1、工程类型FPSO(Floating Production, Storage and Offloading,以前也称 FPSU-Floating Production Storage Unit) FSOU-Floating Storage and Offloading Unit(南海盛开号)SPM-(Single Point Mooring-单点系泊系统) 1.BTM-(Buoyant Turret Mooring-浮筒式转塔系泊系统), 2.STP-(Submerged Turret Production-沉没式转塔生产系泊系统) , PLEM(T), PSS, Spool PieceEPCI
2、-Engineering, Procurement, Construction, and InstallationSURF-subsea infrastructure, umbilicals, risers, and flowlines (SURF) projectSSTB-Subsea Tieback(回接)Tie-in-连接CIC-CONSTRUCTION, INSTALLATION OSV)海洋石油支持船是指用于海上油气勘探、开发、生产等各阶段期间从事作业支持的专用船舶的通称。即指进行与勘探、开发、生产、储运和油田废弃有关的供应、抛起锚、ROVROT 支持作业、检测或准备 (守护)服务的
3、船舶。HSEBoard the life boat. 登救生艇HAZIDHazard Identification (risk analysis)HUET(Helicopter Underwater Escape Training)直升机水下逃生训练BOSIET(basic offshore safety induction & emergency training) basic first aid and C.P.R. 基本的急救和心肺复苏术;Basic Fire Fighting 基本消防; sea survival 海上救生;Offshore safety training 海上安全培训
4、Inspection, Repair and Maintenance (IRM) is a core requirement for offshore oil and gas operators in all parts of the world. TSC provide a range of specialist IRM services worldwide, using both diver and remote intervention methods. TSC Inspection Systems has participated in successful long-term IRM campaigns, working from Dive Support Vessels and fixed installations, for major operators in the UK, Danish and Norwegian sectors of the North Sea.