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1、中华人民共和国侵权责任法Tort Law of the Peoples Republic of ChinaEnglish version 中文版发文日期:2009年 12 月 26 日有效范围:全国发文机关:全国人民代表大会常务委员会文号:中华人民共和国主席令第 21号时效性:现行有效生效日期:2010年 07 月 01 日所属分类:侵权 ( 民法-侵权 )Promulgation date: 12-26-2009Effective region: NATIONALPromulgator: Standing Committee of the National Peoples CongressD

2、ocument no: Order of the President of the Peoples Republic of China No. 21Effectiveness: EffectiveEffective date: 07-01-2010Category: Tort ( Civil Law-Tort )全文: Full text: 中华人民共和国侵权责任法Tort Law of the Peoples Republic of China中华人民共和国主席令第 21 号Order of the President of the Peoples Republic of China No.

3、 212009 年 12 月 26 日 December 26, 2009中华人民共和国侵权责任法已由中华The Tort Law of the Peoples Republic of China, adopted at the 12th session of the Standing Committee of the 人民共和国第十一届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十二次会议于2009 年 12 月 26 日通过,现予公布,自2010 年 7 月 1 日起施行。11th National Peoples Congress of the Peoples Republic of China on

4、December 26, 2009, is hereby promulgated and shall come into effect on July 1, 2010.中华人民共和国主席 胡锦涛President of the Peoples Republic of China Hu Jintao中华人民共和国侵权责任法Tort Law of the Peoples Republic of China(2009 年 12 月26 日第十一届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十二次会议通过)Adopted at the 12th session of the Standing Committee of

5、 the 11th National Peoples Congress of the Peoples Republic of China on December 26, 2009目录第一章 一般规定第二章 责任构成和责任方式第三章 不承担责任和减轻责任的情形第四章 关于责任主体的特殊规定第五章 产品责任第六章 机动车交通事故责任第七章 医疗损害责任ContentsChapter I General ProvisionsChapter II Constitutive Requirements of Liability and Methods for Assuming LiabilityChapt

6、er III Circumstances under which Liability Is Waived or MitigatedChapter IV Special Provisions on Liable PartiesChapter V Product LiabilityChapter VI Automobile Traffic Accident LiabilityChapter VII Medical Malpractice LiabilityChapter VIII Environmental Pollution LiabilityChapter IX High-Risk Opera

7、tion LiabilityChapter X Liability for Damage Caused by Domesticated Animals 第八章 环境污染责任第九章 高度危险责任第十章 饲养动物损害责任第十一章 物件损害责任第十二章 附则Chapter XI Liability for Damage Caused by ObjectsChapter XII Supplementary Provisions第一章 一般规定 Chapter I General Provisions第一条 为保护民事主体的合法权益,明确侵权责任,预防并制裁侵权行为,促进社会和谐稳定,制定本法。Arti

8、cle 1 This Law is formulated with a view to protecting the legitimate rights and interests of civil parties, determining liability for torts, preventing and penalizing tortious acts, and promoting social harmony and stability.第二条 侵害民事权益,应当依照本法承担侵权责任。本法所称民事权益,包括生命权、健康权、姓名权、名誉权、荣誉权、肖像权、隐私权、婚姻自主权、监护权、所

9、有权、用益物权、担保物权、著作权、专利权、商标专用权、发现权、股权、继承权等人身、财产权益。Article 2 Whoever infringes on the civil rights and interests of others shall be liable for the tortious acts in accordance with this Law.For the purpose of this Law, “civil rights and interests“ shall include personal and property rights and interests s

10、uch as the right to life, the right to health, rights associated with names, reputational rights, honorary rights, the right to ones image, the right to privacy, the right to marital autonomy, the right to guardianship, ownership, usufruct, security interests, copyrights, patent rights, exclusive ri

11、ghts to use trademarks, discovery rights, equities, right of succession, etc.第三条 被侵权人有权请求侵权人承担侵权责任。Article 3 Parties whose rights are infringed upon shall be entitled to request the infringing parties be held liable for torts.第四条 侵权人因同一行为应当承担行政责任或者刑事责任的,不影响依法承担侵权责任。因同一行为应当承担侵权责任和行政责任、刑事责任,侵权人的财产不足以支

12、付的,先承担侵权责任。Article 4 The assumption of administrative or criminal liability by an infringing party for the same act shall not prejudice its assumption of tortious liability in accordance with the law.Where an infringing party bears tort liability, administrative liability and criminal liability for

