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本文(苏联解体对中国的警示和影响.doc)为本站会员(精品资料)主动上传,道客多多仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知道客多多(发送邮件至docduoduo@163.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、目录摘要I苏联解体的过程II苏联解体的原因2.1 民族原因2.2 经济原因2.3 政治体制原因III苏联解体对于中国的警示与影响 3.1 对于中国的警示3.2 对于中国的影响结论参考文献摘要本文通过简述苏联的过程及其时代背景,从民族问题,经济原因,以及政治体制原因三个方面分析苏联解体的原因,并对同样作为社会主义国家的中国有什么样的警示。论述了在苏联解体之后,苏联解体对于中国的影响.苏联解体的过程苏共二十八大后,苏共的分裂趋势持续发展,退党人数不断增加。叶利钦领导的俄罗斯地方政府拒缴利税给中央造成1990年苏联的国民经济在连续几年下降后出现负增长。1991年6月12日,叶利钦当选俄罗斯联邦首任总


3、执政70余年的苏联共产党结束了它的存在,从组织上解体了。由于失去了中央集权的政治核心,残存的中央政府已没有力量阻止各加盟共和国的独立。继立陶宛和格鲁吉亚在“八一九”前宣告独立后,爱沙尼亚和拉脱维亚在8月21日和22日也宣告独立。尤其是8月24日乌克兰宣告独立引起了其他共和国的连锁反应,短短一个月内,又有7个共和国相继宣告独立. 苏联解体的原因2.1 民族原因由于苏联是在沙俄的废墟上建立起来的、民族特征明显。因而,苏联的民族问题由来已久。在沙俄统治的 370 多年中, ,沙俄先后兼并了外高加索、中亚、波罗的海沿岸国家、西伯利亚和远东等地,使其版图扩张了 8 倍,被征服的民族达 120 多个。沙俄

4、为巩固其统治,历代沙皇均对被征服的民族实行残酷压迫与奴役,极力煽动沙俄民族的民族主义情绪,唆使俄罗斯人鄙视、仇恨、欺压非俄罗斯民族,致使沙皇俄国成为世界历史上民族矛盾最深厚的国家,是名符其实的“各族人民的牢狱”,1 十月革命建立起崭新的社会主义制度,但是旧沙俄疆域上形成的多民族国家共同体及其民族问题却遗留给了苏联。苏联党和国家为解决民族问题作了不少努力,也曾取得一些成绩,但由于历史上传袭下来的民族问题的严重性和民族关系的复杂性,加之苏联在处理民族问题的一系列理论和实践上的失误,使民族问题未能得到根本解决。2.2 经济原因苏联与西方国家展开军备竞赛,导致苏联重工轻农,片面发展重工业的经济结构导致

5、国民经济结构严重失调,苏联社会主义建设是在比较落后的经济条件下,在资本主义的包围中和战争的威胁中进行的。因此苏联十分强调要高速发展工业特别是重工业,以保障国家独立和加强国防。在工业特别是重工业加速发展的同时、农业生产的发展却非常缓慢。尤其是在勃列日涅夫时期,发动了侵略阿富汗战争,使国防军事开支猛增,国内各类矛盾积聚。2.3 政治体制原因。第一,苏共长期以来党政不分,以党代政,包揽国家和社会事务,使党陷入日常的管 理工作,客观上削弱了党对国家和社会的总的政治领导。第二,苏共党内形成高度集权的官僚体制,为个人专断,破坏社会主义法制提供了可能,党逐渐脱离群众。第三,苏共党内高度集权领导体制影响了联邦

6、制国家体制的发展。. 苏联解体对于中国的警示及影响3.1 对于中国的警示1 苏联演变促使中国增强忧患意识。首先是增强党的自身建设与执政能力的意识。苏联共产党是国家的灵魂,是人民的精神支柱,是各加盟共和国的联系纽带。党垮,国家必然垮,苏联解体乃是苏共垮台带来的直接后果。苏联的信仰危机首先是从党内出现并泛滥起来的。中国共产党人应引以为戒,从思想建党、组织建党、作风建党和形象建党等各方面加强党的建设。其次是增强防范和应对外部敌对势力和平演变的意识。苏共亡党、苏联解体,尽管内因是主要的,但外因也不可低估。西方为促成苏联和平演变,花了几十年工夫。针对苏联东欧剧变,邓小平审时度势,站在战略高度,先后形成“

7、冷静观察、稳住阵脚、沉着应付、韬光养晦、善于守拙、决不当头、有所作为”28 字方针,具有长远指导意义。再次是增强加快改革开放步伐的意识。中国改革开放起步之日,正是苏联陷入停滞时期最严重之时。苏共垮台、苏联解体,使得我国领导人进一步坚定改革开放的意志和行动。3.2 对于中国的影响1991 年,拥有 93 年历史的苏联共产党宣布解散,具有 74 年历史的苏维埃社会主义联盟顷刻瓦解,令全世界震惊。在苏联解体之后,自然也对社会主义国家中国造成了一定的影响,影响主要分为利弊两方面。利的一方面是,第一,苏联解体之前,苏联在中苏边境上重兵把守,对于中国来说,北部边疆压力巨大,同时也牵制了中国对于南海以及台湾

