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1、汉英翻译2,一、 汉英翻译过程中模糊美感的丧失,此憾根源在于:汉语与英语在语言美学生成机制方面存在巨大差异。确切地说,汉语表达注重整体感应,是一种意境性语言,讲究意合意会,不求眉须毕现的分析,不讲滴水不漏的逻辑,而英语则呈现别样风景:它讲逻辑,重分析,求形合,注重条分缕析,欣赏客观描述,漠视整体感应。,1. 句法差异导致模糊美感的丧失,在这里,我们不妨从杜甫的诗春望中的“国破山河在”一句的英译为例,作一番比较。译者全部为国外汉学家。(注:每行下面是逐字直译,括号中的文字或标点是根据英语语法所必须增添的),Though a country be sundered, hills and river

2、s endure. -Bynner (虽然)(一个)国家(被)隔绝(,)(群)山(和)河流忍耐(着)(。)A nation though fallen, the land yet remains. -W.J.B.Fletcher (一个)国家(虽然)沦陷(,)(那)土地(仍然)留存(。)The state may fall, but the hills and streams remain. -David Hawkes (这个) 国家(也许)沦陷(,)(但)(这)(群)山(和)小溪留存(。),英汉两种语言的明显句法区别除了意合与形合之外,另一个明显区别在于汉语之句法趋于流散,自由及模糊。 水浒

3、第四十三回写李逵打虎,有此一句: 那一阵风起处,星月光辉之下,大吼一声,忽地跳出一只吊睛白额虎来。那大虫望李逵势猛一扑。,郭绍虞先生曾经就上句分析如下: 假如以动词为重点,那么,在这一句中就要以白额虎为主语,说成一只吊睛白额虎在星月光辉之下,随着一阵风,大吼一声,忽地跳了出来;如果李逵为主语,说成李逵在星月光辉之下,猛觉一阵风起,听到一声大吼,看到一只吊睛白额虎跳了出来。这样说,语法上都是通的,也表达了同样意思,但都失掉了汉语的精神,变得干瘪而无生气了。,相应的英译就必须循规蹈矩,合乎规范语法,主语是主语,谓语是谓语,宾语是宾语。一个关系代词(where),一个连词(and),一个介词(at)

4、都不能少。上句的译文是:,From the place where the wind blew, a roaring tiger leaped out. It had upward-slanting eyes and a white forehead, and it charged directly at Li Kui. (沙博理译),鲁迅先生的散文作品秋夜中有这样的描述:,在我的后园,可以看见墙外有两株树,一株是枣树,还有一株也是枣树。,In our backyard, there stood two Chinese jujubes.,2. 意境导致模糊美感的丧失,英语和汉语在写景状物方面存

5、在的极大差异:中国的诗人离开了自然景物就难以成诗,而西方人“观察自然,从来不想到要用它来作诗”(歌德语)。英语更多地强调摹写和再现,而中国传统意境理论强调文艺是人类情感的表现,并认识到由于语言本身的局限性,文艺应通过感性经验的形式唤起欣赏者的联想,从而尽可能丰富地表现人类的情感。在艺术欣赏中强调通过直觉、妙悟来体味艺术作品的意蕴。,在醉翁亭记(The Old Drunkards Arbor)中,欧阳修写道: 若夫日出而林霏开,云归而岩穴暝,晦明变化者,山间之朝暮也。 Now at dawn and dusk in this mountain come changes between light

6、 and darkness:when the sun emerges,the misty woods become clear; when the clouds hang low,the grottoes are wrapped in gloom.,朱自清在他的名篇荷塘月色中有一段经典描述: 曲曲折折的荷塘上面,弥望的是田田的叶子。叶子中出水很高,像婷婷的舞女的裙。层层的叶子中间,零星地点缀着些白花,有袅娜地开着的,有羞涩地打着朵儿的,正如一粒粒的明珠,又如碧天里的星星,又如刚出浴的美人。微风过处,送来缕缕清香,仿佛远处高楼上渺茫的歌声似的,All over this winding stre

7、tch of water,what meets the eye is a silken field of leaves,reaching rather high above the surface,like the skirts of dancing girls in all their grace. Here and there,layers of leaves are dotted with white lotuss blossoms,some in demure bloom,others in shy bud,like scattering pearls,or twinkling sta

