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2、t,3 这次会面意味着乔希要过了圣诞夜才能回家了。他并没有因此而不高兴,因为他要见的人是康涅狄格州的资深参议员乔罗杰斯,此人是全美曝光率最高的名人之一。参议员罗杰斯是民主党人,现在是她的第三个任期,对于国会山的一切她了如指掌,尽管如此,她还是尽力维持住了在她的支持者心中作为一位华盛顿局外人的信誉。她支持堕胎,反对腐败,支持减少二氧化碳排量,反对死刑,可以说是大西洋的这一边能找到的最完美的进步自由派人士。脱口秀主持人们称呼她“诚实的参议员乔”,几年前时代周刊提名她参加年度女性的角逐。明年就是选举年了,有消息称她将参加民主党内总统提名的竞选。罗杰斯在华盛顿见过乔希,她觉得乔希很有才干,于是就邀他共

3、进晚餐。,Text,4 乔希打了个冷战,他打开手里的纸条核对了一下地址。之前他没来过乔安妮餐厅,但对于它的鼎鼎大名却早有耳闻,倒不是因为这里的饭菜有多美味,其实这里的菜品屡遭恶评,也不是因为这里的爵士管弦乐队有一位知名电影导演客串吹小号,而是因为这里汇集了有头有脸的宾客,可以说是星光璀璨,他们中有政客、外交家、电影明星、载入名人堂的体育明星、记者、作家、摇滚明星、诺贝尔奖得主等等总之,这里的每一位客人都是这座权力之城里的一个人物。 5 餐厅里面人头攒动。乔希走进来时前台的领班一直盯着他看。,Text,“您需要帮忙吗?” 7 乔希回答说:“是的,我有一个” 8 “对不起,先生”看见有两位客人走了

4、进来,领班打断了他的话。“晚上好,巴考尔小姐,晚上好,汉克斯先生。”接着他打了个响指招呼服务生带他们入座。 9 “好吧,先生,请问您预定座位了吗?”领班耸了耸肩,说道,“您也看见了,我们没有空余的座位。” 10 “我今天晚上要在这儿和一位名叫罗杰斯的女士会面。”领班把乔希从头到脚打量了一番,然后说“请问您怎么称呼?” 12 乔希向他报了姓名,虽然领班好不容易才忍住没撇嘴,但他还是鼓了鼓鼻翼,显示出了他的不屑以及自然而然的优越感。 13 “让我想想。”领班说道。“哦,对了,我们的确为一位罗杰斯女士预留了一张桌子,可是她马上就到吗?”,Text,14 乔希过去也有过被人怀疑的经历,但他没有被吓到。

5、 15 “我肯定她很快就到。能烦请你带我去她的座位吗?”乔希说。 16 “那这边走,先生。”领班把乔希领到餐厅靠里处,指了指一张桌子。 17 “谢谢,请给我来一杯马丁尼,”乔希说。可那位领班还没等他说完就迫不及待地要回到纽约上层社会那令人陶醉的纷乱中去,至少在他看来,那里的每一个人都在召唤着他,希望得到他的注意。,Text,18 这张桌子离卫生间很近,还紧挨着一扇半开的窗户,好像从五大湖刮来的刺骨寒风正好沿着哈得孙峡谷吹进来,在这儿结束了它的旅程。 19 突然间,餐厅安静了片刻,紧接着又响起了一阵热烈的窃窃语声。 20 “罗杰斯参议员!”领班喊道,“能在乔安妮再次见到您真是太荣幸了!” 21

6、“晚上好,阿尔贝托。我要和一位年青人吃饭,他叫莱斯特。” 22 领班慌得直眨眼,还咽了咽口水。,Text,23 “好的,参议员,您这边走。”当罗杰斯参议员穿过拥挤的餐厅时,不断有人回过头来,他们认出了她,并默默地跟她打招呼。在一个不分阶级的社会里,罗杰斯可以说是离美国的统治阶级最近的人了。阿尔贝托在周围转了一阵子,然后走过去和一位同事说了几句话。 “很高兴又见到你,乔希,”罗杰斯说。“我们先吃点东西,然后我要跟你谈谈一份商业提案的事。” 阿尔贝托回到餐桌旁,深深地弯下腰,那谦卑的样子简直有点可笑。 26 “参议员,这张桌子太冷了,坐着不舒服,不知道”,Text,27 罗杰斯参议员等着他把话说完

