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1、符合标准 Standards compliant: 应用:YW系列电力液压鼓式制动器,广泛应用于各种起重运输、港口装卸、冶金设备、矿山机械及工程机械 中各种机构的减速和停车(维持)制动。 Application: YW Seires electro-hydraulic drum brakes can be extensively used for deceleration and stop/braking of various mechanisms in various belt conveying, port handling, hoisting, metallurgical,mining

2、and building machinery. YW、YWB系列制动器连接尺寸和技术要求符合JB/T6406-2006标准,制动力矩参数符 合DIN15435标准;YW系列配套符合JB/T10603-2006标准的YTD系列推动器;YWB系 列配套符合DIN15430标准的Ed系列推动器;本系列适用于新设计、新主机配套选用。 The dimensions and technology requirements of YW,YWB series brakes comply with JB/T6406-2006 standard, braking torque parameters comply

3、with DIN15435 standard; YW series brakes are equipped with YTD series thrusters which comply with JB/T10603-2006 standard. YWB series brakes are equipped with YTD series thrusters which comply with DIN15430 standard. This series brakes is mainly used for new design and new main machines. YW SEIRES E

4、LECTRO-HYDRAULIC DRUM BRAKES YW系列电力液压鼓式制动器 YW、YWB系列 YWZ5、YWZE系列 YWZ6、 YWZF系列 01 YWZ5、YWZE系列制动器连接尺寸和制动力矩参数符合GB6333-86标准,技术要求符合JB/T6406-2006标准;YWZ5 系列配套符合JB/T10603-2006标准的YTD系列推动器;YWZE系列配套符合DIN15430标准的Ed系列推动器。 The dimensions and braking torque parameters of YWZ5,YWZE series brakes comply with GB6333-8

5、6 standard, technology requirements comply with JB/T6406-2006 standard; YWZ5 series brakes are equipped with YTD series thrusters which comply with JB/T10603-2006 standard. YWZE series brakes are equipped with Ed series thrusters which comply with DIN15430 standard. The dimensions and braking torque

6、 parameters of YWZ6,YWZF series brakes comply with JB/ZQ4388-86 standard, technology requirements comply with JB/T6406-2006 standard; YWZ6 series brakes are equipped with YTD series thrusters which comply with JB/T10603-2006 standard. YWZF series brakes are equipped with Ed series thrusters which co

7、mply with DIN15430 standard.this series brakes is mainly used for taking replace of old products of YWZ,JCZ,JWZ and TJ2series. YWZ6、YWZF系列制动器连接尺寸和制动力矩参数符合JB/ZQ4388-86标准,技术要求符合JB/T6406-2006标准; YWZ6系列配套符合JB/T10603-2006标准的YTD系列推动器;YWZF配套符合DIN15430标准的Ed系列推动器;本系列适 用于取代原YWZ、JCZ、JWZ及TJ2等系列老产品。 YW.YWB.YWZ5.

8、YWZE.YWZ6.YWZF 系列 Series YWZ2、YWZB系列 YWZ4、YWZD系列 02 YWZ2、YWZB系列制动器连接尺寸和制动力矩参数符合JB/ZQ4388-86标准,技术要求 符合JB/T6406-2006标准;YWZ2系列配套推动器为MYT2系列推动器,YWZB系列配套 符合JB/T10603-2006标准的YTD系列推动器。本系列适用于取代原YWZ、JCZ、JWZ及 TJ2等系列老产品。 The dimensions and braking torque parameters of YWZ2,YWZB series brakes comply with JB/ZQ43

9、88-86 standard, technology requirements comply with JB/T6406-2006 standard; YWZ2 series brakes are equipped with MYT2 series thrusters. YWZB series brakes are equipped with YTD series thrusters which comply with JB/T10603-2006 standard. This series brakes is mainly used for taking replace of old pro

10、ducts of YWZ,JCZ,JWZ and TJ2 series. YWZ4、YWZD系列制动器连接尺寸和制动力矩参数符合GB6333-86标准,技术要求符合JB/T6406-2006标准;YWZ4系列配 套符合JB/T10603-2006标准的YTD系列推动器;YWZD系列配套符合DIN15430标准的Ed系列推动器;本系列适用于取代原 YWZ3和YWZ等系列老产品。 The dimensions and braking torque parameters of YWZ4,YWZD series brakes comply with GB6333-86 standard, techno

