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1、1. Wuhan MetroThe metro system is a state of the art transit network and the centerpiece of the infrastructure development programme that is promoting rapid urban development in Wuhan. Living in the most important transportation hub in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, residents of Wuhan, cap

2、ital of Central Chinas Hubei Province, can now enjoy a new public transit system: the Wuhan MetroThe Wuhan Metro is both an elevated and underground rail service. The system opened on 28 July 2004, making Wuhan the fifth city in mainland China to have a metro system after Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai

3、and Guangzhou. Line 1 and 2 have been in operation since 2012. Several more lines, which will eventually connect Hanyang and Wuchang as well as Hankou, are under construction.Line 1 is a 28 km elevated rail line. This line has 27 stations of which 25 are open. Phase 2: the extension of line 1 in bot

4、h directions, was completed successfully in 2010.Line 2 of the Wuhan Metro is the first underground railway to cross the Yangtze River. Line 2 might be the most important line in the Wuhan Metro system because it is able to carry the heavy cross-Yangtze traffic in Wuhan.This line is Wuhans second me

5、tro line after Line 1, and the citys first underground line, since Line 1 is mostly elevated. Line 2 runs in a northwest-southeast direction, connecting Hankou and Wuchang, including Hankou Railway Station and major commercial districts, such as Guang Gu.The number of single day passengers on Line 2

6、 exceeded 500,000 on Jan 1, 2013, the first weekday after its opening. When more lines interchangeable with Line 2 open around 2015, the passenger volume could reach 1 million per day. To accommodate such huge traffic, all stations on Line 2 have been extended to the length of 8-car trains for futur

7、e use. In the next few years Wuhan will continue developing its modern infrastructure. Line Two will soon be extended, but more significantly the many new lines currently under construction will criss-cross the city and provide fast convenient access to the cities major destinations. 武汉地铁,又称武汉轨道交通,是

8、中国武汉市的城市轨道交通系统。其第一条线路于 2004年 7月 28日开通运营,成为中国内地继北京、天津、上海、广州后第五个城市轨道交通系统。现已投入运营 1号线及 2号线,共 47座车站,运营里程 56.85公里。目前 3号线,4号线, 6号线等正在施工建设,至 2017年,将会开通 7条中心城区线路及 2条新城区线路,其中中心城区总长 235.9公里,新城区路线 37.16公里。远期规划由 12条中心城区线路和13条新城区线路组成,总长约 860公里。轨道交通一号线(U1)是武汉市第一条城市轨道交通线路,二期工程于 2010年 7月 29日开通。一号线位于汉口地区,采用全高架设计,东西方向

9、横贯汉口的东西湖区、硚口区、江汉区和江岸区。西起东吴大道,东至堤角。全长 28.87公里,共设 27座车站,目前开通25座车站。共分为两个阶段完成,一期工程 10个车站已经完工,并于 2004年 7月 28日投入使用。轨道交通二号线(U2),为穿过长江的地铁,一期工程已于 2012年 12月 28日开通。二号线大部分位于地下,行驶西北东南方向,从地下穿越长江,连接汉口与武昌地区,沿途经过汉口的东西湖区、江汉区和江岸区以及武昌的武昌区和洪山区。二号线全长 27.985公里,共设车站 21座。 16此外,二号线南延长线工程(光谷广场高新六路),以及北延长线工程(金银潭宏图大道)正在研究中,预计将于

10、 2013年开工建设,2015 年开通,并与二号线贯通运行。2号线一期工程初期高峰断面客流预测将达 2.6万人次,日客流将达到 80万人次,将超过原设计近期高峰小时断面客流 2.49万人次、日客流 70万人次的近期客流强度。2. The Yellow Crane TowerWhen most people think of Wuhan they will automatically think of the Yellow Crane Tower.The tower (known in Chinese as Hung H Lu) is a famous and historic building

11、, first constructed in 223 AD, the current structure however, was rebuilt in 1981, one kilometre away from the original site, and bears little resemblance to the historical Yellow Crane Tower. The tower stands on Sheshan (Snake Hill), at the bank of Yangtze River in the Wuchang of District, Wuhan.Th