7、,她轻声地说道,“请接着说。” “不知道您愿不愿意换张好点儿的桌子,到餐厅中央去,这样您就能看到餐厅里的每一个人了。”这样餐厅里的每一个人都可以看见您啦,他本是想这么说的。“那样您会觉得舒服得多,而且” 29 阿尔贝托停了下来。罗杰斯参议员看了看四周。 30 “我同意,这儿不是屋子里最好的座位,但既然你把我的朋友带到了这儿,我想我们就呆在这里好了,上我平时点的菜吧。”,Text,两个小时后,罗杰斯和乔希起身准备离开,这又引起店员们的一阵骚动,个个都主动来献殷勤,其中就包括阿尔贝托,他提出来要给他俩免单,但被罗杰斯拒绝了。他俩披上外套,罗杰斯说,“阿尔贝托,谢谢你。噢,我给你介绍我的同事乔希莱斯

8、特了吗?” 32 阿尔贝托的脸上先是一阵惊恐,然后又闪过绝望中的一丝企盼。 33 “啊,还没有,不,还没正式介绍过。”他低声下气地说。 34 “乔希莱斯特。他是我刚刚招收的竞选班子成员。他马上就要成为我竞选团队的副经理了,将负责募集捐款。如果明年我们把那位共和党人赶出白宫的话,你现在看到的就是我的白宫办公厅主任。”,Text,35 “非常高兴见到您,莱斯特先生,非常荣幸,真的。我衷心希望很快能在乔安妮餐厅再次见到二位。” 36 参议员看了看阿尔贝托。 37 “不会了,我觉得没有这种可能了。”罗杰斯参议员回答道。 38 罗杰斯和乔希一起走进寒风凛冽的夜色中。雪已经停了。,Text,heavily

9、 ad. 1) in large amounts 大量地 e.g. 1. He is heavily insured against death.他给自己投了巨额的人身保险。 2. His business is heavily in debt.他的公司欠了很多债。 2) to a large degree 很大程度地;高度地 e.g. 1. heavily wooded, uncultivated, thinly settled areas森林茂密、未经开垦、人烟稀少地区,Words & Phrases,2. His word weighed heavily with the jury.他的

10、话对陪审团发生重要影响。 3. The area relies heavily on the mines for jobs.这个地区的就业很大程度上是靠着这些矿。 3) if you do or say sth. heavily, you do it slowly and with a lot of effort, especially because you are sad or bored (尤因伤心或无聊而)行动缓慢地 e.g. “I dont understand you,” she said heavily.“我不明白你,”她闷闷不乐地说道。Word family: heavy a.

11、,Words & Phrases,albeit conj. (fml) used for introducing a comment that slightly changes or reduces the effect of a previous remark, like even if it is/although 尽管;即使e.g. 1. Inflation continues to decline, albeit slowly.通胀持续下降,虽然速度较慢。 2. I tried, albeit unsuccessfully, to contact him.尽管未与他联系上,可是我已尽力

12、而为了。,Words & Phrases,agreeable a. 1) (fml) pleasant, nice, or satisfactory 令人愉快的;惬意的 e.g. I find her a very agreeable woman.我发现她是位和蔼可亲的女性。 2) to acceptable or able to be agreed on 可接受的e.g. Would it be agreeable to you to adopt the customary practice that has been used in the Sino-France trade?我们采用中法

13、贸易中长期使用的惯例,你能接受吗?,Words & Phrases,Antonym: disagreeable,smartly ad. in a stylish manner 衣着整洁地 e.g. 1. You must dress smartly for your job interview.参加工作面试要衣着整洁(得体)。 2. A smartly dressed young man is looking for you at the door.门口有个衣着整洁(帅气)的年青人在找你。Word family: smart a.,Words & Phrases,upstate a. in t

14、he northern part of a particular state in the US (美国某州)北部的 e.g. Helps arrived for snow-buried upstate New York.救援部队已经到达了被大雪覆盖的纽约州北部地区。also ad. e.g. We drove 150 miles upstate.我们向北部开了150英里。,Words & Phrases,demeanor n. U (AmE fml) the way you look and behave 风度;举止 e.g. 1. His demeanour has always been

15、 that of a perfect gentleman.他的举止始终是属于正人君子的模样。 2. Everybody was convinced by your brilliant demeanor in the meeting today! 今天开会时你的风采让大家都折服了!,Words & Phrases,internship n. C, U (AmE) a job that a student or someone who has recently obtained a degree takes in order to get experience 实习的职位;实习期 e.g. 1.