8、的军事震慑能力,但在苏联解体之后,中苏边境上的军事压力小了许多,这也使中国可以更加专注南海台湾问题。第二,在苏联解体之后,对于中国也敲响了一个警钟,让中国认识到单纯的经济发展或单纯的军备发展不能持久的,同时苏联的解体也为中国提供了一个前车之鉴。弊的一方面是自苏联解体之后,中国成为世界上最大的社会主义国家,成为了社会主义国家阵营的大哥,使中国的国际地位更加突出,自然也成为了西方国家新的和平演变的目标,致使中国在后期的发展中遭遇到西方国家的各种阻挠,诸如禁止科技出口等,是中国在发展中遭受到了一定阻碍。结论作为社会主义国家的中国在今后发展中,组要借鉴苏联解体的教训,继而注意几下一点(1) 、建设社会

9、主义必须从本国国情出发,独立自主地探索具有本国特色的社会主义建设模式,照抄别国的模式最终会落得失败的结局。 (2) 、社会主义国家必须注重执政党的建设。在思想上必须提倡从实际出发、实事求是的作风,在组织上必须贯彻民主集中制的原则。 (3) 、社会主义社会应该是一个开放的社会体系,这种开放不仅内部是开放的,而且对外部也应该是开放的。 (4) 、警惕西方国家对社会主义进行的“和平演变”参考文献列宁全集:27 卷M.人民出版社, 1990:85.决策与信息2012 年第 02 期DirectorySummaryI. The process of the disintegration of the S

10、oviet UnionII. The collapse of the Soviet Union2.1 ethnic reasons2.2 Economic reasonsThe 2.3 political system reasonIII. The collapse of the Soviet Union warning for China3.1 warning for China3.2 for ChinaConclusionReferencesSummaryIn this paper, a brief process of the Soviet Union and its historica

11、l background, from the national question, for economic reasons, as well as political and institutional reasons analysis of the reasons for the collapse of the Soviet Union, and the same as a socialist country, China has what warning. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the collapse of the Soviet

12、 Union for China. Process of the disintegration of the Soviet UnionCPSU twenty eight CPSU the separatist trend continues development, and the increasing number of resignations. Yeltsin led the Russian local governments who refuse to pay the profit tax to the central cause of negative growth in the n

13、ational economy of the Soviet Union in 1990 after several years in a row down.June 12, 1991, Yeltsin was elected the first President of the Russian Federation, and enhance the ability to compete with Gorbachev, in fact, dominated the political changes in the Soviet Union a key figure.August 19, 1991

14、 6 oclock this morning, Yanayev announced to the nation, in view of the health status of Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev has been unable to perform the presidency by himself from now on, according to the Soviet Constitution, to fulfill the office of President. Subsequently declared today in the S

15、oviet Union, parts of the implementation of the six-month state of emergency, during which all the powers of the state handed over to the emergency committee.On the 20th, the army turned against him, the Soviet air force, airborne, naval and strategic rocket forces commander said publicly that does

16、not support the emergency committee.24, 2009, Gorbachev resigned from the CPSU Central Committee General Secretary duties, and recommended that the Central Committee of the CPSU “dissolve itself“. He also ordered a stop to the activities of the political parties in the armed forces and state organs.

17、The 29th extraordinary session of the Supreme Soviet passed a resolution to temporarily stop the activities of the Soviet Communist Party in the whole territory of the Soviet Union.So, in power for more than 70 years of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the end of its existence, from the disi

18、ntegration of the organization.Due to loss of centralized political core, the remnants of the central government has no independent power to stop the Union Republics. Following Lithuania and Georgia declared independence before the “Eight nineteen“, Estonia and Latvia declared independence on August

19、 21 and 22, 2009. August 24, Ukraine declared independence caused a chain reaction of other republics Within a month, another 7 republic after another declared independence. Reasons for the collapse of the Soviet Union2.1 ethnic reasonsThe Soviet Union was established on the ruins of the tsarist Rus

20、sia, the national identity is obvious. Thus, the Soviet Unions national long-standing problem. Tsarist rule 370 years, Russia has merged outside the Caucasus, Central Asia, the Baltic countries, Siberia and the Far East, its territory expanded eight times conquered nation of more than 120. Czarist R

21、ussia to consolidate its rule, successive Czar of nation conquered the brutal oppression and slavery, strongly inciting ethnic nationalist sentiments in Czarist Russia, the instigation of the Russian people despise, hate, oppress the non-Russian ethnic groups, resulting in Tsarist Russia in world hi

22、story ethnic conflicts The most profound country, is truly “the people of all ethnic groups in the prison, 1 October Revolution established a new socialist system, but formed in the territory of the old Czarist Russia multinational state Community and its national question was bequeathed to the Sovi

