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    Chapter 7 Lnaguage Variation.ppt

    1、Linguistics,Chapter 7 Language Variation,Have a Try!,E.g.1: 以后动手前直接招呼,整那虚头吧脑的干啥玩意儿啊?(东北话) 以后动手,直接上去,别拖拖拉拉的。(江浙一带) 以后动手,直接上克,莫慢慢悠悠的,搞莫斯搞撒(武汉话) E.g.2:私以上、前進(東京) 以上、前(関西),Language Style and Language Dialects,DialectsOther Properties of DialectsThe same language or not,Dialects,Definition: When groups o

    2、f speakers differ noticeably in their language, they are often said to speak different dialects of the same language, by specific linguistic features (Pronunciation, Syntax and so on ).P280 General Characteristics: Regional Social Ethnic (Racial),Regional,It refers to the language spoken by groups w

    3、hose language property is divided by geographic features within the nation and who share the same habit of speaking a certain language which is the “sub-standard version” in comparison with “the official version”.,Social,Social factors refer to the independent variablestratification which decides th

    4、e different using habits of the same language (using of dialects) Quiz,Quiz: Role Playing Game,Pretend that you are to play the following social roles, and you are to express the same meaning. What will you say when you see the picture below?,How can you WORD?,城管大队长:我们英勇的城管执法人员不畏艰险,终于将屡教不改影响城市市容的顽固分

    5、子制服。 小商贩:NND,条子又来了,看把我们的老王打的,爹娘都认不出来了。,Other examples,How to say ¥50? Citizens: 50 bucks (五十块) Grocers: 5 pieces(五张钱) Pedicab drivers: 5 Kuai (五块钱) Bank officers: 50 YuanZheng (伍拾圆整) How to say I love you?,愛(一般民) 私()貴方美人恩愛(貴族) 俺前、愛(凡夫),The General Rules for Social Factor,The Higher the stratificatio

    6、n is, the more the value of the language used will be. Namely the more cultivated the using of the language will be.,Ethnic (Racial),Although the people within one country may share one language code which concords with the same reference. Anyhow, because of racial reasons, using of the same languag

    7、e would be phonetically, and syntactically different,Phonetic Difference,Though different dialects share the same language code system, the pronunciation may vary according to the racial features, which may sound somewhat different from the (standard) official version. Phonetic Joke,Phonetic Jokes,乡

    8、长:兔子们,虾米们,猪尾巴!不要酱瓜,咸菜太贵啦!“ (翻译:同志们,乡民们,注意吧!不要讲话,现在开会啦!) 主持人说:”咸菜请香肠酱瓜!“ (翻译:现在请乡长讲话!) 乡长:”兔子们,今天的饭狗吃了,大家都是大王八!“ 翻译:同志们,今天的饭够吃了,大家都使大碗吧! 不要酱瓜,我捡个狗屎给你们舔舔。“ (翻译:不要讲话,我讲个故事给你们听听。),宣传部:“喂,你人是猪吗?(人事局)“ 对方:“不是,你搞错了。我不是人是猪(人事局),我娘是猪(粮食局)。“ 第二天参加一个县政府的汇报会。会前点名。 主持人:“哪些单位到了?“ 于是参会者一个个地自报家门: “我是公阉猪(公安局)。“ “我叫肉

    9、猪(教育局)。“ “我有点猪(邮电局)。“ “我是典型猪(电信局),Syntactic Difference,SAE vs. ICESyntactic difference of using verb “to be” SAE: the official version of American English, usually spoken in public such as school, news broadcast or public speech. ICE: short for Inner City English, is usually spoken in the ghetto are

    10、a, which is an uncivilized version of dialect.,SAE vs. ICE,For SAE, the verb “to be” shall be contracted onto the subject, but the case in ICE shall be deleted completely. E.g.: youre gonna be sorry. (SAE)you gonna be sorry. (ICE) Both the contraction and deletion rules are invariant and similar to

    11、each other. (s=deletion),When indicating a habitual and repeatable action, state, or event: ICE infinitive form; SAE finitive form E.g. (8) P286,Other Properties of Dialects,Every version of the same language is called a dialect, no matter the so called standard or substandard Language itself contin

    12、ues developing, so does the dialects. Even the people who share the same dialect may speak in different ways. This is called ideolect. Dialects are regarded as substandard, even uncivilized, because of Politics or discrimination. (See the case of ICE ),The same language or not?,One way to judge whet

    13、her two speakers are speaking the same language is the principle of Mutual Intelligibility. What about dialects in China? Can a southernese understand a northernese? How about vice versa? For China, the case of one-way intelligibility to judge whether they share the same language also exists, just b

    14、ecause the two dialects are historically related.,Formal and Informal Language Style,Some formal cases: Waitress: Do you want some Coffee? 班長:出席取 战士:报告首长!我要更衣! Some informal cases: Friend of the customer: Wanna some coffee? 先生(対目下):出席取! 首长:你们几个,厕所见!,Formal and Informal Language Style,Some rules of t

    15、he grammar of informal style in the three languages listed above The informal style has a greater amount of abbreviation, shortening, contraction, and deletion. The formal style is often redundant and verbose, whereas the informal style is brief, to the point, and grammatically streamlined.,Informal

    16、 languageabbreviation,Tag Controlled DeletionDeletion of Be (Together with the subject st.)Slang and Taboo LanguageJargon,Tag Controlled Deletion,For linguistic cases in English, you can delete auxiliaries together with subjects which is the complete form for the formal cases. (You have) been sneaki

