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本文(试论高校基建领域腐败的原因和对策.doc)为本站会员(精品资料)主动上传,道客多多仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知道客多多(发送邮件至docduoduo@163.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、 近年来,伴随着高等学校的的扩招,高校的腐败案件连续在媒体面前曝光。自此,人类最文明最圣洁的校园不断卷入金钱的丑闻中。一群高智商的知识分子在金钱的侵蚀下低下了高贵的头,在物欲横流的社会中失去了最宝贵的操守。高教系统形形色色的腐败行为,大多根“基建工程”有关。笔者根据多年的工作经验,试分析了基建领域腐败的原因及防腐的对策。一、高校基建腐败的原因分析。1、高校的超常规发展,是高校基建腐败的根源。1999 年国家允许的大学扩招是中国教研史上的一件大事。当时在办学方面,高校开始了超常规发展。而与招生人数同步增长的,是高校硬件设施的大幅度跟进。有资料证明,仅从 1998 年到 2005 年,全国普通高校

2、平均每年新建校 300 万平方米,大多数学校每年完成的基建工程量都在 20 万至 30 万平方米之间。新建、改建的学生宿舍和学生食堂的面积超过了过去 50 年的总和。高校在短期内出现如此巨量的基建项目,无疑为高校基建部门提供了腐败的“温床” 。2、高校基建资金来源的多样化为腐败现象的滋生提供了条件。在 1998 年教育法和高等教育法的颁布条文中,国家承认了高等学校办学自主权的法律地位。1998 年至今,省发展改革委员会、教育厅对高等学校立项的计划文批复上都写有“自筹资金”字样。而高等学校“国家拨款”也从那时起,逐渐被“自筹资金”所取代。正因为基建资金来源从过去的单一渠道逐渐转化为多渠道筹措,高

3、等学校对于“自筹资金”就有了新的理解,言下之意就是项目国家批,钱学校我自己筹,具体从哪里筹钱,如何用钱那我学校自己说了算。正因为高校自筹资金管理有其特殊性,使得学校在人们心目中“清水衙门”逐渐演变成滋生腐败的一个大土壤。这也注定了高校的基建腐败案件如“雨后春笋”一而再,再而三的上演。3、高校领导权力集中,成为基建集体腐败、职务犯罪的新特点。早在 2013 年,成都中医药大学的校长和校党委书记接连落马,还有多名学校中层级干部被查。据悉,这些事件都跟成都中医药大学的基建腐败有关。在高校教育系统内发生校长、书记接连落马的事件实属罕见,这也从侧面说明成都中医药大学的基建腐败有多严重。虽然中纪委早在 2

4、009 年就已注意到高校基建腐败恶化的趋势,被查出的高校基建腐败案件越来越多,但是,面对日益张狂的腐败,有关方面也想了种种办法,采取了种种措施,遗憾的是,腐败并未伴随办法的愈益精致而嘎然而止,可见高校领导权力集中其本身就存在问题。4、高校基建领导班子建设存在问题。高校基建的分管领导或部门负责人,大多不是业务出身,不能够有效地对学校的建设工作进行把关。而高校在选人用人的机制上也往往不合理,能投机钻营者反而得到学校重用提拔,而他们的工作能力、个人文化修养也是一般般。正是因为这些人进入领导层,利用基建监管漏洞实施“权钱交易” 。领导班子中缺乏民主氛围,基建“一把手”说了算的现象也是比较常见的。据调查

5、,高校领导社会经验相对较少,缺乏面对市场经济行为的必要经验,其法律意识也极为淡薄,侥幸心理和“人情关”使得这些高智商、高学历、高职务的知识分子,一步步滑向腐败“黑洞”而不自知。可见高校理论联系实际,密切联系群众和自我批评的三大优良作风,不是这些高校的领导班子光喊“空口号” ,而应该使之发扬光大,持久下去才是硬道理的问题。5、高校的招投标制度存在问题。近年来,基建工程中出现的质量问题,有着复杂的社会背景和原因,而其中招标管理不当也是不容忽视的一个重要原因。工程项目审批,施工、监理,重要设备和材料的招投标,招标合同签订,款项支付,工程完工后的预决算这六个环节中,每个环节都存在腐败的可能性。 “其中

