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3、感官质量,而且也有利于食品的消化吸收,这在今天大力发展方便食品并强调其营养作用时具有一定的重要性。不同的膨松剂在原理上是一致的,即都是通过发酵剂在面团中产生大量二氧化碳气体,在蒸煮过程中,二氧化碳受热膨胀,于是面团就变得松软,形成疏松的结构。膨松剂不仅能使食品产生松软的海棉状多孔组织,使之体积膨大、口感柔松可口;而且能使咀嚼时唾液很快渗入制品的组织中,以溶出制品内可溶性物质,刺激味觉神经,使之迅速反应该食品的风味;食品进入胃之后,各种消化酶能快速进入食品组织中,使食品容易、快速地被消化、吸收,避免营养损失。2、膨松剂的分类膨松剂可分为生物膨松剂和化学膨松剂两大类。2.1 生物膨松剂(酵母)酵母

4、是面制品中一种十分重要的膨松剂。它不仅能使制品体积膨大,组织呈海棉状,而且能提高面制品的营养价值和风味。2.2 化学膨松剂化学膨松剂是由食用化学物质配制的,可分为单一膨松剂和复合膨松剂。2.2.1 单一膨松剂常用单一膨松剂为 NaHCO3 和 NH4HCO3,两者均是碱性化合物。由于 NaHCO3 分解之残留物 Na2CO3 在高温下将与油脂作用产生皂化反应 ,使制品品质不良、口味不纯、 pH 值升高、颜色加深,并破坏组织结构;而 NH4HCO3 分解之 NH3 气体易溶于水形成 NH4OH,使制品存有臭味、pH 值升高,对于维生素类有严重的破坏性。所以 NaHCO3 和 NH4HCO3 应尽

5、可能减少单独使用,两者合用能减少一些缺陷, NH4HCO3 通常只用于制品中水份含量较少产品,如饼干。2.2.2 复合膨松剂复合膨松剂一般由三种成分组成:碳酸盐类、酸性盐类、淀粉和脂肪酸等。复合膨松剂可根据碱式盐的组成和反应速度分类。3、膨松剂的使用范围酵母在食品工业中应用十分广泛,在焙烤食品、饮料(发酵饮料)以及调味品生产中都起十分重要的作用。3.1 酵母在焙烤食品中的应用食品厂常用酵母作生物膨松剂,主要用于面包和苏打饼干等焙烤食品的生产。在面团发酵中产生大量 CO2 气体,使面包疏松多孔,体积变大,口感变的疏松可口,满足人们的感官要求 。 在面团发酵时产生多种与面包风味有关的挥发物和不挥发

6、物,在焙烤过程中形成酯类,形成面包的独特风味(化学膨松剂无此作用) 。酵母主要成分是蛋白质(占干重的 3040) ,且其中必需氨基酸量充足,特别是赖 氨酸含量较高。另一方面,酵母中还含有大量 b 族维生素,在每克干物质的酵母中,含 20g40g 硫胺素,60g 80g 核黄素,280g 尼克酸。3.2 酵母在饮料酒生产中的应用食品添加剂中大多数产品都是一专多能的,酵母除了作膨松剂,在饮料酒、调味品生产中也是必不可少的。饮料酒是深受我国广大人民欢迎的饮用食品、生产历史十分悠久。饮料酒分为发酵酒(啤酒、葡萄酒、黄酒)和蒸馏酒(白酒、白兰地) ,饮料酒含有酒精成分具有刺激性,可使人神经兴奋、血液循环

7、加快、消除疲劳,酵母在饮料酒生产中起十分重要的作用 。3.3 酵母在酿造调味品中的应用 酿造调味品的生产过程,是原料在微生物复杂的酶系作用下进行一系列的生物化学变 化的过程。酵母和酿造工业关系十分密切,酱油、酱类、食醋及各种发酵性豆制品的风味形成,大都需要酵母作用。3.4 膨松剂酵母的其他应用3.4.1 风味物质的提取 酵母主要是由蛋白质构成,并且还含有其他一些营养成分,故可从酵母中生产多种有用的风味抽提物。3.4.2 营养添加剂 酵母提取物中含有大量的可溶性氨和一定量的 B 族维生素。含磷和微量矿物元素,可添加在食品中,并且有一定的医疗作用。 3.4.3 酶浓缩物 酵母自溶物可以释放出转化酶

