1、国际商务合同的文体与翻译,Style and Translation of International Business Contract,Chapter 2-5,Contents,Section 9 Default Clause,Section 10 Escape Clauses,1,2,Default Clause,依法成立的合同,对当事人具有法律约束力。当事人应当按照约定履行自己的义务,不得擅自变更或者解除合同,A contract concluded according to law shall be legally binding on the parties concerned.
2、The parties shall perform the obligations stipulated in the contract. No party may unilaterally modify or rescind the contract,Default Clause,违约是指国际商务合同的一方当事人或双方当事人未能按双方签订的合同或有关法律或公约规定的内容认真地、全面地、有效地履行合同中约定的义务,从而有损于一方或双方在订立该合同时预期的经济目的。,如果合同当事人一方或双方不履行合同或者履行合同义务不符合约定条件,就构成违约,必须承担违约责任,赔偿违约受损方(aggrieved
3、 party)的经济损失,并受到必要的制裁。,Default Clause,承担违约责任的方式: 1. Compensation for Damages (赔偿损失) 赔偿损失指违约方(Defaulting party)给另一方的财产损失予以补偿,其目的在于弥补违约时给受害方(Damaged party)造成损失的合同利益。,Default Clause,If a party fails to perform the contract or its performance of the contractual obligations does not conform to the agreed
4、 terms and thereby causes damage to the other party, the amount of damage compensation shall be equivalent to the damage caused by the breach of the contract,当事人一方不履行合同义务或者履行合同义务不符合约定,给对方造成损失的,损失赔偿额应当相当于因违约所造成的损失,,Default Clause, including the obtainable gains from the performance of the contract, b
5、ut not exceeding the amount of damage possibly caused by the breach of the contract which was foreseen or should have been foreseen by the violating party at the time of the conclusion of the contract,包括合同履行后可以获得的利益,但不得超过违反合同一方订立合同时预见到或者应当预见到的因违反合同可能造成的损失,Default Clause,在确定赔偿损失的范围时,应坚持以实际损失和所失利益为赔偿标
6、准,以及坚持赔偿数额的可预见性。这就是合同中有关“损害赔偿限制” (Limitation of Damages)方面的规定。凡一方对另一方损害负有赔偿责任时(either party is liable in damages to the other) ,其赔偿不应超过有错的一方在订立合同时能够合理地预见到的损失(these shall not exceed the damage which the party in default could reasonably have foreseen at the time of the formation of the contract ),Def
7、ault Clause,After one party breaches a contract, the other party shall take appropriate measures to prevent the damages from becoming greater. If the second partys failure to take appropriate measures increases the damages. It shall not be entitled to claiming compensation for the increased damages,
8、当事人一方违约后,对方应当采取适当措施防止损失的扩大;没有采取适当措施致使损失扩大的,不得就扩大的损失要求赔偿,Default Clause,承担违约责任的方式: 2. Penalty (违约金)如果合同当事人采取违约金的形式,一定要在合同中明确违反合同时,一方向另一方支付的具体数额的违约金和违约金支付的形式,违约金可以分为法定违约金(1egal penalty)和约定违约金(contractual penalty),Default Clause,The parties may stipulate in a contract that if either party breaches the
9、contract it shall pay a certain amount of damages for breach of the contract to the other party, depending on the situation of the breach of the contract. They may also stipulate a method for calculating the damages resulting from such a breach,当事人可以约一方数额违约金应当根据违约情况向对方支付一定数额的违约金,也可以约定因违约产生的损失赔偿额的计算方
10、法,Default Clause,违约金的约定应该适当,一般不得超过违反合同一方订立合同时应当预见到的因违反合同可能造成的损失但是,约定的违约金过分高于或低于违反合同所造成的损失的(If the contractually agreed breach of contract damages are far more or far less than is necessary to compensate for the losses resulting from the breach),当事人可以请求仲裁机构或者法院予以适当减少或者增加(the party concerned may reque
11、st an arbitration or a court to reduce or increase them appropriately ),Have a try,Should either Party A or Party B fail to pay on schedule the Contributions in accordance with the provisions defined in Chapter_ to this Contract, the breaching party shall pay to the other party_of the contribution s