8、rs,or beauties just out of the bath .A breeze stirs,sending over breaths of fragrance,like faint singing drifting from a distant building. (杨宪益,戴乃迭译),3. 妍美导致模糊美感的丧失,汉语在写景抒情方面的特点是虚、空,用词凝练含蓄、音韵和美。英语需要以语言形态来表意,在词语后面留下的想象空间就难以达到汉语的高度。,如: 杭州境内西湖如明镜,千峰凝翠,洞壑幽深,风光奇丽。杭州的春天,淡妆艳抹,无不相宜,夏日荷香阵阵,沁人心脾,秋天,桂枝飘香,菊花斗艳;

9、冬日,琼装玉琢,俏丽媚人。西湖以变幻多姿的斗艳,令人心旷神怡。,The West Lake in Hangzhou is like a mirror,embellished all around with green hills and deep caves of enchanting beauty. Sunny or rainy,Hangzhou looks its best in spring. In summer the fragrance of lotus flowers gladdens the heart and refresh the mind. Autumn brings wi

10、th it the sweet scent of laurel flowers,and chrysanthemums are in full bloom. In winter the snow scenery looks just like jade-carvings,charming and beautiful. The ever-changing aspects of the beauty of West Lake makes one carefree and joyous.,二、 汉英翻译过程中模糊美感的挽留,1 语音层灵感 如:李煜乌夜啼: 林花谢了春红, 太匆匆! 无奈朝来寒雨晚来风

11、。 胭脂泪, 留人醉, 几时重? 自是人生长恨水长东!,Springs rosy color fades from forest flowers Too soon, too soon, How can they bear cold morning showers And winds at noon? Your rouged tears like crimson rain Intoxicated my heart. When shall we meet again? As water eastward flows, so shall we part.(许渊冲 译),2 词汇层灵感 如: 扫街的在

12、树影下一阵扫后,灰土上留下来的一条条扫帚的丝纹,看起来既觉得细腻,又觉得清闲,潜意识下并且还觉得有点儿落寞,古人所说的梧桐一叶而天下知秋的遥想,大约也就在这些深沉的地方。(郁达夫:故都的秋),After a street cleaner has done the sweeping in the shade of the trees,you will discover trails left by his broom in the dust,which look so fine and leisured that somehow a feeling of forlornness begins t

13、o creep up on me. The same depth of implication is found in the ancient saying that one single fallen leaf from the phoenix tree drops a broad hint of the approaching of autumn. (毛荣贵 译),3 句法层灵感 如: 当你走入沟中,便可见林中碧海澹荡生辉,瀑布舒洒碧玉。一到金秋,满山枫叶绛红。盛夏,湖山幽翠。仲春,树绿花艳,四时都呈现出它的天然原始,宁静幽深。,Mystic lakes and sparkling wat

14、erfalls captivate your eyes as you enter the ravine. The trees are in their greenest in spring when intensified by colorful flowers. In summer, warm tints spread over the hills and lake lands, As summer merges into autumn, the maple trees turned fiery red. Splashing color through the thick forest hi

15、llstranquility pervades primitive Jiuzhaigou throughout the year.,4 语篇层灵感 如: 这里的峡谷又是另一番景象:谷中急水奔流,穿峡而过,两岸树木葱茏,鲜花繁茂,碧草萋萋,活脱脱一幅生机盎然的天然风景画。各种奇峰异岭,令人感受各异,遐想万千。 It is another gorge through which a rapid stream flows. Trees, flowers and grasses, a picture of natural vitality, thrive on both banks. The weir

16、d peaks arouse disparate thoughts.,译文赏析,背影(节选) / The Sight of Fathers Back (extract) 识英语之形合美,方有佳译,1/ 到南京时,有朋友约去游逛,勾留了一日;第二日上午便须渡江到浦口,下午上车北去。(朱自清:背影) I spent the first day in Nanjing strolling about with some friends at their invitation, and was ferrying across the Yangtse River to Pukou the next mor

17、ning and thence taking a train for Beijing on the afternoon of the same day. (42个单词 张培基译, 简称“张译”),对照阅读之下,一个强烈的视觉冲击是:原文简约,而英译竟如此拖沓!难道英语表达就应如此冗杂?且不说两个连词and,如何令句子结构趋于松散,就遣词论,the next morning 和on the afternoon of the same day夹在同一句中,其中必有可省略之处!,到南京时,有朋友约去游逛,勾留了一日;第二日上午便须渡江到浦口,下午上车北去。A friend kept me in Na

18、njing for a day to see sights, and the next morning I was to cross the Yangtze to Pukou to take the afternoon train to the north.(32个单词,杨宪益和戴乃迭 译 以下简称杨),果然!在杨戴的译文把afternoon用作形容词,置于train之前,如此以一(afternoon train)当九(a train for Beijing on the afternoon of the same day)!意思丝毫未改,而且更“信”。比如,杨将“上车北去”中的“北”不是译成

