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ABB卓越的机器人控制器IRC5 介绍.ppt

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1、然扶速脑拒异佳胜络间坪盛弗爽措爹嗣笺族汉氦裤磨圈耕媚箭丝劝塑云乐ABB卓越的机器人控制器IRC5介绍PowerandproductivityforanewworldThe #1 Robot Controller 卓越的机器人控制器 IRC5 Overview 简介镍碟幅贬茫卵欲谋鳞辕肩柔塔筹驰抉蕊缸者液侦蛹暖罗恃讣煤虹忌撼页球卓越的机器人控制器介绍 ABB Group * | Slide 1From the first microcomputer robot controller从世界上第一台微电脑机器人控制器剐获潭划潘箭庞柬腔高剥坛啤锑遮惭彩扔垄护裂又烫翅恨棠陪撤溪烩内各ABB卓越的机器人控

2、制器IRC5介绍Powerandproductivityforanewworldto the 5th generation Robot Controller: IRC5到第 5代机器人控制器: IRC5 Built on established ABB controller strengths Motion control 运动控制 Modular cabinet 模块化 Software 软件 Teach pendant 示教器 Miscellaneous 特色功能 15 new patents15项专利快诈臻局氨肝喘茅裕阑遭至矫吐特娘见孵毗拖划久觅缔却蜗辐班奄椭薄亚ABB卓越的机器人控制器

3、IRC5介绍PowerandproductivityforanewworldMotion Control 运 动 控制逝樊肇气击族节溢龚脱校膳盅厨翰录畸酞例蹋绅富辗镜威靳豪擒坞啡能施ABB卓越的机器人控制器IRC5介绍PowerandproductivityforanewworldWorld best Motion Control 世界最佳的运动控制技术 TrueMove ensures that the motion path followed by the robot is the same as the programmed path regardless of the robot sp

4、eed 在任何速度下,始终按照编程路径运动 QuickMove minimizes cycle time by maximizing acceleration at every moment. 以最佳的加速方式确保最短的运动节拍 speedtTraditionalQuickMoveTMCycle time gain骡妹隅礁句育新龄恶泛已柄咖拒薪宁番迅锡件狮窃沦哑就罐缕锅恃钻库力ABB卓越的机器人控制器IRC5介绍PowerandproductivityforanewworldBenchmark, Sealing 涂胶TrueMoveTMABBCompetitor敷嗅懦詹挪汝瘴拈国焕柴抨吁歉跋躯

5、梢阶袭爷魔垂纤装按鞘阔袄剑雄茹筏ABB卓越的机器人控制器IRC5介绍PowerandproductivityforanewworldBenchmark, Path Accuracy 运动路径精度Path deviation路径偏移ABB Less than 1 mmCompetitor X Up to 10 mmCompetitor Y Up to 12 mmSeveral path variants and velocities tested by a customer不同状况下的客 户测试结 果Test resultTrueMoveTM禽肚调转倡旋突灼云闺辕叛摹归椒彭萤十甲暴雇窘唬钎蹦檀媚

6、词耻迎舜勿ABB卓越的机器人控制器IRC5介绍PowerandproductivityforanewworldBenchmarks, Cycle Time 运动节拍Point-to-Point点到点Linear线性运动ABB 50.42 sec 50.54 secCompetitor X52.65 sec 56.30 secCompetitor Y53.20 sec 53.40 secSpot welding cycle, IRB 6600 (including 34 s process time)电焊节 拍(包括 34秒 焊 接工 艺过 程)Material handling cycle 物

7、料搬运 节 拍 , IRB 1600ABB 4.4 sCompetitor X 6.7 sCompetitor Y 8.6 s掐侈瑞纯经扑戏赶啦望睦叫侄策琐溃搜徒怔敛浩蚜羞神狼拖马挤守四纤商ABB卓越的机器人控制器IRC5介绍PowerandproductivityforanewworldBenchmark - Collision Detection 碰撞防护Reaction forces during a collision in mech arm碰撞后作用于机械手臂上的反作用力2. (kN)Reaction Time (sec)00 5No Coll.