12、tarting from the first month after exceeding the time limit.,甲、乙方任何一方未按本合同第_章的规定依期按数提交完出资额时,从逾期第一个月起,每逾期一个月,违约一方应缴付应交出资额的百分之_的违约金给守约的一方。,Have a try,Should the breaching party fail to pay after three (3) months,_of the contribution shall be paid to the other party, who shall have the right to termina
13、te the contract in accordance with the provisions of the contract after being approved by the original examination and approval authority as well as to claim damages from the breaching party,如果违约方逾期三个月仍未提交违约金,除累计缴付应交出资额的百分之的违约金外,守约一方有权按合同规定报原审批机构批准终止合同,并要求违约方赔偿损失。,Default Clause,承担违约责任的方式: 3. Contin
14、uing to Perform Obligations (继续履行)当事人一方不履行合同义务或者履行合同义务不符合约定时,违约方不论是否已经承担赔偿损失或者违约金的责任,都必须根据对方的要求,并在能够履行的情况下,按照合同的约定继续履行合同义务。,Default Clause,Should the Supplier fail to deliver any or all the Goods within the period specified in the Contract. the Purchaser shall deduct from the Contract Price of 3as p
15、enal sum and continue to perform its obligations specified in the Contract,如果供方未在合同规定期限内交付部分或全部货物,买方将从合同价款中扣除3的违约金,但供方仍应承担继续履行合同的义务,Default Clause,承担违约责任的方式: 4. Remedial Measures (补救措施) 补救措施是指在当事人发生违约的事实后,为防止损失的发生或者扩大,由违约方按照法律规定或合同约定采取的修理(repairing)、更换(substituting)、重做(reworking)、退货(returning the go
16、ods)、减少价款(reducing the price)或者报酬(remuneration)、补充数量(supplementing quantities)等措施,以使另一方弥补或者减少损失的违约责任形式。,Default Clause,Should the goods be found, on their arrival at destination, to be different from the sample specified in the Contract, the Buyer shall request the Seller to bear the liabilities for
17、 substituting or returning the Goods. The Seller shall, after taking the remedial measures hereinabove, compensate for the losses, if the Buyer suffers from other losses,货物到达目的地时,如发现与合同规定的样品不符,买方有权要求卖方承担更换或退货的违约责任。在卖方采取上述措施后,买方还有其他损失的,卖方仍应赔偿损失,Have a try,If Party B fails to dispatch the Documentatio
18、n within the stipulated period to the contract, Party B shall pay to Party A in the following rates: _percent of the total contract price for each full week of delay from 1 to 4 weeks; _percent of the total contract price for each full week of delay from 5 to 8 weeks;,如乙方不能按本合同规定的时间交付技术资料,乙方应按下列比例支付
19、违约金给甲方: 第14周,每迟交一周违约金为合同总价的_ 第58周,每迟交一周违约金为合同总价的_,Have a try,_percent of the total contract price for each full week of delay exceeding 8 weeks The payment of penalties by Party B to Party A as stipulated in above-mentioned Clause does not relieve Party B of its obligation to continue to deliver the
20、 Documentation,超过8周,每迟交一周违约金为合同总价的_ 乙方按前款交付违约金时,将不解除乙方继续履行支付技术资料的义务。,Default Clause,承担违约责任的方式: 5. Rescission and Termination (解除与终止) 合同未履行或未完全履行前,由于发生导致合同履行成为不必要或不可能的主客观情况基于合同履行完毕、仲裁裁决或法院判决或者合同双方当事人合意等法律事实,导致合同法律关系归于消灭,Escape Clauses,如果当事人一方能证明,其不履行合同义务是由于某种非他所能控制的障碍,而且对于这种障碍,没有理由预期他在订立合同时能考虑到或能避免或克
21、服它或它的后果,则该当事人不负责任,A party is not liable for a failure to perform any of his obligations if he proves that the failure was due to an impediment beyond his control and that he could not reasonably be expected to have taken the impediment into account at the time of the conclusion of the contract or to
22、 have avoided or overcome it or its consequences,Escape Clauses,If a contract cannot be performed owing to force majeure, all or part of the obligations shall be relieved, depending on the impact of the force majeure, unless otherwise stipulated in the laws. If force majeure occurs after a party del
