务费 账单中,FULLPAY Service 全额付款服务,33,Time-sensitive payments can be marked for priority优先处理针对时效性的汇款 Field 72 : /EARLY/ (or /PRIORITY/) Applicable to MT103 and MT202 subject to availability of balance 当贵行账户余额充足时,此付款方式适用于MT103及MT202的汇款 Recommend coordination with our Shanghai Custo

42、mer Service Team可要求本行上海客服的同仁来协助处理,PRIORITY Payments 优先付款,34,The Bank maintains a computer file of Beneficiary Bank S.W.I.F.T. addresses and CHIPS UIDs, including their U.S. correspondents本行的电子文档存有收款行往来 Swift address和CHIPS UID的详细资料,包括这些收款行在美国的代理行 Payments to Beneficiary Banks that do not have account

43、s at The Bank will be automatically routed to the U.S. bank listed in the file当收款行并未与本行开立美元帐户时,本行汇款系统将提供自动搜寻中间行的服务,Automated Intermediary Service 自动选择中间行的服务,35,Benefits: 优点 No need to maintain files or refer to CHIPS guides to identify Intermediary Banks to pay through 在执行汇款过程中无需维护文档或参考CHIPS目录而选择中间银

44、行No operator intervention charge if the Beneficiary Bank is identified with S.W.I.F.T. address or CHIPS UID收款银行有SWIFT的资料或CHIPS UID号码,则无需支付人工干预的费用The Bank assumes liability for mis-sent payments如果造成汇款发生错误时,纽约梅隆银行将承担所有的责任,Automated Intermediary Service 自动选择中间银行服务,36,Eligibility:MT103sMT202s of less th

45、an $50,000,Automated Intermediary Service 自动选择中间银行服务,37,Sample MT103 20: ABC123 50: Originator 56: 57: Beneficiary Banks CHIPS UID or SWIFT address 59: Beneficiary,Automated Intermediary Service 自动选择中间银行服务,38,We begin processing your MT103s at about 21:30 NYC time after completion of batch running f

46、or the day, and send our MT103 to Beneficiary Bank immediately 纽约梅隆银行在完成当日的备份处理之后,于每天的纽约时间21:30执行贵行所发出的MT103, 并立即发送我行的MT103给收款银行Cover is sent when CHIPS/Fedwire opens or via book transfer, if applicable 头寸会透过CHIPS/Fedwire开始运行时或账簿上转帐来执行Avoids delays associated with time zone differences避免由于不同时区所造成的延迟

47、,MT103 Early Processing Service 提早放行服务,39,To qualify for MT103 early processing, you must meet the following criteria符合MT103提早放行服务的必要条件如下:Your bank has sufficient balance 贵行帐上必须存放足够的余额 MT103 goes straight through MT103 必须要符合直通率的格式 The Bank maintains authenticated swift key with bene bank 本行必须和收款行有au

48、thenticated swift key的交换 Field 57 must not include an account number with intermediary bank. It should be either a CHIPS UID or Swift address (not dual identifier) 57栏不得与中间银行有户头往来, 它必须要有CHIPS UID号码或SWIFT address(二选一) The payment order does not involve any blocked entities 汇款的指示中不能与任何制裁的名单相抵触,MT103 E

49、arly Processing Service提早放行的服务,40,For returned funds, BNYM send a swift message to your bank stating:当款项退款时,纽约梅隆银行会发送一个邮件到贵行: Reason for return, if stated by payee bank如果国外的汇款银行有告知退款理由,我们会在报文中告知 Funds will be held for 5 working days, pending your guidance我们会把汇款款项保留5个工作日, 直到接到贵行的进一步指示 Funds will be re-credited to your account if no instruction is received from your bank within the specified time frame 如果没有接到贵行的进一步指示,我们会把汇款款项退还至贵行的账户 Reduces your reconcilement problems 减少贵行销账的困扰 No extra transactional fee for re-effected payments 当重新汇款时, 没有任何额外的手续费发生,


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