23、et Union. Soviet party and the country made a lot of efforts to resolve the ethnic issue, have achieved some success, but due to the seriousness of the problem of historical Upload onslaught down the nation and the complexity of ethnic relations, in addition to the Soviet Union in dealing with ethni

24、c problems, a series of theoretical and mistakes in practice, the national problem has not been solved.2.2 Economic reasonsThe Soviet Union and the Western countries to engage in an arms race, leading Soviet heavy and light agricultural, economic structure led to a serious imbalance of the national

25、economic structure of the one-sided development of heavy industry, the Soviet socialist construction in the relatively backward economic conditions, and the threat of war in the capitalist encirclement performed. Therefore, the Soviet Union put great emphasis on the rapid development of the industry

26、, especially heavy industry, in order to safeguard national independence and strengthen national defense. In the industry, especially heavy industry to accelerate development at the same time, the development of agricultural production is very slow. Especially in the Brezhnev era, launched the war o

27、f aggression against Afghanistan, the defense and military spending soared, domestic accumulation of various types of contradictions.2.3 political and institutional reasons.First, the Soviet Communist Party has long been the party and government, regardless of party behalf of the government and taki

28、ng care of the state and social affairs, the party into the day-to-day management, objectively weakened the the total political leadership of the party of the state and society. Second, the CPSU within the party to form a highly centralized bureaucracy, personal dictatorship, the possible destructio

29、n of the socialist legal system, the party is moving away from the masses. Third Within the Communist Party of Soviet Union highly centralized leadership system affect the development of the national system of federalism. Collapse of the Soviet Union warning for China3.1 warning for China1 of the So

30、viet Union to encourage China to enhance the sense of. The first is to enhance the awareness of building the party itself and the ability to govern. Communist Party of the Soviet Union is the soul of the country, is the spiritual pillar of the people, and the link between the Union Republics. Party

31、collapsed, the state is bound to collapse, the collapse of the Soviet Union are the direct consequences of the collapse of the Soviet. The Soviet Unions crisis of faith first appeared from the party and run rampant. Chinese Communists should learn a lesson from the Party ideology, organization of th

32、e founding, founding work style and image founding strengthen party building.Second is to enhance preparedness and response to external hostile forces in the peaceful evolution of consciousness. Soviet Communist Party, the Soviet Union, despite internal, but external factors also should not be under

33、estimated. To facilitate peaceful evolution of the Soviet Union, the Western took decades of effort. In response to the Soviet collapse in Eastern Europe, Deng Xiaoping assess the situation on a strategic level, has formed “observe calm, hold our ground, composure, keeping a low profile, good at Sho

34、uzhuo, never take the lead, some as the“ 28-character principle, with long-term significance.Again is to enhance the awareness of speeding up the pace of reform and opening up. Chinas reform and opening up started the day, it was the Soviet Union plunged into the most serious when the period of stag

35、nation. Collapse of the Soviet Communist Party, the disintegration of the Soviet Union, so that our national leaders to further strengthen the will and action of the reform and opening up.3.2 for ChinaIn 1991, the 93-year history of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union announced the dissolution o

36、f a 74-year-old Union of Soviet Socialist instantly disintegrate, shocked the world. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, naturally, resulting in a socialist country, China had a definite impact, affecting mainly divided into the pros and cons of both.Lee the one hand, the first, before the colla

37、pse of the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union in the Sino-Soviet border heavily guarded the northern frontier of the enormous pressure for China, but also to contain Chinas military deterrent to the ability of the South China Sea and Taiwan, but the collapse of the Soviet Union After the Sino-Soviet bor

38、der military pressure on small lot, which also makes the Chinese South China Sea, the Taiwan issue can be more focused. Second, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Chinese also sounded an alarm to recognize purely economic development or simply arms development can not be sustained, and the

39、dissolution of the Soviet Union provided China with a lesson.The disadvantages aspect since the collapse of the Soviet Union, China has become the worlds largest socialist country to become the big brother of the camp of socialist countries, Chinas international status more prominent, naturally also

40、 become the target of a new peaceful evolution of the western countries, causing the Chinese obstruct encountered in the late stage of development in various Western countries, such as barring technology exports, China has suffered some obstacles in the development of.ConclusionIn the future develop

41、ment of China as a socialist country, the group should learn from the lessons of the collapse of the Soviet Union, then pay attention to a few little(1), the building of socialism must proceed from their own national conditions independently explore their own distinctive socialist construction mode,

42、 the outcome of failure will eventually end up copying other countries models.(2), the socialist countries must focus on the building of the ruling party. Must be advocated in terms of ideology from reality, a realistic style, the organization must implement the principle of democratic centralism.(3), a socialist society should be an open social system, This openness is not only open inside and external also be open.(4), wary of Western countries socialism “peaceful evolution.“ReferencesLenin, Collected Works: Volume 27 M.s Publishing House, 1990:85.Decision and Information 2012 02

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