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cases analysis for nonverbal communication.ppt

1、Case study 1,Facing a Series of Interviews,Hanna Jenson recently applied for a position that involves supervising the work activities of a large comprehensive insurance company. She has just received a letter notifying her to report for an interview for this position in four days. The letter indicat

2、es Jenson will be required to attend a series of interviews as follows:9:00 A.M. Rodney Custer, personnel manager 10:00 A.M. Ahmad Syed, department chief 11:00 A.M. Bobbie Kent, medical claims supervisor,If Jenson gets the job, she will receive a substantial raise in salary as well as her first oppo

3、rtunity to gain supervisory experience. Therefore, she wants the job very badly and is concerned about how to prepare for each of the interviews.,Although she has never worked in this particular department, Jenson has worked for the company several years. She knows Custer and Syed on a casual basis,

4、 but she has never met Kent. Custer is 38 years old, meticulous in dress, and obviously very proud of the managerial accomplishments he has made since he became personnel manager two years ago. Jensons friends in this department believe Custer is sexist and tends to hire men in supervisory positions

5、 if possible.,Syed is an elderly, rotund gentleman who will be eligible for retirement in two years. He is somewhat unkempt in appearance, but his knowledge of policy and regulations has earned him the respect of managers throughout the company.Jenson is especially concerned about the interview with

6、 Kent. If she gets the job, she will be working directly under Kent, yet she knows nothing about her.,Case Questions,1. What positive and negative suggestions would you give Jenson about her choice of dress for this interview?2. What effective nonverbal signals would you suggest Jenson send during t

7、he interview given the profiles of the two individuals Jenson is to meet?3. How could Jensons strategy differ in each interview situation?,Tips for the case,be not too different不要奇装异服Fit in organizations culture符合公司文化Be confident (verbal or nonverbal)自信Be typical of yourself 个性鲜明Resume 自荐书,Case stud

8、y 2 招聘一名文员,小张是一家公司人力资源部的主管,他所在的公司需要招聘一名文员,要求英语专业的女性.作为全国一家知名的公司,招聘信息在网上发布没多久,就接到了大量的求职信.经过层层考核,留下了三个实力相当的应聘者,小张让这三个人写一篇800字以内的作文,以考察她们的文字表达能力,更重要的是他要通过分析笔迹来考查谁最适合这个职位.,A小姐: 英语水平和中文表达能力都极其出色,而且由于她看过很多书,谈吐非常得体.在面试时小张对她的印象非常好,已经把她作为第一考虑人选. 她的字体非常大,棱角比较突出,经常有一些竖笔划划到下一行的现象. 通篇有一种不可一世,压倒一切的霸气. B小姐: 人长得非常漂

9、亮,口齿伶俐,在面试的一问一答中都反映机灵而敏捷.她的英语口语非常出色. 她的字体非常小而粘连,娇娇弱弱,字没有一点骨架。,C小姐: 表面看她没有任何优势.她是通过英语自学考试拿到的英语本科文凭,无法与其他人名牌大学的背景相比.虽然通过考试发现她英语口语和写作都不错,但由于人长得非常不起眼,而且说话很少,声音很轻,刚面试时她没有给小张留下什么印象. 她的字写得媚秀,清爽,整齐,笔压很轻,通篇干干净净,字得大小非常均匀,而且字体中适度的棱角让字体很有个性,但这种棱角又没有咄咄逼人的压迫之气.,问题:1.如果你是小张, 你将录用哪位小姐? 为什么?2. 你认为笔迹能绝对说明一个人的性格吗?3. 如

10、果你是一位人力资源经理,你是否在录用一个人的时候考虑该人的笔迹?你以前想到这个问题了吗?,A小姐: 英语水平和中文表达能力都极其出色,而且由于她看过很多书,谈吐非常得体.在面试时小张对她的印象非常好,已经把她作为第一考虑人选.但通过仔细分析她的笔迹发现,她的字体非常大,棱角过于突出,经常有一些竖笔划划到下一行的现象. 通篇有一种不可一世,压倒一切的霸气. 经过分析,小张认为她是个很才气同时又很有野心的女孩,她不会安心终日做一些琐碎的日常工作.而且由于她自信心极强,从她字体中反映出的不可一世,说明她不能很随和地与她的部门的人相处.而且作为经理,会非常难领导这样的下属.有这样字体的女孩子更适合做营

11、销等能带来高度挑战感的工作.所以小张选择放弃了她.,B小姐: 人长得非常漂亮,口齿伶俐,在面试的一问一答中都反映机灵而敏捷.她的英语口语非常出色.但小张在研究她的笔迹后发现,她的字体非常小而粘连,娇娇弱弱,字没有一点骨架,有很强的讨好别人的献媚之相.研究后小张强烈地感觉到这是个心胸很小,娇滴滴的,吃不了一点苦的,而且还有极强虚荣心的人.,C小姐: 表面看她没有任何优势.她是通过英语自学考试拿到的英语本科文凭,无法与其他人名牌大学的背景相比.虽然通过考试发现她英语口语和写作都不错,但由于人长得非常不起眼,而且说话很少,声音很轻,刚面试时她没有给小张留下什么印象.恰恰是她的字让小张立刻注意了她.她