19、Beijing,而是译成north。,2/ 我们过了江,进了车站。我买票,他忙着照看行李。,We entered the railway station after crossing the River. While I was at the booking office buying a ticket, father saw to my luggage. (张),We crossed the Yangtze and arrived at the station, where I bought a ticket while he saw to my luggage. (杨),比较之下,我们宁可

20、读杨译,为什么?寻思之下,关键恐怕在where一词,这个关系副词的使用,令两句自然“璧合”,紧接着又跟上一个while,译文就获得了流畅感和英语味。,3/ 老境却如此颓唐!他触目伤怀,自然情不能自已。情郁于中,自然要发之于外;家庭琐屑便往往触他之怒。,To think that he should now be so downcast in old age! The discouraging state of affairs filled him with an uncontrollable feeling of deep sorrow, and his pent-up emotion had

21、 to find a vent. That is why even mere domestic trivialities would often make him angry. (张),No one could have foreseen such a comedown in his old age! The thought of this naturally depressed him, and as he had to vent his irritation somehow, he often lost his temper over trifles. (杨),如用“牵丝攀藤”写张译,那么

22、,杨译则明快爽洁。诵读前者,恰如艰难举步于灌木丛中,而浏览后者,则是赤足奔跑在海边沙地上。,4/ 我北来后,他写了一信给我,信中说道,“我身体平安,惟膀子疼痛厉害,举箸提笔,诸多不便,大约大去之期不远矣。”,After I arrived in Beijing, he wrote me a letter, in which he says, “Im all right except for a severe pain in my arm. I even have trouble using chopsticks or writing brushes. Perhaps it wont be lo

23、ng now before I depart this life.” (张),After I came north he wrote to me: “My health is all right, only my arm aches so badly I find it hard to hold the pen. Probably the end is not far away.” (杨),5/ 我读到此处,在晶莹的泪光中,又看见那肥胖的,青布棉袍,黑布马褂的背影。唉!我不知何时再能与他相见!,Through the glistening tears which these words had

24、 brought to my eyes I again saw the back of fathers corpulent form in the dark blue cotton-padded cloth long gown and the black cloth mandarin jacket. Oh, how I long to see him again! (张),When I read this, through a mist of tears I saw his blue cotton-padded gown and black jacket once more as his bu

25、rly figure walked away from me. Shall we ever meet again? (杨),英语的形合表达,竟有此妙处!这是我们始料未及的。此外,我们不应忘记,一个as,省略了多少赘词!从张译的43个单词缩减到33个!,6/ 我看见他戴着黑布小帽,穿着黑布大马褂,深青色布棉袍,蹒跚地走到铁道边,慢慢探身下去,尚不大难。可是他穿过铁道,要爬上那边月台,就不容易了。,I watched him hobble towards the railway track in his black skullcap, black cloth mandarin jacket and

26、 dark blue cotton-padded cloth long gown. He had little trouble climbing down the railway track, but it was a lot more difficult for him to climb up that platform after crossing the railway track. (张),So I watched him in his black cloth cap and jacket and dark blue cotton-padded gown, as he waddled

27、to the tracks and climbed slowly down - not so difficult after all. But when he had crossed the lines he had trouble clambering up the other side. (杨),由于使用了as,父亲的两个动作(waddled to the tracks / climbed slowly down)就比较紧密地联系起来。结构性的connective的运用能够使译文更趋畅洁,语势如瀑,奔泻酣畅。而这两个动作在张译中的彼此遥隔了23个单词,语势因此而中阻。,7/ 过铁道时,他先

28、将橘子散放在地上,自己慢慢爬下,再抱起橘子走。,In crossing the railway track, he first put the tangerines on the ground, climbed down slowly and then picked them up again. (张),He put these on the platform before climbing slowly down to cross the lines, which he did after picking the fruit up. (杨),短短一句,译者连续使用了几个connectives

29、(before / when / after等),颇有点让读者眼花缭乱。尤其是句末的which he did after picking the fruit up,令读者如入迷宫,一下子难以醒悟:这个which到底指代上文何词?经过琢磨,方能领悟,这个which是指climbing slowly down to cross the lines。因多用了connectives而使译文由简单变得复杂,由流畅变得曲折,这可以说是一个典型的译例。,8/ 这时我看见他的背影,我的泪很快地流下来了。我赶紧拭干了泪,怕他看见,也怕别人看见。,While I was watching him from beh