6、工程招标环节是最容易产生腐败的环节” ,因为高校基建部门在招标环节中拥有独立权力,与此同时,基建工程在实施过程中,也由高校自己的监管部门进行监督,这无形中导致了权力过于集中,为基建部门滋生腐败行为提供了土壤。招标环节中的腐败行为通常表现为:基建部门的公职人员在收受相关利益人的贿赂后,以某种理由将招标方式人为地更换为议标,私自将工程承包给承包商,从而规避招标。反腐办案人员也总结了中国高校基建部门腐败的发展脉络和趋势是:主要领导与腐败有染者越来越多;严重违法违纪的腐败现象越来越多;集团腐败呈现上升趋势;索贿受贿活动广为蔓延;招标职权的廉洁度普遍下降。我们从以上风险点进行分析,就是力求监管者完善招标

7、制度,从而达到有效监控并化解工程、设备、材料招标与供应管理工作廉政风险的目的。6、人性的弱点成为基建腐败分子职务犯罪的根源。贪污与人性的弱点密切相关。从人性上讲,贪即是人性的优点也是人性的弱点。贪多贪高贪快贪逸,可以促进个人能力的提高,促进社会的发展,也可以使人急功近利、不择手段、恶性竞争。据说,在高校里还流传着这样一句话:“如果你喜欢一个人,让他去管基建;如果你痛恨一个人,也让他去管基建” 。背后的“魔咒”就是:管基建能让人以最快速度“富起来” ,同时也会以最快速度“倒下去” 。在基建整个过程中的各个环节都容易诱发腐败,很多官员往往抱着“基建生财”的想法,频伸黑手。究其原因就是监督制度的缺失

8、使人性的两面性为腐败的产生找到了最好的根源。二、高校基建工程领域预防腐败的对策。1、加强对高校领导权力的内部监督,对校务政务公开的监督检查。预防高校基建领域腐败,关键是要完善制度,挤压权力寻租空间,斩断腐败利益链条。首先,依法建立各项完整的工作程序,尤其是对涉及学校建设的重要事项、重大经济活动、重大额度资金使用、等各个环节,要严格按法律程序办,充分发挥纪检监察的监督作用,确保各项权力在阳光下运行。其次要合理设置工作岗位,加强工程人员的流动。各高校在工程建设项目的审批、组织招投标等重要环节,设置两个以上工作岗位,并实行一人一岗制度,杜绝各环节间跨岗兼职现象。 学校应将校务公开工作列入党风廉政建设

9、责任制考核范围,采取定期和不定期相结合的方式监查校务公开工作的情况。具体做法学校建立校务公开监督网络,监督小组在校工会设立校务公开监督电话,记录、整理师生员工反映的意见和建议,及时向校务公开工作领导小组汇报,并及时将反馈处理的结果:责成有关职能部门对存在问题期限进行整改。2、加强高校基建财务审计,推行年度审计制度。在全国高校中基建领域普遍存在着“外行管内行”的情况,很多高校分管后勤和财务的校领导不是专业出身。如此一来,不仅容易造成资金使用效率低,而且分管领导极易因不懂财务知识,忽视财务风险而被财务人员蒙蔽犯罪,或有意犯罪。 “懂得人知道风险,不懂得人不知道深浅。 ”高校作为一个经济体,大多数设

10、置有内部审计部门,但多因为是内设部门,对学校各部门财务监管难有实际效果。据了解,全国 100 多所 211 工程大学,很难做到每年审计一次,所以,专家建议,高校应推行年度审计制度,特别是基建领域要加大审计力度,防患于未然。3、加大基建工程招标制度的公正、公平性及透明度。高校基建工程项目涉及一定数额后,要委托建设工程交易中心负责招标,在学校监督人员的监督下,建设工程交易中心工作人员开标前半小时随机抽取评标专家前来参加评标。“学校领导不可能插手评标过程,即使想参与,也不知道谁是评审专家,而临时收到的专家也不知道自己要参评什么内容,这直接减少了学校潜在的腐败问题。而对于一定数额的基建项目和维修项目等


