1、中学语法复习(Be more empirical than theoretical)杭州新东方 赵立凡对于即将进入高三迎考的学生,最常见最基础的语法知识点肯定都不陌生,因为学校里老师都强调过无数遍,笔者认为在高中最后一年不应该过份追求难题,因为其实每个考生最后都会发现,高考所考的语法题经常是最普通不过的,当然也不要追求题海战术,应该学会总结以前的题型,因为很多考生做来做去错的都是那些“旧瓶换新酒”的老题。所以,某种程度上讲,一些模拟卷上过难的语法题对考生的整个英语学习弊远大于利。考生如果经常有意识地关注高考试卷的出题思路和出题难度,就会对高中语法复习迎考有个较好的质和量的把握。比如我们看看浙江
2、省最近几年的语法题的出题情况。考点年份时态语态情态动词名词性从句定语从句状语从句非谓语动词冠词2008 2 1 1 1 2 2 12007 3 1 1 1 1 2 12006 3 1 1 1 2 1 12005 2 1 1 2 1 1 12004 2 1 0 1 1 2 1根据上面这个表格,我们知道基本上每个知识点都会考到,但是我们同时也发现,我们并不会因此而对语法知识点的复习显得力不从心,因为所考过的题目自有规律,自有相关性,只要不要盲目地做题,多个“心眼”地去总结,就会省去很多功夫。举个例子,比如定语从句考点: 2004 年: 35. Anyway, that evening, _ Ill
3、 tell you more about later, I ended up staying at Rachels place. A. when B. where C. what D. which 2005 年 2. Jim passed the driving test, _ surprised everybody in the office.A. which B. that C. this D. it 2006 年 13. I was given three books on cooking, the first _ I really enjoyed.A. of that B. of wh
4、ich C. that D. which 2007 年 14. Chans restaurant on Baker Street, _ used to be poorly run, is now a successful business.A. that B. which C. who D. where 2008 年 8. Yesterday she sold her car, _ she bought a month ago. A. whom B. where C. that D. which大家会发现,上面的题目都是定语从句的考点,而且考到的都是关系代词,因为从句中都缺少一些成分,况且大家
5、会发现,考的都是非限制性定语从句。所以答案都非常地明显。所以再次强调,大家去把握真题考题的难度动向非常重要,而不要盲目地栽进大量的难题中。当然其他省份的真题同样也具有借鉴意义。比如情态动词常考的 can, 大家可能知道它除了可以表示能够,也可以表示可能性,但是这个可能性有两种情况,一种是表示一般的可能性,第二种则表示偶然、一时的可能性;第一种通常是中考的难度,但后者却是高考的难度。当然我想说的是这一切规律也是从真题中得出的,而不是大量做练习题就能够心中有数的,而如果盲目地研究语法书则又会显得费时费力。Can 表一般的可能性,可以意指 it is possible:You can ski on
6、the hills 你能在山上滑雪。(雪厚得能滑行。 )Can I have this book for one week?这本书我能借用一个星期吗?(这可能吗?)Can 表示偶然、一时的可能性:The stock market can be very risky股市有时可能风险很大。(股市可能有大风险;这种情况有时发生。) :考试大He can be a very tough person.他可能有时很难靠近。(有时他很难相处;这种事是有可能的。)Though he is travelling all the year around, he can be at home sometimes
7、in winter.尽管他常年在外,但冬天时候他可能在家。我们再来看看真题: 1.Peter _ be really difficult at times even though he is a nice person in general.(08 辽宁卷) A.shall B.should C.can D.must 2.It is usually warm in my hometown in March,but it _ be rather cold sometime.(08福建卷) A.must B.can C.should D.would 3. The World Wide Web is
8、 sometimes jokingly called the World Wide Wait because it _ be very slow. (05 浙江卷)A. should B. must C. will D. can答案很显然,都是选择 can. 表示“一时、偶然”的可能性。最后送考生一句话: We can successfully make it on grammar learning, by looking back more than just blindly running forward, so, be more empirical than theoretical, especially in the last year of senior high school.