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1、初中英语阅读教学的几点建议,张异 深圳市盐田区外国语学校(),请思考以下几个问题:,1. 中学英语教学中,最常见,也是被公认为最成熟的课型是什么? 2.如果要开设公开课,你多数会选择什么课? 3.你曾碰到过这些困惑吗? 阅读课到底教什么? 以“阅读课”的名义,进行单纯的词汇、语法教学; 过度重视“语言点”的阅读教学; 阅读课只在做简单肤浅的文本处理; 阅读课上往往都是缺乏层次的问题设置; 阅读的过程往往被听一遍录音代替,根本不充分的阅读 和思考的时间; 读后活动形式单一,脱离文本,为活动而活动; 阅读课上的词汇教学该呈现多少,如何呈现;,关于阅读教学中的词汇处理,1. 是否需要处理词汇?2.

2、当前阅读教学中词汇教学存在的问题?3. 如何正确有效的在阅读教学中处理词汇?,1. 是否需要处理词汇?,在阅读教学中缺乏词汇的处理,会给阅读造成障碍,使学生丧失对阅读的信心。阅读课作为语言习得的一种手段和途径,是英语教学环节中非常重要的组成部分,是学生学习词汇、积累词汇量的重要途径。,2. 当前阅读教学中词汇教学存在的问题?,目标不明确,眉毛胡子一把抓。如:在阅读中讲解生词,面面俱到,主次不分,遇一个讲一个。 “蜻蜓点水”式,走过场,孤立的记、背。如:课前领读,学生跟读,中英互译,课后听写。 “喧宾夺主”式,边阅读边讲,过多扩展词汇。如:没有把阅读和词汇结合在一起,让学生在语境中理解核心词汇,

3、对生词的词义和用法讲得过多,过全,忽视了语篇层面上的整体教学,使课文支离破碎。,3. 如何正确有效的在阅读教学中处理词汇?(两大原则),原则1:词汇学习是为了提升对文本的理解。如何选择词汇?(不可能解决所有词汇问题)a. 选择处理的词汇要有利于文本的理解 b. 选择的词汇是生活中的高频词达到目的:理解文本,语言运用于实践生活原则2:词汇学习和操练不能脱离文本语境。如何创设情境?图片、上下文、已有的经验和知识等。,3. 如何正确有效的在阅读教学中处理词汇?(具体做法),阅读前。可学习部分词汇,基本扫除阅读障碍 。 阅读中。抓住在文本中学习词汇的契机,教会猜词悟义 ,点拨学习策略 。 阅读后。设计

4、不同的活动和任务 ,应用巩固词汇 。,阅读前?(具体实例),1)、利用图片或实物,引出词汇比如在教computer这个单元时,可通过图片提前让学生感知和学习main unit, keyboard, mouse, calculator等词汇。 在阅读课文“Would you mind keeping your voice down”中有一幅与教材配套的图片,可以再教学课文前先把这幅图挂在黑板上 T:-“What can you see in the picture and what do you think of the people in the picture?” S:-I can see

5、the man is smoking ,another man is talking loudly on the phone。 T:-Right . These are bad behaviors. He should put out the cigarette。 Another one should keep down the voice。 这样学生就能较容易的接受这三个词组,而且能培养了学生直接用英语思维的能力。,阅读前?(具体实例),2)、创设情景,教学词汇。创设情境进行词汇教学是指根据单词的意义需要,创设学生熟悉日常情景进行词汇教学。在情景中,学生可以准确理解词义、用法和搭配等。如在教

6、授“Have you ever been to Singapore?这课的时候,在阅读前可设计这样一个问题:“what do you know about Singapore , population,position,weather ,food and so on?”请同学们回答后,southeast 、quarter、population、all year round 、equator、natural environment这些新词汇就顺其自然的被呈现在了黑板上,为学生接下来文章的阅读减轻了很多的难度。,阅读中?(具体实例),1)借用构词法,推测词义 。 学生在阅读中经常会遇到一些似曾相识