23、ays the performance. it shall not be relieved of its obligations,因不可抗力不能履行合同的,根据不可抗力的影响,部分或全部免除责任,但法律另有规定的除外。当事人迟延履行后发生不可抗力的,不能免除责任,Escape Clauses,起草不可抗力条款,应注意以下问题:1. 应明确约定不可抗力的范围和种类, 概括式、列举式和综合式 。 概括式只笼统规定,发生不可抗力可以免责。,In case of Force Majeure, the Seller shall not be held responsible for late deliv
24、ery or non-delivery of goods,在人为不可抗拒的情况下,卖方对迟交或不交货概不负责,Escape Clauses,1. 应明确约定不可抗力的范围和种类。 列举式是指合同当事人在合同中列举了不可抗力的具体事件,作为免责的条件 。,The Seller shall not be responsible for the delay of shipment or non-shipment in the following events of Force Majeure, including fires, floods, earthquakes, tempests, war,
25、strikes and blockade,在以下不可抗力的情况下,卖方对交货迟延或不交货不负责任:火灾、水灾、地震、暴风雨、战争、罢工以及封锁,Escape Clauses,1. 应明确约定不可抗力的范围和种类。 综合式是将概括式和列举式相结合起来的表达方式,这种方式可以避免前两种方式的缺陷,In case of Force Majeure such as war, serious fire, flood, typhoon and earthquake or other events of Force Majeure, the Seller shall not be held responsi
26、ble for delay in delivery or non-delivery of the contracted goods,由于战争或严重的火灾、水灾、台风和地震,以及其他不可抗力的原因,致使卖方不能在合同规定期限内交货或不能交货,卖方不负责任,Escape Clauses,2. 应约定不可抗力事件发生后,责任方通知对方的方式、时限以及出具不可抗力事件证明文件的方式等 。,If a party fails to perform a contract owing to force majeure, it shall inform the other party promptly, so
27、as to reduce the possible damages inflicted on the other party, and shall also provide a certificate of non-performance owing to force majeure within a reasonable time,当事人一方因不可抗力不能履行合同的,应当及时通知对方,以减轻可能给对方造成的损失,并应当在合理期限内提供证明,Have a try,责任方应立即将不可抗力事件的情况以电传方式通知另一方,并于事故发生后14天内将事件发生地政府主管机构出具的证明文件用航空邮寄一方并取
28、得另一方的认可,The prevented party shall notify the other party of the occurrence of the Force Majeure event by telex within the shortest possible time and shall, within fourteen (14) days thereafter send by airmail to the other party for confirmation a certificate issued by the competent government author
29、ities of the place where the accident occurs as evidence thereof.,Escape Clauses,3.确定不可抗力事件所引起的法律后果 不可抗力事件所引起的法律后果有两种:一是双方协商延长履行合同的期限,二是双方协商决定是否解除合同,Both Parties shall, through consultations, decide whether to terminate the contract or to exempt the part of obligations for implementation of the cont
30、ract or whether to delay the execution of the contract according t0 the effects of the events of Force Majeure on the performance of the contract,Have a try,“Contract” shall refer to this International School Manila Contract, all attachments hereto, and all materials incorporated by reference herein
31、.The contract and its appendices shall come into force commencing from the date of approval of the relevant governing authority (or its entrusted examination and approval authority).,Have a try,3. Either Party of the Joint Venture Company may not assign, pledge, sell or otherwise dispose of all or p
32、art of its investment subscribed to a third party without the unanimous approval of the Board of Directors and the consent by the appropriate Chinese Government Approving Department.,Have a try,4. The Seller shall guarantee that the goods supplied by the Seller are made of the best materials, with f
33、irst-class workmanship, brand new, unused and correspond in all respects with the quality, specifications and performance as stipulated in this Contract.,Have a try,5. The validity period of the contract shall be five(5)years from the effectiveness of the contract and shall become null and void automatically upon the expiry of the validity period of the contract,Thank You!,,