30、ind, tears gushed from my eyes. I quickly wiped them away lest he or others should catch me crying. (张),At the sight of his burly back tears started to my eyes, but I wiped them hastily so that neither, he no anyone else might see them. (杨),“竹子”如何变成了“葡萄”?其中结构性的connective(but)起了关键作用。而后半句使用的so that则更使

31、全句一气呵成,浑然一体。,9/ 近几年来父亲和我都是东奔西走,家中光景是一日不如一日。 In recent years, both father and I have been living an unsettled life, and the circumstances of our family going from bad to worse. (张),The last few years father and I have been moving from place to place, while things have been going from bad to worse at

32、home. (杨),两译相比,使用了不同的connectives,前者:and;后者:while。 须知,英语中形形色色的connectives其“份量”,有重有轻,有庄重的,也有轻描淡写的。比如,and和while虽然都可以用作“对比”的逻辑标记,但是,and 显得轻巧随意,而while则是较为严肃郑重些。,三、汉译英策略: 由简入繁则美,英译汉,学生的译文往往该简不简,或架床叠屋,或拖泥带水。似乎有必要疾呼“删繁就简三秋树”。汉译英,学生的译文往往该繁不繁,或骨瘦如柴,或粗枝大叶。似乎有必要学一学“添叶吐蕾二月花”。,飘逸人生 Life: Take It Easy,行路难,但人生之路谁都要

33、走。有的人在赶路,心急切切,步急匆匆。眼中只有目标却忽略了风景。可路迢迢不知哪儿是终点。有的人如游客,不急不慌,走走停停,看花开花落,看云卷云舒,有时也在风中走,雨中行,心却像张开的网,放过焦躁苦恼。人生之路谁不走?只是走路别忽略了一路的良辰美景。 一个人工作的地方是小的,居住的家是小的,社交的圈子是小的,有的人就越来越不满这缺乏变化的单调。有的人却总是怡然自得,随遇而安。世界浩渺,一个人只能居于一隅。比海洋大的是天空,比天空大的是心灵,因为这小小的心灵内住着一只时起时落的想象鸟。 大碗喝茶解渴,却说不上茶是怎样的好。一心想得到的东西终于得到了,失去了却很多很多,而失去的原来比得到的可能还要好

34、。 物化了的生命硬如岩石,而那些看似无价值的却永葆着神韵和空灵。人生旅途上,有人背负着名利急急奔走,有人回归自然,飘逸而行。,参考译文对照:,一、行路难,但人生之路谁都要走。1It is difficult to walk, but everyone has to walk on the road of the life.2No matter how difficult the road of life is, everyone has to walk through it for himself.3To go on a journey is often full of hardships,

35、but so long as one lives he proceeds on his lifes journey.,翻译家傅雷在他的翻译实践中深切体验了东西方的思维方式的微妙区别。他曾经一针见血地指出:东方人和西方人的思想方式有基本分歧。我人重综合、重归纳、重暗示、重含蓄;西方人则重分析,细微曲折、挖掘惟恐不尽,描写惟恐不周。,二、有的人在赶路,心急切切,步急匆匆。眼中只有目标却忽略了风景。可路迢迢不知哪儿是终点。有的人如游客,不急不慌,走走停停,看花开花落,看云卷云舒,有时也在风中走,雨中行,心却像张开的网,放过焦躁苦恼。,1They only have the goal in their

36、 eyes, neglecting the scenery on the way. However, the road seems endless and they have no idea of where the end is. Others, like the travelers, walk without haste or worry. They take a break from time to time, appreciating the blossoms and the floating clouds. Although sometimes they also have to w

37、alk against the wind or in the rain, their hearts, like a stretched net, let the worries and pains go.,二、有的人在赶路,心急切切,步急匆匆。眼中只有目标却忽略了风景。可路迢迢不知哪儿是终点。有的人如游客,不急不慌,走走停停,看花开花落,看云卷云舒,有时也在风中走,雨中行,心却像张开的网,放过焦躁苦恼。,2Some walk in such a hurry that they only see destinations before them and ignore the beautiful

38、scenery. However, they do not know where the terminal is on the long long road. Some walk as tourists without any haste. They stop occasionally to appreciate the blooming and withering of flowers, the rolling and extension of clouds. Although there times of heavy storms, their hearts are always like

39、 an open net which lets go distresses.,二、有的人在赶路,心急切切,步急匆匆。眼中只有目标却忽略了风景。可路迢迢不知哪儿是终点。有的人如游客,不急不慌,走走停停,看花开花落,看云卷云舒,有时也在风中走,雨中行,心却像张开的网,放过焦躁苦恼。,3Different people go along differently. Some take hasty steps in anxiety. Obsessed with reaching the next goal in time, they spare no time for sightseeing along

