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1、1英译汉Unit 1(1)Promising are the cross-cultural studies seeking to support Darwins theory that facial expressions are universal and researchers found that the particular visible pattern on the face, the combination of muscles contracted for anger, fear, surprise, sadness, disgust, happiness is the sam

2、e for all members of our species, but this seems helpful until it is realized that a persons cultural upbringing determines whether or not that emotion will be displayed or suppressed, as well as on which occasions and to what degree.力求证明达尔文关于面部表情是共同的这一理论的跨文化研究给人极大的希望,研究者发现脸部的某些看得见的形状,即因愤怒、恐惧、惊讶、悲伤、

3、厌恶、幸福而紧缩的肌肉组合,我们人类各成员都是一样的。但是这似乎无济于事,只要我们意识到一个人生长的文化决定了这种情感是否会表露或压抑,决定了在何种场合和多大的程度上会表露或压抑。(2)The stumbling block of assumed similarity is a “troublem,” as one English learner expressed it, not only for the foreigner but for the people in the host country with whom the international visitor comes int

4、o contact.正如一个学习英语的人所表达的那样,相似性的假设这个的绊脚石是一个“麻烦” ,不仅仅是对于来访的外国人,就连这个外国人接触的东道国的人也都是个问题。(3)They abstract whatever fits into their personal world of recognition and then interpret it through the frame of reference of their own culture.他们只提取出那些适合他们认可的个人世界的东西,然后按照他们自身文化为参考系来加以解释。Unit 3(1)The key to Crockpot

5、 stepfamilies is time and low heat. Ive already stressed the importance of being patient with the integration process and not trying to force love, care, or togetherness. Often, in an attempt to quickly combine various ingredients such as people, rituals, and backgrounds, stepfamilies use the food p

6、rocessor, microwave, pressure cooker, and blender integration styles.瓦罐煨汤式融合的继亲家庭的关键是温火慢炖。前文我已经强调了整合过程中有耐心,而不强迫关爱、强迫关心、强迫在一起的重要性。通常,为了快速的将诸如人,仪式和背景等原料合并一体,继亲家庭采用食品加工式,微波炉式,高压锅式和果汁机式的融合方式。(2)Stepfamilies need time to adjust to new living conditions, new parenting styles, rules, and responsibilities.

7、They need time to experience one another and develop trust, commitment, and a shared history. They need time to find a sense of belonging and an identity as a family unit. None of these things can be rushed.继亲家庭需要时间来适应新的居住环境,新的父母家教风格,规矩和责任。他们需要时间来相互体验,产生信任,形成忠诚,创造共同的历史。他们需要时间来寻找作为一个家庭的归属感和认同感。所有这些都不

8、能操之过急。(3) A watched pot never boils. 心急水不开。(4) Meredith considered it her“down time”to relax and read a good book, Terry enjoyed playing with friends, while Joe mastered his latest computer game.Meredith 会把闲暇时间当作者“工歇时间”,放松自己,读一本好书。Terry 喜欢和朋友们一起玩,而Joe 则精通又一种最新的电脑游戏。2Unit 4(1)When economists first be

9、gan to measure the sources of economic growth, what previously had been considered an unexplained residual became identified as human capital.当经济学家开始测定经济发展的因素时,从前被认为是无法解释的剩余因素被决定为人力资本。(2)The term “human capital” suggests to some a depersonalization of individual and is associated in the popular mind

10、 with a dehumanizing society that equates men with machines.“人力资本”这一术语让人觉得是剥夺人的个性,在公众的脑海里联想到将人与机器等同的异化社会。(3)When we think about an appropriate investment strategy in China, and the development of its regions, it is very important to understand that optimizing over the full portfolio of investmentbot

11、h human and physical capitalpromote the highest rate of growth.当我们思考在中国的适当投资策略以及各地区发展的时候,十分重要的是要知道,优化人力资本和实物资本投资组合将推动最高速度的发展。(4)There are benefits to education that are not directly captured by individuals, these externalities are likely to be quite large in China.教育的收益有些并不是个人直接获得的,这些间接受益在中国很有可能是巨大的

12、。(5)It is important to evaluate government activity on a quantitative basis, to screen the bad investments from the good ones and to conduct policy on a factually informed basis.对政府的活动进行量化评估,剔除坏的投资保留好的投资,实事求是地执行政策,这是至关重要的。(6)Labor markets are so distorted that wages do not reflect this true marginal

13、 contribution of educated labor to the economy.劳动市场如此被扭曲,结果工资没有反映出受教育的劳动者对经济的真实的边际贡献。Unit 5(1)The synergies between the goals of gender equity, poverty alleviation and environmental sustainability are explored below in terms of addressing poverty, health, climate change, natural disasters and creati

14、ng sustainable livelihoods by empowering women in the realms of agriculture, forest and biodiversity management.下文对性别平等、减轻贫困以及环境的可持续性三者的协同作用与妇女贫困问题的关系进行了研究,主要涉及能源短缺、水资源缺乏、健康、气候变化、自然灾害以及强化妇女在农业、林业、生态多元化管理领域中的权力,使之创造出可持续的生存方式等问题。(2)There are differences in exposure according to age and economic status

15、, and in some cultures women tend to undervalue their own health, leading to under-reporting of problems.根据年龄与经济情况的不同,受污染空气毒害的程度各异。在有些国家,妇女有轻视自己的健康状况的倾向从而导致(毒气影响健康的)问题没有得到充分的报道。(3)Climate change is expected to increase the burden of disease considerably allowing vectors to breed in 3latitudes or alt

