1、dbParts GroupID PartID PartDescription,dbGroups GroupID GroupDescription,Database Diagram The purchasing department use the following tables to manage pricing information for parts.,dbVendors VendorID VendorName,dbPartsVendors VendorID PartID LastPrice LastUpdate,Question should be answer with Trans
2、act-SQL statement example: “Select * From dbGroups”Write a relation diagram for the tables Show all parts with pricing for VendorID=2543 Show all groups for VendorID=2543 Show all parts with PartDescription contains keyword “red” Show all parts for VendorName contains keyword “a/c” Delete all parts
3、for GroupID=67 and VendorID=2543 Show price comparison for GroupID=66 and VendorID=2543 Show price comparison for GroupID=66 and all vendor sorter by VendorID ascendant and LastPrice descendent Update LastPrice by 10% for VendorID=1342 and LastUpdate were before December 15, 2009 Update LastPrice by
4、 15% for GroupID=67 and VendorName contains keyword “a/c” and PartDescription contains keyword “red”* Please answer in the next page and send it back within 60min, the shortest time the better to consider.,1.dbGroupsGroupIDdbPartsPartID-dbPartsVendorsdbVendors 2.select * from dbParts Where partID=(s
5、elect PartID from dbPartsVendors where VendorID=2543) select * from dbGroups where GroupID=(select GroupID from dbparts where PartID=(select PartID from dbPartsVendors where VendorID=2543) 4.select * from dbParts where PartDescription like %red% 5.select * from dbVendors where VendorName like %a/c% 6.delete from dbVendors where VendorID=2543 and GroupID=(select GroupIDfrom dbPartswhere GroupID=67) 9.update dbPartsVendors set LastPrice=LastPrice*(1+10%) where LastUpdate top December 15, 2009 10.update dbPartsVendors set LastPrice=LastPrice*(1+15%),