    17、ng to the movies again, havent you? (You are) getting pretty excited, arent you? (You are) not ready to swim fifty laps, arent you? (You will) steal my money, will you! (You are) satisfied, (arent you)?,The subject must be deleted together with the auxiliaries in the informal cases of tag question T

    18、he Deletion of both auxiliary and subject may happen only when the auxiliary could be contracted onto the subject. Otherwise, only the subject shall be deleted, the auxiliaries remained.(It) can be me if you give the opportunity to me. Couldnt it? (I) may trust you if you can prove it. Shant I?,Dele

    19、tion of Be,In some oral cases of two speakers, the verb “to be” can be deleted. (You) running a fever?=Are you running a fever? (You) finally rich now?=Are you finally rich now? Satisfied?=Are you satisfied? (You) sposta do that?=Are you supposed to do that? John a professor or something?=Is John a

    20、Your car in the garage?=Is your car in the.,Rules for the deletion of be,The deletion of be may be accompanied with the deletion of the subject if the subject of the sentence is of the second personality. This deletion of be must occur within two speakers in the informal case. If the subject is of t

    21、he third personality, it couldnt be deleted. The rule may not only be applied to the “be” case, but also to the “do” case. The “Be” itself may be contracted onto the subject, the same in the tag case.,The deletion here does not just refer to English, but also to other languages around the world. If

    22、the subject of the interactive sentence is of the first personality, usually the expression of the first personality is changed into objective ones, together with a question mark, then the “be” part of the sentence may be deleted.,Deletion and Recoverability of Information,There is no reason whatsoe

    23、ver to suppose that such single-word utterances are derived from whole sentences from which all the other words have been deleted. We use many kinds of short expressions as long as the context makes it clear what we are talking about. The deletion may happen as much as possible, as long as the conte

    24、xt makes it sensible to contain the meanings of the full sentence.,A: Um cookie? B: No, grit please. A: Jim? (pass the plate to the third speaker) C: Yeah, 3ks. (biting a piece off) Buttery! A: Smart! How? C: Not too bad, but too sweet. (Turn to B): Go get me some pepsi. Need some drink. B: got it,

    25、but tips. C: What? Robber or something? B: Trick or treat? C: Back off! Go get it myself.,Rules For Abbreviation,For those contractible auxiliaries, the contraction may contain both the subject and the auxiliaries at the same time. For those non-contractible auxiliaries, the contraction may happen j

    26、ust to the subject. If the contracted form violate the rules, even if the meanings of the contracted form can be comprehended, the structure is ill formed. The contracted sentence which is of the extreme case that is sensible in the communication. Anyhow, out of grammatical rules.,Slang and Taboo La

    27、nguage,Slang is part of casual, informal styles of language use. Further, the term slang has traditionally carried a negative connotation; it is often perceived as a “low” or even “dirty” form of language and is deemed to be out of place in formal styles of language. Slang, like fashions in clothing

    28、 and popular music, changes quite rapidly. Specific areas of slang are often associated with a particular social group.,Features of Slang,Used in different social groups Using the same vocabulary to express different reference 条子: memory bank (IT); police (lower society) Also subject to the word for

    29、mation rules for the normal words and expressions.(p304) See Chapter 3 Morphology.,In the society: 胡子;佛爷;一方;米米;条子;马子;凯子;打牛;撞猴子 并肩子;条子(指女性);下海; Referring people 人:丁;鹰爪孙:官府 糕:老人;豆儿:姑娘 托线孙:保镖人;老宽/里吧:外行人 线上的朋友:地头蛇 吃飘子钱上的老合:水贼 总瓢把子:江湖上指称首脑,老大,City and Street,“city” in American slang means “general situat

    30、ion”, “maximum of sth.” “everywhere”. “sville” in American slang means “sth. like” “-ski” means sb. who does sth.,Do you understand?,Heyyo! Diddya ear that? The phoenixs gonna up. Oops! I hearyo but I wont go. ts nothing but a women street. Yeah! Piles of, tons of But you know what? This fat citys j

    31、ust like zoo. And those spring chicken are hungry tigers and regarding men like flesh thrown into their cages.m not goin Hangin there buddy. You gonna explode Shhhhh. Dr. Einsteins talking,Jargon,The same vocabulary of different meanings due to the special profession or technology. (The common langu

    32、age shared within a group of the same profession) The jargon phenomenon doesnt just occur in professional field, but also appears in specific interested group, such as hacker, gamer, climber The criminal underworld also has the similar “Jargon” which is called argot. Except the target profession, th

    33、e “outer world” may find it difficult to understand the term and expression of the specific jargon.,How much can you understand?,In the office: If your boss comment you like this 普通员工 格外出色 善于社交 观察能力强 工作态度热忱 思维敏捷 团结同事 复杂工作上逻辑清晰 性情中人,Indentify slang and jargon,Jargon is the sign of the elite within ce

    34、rtain group or profession. Slang always has the negative image of sth. “dirty”, or “lower class.” Jargon, due to specific profession (such as criminal world), may have commonplace with slang. Both slang and jargon keep the people from outer world off. Slang is sometimes referred as vernacular or col

    35、loquialism (oral), although not in negative color.,Code Switching and Borrowing,Code switching means the speaker uses two different language varieties at the same time To emphasize sth. In the position of the audience. (p307.30) To emphasize the very context of the speech, in order to impress the audience (p307.31) Borrowing means the same as the one in Chapter two. That is, borrow words or expressions from other languages to say the right reference.,Conclusion,Some property of dialectFormer and informer languageJargon and slang,

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