40、 the way, nor do they have a clear view of where their long roads end. Others travel leisurely like tourists. They would take time off now and then for a look at blooming flowers or fallen petals. They would stop to admire clouds gathering and dispersing. Even when they go against the wind or are ca

41、ught in the rain, they never get annoyed, for worries slip off their minds as from an open net.,析:我国的语言学家王力教授曾经断言的那样:中国语法是软的,富有弹性。中国语法以达意为主。然而,译1和译2所作的直译,在两句之间没有任何的“添加”,在native speakers看来,就构成了“语篇层面”上的欠缺。这是因为“西洋语法是硬的,没有弹性”(王力语)。,三、有的人却总是怡然自得,随遇而安。 1However, others are always happy with what they have

42、 and where they are. 2Others, however, can always satisfy themselves with the confined surroundings. 3But others are always contented and happy for he can adapt himself to different circumstances.,析:对比三句译文,译1和2给读者一种“夹生饭”的感觉。对原句没有做到“挖掘惟恐不尽,描写惟恐不周”,尤其是对“随遇而安”的翻译过于简单,草草过场,未能译出,或准确译出其中的“随遇”二字。,四、比海洋大的是天

43、空,比天空大的是心灵,因为这小小的心灵内住着一只时起时落的想象鸟。1The sky is broader than the ocean and the mind is broader than the sky, for, inside the small mind stays a bird of imagination that can fly freely.2What is larger than the ocean is the sky; what is larger than the sky is the heart, because in this small heart lives

44、a bird of imagination that flies up and down.3However, though larger than the ocean is the sky, even larger is the human mind, for in it imagination can come and go on the wing without limitation.,五、大碗喝茶解渴,却说不上茶是怎样的好。 1One can get rid of thirst by drinking tea with a bowl but he cannot tell how wond

45、erful the tea is. 2To drink a bowl of tea can soon dampen the thirst, however, the fragrance of the tea can hardly be tested. 3To drink at a gulp is a quick way to quench thirst, but it gives no taste of the high grade tea.,析: 汉语,美在以神驭形。所谓“大碗喝茶解渴”,汉语读者能得其“神”(大口喝茶),而忘其“形”,并不十分注重“碗”及其之大小。而英语则以形摄神。作为注重

46、逻辑和分析的语言,对“形”倾注了更多的关注。比如,译1和译2均未能跳出“大碗喝茶解渴”之形,将“碗”如实译出(with a bowl / a bowl of)。而英语读者则不能从“形”(bowl)中跳脱出来而得其神(大口喝茶)。因此,英译“大碗喝茶解渴”时,便无须紧扣其“形”,不如直探其“神”,而如译3译成To drink at a gulp is a quick way to quench thirst。从本质言,将“以神驭形”的表达转换成“以形摄神”的表达,也是一种由简入繁的转换。,六、一心想得到的东西终于得到了,失去了却很多很多,而失去的原来比得到的可能还要好。1One can get

47、what he dreams to get but he loses a lot which may be better than what he has got.2When a person has gained the thing that he has been eagerly longing for, he have also lost many things that might be better than the gained.3One may eventually win what he has set his mind to, only to find that he has

48、 lost quite a lot. Perhaps what he loses is ever better than what he gains.,析:汉语原句为一句,译1和2均照样译成一句。而译3偏译成了两句,又是由“简”入“繁”!诚然,莎士比亚曾云,Brevity is the soul of wit. (言以简洁为贵)但却不能因“简”而挫其文气。文气盎然,文意才能饱满充盈。无独有偶,译1和译2均以定语从句来译原句中的“而失去的原来比得到的可能还要好”!虽然达意,但是文意就在“一笔带过”的表达之中显得有点苍白乏力,因为,原句三句并列,然末句毕竟是全句之“眼”。因此,译3将末句独立译成一

49、句,文意显豁,立意清醇。,另外,译3运用了成语only to,这个“繁”,真是“繁”得其所!因为,only to的含义是:不料竟会 / 没想到会.。only to的添用,令译文有了文采,就表达的感情色彩而言,确胜过了汉语原句,原句“失去了却很多很多”显得平淡,缺乏感情的涟漪。,七、物化了的生命硬如岩石,而那些看似无价值的却永葆着神韵和空灵。1/ The materialized life is as hard as a rock, which the seemingly worthless life always keeps its freshness and flexibility.2/ Materialized life is as rigid as a rock, while those apparently valueless things keep spirit and life.3/ Life, when petrified by material desires, is as callous as stone, while those seemingly worthless things always remain fresh and full of spirit.,

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