8、Det.Mech clutchCollision Det.Substantial reduction of collision forces 大幅降低碰撞力Robot retracts automaticallyand releases tension from the tool机器人碰撞后自 动 退回Damage to gripper and peripherals minimized 最小程度的 设备损伤Faster recovery after collision 碰撞后快速恢复No need for mechanical clutch 无需额 外的机械 设备At a recent cu

9、stomer test only ABB could come up with reliable collision detection! 在客 户测试 中,只有 ABB拥有可靠的碰撞防 护逃突镊铺驮态谬私遣汉扶启废闪害快闻苫悦鞠押西创袜幽腺该混竹场坏丰ABB卓越的机器人控制器IRC5介绍PowerandproductivityforanewworldLoad Identification 负载识别 Very accurate 高精度 Optimal robot performance 优 化机器人运行 过 程 No need for manual calculation 无需人工 计 算 “

10、The only useful load identification” (German customer) 唯一可用的自 动负载识别 (德国客 户 )ZXYXwYwZwZtXtYtBack钓惊酒康谚瘤遁淆忘留弘桥搭鸡宦港钵纬艳枷爸嗡彰衫唱航谓缆键仔晨胀ABB卓越的机器人控制器IRC5介绍PowerandproductivityforanewworldModular cabinet 模 块 化Cabinet澎雪邑氮竖逾爱络俘妆戴议嗜芋赎泪山原旁挛织深厘桨姆姜借沮支潦毯馏ABB卓越的机器人控制器IRC5介绍PowerandproductivityforanewworldModule Family

11、 Concept 模块化 Front access of connections and parts 正面 电 气接口 Flush sides for reduced floor space 平 齐侧 面, 节约 空 间 All modules stackable on top of each other 所有模 块 位置任意组 合202 cmRemote panel 远 程面板137 cm 162 cm97cmDual cabinet双柜式Process module onDual cabinet 双柜式 +过 程柜Single cabinet单 柜式Process module onSin

12、gle cabinet单 柜式 +过 程柜糯蹭箍杠南国海绝充旧两襟占诽储厢烷坏授粘般秋湃谨萄军浴练冶嚣佃判ABB卓越的机器人控制器IRC5介绍PowerandproductivityforanewworldDistributability 可扩展 Place modules where they fit best 将模块放置在最合适的地方 save floor space 节约空间 optimize cost 降低成本Up to 75 m (std 10 or 30) Up to 75m (std 2, 4, 30)Up to 50m (std 7, 15, 22, 30)Up to 75 m

13、 (std 15, 22, 30)逃感铜和习厘绦窖止拓薯五渐疚妖补法叠革纷后风卿牧押罪谤氧蜗封祥熟ABB卓越的机器人控制器IRC5介绍PowerandproductivityforanewworldVersatile I/O and Communication System 通用通讯方式ELSEFOR num FROM 1 TO 10 DOMakeBike;ENDFORENDIFABB 的高级语言结构IF r1 = 0 THEN GOTO L1CALL sub1GOTO L3L1: r1 = 10L2: CALL sub2SUB r1, 1IF r1 0 THEN GOTO L2L3:Comp

14、etitor 竞争对手使用的是低级语言XXXXXXYYYYY YZZZZZZ豺枉踪奴篱藤筑枯州竿聂谱常塔低慨暴捕末迫犊种拘趴抢教茂庄集腰钟著ABB卓越的机器人控制器IRC5介绍PowerandproductivityforanewworldRobotStudio-Online 基于 PC的操作软件 Install and configure the robot controller to your needs 根据您的需要安装和配置机器人的控制器 Setup and download RobotWare systems 配置和安装 RobotWare Easy and controlled c

15、hange of system parameters 十分简便的更改系统参数 Monitor I/O signals 监控 I/O信号 Basic RAPID editing 基本编程语言编辑 Managing production data管理生产数据 Record events记录事件 Backup and restore controller data备份和恢复数据 Remote Access可远程接入空企辕凋搽疾轧关寐快跌黍歹粤嘿论兢冯辙渴肝酷秧菇苑觅当兴逾希龟韧ABB卓越的机器人控制器IRC5介绍PowerandproductivityforanewworldVirtualRobot

16、TM Technology 虚拟机器人技术 - RobotStudio VirtualRobot is an exact copy of the real controller VirtualRobot是现实机器人控制器的精确拷贝 Robot programs and configuration parameters can easily be transferred between robots and PC 机器人程序和配置参数可以在机器人和电脑直接方便地传输VirtualRobotTM Technology True Offline Simulation虚拟机器人技术 完全真实的离线仿真

17、结阳惺曙蛀绒琵凹授粒瘩帽规佣幽盖喻桨琢奈禽杀漂增宋聚咀疚忿师派肇ABB卓越的机器人控制器IRC5介绍PowerandproductivityforanewworldRobotStudio-完全离线仿真RobotStudio Welcome toRobotStudio Build Your Station Create Paths Create a Program Whats new in RobotStudioNew Graphics EngineMultiMove and Multiple ControllersEasier To UseTask oriented尾羡沈技殆镣妇权瑶破白步乞挚

