1、 S s孙null 亮(v“,gnull 230039)Knull1: 现在我国社会正处于转型中, 社会分工和社会流动加快, 社会失范现象大量出现, 可以分为 5种类型b涂尔干从社会分工和工业社会角度,韦伯从文化结构角度, 默顿从结构与功能角度对社会失范进行了理论分析b1oM: 社会失范;社会秩序; 控制ms |: C912DS M : AcI|: 1672- 920X( 2005) - 03- 0043- 03null null null Snull( anom ic) ESE :nullp:K*4,p:4 Q Hb? 318 W x Qvnull null nullESv SSb20 W3
2、0 M SE V SB?Z, E b S A null?S null, Ci?S C e r b 7b S6?Z,99F b ?Z bW v,49F,9 Sb VV 3 s,CM ,?5 s - G, j?5a ?5a?5a w?5a .1 ?5ln7, SBlCb1null S S s SsEb S? 3 5, V -iSs6 5 Sa 5 Sa 5 Sa M 5 Sa 5 S# S6 b 2 6BsE G 8s,s5 :1. 1null Q Snull Q S SK, V8 AKv,Y KS #T Lvb Q S i, V ? ,C5aQVC b1. 2nullE Q SnullE Q S
3、y ! “, b E j “8 3 T , l H Ch . l,N Be 7 ja jb1. 3null?5W lnulllVC H v?5WM l, S C dspb?5W laE pa?5r /,)5 rxY,1, .F )?5,Z l N SSb1. 4nullE Snull18C?5 L8a?5 L 8 TW l,9 nullEUEnullb S3 1BS58S M | % Sb1. 5nullSnullCB1+sbs ar qaT+bC L 3 sT 5l : 2004- 09- 08null null : 2004- 10- 28Te: ( 1980- ), 3, ,v“2003
4、) V 3bg( S) Journal ofH efeiUn iversity( Social Sciences)null 2005 M8null22 3 null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null Aug. 2005 Vo.l 22 No. 3null 3 5, ,/Sb2null S s S a6ayb2. 1nullS#B 3Z TaFZ T, V syb
5、 j Y La j L *“l8C LSTnull1 nullbnull1 nullB ,p: kmV 1“ d1 ybZ Y1 8C S b 1 s4 , -1 a 1 a S1 1 bp: S ?lE$ , ?lE AG IL # E Ydvbp:V a p Sy P C B b Mb.d jS9Fb C SV8sy,Va syb p: : null , _ Snullnull l *nullVT,u n5Qnull Kv p l?Z null 5 db 7 La oEafaWyy 3 l6 * ybn N o?S , S #C L 3 B bu Si 8 r db SVC y,7 OVC
6、83i G,8 b, 2G Liilb S Q 3 , 1 p , yb2. 3null ?l S)null ?l V ( Talcott Parsons)# Va ?sY) Sb )1 “S,/ ?l4: B BM(“d; B0“dW1 W z; Bs ?, By 44g( S)22 i$ b la Sh Cb ?Z 4, K “S T8 ?bnull SnullB, eEW1“T b s?, S “S m b.dM1,C Sy1B?S a er #8?Si M3yb Pa?SE HW , 4 a, H?SW Cx,/ b er8C e S /M Sb mKv z/, SMB4b?SAV i
7、 ? LCb8?Si M s s ? ,1 M1byN, a?S,r e,48?Si M, ? LC x?Zb ID: 1s 3. M .2.:S v, 1998: 90. 2K . S J.S S, 1996( 4). 3 S.Sv S null N M .:Sv S , 1992: 345. 4 E null H.1 M .:1, 2000: 213. 5 Dnull . M .:v, 2003: 261. 6 * 3.Z M .?: 2 7v, 2001: 156 159.3 In: Analysis and Types of SocialAnom icSUN L iang( Dept.
8、 of Sociology, Anhu iUniversity, H efei 230039, Ch ina)Abstract: N ow our society is in the process of transform ation, and the speed of social d ivision and socialm ob ility are accelerating. There em erged a lot of phenom ena of social anom icw hich can be d ivided intofive types. Anom ic is theoretically analyzed by Durkheim from social d ivision and industrial society, byW eber from cu lture structure, and byM erton from structure and function.K ey words: social anom ic; social order; con trol453 : S s