1、素食家常菜,Vegetarian Plain Meal,凉菜,凉拌长生果.10元 Cold Dressed Peanut10¥,凉拌豆腐8元 Cold Dressed To-Fu8¥,香芹豆干8元 Celery and Dry Bean Curd.8¥,宫保甜椒.12元 Spicy Sweet Bell Pepper12¥,雪菜百叶.10元 Pickle Mustard Green withBai-Yei10¥,碧兰鱿鱼.20元 Vegetarian Squid with Green Vegetables.20¥,红烧栗子鸡.25元 Simmer Chestnut Chicken.25¥,热菜
2、,冬菇菜心.10元 Black Mushroom and Pickle Sour Kale10¥,什锦藕片12元 Lotus Roots Assorted Vegetables.12¥,红烧烤麸20元 Simmer Baked Bran.20¥,豆苗虾仁25元 Fry Bean Sprouts with Vegetarian Shrimp.25¥,酱爆猴菇20元 Sante Monkey-Head Mushrooms20¥,什锦锅30元 Combination Soup.30¥,主厨推荐Chefs Recommendation,炸香虾球25元 Fry Shrimp Ball.25¥,双菇烩虾仁25元 Fry mushroom with Shrimp25¥,翡翠鲍鱼50元 Abalone Mushroom with vegetables50¥,蚂蚁上树.15元 Bean Threads with vegetables15¥,The endThank you for watchingTeam:富本煌,尉若野,