1、Appreciation欣赏I appreciate the wonder and beauty of the world and its people.我懂得欣赏大自然与人类的美和奇迹。I am grateful for other peoples efforts.我对别人的努力表示感谢。I say thanks to people.我感谢他人为我所做的事。I listen to what other people have to say.我倾听别人的话。Commitment投入I show self-discipline and responsibility.我有较强的自律性和责任感。 I
2、 am persistent on task.我坚持完成任务。I am on time for classes and meetings.我准时参与课堂或会议。I try my best to help my team members.我尽力帮助队员。I make sure I dont let other people down.我确保不让他人失望。Confidence 自信I can express myself freely.我能自信地表达。I take risks and try new and challenging tasks.我敢于尝试新事物及挑战。I believe that
3、my team can achieve and succeed.我相信我和我的队员能做到。I encourage other people to do well.我鼓励别人做得更好。Cooperation合作I am willing to work hard with other people.我愿与他人一同努力。I try to incorporate everyones ideas.我能接受别人的意见。I am able to behave in front of classmates and visitors.我在同学和参观者面前,举止文明。I can help other people
4、 with their work.我能帮助别人。I avoid arguments.我能避免争端。Creativity创意I am very imaginative and come up with new ideas.我能发挥想象,创造新点子。I can give a different opinion.我能说出不同的意见。I try to do new things.我努力尝试新鲜的事物。Curiosity 好奇I want to know more.我渴望了解更多。I ask questions because I want to know more.我能对自己想知道的事进行提问。I a
5、m persistent with something I really want to find out.我坚持找出答案。Empathy同情I put myself in other peoples shoes.我能设身处地为别人着想。I think what it must be like for someone else.我会换位思考。I try to see someone elses point of view.我愿尝试理解别人的观点。Enthusiasm热诚I enjoy learning and show lots of energy.我热爱学习,精力旺盛。I am always
6、 ready to do a task.我随时准备接受任务。I work happily with my teammates.我与团队成员相处愉快。I am keen to learn and help others.我热心帮助他人及向他人学习。Independence独立I think and do things for myself.我自主地思考与做事。I finish a task by myself.自己的事自己做。I try to be myself and try not to impress others.我坚持做自己,不取悦他人。I use my intelligence.我能
7、发挥自己的聪明才智。Integrity正直I am fair and honest.我对人诚实、公正。I do the right thing.我做正确的事。I say what I think is fair and right even when others may not agree with me. 在别人不认同的情况下,我坚持自己认为对的事。Respect尊重I listen to other peoples opinions.我尊敬别人。I care for others and show interest in what they say.我关心别人并对别人的话表现出兴趣。I
8、am polite and mindful of other peoples business.我有礼貌并关心别人的事。I am careful not to hurt feelings.我注意不伤害别人的感情。Tolerance宽容I accept myself and others when mistakes are made.我能谅解自己或他人所犯的错误。I am sensitive about differences and diversity in the world.我能理解世间存在的各种差异和多样性。I am responsive to the needs of others.我能积极回应他人的需要。