11、logy requirements comply with JB/T6406-2006 standard; YWZ4 series brakes are equipped with YTD series thrusters which comply with JB/T10603-2006 standard. YWZD series brakes are equipped with Ed series thrusters which comply with DIN15430 standard. This series brakes is mainly used for taking replac

12、e of old products of YWZ3 and YWZ series. YWZ2.YWZ4.YWZB.YWZD 系列 Series 主要特点 Main feature: 联锁式退距均等装置(专利技术)和瓦块自动随位装置,可始终保持两侧瓦块退距均等且无需调整,完 全避免因退距不均使一侧制动衬垫浮贴制动轮的现象。 Interlocking shoe clearance balancing device (patented technology) and shoe auto-aligning device constantly equalize the clearance of brak

13、e shoes on both sides and make adjustment unnecessary, completely avoiding brake lining one side sticking to brake wheel. 制动弹簧在方管内布置并设有标尺,用户可十分方便地读出制动力矩值,免去测量和计算的麻烦。 Brake spring is arranged inside square tube and surveyors rod is placed on one side. It is easy for customers to read braking torque v

14、alue and avoid the troubles of measuring and computing. 制动衬垫为卡装式整体成型结构,更换十分方便、快捷,备有半金属(无石棉)硬质和半硬质,软质 (无石棉)等不同材质的制动衬垫供用户选择。 Brake lining is of card-mounted and entirely-shaped structure, which is easy and quick to replace. Brake lining of various materials such as semi-metal(non-asbestos) hard and ha

15、lf-hard, soft (include asbestos) substance are available for customer to choose. 主要摆动铰点均设有自润滑轴承,传动效率高,寿命长。 At main hinge points where are equipped with self-lubricating bearings,which make higher efficiency of transmission and longer performance life. 1 2 3 4 + + + + 配套的系列推动器产品,动作灵敏、使用寿命长。 The equip

16、ped series of thrusters are characterized by flexible action and long operating life. 5 + 03 附加装置 Additional devices: 手动释放装置。 释放(开闸)限位开关,可实现制动器是否正常释放的信号显示。 YW、YWB、YWZ5、YWZE、YWZ6、YWZF、YWH等系列产品可带制动衬垫磨损自动补偿装置,实现衬垫磨 损时瓦块退距和制动力矩的无级自动补偿。 衬垫磨损极限限位开关,可实现制动衬垫磨损到极限时的信号显示(注意:应用于带自动补偿装置的制动器)。 采用带下降延时阀的推动器时,可实现制

17、动器的延时闭合,以满足一些特定场合的需要。 Hand release lever. Open(Release) or close limit-switch, which indicates whether the brake is properly released or closed. YW,YWB,YWZ5,YWZE,YWZ6,YWZF,YWH series brakes with pad wear self-compensating device can realize the stepless self-compensation of shoe clearance and brake

18、torque when pad worn. Lining-wear limit-switch, equipped which signals will be shown when wear of lining reaches the limit (note: self-compensation device should be equipped in application) When use such thrusters that with descending delay valve,the delay close of brake can be realized,which can me

19、et the requirements of some special occasions. 环境温度:-20+50。 相对湿度:90% 电压等级:三相AC380V/50Hz 适应的工作制:连续(S1)和断续(S3-60%,操作频率1200次/小时)工作制。 有特殊要求时,在订货时协商确定。 Ambient temperature:-20+50. Relative humidity: 90%. Voltages:AC 3 phase 380V/50Hz. Operating duty: intermittent (S3-60%.operating frequency 1200 times/ho

20、ur) and continuous (S1). Special requirements can be discussed in order. 使用条件 Operating conditionV1 YW.YWB.YWZ5.YWZE.YWZ6.YWZF系列 Series 电力液压鼓式制动器 Electro-hydraulic Drum Brakes 04 YWB315-500-A-WC.WL.RL-440V.60Hz.CP YWZE-315/50-A-RL.HR-440V.60Hz.CP YWB315-500-A YWZE-315/50-A WL-衬垫磨损极限限位开关 Lining wear

21、limit-switch HR-手动释放装置(右侧布置,用于 A A B ) Hand release lever (The right side is arranged for IA.IIA.IIB) WC-衬垫磨损补偿装置 Lining wear compensator HL-手动释放装置(左侧布置,用于 A A B ) Hand release lever (The left side is arranged for IA.IIA.IB)CP-防腐型 Corrosion protection 安装型式 InstallationYW - 附加装置 Additional option 产品型