13、the same act but has insufficient assets to meet all claims made in relation thereto, it shall first assume the tortious liability.第五条 其他法律对侵权责任另有特别规定的,依照其规定。Article 5 Special provisions, if any, prescribed by other laws on tort liability shall prevail.第二章 责任构成和责任方式Chapter II Constitutive Requiremen

14、ts of Liability and Methods for Assuming Liability第六条 行为人因过错侵害他人民事权益,应当承担侵权责任。根据法律规定推定行为人有过错,行为人不能证明自己没有过错的,应当承担侵权责任。Article 6 Whoever is at fault in infringing upon another partys civil rights and interests shall bear tort liability.Whoever is presumed to be at fault by law and is unable to prove o

15、therwise shall bear tort liability.第七条 行为人损害他人民事权益,不论行为人有无过错,法律规定应当承担侵权责任的,依照其规定。Article 7 Whoever infringes upon another partys civil rights and interests and shall bear tort liability by law regardless of whether it is at fault shall be subject to such provisions.第八条 二人以上共同实施侵权行为,造成他人损害的,应当承担连带责任。

16、Article 8 Two or more parties whose joint infringement causes damage to another party shall be jointly and severally liable.第九条 教唆、帮助他人实施侵权行为的,应当与行为人承担连带责任。教唆、帮助无民事行为能力人、限制民事行为能力人实施侵权行为的,应当承担侵权责任;该无民事行为能力人、限制民事行为能力人的监护人未尽到监护责任的,应当承担相应的责任。Article 9 Whoever incites or assists another party to carry ou

17、t tortious conducts shall be jointly and severally liable with the latter party.Whoever incites or assists a party who lacks or has limited civil capacity to carry out tortious conducts shall bear tort liability. The guardian of the party who lacks or has limited civil capacity shall bear correspond

18、ing liability if he/she fails to fulfill the duties as a guardian.第十条 二人以上实 Article 10 Where two or more people engage in a 施危及他人人身、财产安全的行为,其中一人或者数人的行为造成他人损害,能够确定具体侵权人的,由侵权人承担责任;不能确定具体侵权人的,行为人承担连带责任。conduct that endangers another persons personal or property safety, and the conduct of one or more pe

19、ople causes damage to that person, if the specific infringing party can be determined, the infringing party shall be liable; otherwise, all persons involved shall be jointly and severally liable.第十一条 二人以上分别实施侵权行为造成同一损害,每个人的侵权行为都足以造成全部损害的,行为人承担连带责任。Article 11 Where two or more people respectively car

20、ry out tortious acts that cause the same damage and the tortious acts of each person are capable of causing the entire damage sustained, all persons involved shall be jointly and severally liable.第十二条 二人以上分别实施侵权行为造成同一损害,能够确定责任大小的,各自承担相应的责任;难以确定责任大小的,平均承担赔偿责任。Article 12 Where two or more people respe

21、ctively engage in tortious acts that cause the same damage and the extent to which each person is liable can be determined, the infringing parties shall respectively bear the corresponding liability; in the event that it is difficult to determine the extent to which each person is liable, the infrin

22、ging parties shall be liable to pay an equal amount of compensation.第十三条 法律规定承担连带责任的,被侵权人有权请求部分或者全部连带责任人承担责任。Article 13 Where the law provides that joint and several liability shall be assumed, a party whose rights are infringed upon shall be entitled to claim liability in whole or in part against a

23、ll parties jointly and severally liable.第十四条 连带责任人根据各自责任大小确定相应的赔偿数额;难以确定责任大小的,平均承担赔偿责任。支付超出自己赔偿数额的连带责任人,有权向其他连带责任人追偿。Article 14 The amount of compensation to be paid by the parties jointly and severally liable shall be determined according to the extent of their respective liability; where the exten

24、t of their respective liability is difficult to determine, such parties shall be liable to pay an equal amount of compensation.A party jointly and severally liable who pays compensation of more than the amount for which it is liable shall be entitled to recover from other parties jointly and several

25、ly liable.第十五条 承担侵权责任的方式主要有:(一)停止侵害;(二)排除妨碍;(三)消除危险;(四)返还财产;(五)恢复原状;(六)赔偿损失;(七)赔礼道歉;(八)消除影响、恢复名誉。以上承担侵权责任的方式,可以单独适用,也可以合并适用。Article 15 The principal methods by which tort liability shall be borne are:1. Cessation of infringement;2. Removal of obstruction;3. Elimination of danger;4. Return of propert