12、理化。二是监督评标专家的挑选。保证从专家库中按时间要求随机抽取并确定评标专家、全过程跟踪监督,严格保密,为公正评标奠定基础。我们从分析非招标采购的不良状态入手,分别从管理体制、制度建设,廉政监管等方面提出防范高校基建领域在非招标采购中进行职务犯罪的预设,力争使监管部门对这一监管空白地引起足够的重视。只有全方位,不留死角的监管才能使高校基建真正成为“阳光工程” 。5、加强基建工程跟踪审计的违规查处作用,并严厉惩治资金腐败。在基建工程领域,不管什么单位和什么人,其违反财经纪律和违法犯罪的行为,都只能或必须通过资金转移来实现。从实践上看,一些单位或个人为掩盖违法违纪行为,往往在资金流向上弄虚作假,甚


14、的,有建设行政主观部门对其设置“防火墙” ,限制其进入建设市场参与工程建设承包活动。7、高校干部要牢固树立廉洁自律意识,保持拒腐防变能力。高校基建反腐仅仅依靠内部和外部的监督制约是远远不够的,良好的制度要想取得良好的效果还依赖于人的执行,人的素质是最为关键的因素。高校干部的文化素质和自律意识一般都比较高,但是人的弱性往往是一个渐进的蜕变过程,只有不断地对其加强法制宣传教育,做到“警钟长敲” ,才能保持高校干部的拒腐防变能力。三、试设想加大建筑企业“行贿人”的处罚力度,是否能切断高校基建腐败的“温床”?现在许多领导干部职务犯罪都源于“基建” ,建筑领域的行贿活动相当普遍而突出。很多“行贿人”行贿

15、并不是本意,而是一些有工程招标决定权的“受贿人” ,不断“暗示”或“提醒” 。这样看来,单纯靠建立建筑工程行贿人信息库来预防的作用可能是“治标不治本”。既然是预防和打击建筑行业的腐败,那么把腐败的源头直接定位“行贿人” ,合适吗?从建筑企业的腐败案件来看,工程招标的漏洞才是为“行贿人”从事行贿提供了现实的可能。“行贿人”之所以选择行贿,并不是钱多到没出花,很大程度上是不得不而为之。因为,你不行贿,即使你的建筑企业再有实力和诚信,工程人员素质再高,工程技术再过硬,也不能拿到工程。为此,有关部门把腐败的源头直接定位为“行行贿人” ,可能并不能真正抓住反腐的“要害” 。所以,如果建筑行业腐败的温床不

16、除,各个环节不能“阳光操作” , “受贿人”横行,权钱交易,那么, “行贿人”就将永远存在,豆腐渣工程也将无法杜绝。In recent years, with the enrollment expansion of colleges and universities, corruption cases in the face of the media exposure. Since then, the most civilized and the most holy campus of the people involved in the scandal of money. A group o

17、f high IQ of intellectuals in the erosion of money low noble head, in the materialistic society lost most valuable personal integrity. Higher education system of all kinds of corruption, most of the root of the infrastructure project. Based on years of working experience, the author tries to analyze

18、 the causes of corruption in the construction field and the countermeasures.An analysis of the causes of corruption in the construction of colleges and universities.1, the Universitys ultra conventional development, is the root cause of corruption in the construction of colleges and universities. 19

19、99 national university enrollment is a major event in the history of Chinese teaching and research. At that time in the school, the University began a super conventional development. And with the increase in the number of enrollment, is a large follow-up of the hardware facilities in Colleges and