22、号 Type Power frequency and voltage(380V,50Hz unnecessary) 特殊要求(可用文字说明) 电源频率和电压等级(380V.50Hz时不标) Special requirement (can be specified in words) RL-开闸限位开关 Release limit-switch A B A B 订货标记 Order Mark 订货示例 Order Example A H D G G E b h1 n HR HL F i K K 4-d P Q C J 70 70 L A 型安装 A型安装 B型安装 B型安装 Installat

23、ion ofA Installation ofB Installation of A Installation of B 外形及安装尺寸 Outline and installation dimensions V1 05 YW.YWB系列 Series 电力液压鼓式制动器 Electro-hydraulic Drum Brakes YW、YWB系列鼓式制动器技术参数及安装尺寸 Dimensions and technical data 安装及外形尺寸 Dimensions (mm) YTD220-50 Ed220-50 YTD300-50 Ed300-50 YTD3000-60(120) YT

24、D3000-60(120) YTD2000-60(120) YTD3000-60(120) YTD2000-60(120) YTD1250-60(120) YTD2000-60 YTD1250-60 YTD800-60 Ed3000-60(120) Ed3000-60(120) Ed2000-60(120) Ed3000-60(120) Ed2000-60(120) Ed1250-60(120) Ed2000-60 Ed1250-60 Ed800-60 YTD1250-60 Ed1250-60 YTD800-60 Ed800-60 Ed500-60 YTD500-60 YTD800-60 Ed

25、800-60 YTD500-60 Ed500-60 YTD300-50 Ed300-50 YTD500-60 Ed500-60 YTD300-50 YTD220-50 Ed220-50 YTD220-50 Thruster type 推动器型号 YW630-1250 YW800-3000 YW710-3000 YWB800-3000 YWB710-3000 YW710-2000 YW630-3000 YW630-2000 YWB630-1250 YWB710-2000 YWB630-3000 YWB630-2000 YWB500-2000 YWB500-1250 YW500-2000 YW50

26、0-1250 YW500-800 YWB500-800 YW400-1250 YWB400-1250 YW400-800 YWB400-800 YW400-500 YWB400-500 YW315-800 YWB315-800 YW315-500 YWB315-500 YWB315-300 YW315-300 YW250-500 YWB250-500 YW250-220 YWB250-220 YW200-300 Ed300-50 YWB200-300 YW250-300 YWB250-300 YW200-220 Ed220-50 YWB200-220 YW160-220 YWB160-220

27、Brake type 制动器型号 16003150 500010000 40008000 25005000 35507100 25005000 800 710 630 27 27 27 520 210 530 450 400 470 420 190 170 280 255 225 20 22 28 280 240 220 20004000 12502500 8001600 10002000 6301250 400800 5001000 315630 200400 250500 400 500 315 125250 160315 140280 100200 80160 Brake torque

28、制动力矩 250 200 160 (Nm) D 22 22 18 100 270 280 325 340 130 220 230 80 140 140 12 180 16 180 110 10 18 10 110 14 14 d 180 145 130 190 160 132 65 55 55 h1 k i 90 70 65 8 6 100 90 90 n b F 309 1330 1290 1195 1015 620 520 455 570 860 500 705 450 590 120 120 1150 120 1055 655 468 470 315 310 Weight 815 745

29、 620 595 305 300 420 370 365 484 865 260 245 358 120 955 97 785 120 890 97 650 97 150 150 150 150 157 150 157 157 710 80 120 560 97 157 600 525 510 430 80 135 80 135 80 80 135 135 97 97 152 152 97 152 120 175 120 175 120 190 120 190 120 220 97 152 205 170 145 200 275 165 245 150 210 G J E H C P 80 1

30、20 535 80 120 440 80 120 440 Q A B型 A型 L 110 208 206 133 202 108 88 80 86 61 42 49 47 39 25 重 量 (kg) 注:630及以上规格制动器带WC功能时,使用短行程推动器。 Notes: Short-stroke thrusters will be adopted if brake (specification is not less 630) is equipped with WC function. B型 A型 1150 985 870 770 780 705 605 655 1120 955 840

31、740 720 675 545 595 570 535 545 485 545 510 450 415 440 405V1 06 YWZ5.YWZE.YWZ6.YWZF系列 Series 电力液压鼓式制动器 Electro-hydraulic Drum Brakes 注:630及以上规格制动器带WC功能时,使用短行程推动器。Notes: Short-stroke thrusters will be adopted if brake (specification is not less 630) is equipped with WC function. 注:600及以上规格制动器带WC功能时,