12、ere are at least two legends related to the Yellow Crane Tower. In the first, an Immortal (仙人) named Wang Zian (王子安) rode off on a yellow crane from Snake Mountain. A tower was later built in commemoration. In the second, after becoming an Immortal, Fei Wenyi (费文祎) would ride a yellow crane and ofte

13、n stop on Snake Hill to take a rest. The tower is also a sacred site of Taoism. L Dongbin is said to have ascended to heaven from here.The top of the tower has a broad view of the surroundings and the Yangtze River. The Yellow Crane Tower is considered one of the Four Great Towers of China. In its m

14、odern version it has the appearance of an ancient tower but is built of modern materials and includes an elevator. Displays are presented at each level. To the east on the hill, a large temple bell may be rung by tourists for a small fee. There are court dances in the western yard every year during

15、the week long celebration for Chinas National Day (October 1st). The tower is classified as a AAAAA scenic area by the China National Tourism Administration. The tower has become the symbol of the city and is on the top of most peoples list of places to visit in Wuhan. 黄鹤楼原址在湖北省武昌蛇山黄鹤矶头,始建于三国时代东吴黄武二

16、年( 223年)。黄鹤楼从北宋至 20世纪 50年代,还曾作为道教的名山圣地,是吕洞宾传道、修行、教化的道场。黄鹤楼原址在湖北省武昌蛇山黄鹤矶头,始建于三国时代东吴黄武二年( 223年)。元和郡县图志记载:孙权始筑夏口故城,“城西临大江,江南角因矶为楼,名黄鹤楼。”是为了军事目的而建。而据极恩录记载说原为辛氏开设的酒店。唐永泰元年( 765年)黄鹤楼已具规模,然而兵火频繁,黄鹤楼屡建屡废,仅在明清两代,就被毁 7次,重建和维修了 10次。编辑 现况1957年建长江大桥武昌引桥时,占用了黄鹤楼旧址, 1981年 10月武汉市政府决定根据历史资料重建黄鹤楼,专家决定在距旧址约 1千米左右的蛇山峰岭

17、上重建新的黄鹤楼。1985年 6月落成,成为武汉市的标志性建筑。整个楼体都是用钢筋混凝土建成。新黄鹤楼的楼层内外绘有以仙鹤为主体,云纹、花草、龙凤等为陪衬的图案。第一层大厅的正面墙壁,是一幅以“白云黄鹤”为主题的巨大陶瓷壁画。两旁立柱上悬挂着长 7米的楹联:2003年 2月,黄鹤楼开始进行 1985年重建以来的首次大规模整修。此次整修主要是对楼顶的四块牌匾进行维修,在保持字迹不变的情况下对牌匾重新复制。3. The Revolution of 1911 Museum This acclaimed museum remembers and celebrates the events that l

18、ed to the eventual fall of the Qing Dynasty. The construction of The Revolution of 1911 Museum was started in the year 2009. It is located to the south of the Wuchang military uprising square. It is part of a line of attractions that include; Snake Hill, The Red Building, ShouYi Cultural Park and Zi

19、Ying Lake. The floor area of the museum itself are is 22,000 square metres. It is a three- floor building and the total investment in the project was 330 million RMB. All the related archives of the 1911 Revolution are stored in the Memorial Hall. The hall holds exhibitions about the uprising. Moder

20、n history research, academic exchanges and other multi-service functions are held here. It is an important education base for memorial activities. The museum is a new place of interest in Wuhan which displays the cities spirit. It is a great example of the city showcasing its rich historical heritag

21、e for modern day tourists. 武汉辛亥革命博物馆是依托全国重点文物保护单位中华民国军政府鄂军都督府旧址而建立的以纪念辛亥革命为主题的专题性博物馆,也是湖北武汉辛亥首义文化的标志性景观。馆址位于湖北省武汉市武昌区阅马场广场北端,西邻黄鹤楼,北倚蛇山,南面首义广场。旧址占地面积 18000多平方米,建筑面积近 10000平方米。因旧址红墙红瓦,武汉人称之为红楼。红楼原为清朝政府设立的湖北咨议局局址,于 1910年(清宣统二年)建成。1911年(农历辛亥年)10 月 10日,在孙中山民主革命思想的旗帜下集结起来的湖北革命党人,蓄势既久,为天下先,勇敢地打响了辛亥革命的“第一枪