16、itudes where current temperatures prevent them.气候的变化极大地加重了疫情。原因是目前该地域的气温能抑制传染病媒介的兹生,而气温的变化将会适宜于这些传染病媒介的繁殖。(4)Anyone who is located (socially and /or spatially) “out of the loop” of information supplied by early warning systems is likely to suffer more from disasters.任何人,从社会属性和空间方位来说,如果他们处在早期的预警系统圈外,

17、他们则有可能遭受更多的疾患痛苦。Unit 7(1)It was a big, squarish frame house that had once been white, decorated with cupolas and spires and scrolled balconies in the heavily lightsome style of the seventies, set on what had once been our most select street.那是一幢过去漆成白色的四方形大木屋,坐落在当年一条最考究的街道上,还装点着有十九世纪七十年代风味的圆形屋顶、尖塔和涡形

18、花纹的阳台,带有浓厚的轻盈气息。(2)Alive, Miss Emily bad been a tradition, a duty, and a care; a sort of hereditary obligation upon the town, dating from that day in 1894 when Colonel Sartoris, the mayorhe who fathered the edict that no Negro woman should appear on the streets without an apronremitted her taxes, th

19、e dispensation dating from the death of her father on into perpetuity.爱米丽小姐在世时,始终是一个传统的化身,是义务的象征,也是人们关注的对象。打一八九四年某日镇长沙多里斯上校也就是他下了一道黑人妇女不系围裙不得上街的命令豁免了她一切应纳的税款起,期限从她父亲去世之日开始,一直到她去世为止,这是全镇沿袭下来对她的一种义务。(3)We had long thought of them as a tableau, Miss Emily a slender figure in white in the background, he

20、r father a spraddled silhouette in the foreground, his back to her and clutching a horsewhip, the two of them framed by the back-flung front door.长久以来,我们把这家人一直看做一幅画中的人物:身段苗条、穿着白衣的爱米丽小姐立在背后,她父亲叉开双脚的侧影在前面,背对爱米丽,手执一根马鞭,一扇向后开的前门恰好嵌住了他们俩的身影。(4) But there were still others, older people, who said that eve

21、n grief could not cause a real lady to forget noblesse obligewithout calling it noblesse oblige.不过也有别人,一些年纪大的人说就是悲伤也不会叫一个真正高贵的妇女忘记“贵人举止” ,尽管口头上不把它叫作“贵人举止” 。(5) Thus she passed from generation to generationdear, inescapable, impervious, tranquil, and perverse.她就这样度过了一代又一代高贵,宁静,无法逃避,无法接近,怪僻乖张。4汉译英1. 必

22、须找到新的能源,这需要时间,而过去我们感到的那种能源廉价而充足的情况不大可能再出现了。New sources of energy must be found, and this will take time, but it is not likely to result in any situation that will ever restore that sense of cheap and plentiful energy we have had in the past time.2. 除非人类终于意识到要把人口减少到这样的程度使地球能为所有人提供足够的食物,否则人们将不得不接受更多的“

23、人造食品” 。Until such time as mankind has the sense to lower its population to the point where the planet can provide a comfortable support for all, people will have to accept more “unnatural food”. 3. 在我们这个时代,任何人想要在社会上起到所希望的作用,必须接受必要的教育。随着科学的进步,在中小学开设了越来越多的课程。与过去相比,现代教育更重视实用性。In our times, anyone who w

24、ants to play an important role in a society as he wishes must receive necessary education. With the development of science, more courses are offered in primary schools and middle schools. Compared with the education in the past, modern education places its stress on practicality.4. 现在的中国教育与中国经济的巨大发展

25、相比,还存在着差距。这些差距既向中国的高等教育提出了挑战,同时也为它带来了机遇。我们应该抓住机遇、迎接挑战,从人才培养模式、学科建设和科学研究等方面进行新的探索,努力创建面向 21 世纪的一流高校。In order to match the great development of Chinas economy, there is still a long way for its contemporary education to go. The disparity between them not only puts challenge before Chinas higher educat

26、ion, but provides it with opportunities simultaneously. We should seize the opportunity and meet the challenge head-on. We should make new explorations in the aspects of the personnel-training pattern, curriculum set-up and scientific research, and we should establish first-class institutions of hig

27、her learning geared to the 21st century.5. 环境科学家们说,如果要使地球继续供养人类生存,保护野生动物是极为重要的。这些专家说,我们必须明白在我们这个环境供养系统中我们自己与野生动植物之间的重要联系。他们指出,没有人有把握知道这些动植物中的哪一种将来可能对我们有用。Environmentalists say that the protection of wild animals is of vital importance if the earth is to supply the human beings. These experts say tha

28、t we must understand the fundamental relation between ourselves and wild animals and plants in our environmental supplying system. They point out that no one is sure to know which kind of animals and plants is likely to be useful to us in the future.6. 推进素质教育关键在教师。因此,明确自己肩负的使命,学习素质教育理论,研究素质教育特点,使自己的

29、教育思想和方法尽快由“应试”教育转到素质教育上来,以促进素质教育深入发展,就成为广大中小学教师亟待解决的一个重要课题。Promoting quality education relies on teachers. Therefore, the great number of middle school and primary school understand their mission, to learn educational theories, to their educational thoughts and methods in order to put due emphasis on quality education rather than “test-oriented” education, so as to stimulate the development of quality education.


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