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1、NMET对高中英语教学的 反拨作用,Please recall your life in middle school.What do you think of NMET?,全国高考英语测试是由全国英语测试委员会来组织命题和负责管理的,全国的高中生在学完高三年级的英语课程后,都会参加高考,主要是根据考试成绩的好坏,参考者被决定能否进入重点大学,英语老师也是以学生高考成绩的好坏来评价其教学能力的高低。 全国高考英语测试对学生和老师都是一件至关重要的大事。因此,作为一次全国范围的大学英语入学考试,全国高考英语测试被看作是一次重大的利害枚关的考试,会导致对参考者及英语教学的强烈反拨效应,考试所赋有的厉

2、害关系越大,它对教学的影响就越大。,An introduction to New Senior English Curriculum Standards,Senior English Curriculum Standards,2003 1)(EFL)Teaching should face all the students,and build common basis for their life-time development. 2)Encouraging students to learn elective courses,and strengthening direction for

3、elective courses. 3)Focusing on studentsemotion and creating loose,democratic and harmonious teaching atmosphere.,4)Strengthening the direction for studentslearning strategies,and assisting them to form self-access ability. 5)Establishing new concepts of teaching to match new English Curriculum Stan

4、dards, and optimizing instructing methods. 6)Applying modern instructive technology to widen studentsways of learning and using English. 7)EFL teachers must promote their professional development to synchronize new English curriculum.,Principles of evaluation are stated in the“Standards”(2003)as fol

5、lows:,1)Students must be treated as main body of evaluative system. 2)Building pluralistic and various evaluative systems. 3)Formative assessment must play a very important role in the growth of students.,4)Summative assessment should be stressed to test studentscomprehensive utilizing language comp

6、etence. 5)Laying stress on the feedback of assessment to English teaching. 6)Evaluation should embody the characteristics of required and elective courses.,7)Laying stress on the actual effect,and applying evaluation methods reasonably and properly.8)All kinds evaluations must be depended on English

7、 Curriculum standards.,NMET Test rubric,Each NMET consists of several subtests,ranging from three in 1954 to seven in 1998,with each subtest clearly labeled,such as“Listening Comprehension” “Reading Comprehension”.,反拨作用的定义,反拨作用这个词指的是测试对教与学,教学机制和参考者的影响。虽然人们普遍同意反拨作用的这种基本定义,但是人们还是对此持有不同的观点和看法。根据Baliye(

8、1999),反拨作用可以从微观和宏观上理解,微观上主要指对课堂教学中教师和学生的影响,宏观上面指的是对教育体制乃至整个社会的影响。,l反拨作用是“测试对教学和学习的影响”。(Hughes, 1989:l) 2“反拨作用是指外部语言测试对影响和促进学校外语学习的效用,这种现象是考试及其对被测试者的巨大影响的权威性作用的结果。”(shehamy, 1992:513),3“反拨作用指的是一种影响的概念,这种影响具体指那些测试使教师和学生做一些不必要的事情的结果”。(Alderson&Wall, 1993:213) 4“反拨作用是测试不同程度地影响从事语言教学的教师和从事语启学习的学生去做他们本来没必

9、要去做的事情,这种影响应解释为反拨效应。”(Messick,1996:241),5“反拨作用这个术语用于普通教育、语言教育和语言测试中,用来解释一种产生测试、教学和学习三者之间的相互关系和影响。” (LizHamp一Lyons, 1997:295) 6“测试对教学和学习的影响被认为是一种测试反拨作用”。“测试在决定学生生活机会和影响教师与学习者名誉的力量意味着它们对课程有很大的影响力”。(Menamara,2000),7“反拨作用的概念是指在教育过程中测试对教学和学习、教育体系和各州教育人员的影响。”(Stephen Andreas, JohnFullilove,YamaWong,2002:2

10、08),测试反拨作用的导向,1.正反拨作用 2. 负反拨作用,.Heaton and Hughes(Heaton 1988;Hughes 1989:1) believe that positiveor negative backwash(or backwash)is determined by the effect of examinations on what we do in the classroom.,According to Bachman(1990), positive backwash occurs when the assessment reflects the skills