16、He recently finished a six-month internship at Puma.他最近在彪马公司完成了为期6个月的实习。 2. At the end of three years he finished his internship and took a position with a private clinic in London.三年后他的实习期满,便在伦敦的一家私人诊所里任职。,Words & Phrases,congressman n. C (pl. congressmen) a man who is a member of the US congress,

17、especially the House of Representatives (美国)国会议员,(尤指)众议员 e.g. 1. Rumors of corruption dishonored the congressman.贪污的谣言使那位国会议员蒙羞。 2. The congressman resigned after having been found guilty of bribery. 这位议员被证实犯有行贿受贿罪后辞职了。,Words & Phrases,partnership n. 1) U (business) the position of being one of two

18、or more people who own a company as partners 合伙(关系);合股;合伙人身份 e.g. 1. She worked in partnership with her sister.她和妹妹合伙经营。 2. Joe promised to take me into partnership in his firm.乔答应让我成为他公司的合伙人。,Words & Phrases,2) C, U a relationship between two people, organizations, or countries (两个人、组织或国家之间的)合作关系,伙

19、伴关系 e.g. 1. The two nations are building a constructive partnership.这两个国家正在建立一种建设性伙伴关系。 2. The company has gone into partnership with Swiss Bank Corporation.这家公司已经和瑞士银行公司建立合作关系。,Words & Phrases,razor-sharp a. 1) very clever 非常聪明的 e.g. He is well-known for his razor-sharp mind.他以头脑敏锐而出名。 2) very shar

20、p 非常锋利的 e.g. 1. razor-sharp teeth锋利的牙齿 2. His observations are razor-sharp while his wit makes his topics palatable to his readers.他的观察力如刀刃般犀利,而他的诙谐使其话题为读者所喜爱。 See also: razor.,Words & Phrases,razor n. C a small tool or piece of electrical equipment used for shaving (=removing hair from your skin) 剃

21、须刀;刮胡刀 e.g. A new razor gives a close shave.新刀片刮得很干净。See also: razor-sharp.,Words & Phrases,intellect n. 1) C, U the ability to think in an intelligent way and to understand difficult or complicated ideas and subjects 智力;思维能力;理解力 e.g. Opinion is ultimately determined by the feelings, and not by the

22、intellect. (Herbert Spencer)观点是完全由情感而不是由理智决定的。(赫伯特斯宾塞) 2) C someone who is extremely intelligent 才智非凡的人;才华出众的人 e.g. He was one of the most formidable intellects of his times. 他是那个时代的盖世奇才。,Words & Phrases,Word family: intellectual a. intellectually ad. anti-intellectual a. intellectual property n. an

23、ti-intellectualism n.Fill in the blanks with proper words. 1. There are very few countries in the world where _ runs as high in popular culture as it does in the US. 2. Any song that you write is your _. 3. As the daughter of college professors, shes used to being around _ people. 4. About 40 percen

24、t of the students were found to be _ curious about politics, arts and science.,Words & Phrases,anti-intellectualism,intellectual property,intellectual,intellectually,democrat n. C 1) (Democrat) a member of the Democratic Party in the US (美国的)民主党人 e.g. The Democrat upset the governor in the election.