7、的词汇,它们往往是由熟悉的单词前缀、后缀或合成而来的。前缀一般只“改变词义,而词性不变”。如,un-,im-,dis-,是初中最常用的几个前缀,如学生对此有一定了解,那么教师对“unhappy ,impolite, dislike”等词汇就不必当生词来处理了。后缀则只改变词性,却保留原意,如-ly, -y,-ful, -ness, -er等。遇到此类词汇,教师可引导学生利用构词法知识来推测其词义。教师只要稍加点拨,学生就能轻松记住和掌握这些词汇。,阅读中?(具体实例),2)用英语释义,温故而知新。 所谓英语释义法,就是教师在教学中要尽量通过“近义词、反义词或语句”的形式用英语来解释,培养学生用

8、英语思维与表达的习惯。 比如在讲grasshopper这个单词时就可以描述为a kind ofinsect who lives in grass and jumps very well.If my grandmother fell downstairs and wasn t moving, I d hurry to call the hospital first. Is that correct?” 此句中的生词“correct”教师可简单地一句带过,“correct” here means “right”。,阅读中?(具体实例),3)根据上下文猜词义。 I cant drink reeb b

9、ecause I have to drive a long way home by myself。,阅读后?(具体实例),1). 复述课文,加深印象,提高词汇记忆效率。 复述课文既可以使学生更深刻地理解课文内容,又可以训练学生的口、笔头表达能力。 比如一些叙事性的,故事类的文章就可以让学生根据关键词来复述课文内容,像我在上the War of the Troy这篇文章的时候就让学生根据图片和与每幅图片相关的key words,特别是前面接触到的生词来复述故事的内容,让学生通过这种方式对课文和生词有了进一步的理解和巩固。,阅读后?(具体实例),2)理解填空,掌握重点词汇 在阅读后,教师可以创设类

10、似的阅读材料或summary,将其目标词汇挖空,让学生根据上下文进行理解填空 。,3)用词造句或词汇串联编故事,仿写文章,巩固词汇应用,教师可选用文章中一些重要的词汇、短语让学生串联词 编故事,或仿写文章,使枯燥的词汇学习变得鲜活、有趣。,关于读后活动的设计,案例分析1: 在上完France is calling这篇课文之后,学生对法国的名胜、饮食、人们的活动有所了解,老师在该堂课最后阶段设计了一个活动,让学生围绕这两个话题进行讨论:1)What impress you most in your hometown? 2) How to introduce your hometown to yo

11、ur foreign teachers from America?,关于读后活动的设计,这个活动是失败的。 因为老师在前面的教学环节只介绍了法国,并未组织学生对家乡的地理概貌、名胜古迹、饮食和人们活动进行必要的讨论,也没有在前面的教学环节中提供任何必要的词汇及句式方面的支持,因而输出活动中学生并未能创造性的运用文本中的新语言知识进行表达。这说明老师设计活动时忽视了语言输入和输出之间的桥梁和台阶。,关于读后活动的设计,案例分析2: 有一堂校级公开课,教学内容为一名交换生在中国做奥运会志愿者的经历,在对本文梳理和理解之后,教师最后设计了这样的读后活动:We are lucky to invite

12、Tom to visit our city,now you show Tom around our cityand introduce some famous scenic spots to him.,关于读后活动的设计,显然案例2已经偏离了教学主题和教学重点,该课的主题是Tom作为志愿者不分国界,乐于奉献的事迹,而课后活动没能抓住这一主线,导致学生在汇报交流时只是介绍了深圳的一些旅游景点,没有体现Tom做为志愿者的任何内容。,如何设计读后活动,1 注意语言输入和语言输出间的一致性; 2 注意语言输入与输出间的台阶和桥梁; 3 基于教材的同时超越教材,不可忽视对文本的理解,偏离或舍弃文本的主题

13、与核心内容,过早、过多的补充或拓展课外内容; 4 活动的时间分配要合理,这个过程是学生实践、体验、探究、合作与交流的学习活动和思维过程,而思维需要时间。,如何设计读后活动,5 读后活动的单一性和完成任务型; 6 读后活动与学生实际水平的吻合度; 7 活动过程鼓励学生的独创性和合作性。,阅读活动分析,阅读部分每个活动的设计意图是什么?其中渗透了什么策略? 活动的可操作性和难度如何?是否适用于现实的教学条件和课堂环境? 学生以什么形式开展活动?活动的结果是什么?想要完成该活动,学生应当具备什么语言水平和能力? 在课堂教学过程中,学生可能存在哪些困难和障碍?教师可以提供什么支持和帮助?,教材文本解读