32、使用短行程推动器。Notes: Short-stroke thrusters will be adopted if brake (specification is not less 600) is equipped with WC function. YWZ6、YWZF系列鼓式制动器技术参数及安装尺寸 Technical data and dimensions of YWZ6,YWZF series drum brakes 210 245 295 358 350 420 575 705 安装及外形尺寸 Dimensions(mm) 推动器型号 Thruster type YWZ6-400/80

33、 YWZ6-400/125 YWZ6-600/300 YWZ6-500/125 YWZ6-700/200 YWZF-600/300 YWZ6-600/200 YWZF-600/200 YWZF-500/125 YWZ6-500/200 YWZF-500/200 YWZF-700/200制动器型号 Brake typeYWZ6-200/30 YWZ6-300/30 YWZ6-300/50 YWZ6-400/50 320 400 6301250 35507100 25005000 12502500 20004000 10002000 8001600 550 700 540 400800 31563

34、0 160320 140280 制动力矩 170 240 300 200 250 325 175 h1 D k 180 180 12 200 34 22 280 270 22 22 80 130 60 10 17 8 i d n 140 90 130 100 b F G J Weight 655 985 520 1270 315 450 470 560 650 715 890 785 955 1055 1145 570 610 A Q B型 A型 B型 A型 L 252 305 170 630 785 135 520 E H C P 500 642 590 25005000 475 600 4

35、75 26 170 20 240 220 870 460 1065 310 120 208 405 484 400 500 380 150 16 200 200 22 770 370 925 200 108 110 38 68 88 (kg) 重量 850 705 595 955 415 80 80 135 80 152 97 152 97 175 120 175 120 190 120 190 120 120 80 97 120 157 97 157 120 150 120 150 120 150 120 150 97 157 535 550 840 935 905 710 740 675

36、YTD300-50 YTD300-50 YTD500-60 YTD500-60 YTD1250-60 YTD1250-60 YTD2000-60(120) YTD3000-60(120) Ed1250-60 YTD2000-60 Ed2000-60 YTD2000-60(120) Ed2000-60(120) Ed2000-60(120) YWZ6-700/300 YWZF-700/300 40008000 470 465 YTD3000-60(120) Ed3000-60(120) Ed3000-60(120) YTD800-60 YWZF-400/80 YWZF-400/125 YWZ6-

37、500/80 YWZF-500/80 YWZF-200/30 YWZF-300/30 YWZF-300/50 YWZF-400/50 Ed300-50 Ed300-50 Ed500-60 Ed500-60 Ed1250-60 YTD800-60 Ed800-60 Ed800-60 630Brake torque (Nm)YWZ5、YWZE系列鼓式制动器技术参数及安装尺寸 Technical data and dimensions of YWZ5,YWZE series drum brakes 制动器型号 Brake type 制动力矩 (Nm) Brake torque 推动器型号 Thrus

38、ter type 安装及外形尺寸 Dimensions(mm) D h1 k d n b F G E J H C P A型 A Q L 重量 Weight (kg) YWZ5-160/22 YWZ5-200/22 YWZ5-250/30 YWZ5-250/50 YWZ5-315/30 YWZ5-315/50 YWZ5-315/80 YWZE-400/50 YWZE-400/80 YWZE-400/125 YWZE-500/80 YWZE-500/125 YWZE-500/200 YWZE-630/125 YWZE-630/200 YWZE-630/300 YWZE-710/200 YWZE-7

39、10/300 YWZE-800/300 YWZ5-200/30 YTD220-50 YTD220-50 YTD300-50 YTD300-50 YTD500-60 YTD300-50 YTD500-60 YWZE-160/22 YWZE-200/22 YWZE-250/30 YWZE-250/50 YWZE-315/30 YWZE-315/50 YWZE-200/30 Ed220-50 Ed220-50 Ed300-50 Ed300-50 Ed500-60 Ed300-50 Ed500-60 YTD800-60 YWZE-315/80 Ed800-60 Ed500-60 Ed800-60 Ed

40、1250-60 Ed800-60 Ed1250-60 Ed2000-60 Ed1250-60(120) Ed2000-60(120) Ed3000-60(120) Ed2000-60(120) Ed3000-60(120) Ed3000-60(120) YWZ5-400/50 YWZ5-400/80 YWZ5-400/125 YWZ5-500/80 YWZ5-500/125 YWZ5-500/200 YWZ5-630/125 YWZ5-630/200 YWZ5-630/300 YWZ5-710/200 YWZ5-710/300 YWZ5-800/300 YTD500-60 YTD800-60