25、这位民主党人在选举中击败了州长。 2) someone who supports democracy as a political system 民主主义者;民主人士 e.g. He is just what he claims he is, a natural democrat.正如他自己所称,他是个天生的民主主义者。See also: democratic.,democratic a. 1) (Democratic) used in the names of some political parties(美国)民主党的 e.g. The Democratic Party did not h

26、ave easy victories in the recent elections.民主党在最近几次选举中的胜利来之不易。 2) based on the principle that all people are equal and should be able to share in making decisions 民主的;民主管理的 e.g. He has a democratic work-style.他作风民主。 See also: democrat.,Words & Phrases,voter n. C someone who votes in an election 投票人;

27、选举人;选民 e.g. The voters show their opposition to the government by voting against the proposal.投票人用投票反对该建议的方法表示他们对政府的反对。Word family: vote v. e.g. 1. If we cannot agree, lets vote on it. 咱们意见要是不一致就表决吧。 2. He is voted the smartest in the family. 他被公认为是全家最聪明的一个。,Words & Phrases,corruption n. U dishonest

28、 or illegal behaviour by officials or people in positions of power, especially when they accept money in exchange for doing things for someone 腐败行为;(尤指)受贿 e.g. 1. They are planning a new campaign against corruption.他们正在策划一个新的反贪污运动。 2. Accusations of corruption have been made against him.对他贪污的控告已经提出。

29、,Words & Phrases,Word family: corrupt v.& a. e.g. 1. The businessman was sent to prison for trying to corrupt a tax official with money.这名商人因企图向税务官员行贿而被判入狱。 2. This young man was influenced by bad people and became corrupt without being aware of it.这个青年受坏人引诱, 开始堕落而不自觉。,Words & Phrases,progressive a.

30、 1) supporting social and political change that aims to make a system fairer 进步的;先进的;改革的 e.g. She is the most progressive writer of the era.她是那个时代最进步的作家。 2) developing gradually 向前进的;发展中的 e.g. 1. Success is the progressive realization of worthy goal.成功是一个逐渐实现有价值的目标的过程。 2. It was a progressive diseas

31、e and he would suffer more and more.病情逐渐加剧,他将忍受越来越大的痛苦。,Words & Phrases,nomination n. C, U an official suggestion that someone should get a job or a prize, or the decision to give them a job or a prize 提名;推荐 e.g. 1. Who will get the Republican nomination for president?谁会被共和党提名竞选总统呢? 2. The song brou

32、ght her an Academy Award nomination.这首歌使她获得了奥斯卡奖的提名。 Word family: nominate v. e.g. The board nominated him as the new director.董事会指定他为新董事。,Words & Phrases,competent a. capable of doing sth. in a satisfactory or effective way 能胜任的;能干的 e.g. 1. Some companies now offer etiquette seminars for employees

33、who may be competent professionally but clueless socially. (CET4-2003-12)一些公司现在面向那些胜任业务但不懂社交礼仪的员工们开设礼仪培训班。 2. Of all the applicants, the most competent person will fill the vacant position.这个空缺将由应征者中最能干者填补。 Word family: competence n. Antonym: incompetent,Words & Phrases,shiver vi. & n. 1) vi. if you

34、 shiver, your body shakes slightly, for example because you are cold or frightened (因寒冷或害怕而)颤抖,哆嗦 e.g. A sudden gust of cold wind made me shiver all over.一阵突如其来的冷风吹得我浑身直哆嗦。 2) n. a shaking movement that your body makes when you are cold, frightened, or excited 颤抖;打颤 e.g. The gruesome sight sent a sh

35、iver down my spine.那可怕的情景使我的背脊发凉。Synonym: shake,Words & Phrases,orchestra n. C a large group of musicians using many different instruments to play mostly classical music 管弦乐队 e.g. He conducts the London Symphony Orchestra.他指挥伦敦交响乐团。 Word family: orchestral a.,Words & Phrases,slot n. C 1) a short per

36、iod of time allowed for one particular event on a program or timetable (节目单或时间表上为某节目或排定的)一段短暂的时间;(广播节目等的)一档 e.g. 1. I got to know the news from a late-night television slot.我从一档深夜电视节目中得知这个消息。 2. Viewers letters were read out in this five-minute slot.观众来信在这档5分钟节目中宣读。 2) a long narrow hole that you ca

37、n fit sth. into 狭窄的通道;狭窄的空间;狭缝;投币口 e.g. He slid a coin into the slot of the jukebox.他把一枚硬币投进自动点唱机投币口。,Words & Phrases,trumpet n. C a musical instrument that is a curved metal tube with a wide end. You play it by blowing into it as you press buttons on the top. 喇叭;小号 e.g. He blew his trumpet on the w