11、and content taught in the classroom. As Brown(2000)states,“backwash becomes negative backwash when there is a mismatchbetween the content(e.g.the material/abilities being taught) and the test”.,测试反拨效应的范围,反拨作用是怎么起作用的 Alderson和Wall以及其十五个关于反拨作用的命题 。 1)测试影响教。 2)测试影响学。 3)测试影响老师教的内容。 4)测试影响老师怎样教。 5)测试影响学生

12、学的内容。 6)测试影响学生怎样学。 7)测试影响对教的评价和后果。,8)测试影响对学的评价和后果。 9)测试影响教的深度。 10)测试影响学的深度。 11)测试影响对教与学的方法和内容的态度。 12)会造成重要后果的测试有反拨作用。 13)不会造成重要后果的测试没有反拨作用。 14)测试对所有的学习者和老师有反拨作用。 15)测试只对一些学生和老师有反拨作用,对另一些却没有反拨作用。,The “Washback Hypothesis”, as explained by Alderson and Wall, assumes that “teachers and learners do thin

13、gs they would not necessarily otherwise do because of the test” (1993:117). The hypotheses are classified as follows (Qi Luxia, 2004:37-38):,1 Washback on teaching:,(1) A test will influence teaching; (3) A test will influence what teachers teach; (4) A test will influence how teachers teach; and by

14、 extension from (2) A test will influence learning;,(7) A test will influence the rate and sequence of teaching; (9) A test will influence the degree and depth of teaching; (11) A test will influence attitudes to the content, method, etc. of teaching and learning.,2 Washback on learning:,(2) A test

15、will influence learning; (5) A test will influence what learners learn; (6) A test will influence how learners learn;,(8) A test will influence the rate and sequence of learning; (10) A test will influence the degree and depth of learning; (11) A test will influence attitudes to the content, method,

16、 etc. of teaching and learning.,3 Strength of washback,(12) Tests that have important consequences will have washback; (13) Tests that do not have important consequences will have no washback;,(14) Tests will have washback on all learners and teachers; (15) Tests will have washback effects for some

17、learners and some teachers, but not for others. These hypotheses laid the foundation for further study in this field, especially for empirical studies.,Hughesproposals,How beneficial backwash effect can be achieved?,1)To test the abilities whose development one wants to encourage; 2)To sample widely

18、 and unpredictably; 3)To use direct testing; 4)To make testing criterion-referenced;,5)To base achievement tests on objectives; 6)To ensure that the test is known and understood by students and teachers and 7)To provide assistance to teachers where necessary.,What will be the cost of not achieving b

19、eneficial backwash?,Kellegan and Greaneys proposals,1)Examinations should reflect the full curriculum,not merely a limited aspect of it. 2)Higher-order cognitive skills should be assessed to ensure they are taught. 3)Skills to be tested should not be limited to academic areas but should also be rele

20、vant to out-of-school tasks. 4)A variety of examination formats should be used,including written,oral,aural and practical.,5)In evaluating published examination results and national rankings,account should be taken of factors other than teaching effort. 6)Detailed,timely feedback should be provided

21、to schools on levels of pupil performance and areas of difficulty in public examinations. 7)Predictive validity studies of public examinations should be conducted.(This is to see whether selection exams are fulfilling their purpose).,8)The professional competence of examination authorities needs to

22、be developed, especially in test construction.9)Each examination board should have a research capacity.(This is to investigate, among other things,the impact of examinations on teaching.),10)Examination authorities should work closely with curriculum organizations and with educational administrators

23、.11)Regional professional networks should be developed to initiate exchange programmes and to share common interests and concerns.(qtd.in Wall,1996:337-338),Their recommendations stress the content of tests(1-3),variation of formats(4),recognition of other factors apart from teaching effort(5),the i