22、” ,并一举光复武昌。次日在此组建中华民国军政府鄂军都督府,推举湖北新军协统黎元洪为都督,宣告废除清朝宣统年号,建立中华民国 。经过建设和发展,这里已然并正在向辛亥革命的纪念中心及其史迹文物资料的保护收藏中心、陈列展览中心和科学研究中心的目标迈进,并已先后被命名为“全国青少年教育基地” 、 “全国百个爱国主义教育示范基地” 、 “中国侨联爱国主义教育基地”和国家 AAAA级旅游景区。4. The Wuhan Yangtze Great BridgeThe Bridge spanning Asias largest River has united the regions of Wuhan fo

23、r over 50 years.The Wuhan Yangtze Great Bridge, commonly known as Wuhan First Yangtze Bridge, is a double-deck road and rail bridge across the Yangtze River in Wuhan, in Central China. At its completion in 1957, the bridge was the easternmost crossing of the Yangtze, and was often referred to as the

24、 “First Bridge of the Yangtze“.The bridge extends 1.6 kilometers (1 mile) from Turtle Hill in Hanyang, on the northern bank of the Yangtze, to Snake Hill in Wuchang, on the southern bank of the Yangtze. Plans for the bridges construction were first made in 1910. A total of four exploratory surveys w

25、ere made between 1913 and 1948 to identify a suitable site, but economic limitations and the combination of World War II and the Chinese Civil War prevented the bridges building until the 1950s. Actual construction began in September 1955 and was completed in October 1957.The upper level of the brid

26、ge is a two-way, four-lane automobile highway. The lower level is a double-track railway on the Beijing-Guangzhou railway line.The Wuhan metropolis is an amalgamation of three cities situated at the confluence of the Han River and the Yangtze: Wuchang, located on the southern bank of the Yangtze, Ha

27、nyang, located on the northern bank of the Yangtze and the west bank of the Han, and Hankou, located on the northern bank of the Yangtze and the eastern bank of the Han. Wuhan lies at the heart of Central China and is a hub from transportation between the ancient Chinese heartland in northern China

28、and the trading ports of Guangzhou and Hong Kong in southern China. The Beijing-Wuhan railway line went into full service in 1906, followed in 1936 by the Wuhan-Guangzhou railway line. Between that time and the bridges completion in 1957, railway cars travelling between northern and southern China h

29、ad to be ferried over the Yangtze on barges, a laborious and dangerous practice.In 1949, shortly after the Chinese Communist Partys victory in the Chinese Civil War and its founding of the Peoples Republic of China, former Peking University engineering student Li Wenji, by then 63 years old, and bri

30、dge engineer Mao Yisheng (Chinese: 茅以升) submitted a proposal to the new government for the construction of the Wuhan bridge as “a memorial to the success of the new democratic revolution.“ Li and the others were invited to the first Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference in September 1949

31、 to participate in discussions on the bridges construction.The proposals were accepted, and a bridge committee was created in January 1950. Li was able to participate in the first year of the planning and building work before he became ill and died in August 1951. Between 1950 and 1953, three confer

32、ences were held to discuss the plans, designs, and construction of the bridge as they developed. In February 1953, Mao Zedong traveled to Wuhan to receive reports on the projects progress, and was taken to the Yellow Crane Tower to view the proposed bridge site. On 1 April 1953, Zhou Enlai approved

33、the creation of the Wuhan Great Bridge Engineering Bureau, which was responsible for overseeing the design and building of the bridge, with Peng Min (Chinese: 彭敏) as bureau chief and party secretary and Wang Juqian (Chinese: 汪菊潜) as chief engineer.Chinese engineers in the 1950s were still heavily re

34、liant on Western expertise on major projects. Between July and September 1953, Chinese engineers took a large number of the bridges plans and blueprints to Moscow for consultation with Soviet engineers. In July 1954, the State Council of the Peoples Republic of China gave approval for a 28-person de

35、legation of Soviet engineers, led by Konstantin Sergeyevich Silin (19131996), to travel to China and assist the Chinese with the bridges design and construction.Construction officially began on 1 September 1955. Silin had predicted that using pressured-air caissons would be impractical due to the Ya

36、ngtzes unpredictable water level, which made drilling holes for the bridges supports much more difficult. The cantilever bridge design was used, and construction proceeded for over two years. Mao Zedong returned to Wuhan on 6 September 1957 to inspect the nearly-completed bridge, and was able to wal