38、ay.他在路上吹着喇叭。,Words & Phrases,stellar a. 1) (AmE) a stellar performance, achievement, piece of work etc. is extremely good 杰出的;优秀的 e.g. Such stellar achievements could not be possible without a good workforce.这些杰出成就的取得全靠优秀的员工。 2) relating to stars 星的;星球的 e.g. In terms of stellar distances a journey f

39、rom the earth to the moon would appear very short.从星际的角度来看,从地球到月球的路程是很短的。,Words & Phrases,sophisticated a. 1) knowing and understanding a lot about a complicated subject 老练的;精通的;讲究的 e.g. 1. Wearing a suit and tie can make you look very sophisticated.穿西装打领带让你看起来非常老练。 2. Discussion and reflection are

40、necessary for a sophisticated response to a text.讨论与深思对深刻理解文本来说是必要的。,Words & Phrases,2) complicated and advanced in design 复杂的;精密的 e.g. 1. They are beginning to use these sophisticated images to plan surgical procedures in detail.他们开始用这些精密的图像来详细设计手术程序。 2. In modern warfare, mobility and sophisticate

41、d weapons are more important than weight of numbers.在现代战争中,机动性和先进武器比人多势众更为重要。Word family: sophisticate n. C 老于世故的人 sophistication n.,Words & Phrases,hall-of-fame n. C 1) singular (AmE) the group of people who are most famous for doing a particular activity (某项运动、某行业等中的)杰出人物,名人,佼佼者 e.g. Vivienne West

42、wood has scaled the heights of fashions hall of fame.薇薇恩韦斯特伍德已经成为时尚界的杰出人物。,Words & Phrases,2) (Hall of Fame) a place where people go to learn about a particular sport or activity and the famous people who do it (纽约市的)美国名人纪念堂 e.g. All three will one day be inducted into the Hall-of-Fame , most likely

43、 on the first ballot. 有朝一日,他们三人都将进入“名人堂”,而且极可能是其中的领先者。,Words & Phrases,diplomat n. C 1) an official whose job is to represent their government in a foreign country 外交官;外交家 e.g. His job as a diplomat was a blind for his spying.他担任外交官的职务是为了给他的间谍身份打掩护。 2) someone who is good at dealing with people in a

44、 sensitive way that does not upset or offend them 有手腕的人,善交际的人 e.g. My brother was born a diplomat, with his gift in dealing with various kinds of people.我兄弟善于应付形形色色人,可谓生来就是善交际的人。 Word family: diplomatic a. diplomacy n. U,Words & Phrases,power broker n. C a person or country that has a lot of influen

45、ce and uses it to control other people or countries(有影响力、能操纵他人或他国的)权力经纪人,Words & Phrases,Power brokers can demand more benefits in closely contested areas and policies. They can play both sides and influence voters for the highest bidder (出价人). These brokers wield great influence over voters who may

46、 be dedicated to one issue that draws them into the electoral process but undecided on others. Hence, the brokers maintain their influence by denying loyalty to a political party or other political label.,heaving a. 1) (BrE infml) very busy and full of people 热闹的;熙熙攘攘的 e.g. Many people come on board

47、 with bags heaving with duty-free and other bits of shopping.许多乘客提着装满免税品和其它购物商品的包登机。 2) moving up and down with large regular movements 起伏的 e.g. The sun is rising from the heaving sea.太阳正从波涛起伏的海面上升起。See also: heave.,Words & Phrases,heave v. 1) vi. move up and down with large regular movements (有节奏地大

48、幅)起伏 e.g. The billows heave on the sea.海上波涛翻腾。 2) v. move up and down with large regular movements (用力)推,拉,提,举 e.g. They need some machinery to heave the sunken boat up from the bottom of the lake.他们需要一些机械来把沉船从湖底打捞上来。See also: heaving.,Words & Phrases,summon vt. 1) (fml) officially order someone to come to a place, especially a court of law 召见,传唤;叫(或命令)过来 e.g. 1. The shareholders were summoned to a general meeting.那些股东被召集去参加股东大会。 2. He summoned his soldiers to fight.他号召部下战斗。,

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