24、mportance of detailed timely feedback(6),the importance of research(7-9),and the importance of cooperation(10-11).,When we compare the cost of the test with the waste of effort and time on the part of teachers and students in activities quite inappropriate to their true learning goals(and in some ci

25、rcumstances,with the potential loss to the national economy of not having more people competent in foreign languages),we are likely to decide that we cannot afford not to introduce a test with a powerful beneficial backwash effect.(Hughes,1989:47),Baileys proposals,Bailey poses eight questions that

26、could be asked(either in practical considerations or in conducting research)with regard to the positive backwash potential of any external-to-programme test:,1)Do the participants understand the purpose(s)of the test? 2)Are the results provided in a clear,informative and timely fashion? 3)Do the par

27、ticipants perceive the results as believable and fair? 4)Does the test measure what the programme intends to teach?,5)Is the test based on clearly articulated goals and objectives? 6)Is the test based on sound theoretical principles? 7)Does the test utilize authentic texts and authentic tasks? 8)Are

28、 the participants invested in the assessment processes?(Bailey,1996:276-277),In sum,these researchers proposals concentrate on three aspects: 1)test design and test quality, 2)test results or feedback,and3)relations and interactions among all stakeholders.,NMET对高中英语教学反拨作用调查与分析1)在高中英语课堂中高考对英语教学起什么样的反

29、拨作用? 2)高考是怎样影响学生的学习过程的? 3)学生和老师是怎样理解高考对高中英语教学的反拨作用的?,教师在课堂上所用的解题技巧,资料以及教学活动都是为帮助学生通过高考而量体裁衣的。这与其他的常规英语教学有很大不同。在高考准备过程中,老师注重提高学生的阅读,写作及听力技巧。而这三项正是高考的测试重点。而老师也用一些与高考题型一致的模拟测试题。此外,在备考中,教学安排主要是学生作题,老师针对试题讲解,这就导致课堂上老师与学生的互动极少,关于高考对学生学习语言过程的反拨,经过研究发现高考对学生的学习过程有强烈的反拨作用。首先,很明显的是高考已经对学生练习的语言运用技巧和所用的资料产生影响。学生

30、关注的语言运用技巧及资料很大程度上由高考内容决定。其次,高考的反拨作用体现在学生对语言学习的认知和态度上。并且考试前和考试后,这种认知和态度会发生很大的变化。特别是,学生学习的动力和学习的主动性在备考期间很大程度上是受到影响的。这样就直接影响他们学习语言的成果。 除此以外,高考应试者运用的各种策略也促进英语学习效果。并且学生们表达了他们的愿望:英语课堂应该多一些互动,应该以学生为中心。,NMET对高中英语教学的负面反拨作用,1.对教师的影响 1)教学资料的选择 2)教学内容的选择 3)教学方法的选择 4)教师对学生的态度,2.对学生的影响 1)学习目的 2)学习内容 3)课堂表现 4)课外书籍

31、的选择,减少负面反拨作用的建议,1.政策性建议 2.试题性建议,1.政策性建议,1.按照学生专业的选择安排其英语试卷的内容和难度。 2.适当降低一次考试的作用 3.学校对教师的奖惩也应将其教学态度、教学方法、对学生身心健康的关心程度等作为主要考察对象,把学生考试成绩只作为辅助尺度。,2.试题性建议 Huhges七项建议,1. 测试想要培养的能力 2. 取样广泛而无可预测性、 3. 使用直接测试法、 4. 使用标准参照测试、 5. 按照教学目标设计成绩测验试题、 6. 确保师生了解测试、 7.必要时给教师提供协助等。,李炯英七条建议,1. 大量采用交际语言能力测试模式; 2. 减少离散题和客观题、 3. 增加主观题的比例; 4. 不断进行效度和信度研究,开发和增加新的测试题型; 5. 尽可能使用真实的语言材料; 6. 英译汉的文章从阅读材料中独立出来,单独取材;新增实用性、真实性并举的作文考试题型; 7. 进一步研究和规范改卷评分体系等。,Thanks for Your Attention!,


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