37、k from the Hanyang side to the Wuchang side. The bridge formally opened to public traffic on 15 October 1957.The bridge still carries a major line on Chinas cross country rail network and is part of the cities inner ring road. Although several bridges and tunnels currently span the great river this

38、bridge, at the heart of the city, stands as a testament to the perseverance and engineering capabilities of post-revolution China. 武汉长江大桥位于中国湖北省武汉市,横卧于汉阳龟山和武昌蛇山之间的长江江面之上,是长江上第一座铁路、公路两用桥,因此又被称为“万里长江第一桥”。武汉长江大桥的建设规划始于 1910年代,由 1913年至 1948年间曾先后四次进行长江大桥的勘测、选址和设计,但几次规划都因经济、战乱原因而搁置。中华人民共和国成立以后,武汉长江大桥的建设被列

39、入中国第一个五年计划的苏联援华 156项工程之一,于 1950年起正式开始进行大桥的测量和设计,1955 年 9月动工建造。由于采用了新的管柱钻孔法取代传统的气压沉箱法,大大加快了大桥的建造速度,使武汉长江大桥竣工日期提前 2年,1957 年 10月正式通车。武汉长江大桥为双层钢桁梁桥,上层为双向四车道的公路桥,两侧设有人行道;下层为京广铁路复线。大桥自建成以来,一直都是武汉市的标志性建筑,同时也是最著名的旅游景点之一。 11949年,中华人民共和国成立后不久,时年 63岁、自 1913年起多次参与武汉长江大桥规划、勘探的李文骥,联合茅以升等一些科学家、工程师向中央人民政府上报筹建武汉纪念桥建

40、议书 ,提议建设武汉长江大桥,作为“新民主主义革命成功的纪念建筑” ,并详述前四次规划经过和受挫的原因,论述当时中国能建成大桥的可能性与具体工程内容、经费预算(600 亿旧人民币)等 8。中央政府对此甚为重视,1949 年 9月 21日至 30日,中国人民政治协商会议第一届全体会议在北平召开,会议上通过建造长江大桥的议案,并于1949年末电邀李文骥、茅以升等桥梁专家赴京,共商建桥之事。根据中央人民政府政务院的指示,中央人民政府铁道部立即着手筹划修建武汉长江大桥。1950年 1月,铁道部成立铁道桥梁委员会,同年 3月成立武汉长江大桥测量钻探队和设计组,由中国桥梁专家茅以升任专家组组长,开始进行初

41、步勘探调查,李文骥第五次赴武汉参与长江大桥设计和测量勘探,惟李文骥当时已抱病在身,并坚持工作至 1951年 6月,同年 8月病逝。专家组先后共作了八个桥址线方案,并逐一进行了缜密研究,所有的方案有一个共同特点,就是利用长江两岸的山丘以缩短引桥和路堤的长度。1950 年 9月至 1953年 3月,曾三次召开武汉长江大桥会议,就有关桥梁规模、桥式、材质、施工方法等进行讨论。1953 年 2月 18日,毛泽东在武汉听取中共中央中南局领导关于大桥勘测设计的汇报,并登上武昌黄鹤楼视察了大桥桥址。大桥选址方案经中央财经委员会批准确定后,铁道部立即组织力量进行初步设计 9。1953年 4月 1日,周恩来批准

42、成立武汉大桥工程局(今中铁大桥局集团的前身),负责武汉长江大桥的设计与施工,彭敏任局长兼党委第一副书记,杨在田、崔文炳任副局长,汪菊潜任总工程师。同年 7月至 9月,铁道部派出代表团携带武汉长江大桥全部设计图纸资料赴苏联首都莫斯科,请求苏方协助进行技术鉴定,苏方为此派出由 25名桥梁专家组成鉴定委员会进行研究,鉴定会的改进建议包括稍微调整汉阳岸的桥址、同意采用气压沉箱法施工等,且鉴于桁架梁结构的丹东鸭绿江大桥在朝鲜战争中被炸毁时梁部坠落,故处于战备考虑建议长江大桥桥梁形式改为三孔一联等跨连续粱。1954 年 1月 21日,中华人民共和国政务院第 203次会议听取了时任铁道部部长滕代远关于筹建武