12、的字写得媚秀,清爽,整齐,笔压很轻,通篇干干净净,字得大小非常均匀,而且字体中适度的棱角让字体很有个性,但这种棱角又没有咄咄逼人的压迫之气.从她的字可以判断出来她做事非常认真仔细,自律意识很强且安心做日常琐碎的工作.她有自己的独立见解,但又不至于没有团队精神.,在笔迹分析的帮助下,小张选择了C小姐做部门文员.半年过去了,事实证实她的性格完全和小张当初的判断相符合:她敬业且高效,严谨且认真,她将部门的日常工作处理得非常好.正如案例中所显示的那样,没有语言并不意味着没有沟通.字迹也可以成为一种非语言沟通的形式,传递更多,更加真实和客观的信号.,Tips for the case,1. 出发点根据岗

13、位要求招聘; 人尽其才; 长久聘用; 强 调敬业精神 2. 案例岗位要求具有较好口头和书面沟通能力;擅长沟通, 协调领导,同事,客户之间的关系. 3. C小姐做事非常认真仔细,自律意识很强且安心做日 常琐碎的工作.她有自己的独立见解,但又不至 于没有团队精神,适合该工作.,4. A小姐她是个很才气同时又很有野心的女孩,她不会安心终日做一些琐碎的日常工作.而且由于她自信心极强,从她字体中反映出的不可一世,说明她不能很随和地与她的部门的人相处.而且作为经理,会非常难领导这样的下属.有这样字体的女孩子更适合做营销等能带来高度挑战感的工作.从招纳人才的角度, 公司也可协调聘用到营销部门或管理岗位.,5

14、. B小姐小张感觉到她是个心胸很小,娇滴滴的,吃不了一点苦的,而且还有极强虚荣心的人.B小姐的性格同样不适合与人交往. 她适合从事艺术类工作,如舞蹈,美容,化妆等.,3,小王是新上任的经理助理,平时工作主动积极,且效率高,很受上司的器重。那天早晨小王刚上班,电话铃就响了。为了抓紧时间,她边接电话,边整理有关文件。这是有位姓李的员工来找小王。他看见小王正忙着,就站在桌前等着。只见小王一个电话接着一个电话。最后,他终于等到可以与她说话了。小王头也不抬地问他有什么事,并且一脸地严肃。然而,当他正要回答时,小王突然又想到什么事,与同室的小张交代了几句这时的老李已经忍无可忍了,他发怒道:难道你们这些领导

15、就是这样对待下属的吗?!说完,他愤然离去,问题:1、这一案例的主要问题出在谁的身上?为什么?2、如何改进其非语言沟通技巧?3、假如你是小王,你会怎样做?,4 What is going on here?,Art Margulis is the 45-year-old director of marketing research for a Fortune 500 consumer products company. He joined the firm 19 years ago after he received his MBA with a marketing emphasis. Becau

16、se of his technical expertise, management skills, and outgoing personality, he was made director of this 50-person group four years ago. Six people report directly to him, but the management style is informal, so he frequently interacts with everyone in the department.,Two years ago, Margulis extens

17、ively recruited Maria Lopez, who had just completed her Ph. D. in applied statistics. Margulis had a difficult time persuading her to join the company because she had many attractive offers. Although she was only 34 years old, she had outstanding experience in marketing research and a unique educati

18、onal background. Lopez came in and quickly made a number of significant contributions to the department. As manager of statistical analysis, she reports directly to Margulis but has nobody reporting to her. Soon after joining the company, Lopez and her husband divorced. Many employees in the departm

19、ent believe her personal problems are why she has not been more sociable with other employees.,Lopez and Margulis have always gotten along well and often have lunch together to discuss various projects. They seem to have much in common as they both understand the advanced statistics used in the rese

20、arch. Recently, the conversations have turned more personal as Margulis went through a divorce and seems to be seeking more sociable support. In particular, he seems to miss his two teenage daughters and needs someone to talk to about it.,But Lopez sees a problem developing, and she recently talked

21、to a human resource manager about it. She explained that she has a lot of respect for Margulis and enjoys visiting with him. But she notices a definite change in his behaviour around her. The eye contact is more prolonged and the personal physical space between them is reduced. Lopez feels uneasy ab

22、out it and has tried to subtly change the trend. However, this only intensified what Lopez saw as “pressure” to spend more time with Margulis. Today, Margulis asked Lopez to have dinner with him so they could talk over a project. It seems they havent had time to cover the project during working hour

23、s.,Case questions,Discuss this case in terms of nonverbal behavior and other topics presented in this chapter. What are the implications of this situation?,Tips for the case,Face the problem: 冷静观察,相机而动1. the superior1) Is he focusing on work or personal relationship?2) Does he want to keep personal

24、zone or move up into intimate zone?,2. the subordinate1) If the superior focuses on work accept the invitation 2) If the superior just wants to build normal relationshipaccept but keep distance,3) if he wants to develop romantic relationship and she is not sick of itaccept but move forward steadily4) if he wants to develop romantic relationship and she disgusts itshe may keep distance with the superior5) if the superior keeps disturbing her she may quit the job,

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