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类型2017-2018学年高中英语 Unit 3 Looking good feeling good Section Ⅴ Project课件 牛津译林版必修1.PPT

  • 上传人:精品资料
  • 文档编号:10147909
  • 上传时间:2019-10-14
  • 格式:PPT
  • 页数:48
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    关 键  词:
    2017-2018学年高中英语 Unit 3 Looking good feeling good Section Ⅴ Project课件 牛津译林版必修1.PPT

    1、Section Pr oject 读文清障 原文呈现 The truthis, diet and way of lifear e often a pr oblem for teenagers. However , th e good news is thatyou can feel b etter, look better and have mor e energyif you eat the right food and exer cise r egul arly. truth n 真相;实情 to tell the truth 老实说;说实话 way of life 生活方式 that y

    2、ou can fee l better . 是 th at 引导的表语从句,表语从句中又含有一个 if 引导的条件状语从句。 feel better 感觉更好 energy n 能量,精力,活力 r egul arly ad v . 有规律地;经常 读文清障 原文呈现 along with 连同 ,随同 useless ju s l s adj . 无用的,无效的 in the long term 从长远角度看 yet conj . 然而,可是 appr oximately p r k s I m t lI ad v . 大约 skip s k I p v t . ther e wer e t

    3、h irty . I counted him lucky to have won t he gold medal. In sport what r eally counts is not the winning but the playing. 数数 认为 重要,有价值 count .as . 认为 ,把 看 / 算作 count on/upon 指望,依赖 count fr om .to . 从 数到 Don t count your chickens befor e th ey r e hat che d. 鸡蛋未孵出,先别数鸡雏。 ( 不要过早乐观。 ) W e count him a

    4、r eal friend of us. 我们把他看作一位真正的朋友。 If I got into tr ouble, I could always count Henry . 如果我有麻烦,我总是可以依靠亨利。 as on/ upon 4 ( 教材 P 58)M any teenagers ar e surprised to learn th at when you exer cise, you r body pr oduces some chemicals that m ake you feel peaceful and r elaxed and incr ease your ability

    5、 t o concentrate when you study . 许多青少年吃惊地发现,当你锻炼的时候,你的体内会产生一 些化学物质使你感到平静和放松,增强学习时的注意力。 concentrate vt .& vi . 集中 ( 注意力、思想等 ) ;全神贯注 (1)concentrate (on e s attention / mind ) on/ upon . 集中 ( 注意力 ) 于 ;专注于 (2)concentration n . 注意力 with (gr eat) concentration 聚精会神地 So long as you concentrate on your stud ies, you ll succeed in passing the exam ination . 只要专心学习,你将会顺利通过考试。

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    本文标题:2017-2018学年高中英语 Unit 3 Looking good feeling good Section Ⅴ Project课件 牛津译林版必修1.PPT
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