43、汉长江大桥的情况报告,并通过了关于修建武汉长江大桥的决议,决定采纳苏联的鉴定意见、批准长江大桥的初步设计,正式任命彭敏为武汉大桥工程局局长,杨在田、崔文炳任副局长,同时批准了1958年底铁路通车和 1959年 8月底公路通车的竣工期限 10。中、苏工程师在武汉长江大桥建设工地1954年,国务院批准了铁道部聘请苏联专家组来华支援的请求。1954 年 7月,苏联政府派遣了以 康斯坦丁谢尔盖耶维奇西林( )为首的专家工作组一行 28人来华进行技术援助。西林是苏联著名桥梁专家,曾于 1948年至 1949年间两次赴中国,协助修复东北地区铁路和松花江大桥,并参加过成渝、天兰、兰新铁路的桥梁建设 11。西

44、林来到中国后,表示认为长江大桥不宜采用气压沉箱法施工,原因是长江水深流急,西林建议用管柱钻孔法。大桥建设部门对管柱钻孔法的设计方案经过三个月的讨论和半年的试验,证明确实可行,经请示铁道部长滕代远、总理周恩来后,国务院于 1955年上半年批准对新方案“继续进行试验,并将新旧方案进行比较,也既是党中央提倡的依靠群众,一切通过试验的方法” 10。1955年 1月 15日,武汉长江大桥桥址选线技术会议在汉口召开,正式决定选择龟山、蛇山一线 9。1955 年 2月,铁道部成立了武汉长江大桥技术顾问委员会,作为大桥工程的技术咨询机构,由茅以升为主任委员,其他委员包括罗英、陶述曾、李国豪、张维、梁思成等。经

45、国务院批准后,武汉长江大桥于 1955年 9月 1日提前正式动工。武汉长江大桥全部工程除了大桥本身以外,还包括大量配套工程,包括汉水铁路桥、大桥联络线、由丹水池站经江岸西站至汉水铁路桥头的汉口迂回线(今京广铁路正线)、江岸站至江岸西站的联络线、江岸西编组站、汉西站、汉阳站等设施 12,其中汉水铁路桥和长江大桥正桥和引桥工程由铁道部武汉大桥局负责施工,其余铁路及跨线桥工程由铁道兵施工。1956年 10月,大桥各桥墩下沉管柱和从管柱内向江底岩盘钻孔的工作全部完成 13。武汉长江大桥(连同配套工程)总投资预算 1.72亿元人民币,实际只用了 1.384亿元;大桥本身造价预算 7250万元,实际只用了

46、 6581万元。1956年 6月,毛泽东从长沙到武汉,第一次游泳横渡长江,当时武汉长江大桥已初见轮廓,毛泽东即兴写下水调歌头游泳一词,其中广为传诵的一句“一桥飞架南北,天堑变通途”,正是描写武汉长江大桥的气势和重要作用。1957 年 9月 6日,毛泽东第三次来到武汉长江大桥工地视察,并从汉阳桥头步行到武昌桥头。1957年 10月 15日,武汉长江大桥正式通车的5. The East LakeIn the Wuchang district of the city, lies The East Lake; the largest urban lake in China. Wuhans East L

47、ake covers an area of 33 square kilometers. It was designated as one of the 4A tourist zones of China in 2000. East Lake has a bird sanctuary, botanical garden, museums, boat rides, fishing, cycling, a public aquarium, and other activities for locals and tourists alike. It includes: Liyuan Park - a

48、large urban park on the west side of the lake, with a popular free swimming area Hubei Provincial Museum Hubei Art Museum; the two museums are across the street from each other, just a block from the main entrance to Liyuan Park Wuhan Donghu Ocean Aquarium, proud of its flock of penguins1 Wuhan Rail

49、way Station - a few km northeast of the lake Moshan (“Millstone Mountain“) Scenic Area, including East Lake Cherry Blossom Park The “Chu Castle“ (楚城) Wuhan Botanical Garden China University of Geosciences, Wuhan Campus Wuhan University main campusSeveral causeways cross the eastern part of the lake, providing access to recreational fishing sites and beaches. In 2012, the construction of a major 6-lane road across the lake (Donghu Tongdao) was started; it is expected to be completed

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