41、YTD1250-60 YTD800-60 YTD1250-60 YTD2000-60 YTD1250-60(120) YTD2000-60(120) YTD3000-60(120) YTD2000-60(120) YTD3000-60(120) YTD3000-60(120) 160 200 250 400 500 630 710 800 132 160 190 225 280 335 425 475 530 130 145 180 220 270 325 400 450 14 18 22 22 27 6 8 10 18 10 12 16 20 27 27 22 28 65 80 100 12

42、5 160 200 250 280 320 90 90 100 110 140 180 220 240 280 150 165 200 245 300 365 450 500 570 145 170 200 210 245 275 252 305 370 455 520 620 358 420 484 590 705 860 430 510 595 620 745 815 865 1015 1195 1330 440 450 440 605 650 710 655 705 890 780 785 770 955 870 1055 1150 985 1150 1290 440 535 600 5

43、60 i 55 14 55 65 80 100 130 170 190 210 315 520 25 39 42 49 61 80 86 88 110 133 202 206 208 309 310 315 468 470 655 108 545 570 B型 A型 B型 405 80 120 80 135 80 135 80 135 80 135 97 152 97 152 97 152 97 152 97 157 120 175 120 150 120 175 120 190 120 190 120 220 80 120 80 120 97 157 97 157 80 120 97 157

44、 120 150 120 150 120 150 120 150 415 545 595 675 720 740 840 955 1120 510 485 535 80160 100200 140280 160315 250500 200400 315630 5001000 400800 6301250 10002000 8001600 12502500 20004000 16003150 25005000 35507100 25005000 40008000 500010000 525V1 07 YWZ2.YWZ4.YWZB.YWZD系列 Series 电力液压鼓式制动器 Electro-h

45、ydraulic Drum Brakes 外形及安装尺寸 Outline and installation dimensions YWZ4-315/50-A-RL.HL-440V.60Hz.CP YWZ4-315/50-A YWZ2-300/50-A-RL-440V.60Hz.CP YWZ2-300/50-A YWZB-300/50-A-RL.HL-440V.60Hz.CP YWZB-300/50-A CP-防腐型 Corrosion protection 安装型式 Installation type 附加装置 Additional option 产品型号 Type Voltage(380V,

46、50Hz unnecessary) 特殊要求(可用文字说明) 电压等级(380V,50Hz时不标) Special requirement (can be specified in words) RL-开闸限位开关 Release limit-switch YWZ -/- A B A B HR-手动释放装置(右侧布置 ,用于 A B) Hand release lever(The right side is arranged for IA, IB) HL-手动释放装置(左侧布置,用于 A B)Hand release lever(The left side is arranged for II

47、A,IIB) 订货标记 Order Mark 订货示例 Order Example HL HR J 4-d K K i L F b C E D G G h1 n A H B C+55 A 型安装 A型安装 B型安装 B型安装 Installation ofA Installation ofB Installation of A Installation of B V1 08 YWZ2.YWZ4系列 Series 电力液压鼓式制动器 Electro-hydraulic Drum Brakes YWZ4系列鼓式制动器技术参数及安装尺寸 Technical data and dimensions o

48、f YWZ4 series drum brakes 制动器型号 Brake type 制动力矩 推动器型号 Thruster type 安装及外形尺寸 Dimensions (mm) D h1 k d n b F G J E H A B L C 重量 Weight (kg) YWZ4-160/22 YWZ4-200/22 YWZ4-250/30 YWZ4-250/50 YWZ4-300/30 YWZ4-315/30 YWZ4-300/50 YWZ4-315/50 YWZ4-300/80 YWZ4-315/80 YWZ4-400/50 YWZ4-400/80 YWZ4-400/125 YWZ4-

49、500/80 YWZ4-500/125 YWZ4-500/200 YWZ4-630/125 YWZ4-630/200 YWZ4-630/300 YWZ4-710/200 YWZ4-710/300 YWZ4-800/300 YWZ4-200/30 YTD220-50 YTD220-50 YTD300-50 YTD300-50 YTD500-60 YTD300-50 YTD300-50 YTD500-60 YTD500-60 YTD800-60 YTD800-60 YTD500-60 YTD800-60 YTD1250-60 YTD800-60 YTD1250-60 YTD2000-60 YTD1250-120 YTD2000-120 YT


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