20、 universities. Data have proved that only from 1998 to 2005, the national average of 3 million square meters of new colleges and universities in the average annual, most schools are completed in the amount of infrastructure projects between 200 thousand to 300 thousand square meters per year. The ar

21、ea of newly built, renovated student dormitories and student canteen is more than the sum of the past 50 years. In such a huge amount of infrastructure projects in the short term, will undoubtedly provide a “hotbed for corruption in the infrastructure construction sector“.2, the diversification of t

22、he sources of capital construction funds in Colleges and universities provides conditions for the breeding of corruption.In the 1998 “Education Law“ and “higher education law“, the state recognized the legal status of the autonomy of higher education. Since 1998, the provincial development and Refor

23、m Commission, the Department of education on the program of higher education programs are written in the text of the “self financing“. And the national funding of colleges and universities since then, has gradually been replaced by self financing. Because of infrastructure capital source from the pa

24、st to the single channel gradually transformed financing for multi-channel, colleges and universities for “self financing“ have new understanding, implication is the national project group, school money I own to raise, specifically from where to raise money, how to spend the money that my school has

25、 said. Because of the self financing colleges and universities management has its particularity, the school in peoples minds “checks“ gradually evolved into a corruption of a soil. This is also destined to the construction of colleges and universities corruption cases like springing up a while, and

26、then staged a three.3, the centralized power of the university leadership, the new characteristics of the construction of collective corruption, duty crime.Early in 2013, Chengdu University of traditional Chinese medicine school principal and Secretary of the Party committee of the successive sacked

27、 and a number of school level cadres checked. It is reported that these events are related to the corruption of the construction of the Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. In the university education system, the occurrence of the president, Secretary of the incident is rare, it is al

28、so from the side of the corruption of the construction of the Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine how serious. Although the Commission early in 2009 noticed the corruption in infrastructure deterioration trend, was found in the cases of corruption in the infrastructure more and more,

29、however, in the face of increasingly arrogant corruption, concerned also all the way has taken various measures, unfortunately, corruption and not accompanied by measures become increasingly sophisticated and grinds to a halt, visible the leadership power concentrated in the existed problems.4, the

30、construction of the leading group of colleges and universities in the existing problems.University infrastructure in charge of the leadership or department responsible person, mostly not business background, can not effectively carry out checks on the construction of the school. In Colleges and univ

31、ersities in the selection and appointment mechanism also often unreasonable, speculative hack but get the school promote reuse, and their ability to work, personal culture also is a general. It is because of these people into the leadership, the implementation of capital regulatory loopholes “trad

32、ing power for money“. Lack of democratic atmosphere in the leadership team, infrastructure, the number one said the phenomenon is relatively common. According to the survey, relatively little social leadership experience in higher education, lack of facing the market economy behavior of the necessar

33、y experience and the legal consciousness is also very weak, luck and “relationships“ makes the high IQ, highly educated, high duty of intellectuals, step by step toward corruption “black hole“ without knowing it. Visible in the combination of theory and practice, in close contact with the masses and

34、 self-criticism of three fine styles of work, not the university leadership shout the slogan “, but should carry forward the and permanence is the hard truth.5, the bidding system of colleges and universities is a problem.In recent years, the quality of infrastructure projects in the problem, with a

35、 complex social background and reasons, and the tender management is not an important reason to be ignored. Project examination and approval, construction, supervision, of important equipment and materials of the bidding, bidding contract, payment, after the completion of the project budget and fina

36、l accounts of the six link, each link there is corruption of the possibilities. “Which part of the engineering tenders is the most easily lead to corruption link“, because in the infrastructure construction sector in the bidding process with independent power. At the same time, infrastructure projec

37、ts in the implementation process, also by the University s own regulatory supervision, which virtually resulted in power is too concentrated, in the infrastructure construction sector breeding corruption provides the soil.Part of the tender corruption usually show: in the infrastructure construction sector officials after accepting bribes from stakeholders, for some reason the tender artificially replacement for negotiation, without permission of the engineering contract to the contractor to circumvent bidding. Anti-corruption investigators also.

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