26、y;5. Restoration to the original state;6. Compensation for losses;7. Apology; and8. Elimination of adverse impacts and restoration of reputation.The above methods may be applied independently or concurrently.第十六条 侵害他人造成人身损害的,应当赔偿医疗费、护理费、交通费等为治疗和康复支出的合理费用,以及因误工减少的收入。造成残疾的,还应当赔偿Article 16 Whoever harm

27、s another person and causes bodily injury shall compensate for all reasonable expenses incurred for treatment and recovery such as medical expenses, nursing expenses and transportation expenses, as well as the incomes lost due to absence from work; where the victim suffers from disability, the infri

28、nging party shall pay for the fees for daily living 残疾生活辅助具费和残疾赔偿金。造成死亡的,还应当赔偿丧葬费和死亡赔偿金。assistive devices and disability allowance; where the infringing partys conduct results in death, it shall pay all funeral expenses and death compensation.第十七条 因同一侵权行为造成多人死亡的,可以以相同数额确定死亡赔偿金。Article 17 Where the s

29、ame tortious act causes more than one person to die, the amount of death compensation payable may be the same.第十八条 被侵权人死亡的,其近亲属有权请求侵权人承担侵权责任。被侵权人为单位,该单位分立、合并的,承继权利的单位有权请求侵权人承担侵权责任。被侵权人死亡的,支付被侵权人医疗费、丧葬费等合理费用的人有权请求侵权人赔偿费用,但侵权人已支付该费用的除外。Article 18 Where a party whose rights are infringed upon dies, his

30、/her immediate relatives shall be entitled to request the infringing party be held liable for tort. Where the party whose rights are infringed upon is an entity which has been divided or merged, the successor thereof shall be entitled to request the infringing party be held liable for tort.Where the

31、 party whose rights are infringed upon dies, the party who has paid reasonable expenses such as medical expenses and funeral expenses shall be entitled to request the infringing party to make compensation, unless the infringing party has already paid such expenses.第十九条 侵害他人财产的,财产损失按照损失发生时的市场价格或者其他方式

32、计算。Article 19 As regards infringements on another persons property, the property loss shall be calculated according to the market price for the property when the loss is incurred or by other means.第二十条 侵害他人人身权益造成财产损失的,按照被侵权人因此受到的损失赔偿;被侵权人的损失难以确定,侵权人因此获得利益的,按照其获得的利益赔偿;侵权人因此获得的利益难以确定,被侵权人和侵权人就赔偿数额协商不一

33、致,向人民法院提起诉讼的,由人民法院根据实际情况确定赔偿数额。Article 20 Whoever infringes upon the personal rights and interests of another party and thereby causes property losses shall pay compensation for the losses suffered by the party whose rights are infringed upon; where the losses of the party whose rights are infringed

34、 upon are difficult to determine but the infringing party has made gains from the infringing acts, the infringing party shall pay compensation according to the gains obtained; where the gains obtained by the infringing party are difficult to determine and the party whose rights are infringed upon an

35、d the infringing party are unable to reach an agreement on the amount of compensation through negotiation, following which a lawsuit is filed with a peoples court, the peoples court shall determine the amount of compensation payable according to actual circumstances.第二十一条 侵权行为危及他人人身、财产安全的,被侵权人可以请求侵权

36、人承担停止侵害、排除妨碍、消除危险等侵权责任。Article 21 Where a tortious act endangers the personal or property safety of another person, the party whose rights are infringed upon may request that the infringing party assume tort liability such as ceasing infringement, removing obstruction, eliminating danger, etc.第二十二条

37、侵害他人人身权益,造成他人严重精神损害的,被侵权人可以请求精神损害赔偿。Article 22 Where the infringements upon a partys personal rights and interests cause the party to suffer from serious mental distress, the said party may claim compensation for mental distress.第二十三条 因防止、制止他人民事权益被侵Article 23 Where a party suffers an injury in seeki

38、ng to prevent or stop another partys civil rights and interests 害而使自己受到损害的,由侵权人承担责任。侵权人逃逸或者无力承担责任,被侵权人请求补偿的,受益人应当给予适当补偿。from being infringed upon, the infringing party shall be liable. Where the infringing party has escaped or is unable to bear liability, and the party whose rights are infringed upo

