1、Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons(PAHs)YQ (YQ )I YQ (PAHs) YQPAHs c|BB = b 3 3 L M x 4 $ES = M My mc# S (GB16297-1996), v 8 bS , K b i ; S (GB5749-85), 3 S , K 0.010 g/L; S (GB3097-1997), Z S , K 0.0025ug/L; S (GHZB1-1999), V + “ , SK 2.810-6mg/L; S (GB4284-84), j C eS , K 3mg/kg C ( r ), 3mg/kg C (a
2、r ); S (GB7104-94), J 3S , K 50 g/kg( a J), 100 g/kg( ).YPQ (PAHs) kS (1) DIN ISO 13877 QMA2.516.204 US EPA 525, 8270C, TO-13A IP 346 (Institute of Petroleum, UK) ISO TC 45/SC 3 N (It has not been published as ISO standard method.) http:/europa.eu.int/eur-lex/lex/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CELEX:5
3、2004AE1429:EN:HTML (Section 3.9 and 3.10) The Swedish National Testing and Research Institute (SP) in Sweden used HPLC in analyzing PAHs in tyre with HPLC The Ministry of Transport provides more detail on the testing procedure http:/www.transport.govt.nz/downloads/stormwater-organics2.pdf HPLC (Vari
4、an) GCMSYPQ (PAHs) kS (2) Water EPA 525, 8270GCMSD NJ Food GB/T5009.27-2003Fluorescence;E%8l Solid waste,b Airu%8l ks N mvSS9_r ; u b ZEv (= )s V I ;GCM b Air, WaterWS/T171-1999; u gl sv X xr ; GB13198-91; GB/T15439-95; HJ/T40-1999HPLCrAM k IS kZEYPQ (PAHs) k Weight small sampleTransfer to 50ml screw-capped vialFilter the extract through 0.45 m PTFE filterGC/LC-MSD |g “ 50x 6 l k4 V rY |AGC/LC-MSD8 hours in soxhlet fY | 8l HcYPQ“