1、中国农业银行股份有限公司简阳市支行Agricultural Bank of China Ltd. Jianyang City BranchAddress: No. 353-361 jianshe Road,Jianyang City,Sichuan,China,=Certificate of Employment and IncomeThis is to certify that Mrs.*,has been serving in this department since 1988. Her current position is section officer.Her annual inc
2、ome is about RMB100,000Yuan.This has cxcluded the income tax and social security insurance that should be paid by Mrs.*.If you have any question regarding the above,please contact the director,Mr * at Tel:028-*.Agricultural Bank of China Ltd. Jianyang City Branch16/04/2014工作收入证明 兹证明*女士自 1988 年起在本单位就
3、职,现任科员,其年收入为人民币 10 万元,以上收入已除去本单位代扣代缴的个人所得税和个人缴纳的各类社会保险金。 如有疑问,请与单位负责人* 联系, 电话 028-*.中国农业银行股份有限公司简阳市支行二零一四年四月一十六日四川富旺农业开发有限公司Fu Wang Sichuan Agricultural Development Co.,Ltd.Address: Jianyang City, south of the 5th-mail,Sichuan,ChinaCertificate of Employment and IncomeThis is to certify that Mr.Chuan
4、bin Zheng,has been serving in this department since 2001. His current position as chairman of the board.His annual income is about RMB300,000Yuan.This has cxcluded the income tax and social security insurance that should be paid by Mr.Chuanbin Zheng.If you have any question regarding the above,please contact the director,Ms. Huang Ying at Tel:028-27591888.Fu Wang Sichuan Agricultural Development Co.,Ltd.16/04/2014工作收入证明 兹证明郑传彬先生自 2001 年起在本单位就职,现任董事 长,其年收入 为人民币 30 万元,以上收入已除去本单位代扣代缴的个人所得税和个人缴纳的各类社会保险金。 如有疑问,请与单位负责人黄英女士 联系, 电话 028-27591888.四川富旺农业开发有限公司二零一四年四月一十六日