14、案例 (七年级下册 Unit 11 How was your school trip?),活动设计意图与相关策略: 激活学生已有的词汇储备,呈现部分新词汇,为下面的阅读做好铺垫 (Activating prior knowledge) 让学生学会自主整理和归纳词汇,帮助他们构建词汇体系 (Vocabulary learning strategy),Good,Bad,Pre-reading (1),1 Let Ss get into groups and brainstorm the adjectives that can be used to describe good or bad thin

15、gs. Ss will make two word lists and be ready to report to the class.,2 T introduces some new adjectives by describing his/her own trip (showing some picturess or photos). 3 T reads aloud the new words and Ss repeat after the teacher. 4 Let Ss finish 2a and then check the answers.New words: lovely, e

16、xpensive, exciting, cheap, slow, fast,Pre-reading (2),1 (Books closed) T tells the Ss that they will read two diary entries about school trips. Let Ss predict what the authors might write about. Questions: Imagine you are going to write about your school trip, what kind of things will you write? Wha

17、t adjectives will you use to describe your trip?,Possible answers: Time, place, people, weather, transportation, activities, shopping, feelingsWhen, where, who, what, how, why,2 Have Ss brainstorm adjectives for each item and write down the words on Bb. T introduces the new words if necessary. Place

18、: beautiful, People: friendly, lovely, Weather: nice, cool, cold, terrible, rainy Transportation: clean, dirty, slow, fast, Activities: interesting, boring, Shopping: expensive, cheap, Feelings: excited, happy, interested, angry, Trip: interesting, excellent, exciting, terrible 3 Let Ss divide the w

19、ords into different groups: positive, negative, neutral,Skimming Scanning,1 (Books open) Let Ss read the diary entries and check whether their predictions are right. Tick the ones that are mentioned in the diary entries. ( ) time ( ) place ( ) people ( ) weather ,While-reading (1),1 (Books open) Let

20、 Ss read the two diary entries quickly and find out the answers to the questions in 2b. 2 Check the answers with Ss and have them circle the clues that support their answers.June 15th, museum, robots, gift shopAll in all, it was an exciting day. I think todays school trip was terrible.I didnt like t

21、he trip at all.,While-reading (2),3 Let Ss read the diary entries again and answer the following questions. What was the date of the school trip? Did Helen and Jim go on the same trip? How do you know? How was the weather? Did they see anything interesting along the way and in the museum? Was Helen

22、or Jim interested in robots? What could they hear in the museum? What else did they do during the trip? Did they buy anything? What did they buy? Did they enjoy the trip? How do you know?,3 Let Ss read the diary entries again and underline the adjectives that Helen and Jim used to describe the thing

23、s. Then finish 2c.,Let Ss find out the useful verb phrases. Ss take notes and get ready to retell Helens or Jims school trip.,Post-reading (1),Example: went on a school trip, visited, Helen went on a school trip on June 15th. She visited the science museum and it was ,Imagine you are Helen and Jims

24、friend and you ask them about their school trip. Use the information in the diary entries to make up a conversation. Add more details if you can.,Post-reading (2),Questions:,Did you go on a school trip in June? How was your trip? Did you go anywhere interesting? Did you go there by train/bus? Did yo

25、u see anything interesting? Did you do anything fun? Did you take any photos? Did you buy anything? Were they expensive? ,Answers:,Yes, (I did.) I No, (I didnt.) I It was interesting/exciting/boring/terrible ,guess the meaning of unknown words? predict what the passage might talk about? predict how

26、the story might end? think of a title? describe the authors viewpoint/attitude? find the topic of a paragraph? identify the main idea of a passage? Fill in the table? use their own words to retell the story? ,Do you usually encourage your students to:,阅读教学的目的:1 Reading for information2 Reading for developing reading skills3 Reading for learning the language4 Reading for pleasure5 Reading for writing,2400-2500 单词,1500-1600 单词,一门外语过关,600-700 单词,一级,二级,三级,四级,五级,六级,七级,八级,九级,六年级结束时的 要求,九年级结束时的 要求,普通高中毕业 要求,义务教育英语课程标准 关于阅读技能的五级目标表述,谢谢大家!,

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