39、n claims compensation, the beneficiary shall pay appropriate compensation.第二十四条 受害人和行为人对损害的发生都没有过错的,可以根据实际情况,由双方分担损失。Article 24 Where neither the victim nor the perpetrator is at fault in the occurrence of damage, they may share the resulting loss according to actual circumstances.第二十五条 损害发生后,当事人可以协

40、商赔偿费用的支付方式。协商不一致的,赔偿费用应当一次性支付;一次性支付确有困难的,可以分期支付,但应当提供相应的担保。Article 25 After damage occurs, the parties concerned may discuss the method for paying compensation. Where no agreement is reached through negotiation, compensation shall be paid in a lump sum; where lump-sum payment of compensation is genu

41、inely difficult, the compensation may be paid by installment provided a corresponding guarantee is given.第三章 不承担责任和减轻责任的情形Chapter III Circumstances under which Liability Is Waived or Mitigated第二十六条 被侵权人对损害的发生也有过错的,可以减轻侵权人的责任。Article 26 The liability of an infringing party may be mitigated to the ext

42、ent that the party whose rights are infringed upon is also at fault in the damage sustained.第二十七条 损害是因受害人故意造成的,行为人不承担责任。Article 27 Where damage is intentionally caused by a victim, the actor shall not be liable.第二十八条 损害是因第三人造成的,第三人应当承担侵权责任。Article 28 Where damage is caused by a third party, the thir

43、d party shall bear tort liability.第二十九条 因不可抗力造成他人损害的,不承担责任。法律另有规定的,依照其规定。Article 29 Unless otherwise prescribed by law, no liability shall arise for damage sustained by any party as a result of force majeure.第三十条 因正当防卫造成损害的,不承担责任。正当防卫超过必要的限度,造成不应有的损害的,正当防卫人应当承担适当的责任。Article 30 No party shall be liab

44、le for damage caused in reasonable self-defense, provided that where an action taken in self-defense goes beyond what is necessary and causes unnecessary damage, the party acting in self-defense shall bear appropriate liability.第三十一条 因紧急避险造成损害的,由引起险情发生的人承担责任。如果危险是由自然原因引起的,紧急避险人不承担责任或者给予Article 31 Wh

45、ere damage is caused in avoiding danger under emergency, the person who causes the emergency shall be liable for such damage. Where danger is caused by natural reasons, the party who take steps to avoid the danger under emergency shall not be liable or shall be required to pay only a reasonable 适当补偿

46、。紧急避险采取措施不当或者超过必要的限度,造成不应有的损害的,紧急避险人应当承担适当的责任。amount of compensation. The said party shall, however, bear a reasonable degree of liability for any unnecessary damage caused by improper or excessive measures taken.第四章 关于责任主体的特殊规定Chapter IV Special Provisions on Liable Parties第三十二条 无民事行为能力人、限制民事行为能力人造

47、成他人损害的,由监护人承担侵权责任。监护人尽到监护责任的,可以减轻其侵权责任。有财产的无民事行为能力人、限制民事行为能力人造成他人损害的,从本人财产中支付赔偿费用。不足部分,由监护人赔偿。Article 32 Where a person who lacks or has limited civil capacity causes damage to another person, his/her guardian shall bear tort liability. Where the guardian has fulfilled the duties as a guardian, he/s

48、he may have the tort liability mitigated.Compensation for any damage done to another person by the person who lacks or has limited civil capacity shall be payable out of the latters assets, if any. The shortfall, if any, shall be made good by the guardian.第三十三条 完全民事行为能力人对自己的行为暂时没有意识或者失去控制造成他人损害有过错的,

49、应当承担侵权责任;没有过错的,根据行为人的经济状况对受害人适当补偿。Article 33 Whoever with full civil capacity shall bear tort liability for damage done to another person as a result of temporary loss of consciousness or control of conducts; where the said party is not at fault, he/she shall, in light of his/her financial conditions, pay reasonable compensation to the victim.Whoever with full civil capacity shall bear tort liability for damage done to another person as a result of temporary loss of consciousness or control of conducts caused by 完全民事行为能力人因醉酒、滥用麻醉药品或者精神药品对自己的行为暂时没有意识或者失去控制造成他人损害的,应当承担侵权


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