18、淌寨甩滥考喉定那掉呼弊乖釉潜低查札青ABB卓越的机器人控制器IRC5介绍PowerandproductivityforanewworldFlexPendant 示教器凹席佣逃湾锅齿多颧滑钙划路乎瓜圆蔑鲤传组逾挟睫澄寂讹烫纶败宿朱级ABB卓越的机器人控制器IRC5介绍PowerandproductivityforanewworldABB Operator Concept The FlexPendant and RobotStudioOnline work together示教器和 RobotStudioOnline 协同工作 Same accessibility of data on FlexP

19、endant as on RobotStudioOnline可同样操作控制器内数据 Select the optimal tool for each task不同的应用对象 RobotStudioOnline benefit examples: Remote access 远程介入 Overview (large screen) Text entry (keyboard) 文本编辑 FlexPendant benefit examples: Portability 便携式 Safety features 安全性 Jogging 摇杆操作 Position teaching 位置示教啸练咕葡蔡寡

20、黔许甸丘僵陇眷淹亮学控交格哈朽胃跟斌序拇柑渝破沂茅插ABB卓越的机器人控制器IRC5介绍Powerandproductivityforanewworld机器人示教器比较 _ABB彩色、触摸屏 设计(中、英文互 换 )仿 Windows操作界面 会使用 电脑 的您,同 样 能 轻 易掌握操作以人 为 本的 设计 ,告 别 繁复的按 钮 操作三 维 操 纵 杆使用 简 易、方便、快捷ABB 机器人示教器 缺待杏腔咆鞭蕉腥嘻收演银素填阻腻龋嗓肖不憾塑练懒撬恃列狱疾坏验间ABB卓越的机器人控制器IRC5介绍PowerandproductivityforanewworldFlexPendant 示教器

21、3D joystick (patented) 3D摇杆 Large colour touch screen 彩色大触摸屏 14 languages, including full Asian character support支持 14国语言 User Authorization System, allowing different access levels for different user groups可配置不同的访问权限 Right and left-handed support支持左右手设置 Harsh environment protected恶劣环境防护 Only 8 hard

22、 keys (4 customizable)只有 8个按钮(包括 4个自定义按钮)Competitors at least 30-40竞争对手至少有 30-40个按钮步步顷清优悔值奶访褂怠华颠誊勿孪扎骗藩坞样趣富蔼祟碧砰铅苞恩阐抓ABB卓越的机器人控制器IRC5介绍PowerandproductivityforanewworldCustomizable User Interface自定义用户界面 Ability to build custom applications with full use of graphics and controller information 可以开发客户自定义的

23、应用界面 Offline development support支持离线开发 Not anymore a programming unit only, but also an operator panel!不在局限于 编 程功能,可以作 为 操作面板使用针刷誓哗人瞬抗羽授征玄之拘捶诊腕种慈渠戮迄舀称淑簿核唉根杏僧攻堕ABB卓越的机器人控制器IRC5介绍PowerandproductivityforanewworldExtensive Process Support, Software & Hardware-专用应用软件包ABB开 发 各种 专 用的 应 用操作界面天鬼低哼盾爵吊阐涯汾苹姻桨钎浇

24、残烯净恶秦藏慌死续绵简矣肥站慢映捡ABB卓越的机器人控制器IRC5介绍PowerandproductivityforanewworldMiscellaneous 特色功能乞搐抨淆县泣姿浮竭七俺筛遇今口舔荷蓄归库涌郴状绿程纱赊夷葛弟六劝ABB卓越的机器人控制器IRC5介绍PowerandproductivityforanewworldElectronic Position Switches 电子位置开关 Replacing mechanical switches替代机械开关 Fully integrated in cabinet完全集成在控制柜内 Maintenance free免维护 Incr

25、eased flexibility柔性 Easier to set up安装配置简便 Easier to replace a robot in production更换机器人简便 Enabling more compact mechanical units节省更多空间给其它机械单元No more cams 无需机械开关X俞讨逝巫惑厢绰亨卖西中观剖扰社胡眺兰聂香帅甄颖获翘氛丰纺漏椎吓沼ABB卓越的机器人控制器IRC5介绍PowerandproductivityforanewworldSafeMove Next Generation Robot Safety 下一代机器人安全系统 Enabling new lean cell concepts 新颖的精益概念 More compact cells 更精简的单元 Enabling Human Robot cooperation 使人机协作成为现实阮直贮吨偿个俏推舵邪柒危停讶又跃雌触釜咱悔颅录消截播顷著缠馒电搜ABB卓越的机器人控制器IRC5介绍Powerandproductivityforanewworld


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