8、和 -半糖苷酶,这些酶可用于食品工业中。3.4.4 用酿造酵母制造核酸 总之,酵母在食品与工业中,应用十分广泛 。4、膨松剂存在的安全隐患据有关专家透露,目前市场上的膨化类食品(包括油条和面包)几乎都存在铝残留量超标的情况。导致铝超标的原因是,企业在生产过程中向食品加入了泡打粉(化学膨松剂)所致,如果要改变铝超标的情况,必须选择无铝膨松剂。而无铝膨松剂的成本要比普通的化学膨松剂高 34 倍。因此一些不良商贩为了降低成本,必然会选择低成本的化学膨松剂,因此铝超标的现象仍然存在。而铝并非人体需要的微量元素,相反还是有害健康的食品污染物。在毒理学上铝虽属于低毒性的金属元素,它不会引起急性中毒,但进入


10、薯条、面包、饼干等,尤其目前在市场监管力度不够的情况下,多选用自然发酵法制作的馒头和糕点。处于生长发肓期的儿童更应少吃膨化食品。以免影响正常饮食,导致营养不良。同时消费者应尽量选择购买正规厂家生产的密封包装的膨化食品,最大限度减少受危害的机会。并不是说所有的膨松剂对人体都有害的,现在市场上有种无铝膨松剂就是对身体无害的,无铝复合膨松剂一般由三种成分组成:碳酸盐类、酸性盐类、淀粉和脂肪酸等。参考文献:1寿庆丰.膨松剂及其应用.食品科技,1999(01).2廖耿; 陈仪准.食品添加剂产品介绍.广州化工,1986(03).3孙玉婷;林丹.食品添加剂之膨松剂简介.化学教育,2009(08).4荆喜泉.


12、同的膨松剂在面食应用中的对比.中国食品科学技术学会第七届年会论文摘要集,2010(11).Raising agentAbstract: the raising agent is one of the common food additives, generally divided into biological leavening agent and chemical leavening agent, the use of different leavening agent principle is the same. Commonly used leavening agent is cont

13、aining aluminum powder, and the content of diet chinalco will decrease too much memory and suppress the immune function, this paper introduces the leavening agent, application scope, function and existence safe hidden trouble.Key words: food; Additive; Raising agent; Safe hidden troubleThe character

14、istics of the food such as bread, cake, steamed bread is a sponge porous organization, so the soft palate. To achieve this purpose in the production, must make the dough mediator holds plenty of gas. Material mixed with air and in the process of mixing material in the water produced in the baking he

15、at of water vapor, can make the product produces some sponge structure, but the products to achieve the ideal effect, gas quantity is not enough. Most of the gas is provided by raising agent, thus raising agent has an important position in the food manufacturing.Leavening agent is added in the predo

16、minantly wheat flour baked goods, and thermal decomposition in the process, produce gas, make the dough up, forming dense cellular tissue, so that products with bulk, soft and crispy salted class of substances. It can have alkaline leavening agent and composite leavening agent. The former is mainly

17、sodium bicarbonate produces carbon dioxide, make hair with the dough. Acid can be neutralized in the process of producing carbon monoxide formed by alkali salt, and adjust the speed of the carbon dioxide produced. And has in favor of preservation of leavening agent such as starch, adjust the gas pro

18、duction rate, uniform bubble distribution, and so on.1, using principles of raising agentLeavening agent is added in the predominantly wheat flour baked goods, and thermal decomposition in the process to produce gas, make the dough up, forming dense cellular tissue, so that the products have bulk ty

19、pe of material, soft and crispy.Raising agent, also known as expansion agent, bulking agent or baking powder. It not only can improve the sensory quality of food, but also conducive to digestion and absorption of food, that in todays developing convenience foods and emphasized the importance of thei

20、r nutritional role has certain.Different bulking agents on the principle is consistent, namely by yeast in the dough to produce large amounts of carbon dioxide gas, in the process of cooking, co2 heat expansion, then becomes soft dough, forming loose structure. Leavening agent can not only make the

21、food produces soft sponge porous organization, make the volume), mouthfeel supple, loose and tasty; And can make chewing the organization of saliva into products quickly, with products of dissolution in soluble substances, stimulate the taste nerve, should make quickly the food flavor; After food en

22、ters the stomach, a variety of digestive enzymes can quickly into the food in the organization, the food was easy, fast, digestion, absorption, avoid the nutrient loss.2, the classification of leavening agentRaising agent can be divided into biological leavening agent and chemical leavening agent tw

23、o kinds big.2.1 biological leavening agent (yeast)Yeast is a kind of very important leavening agent flour products. It not only can make the products volume enlargement, organization is sponge, and can improve the nutritional value and flavor flour products.2.2 chemistry leavening agentChemical leav

24、ening agent is made up of the consumption of chemical preparation, can be divided into single leavening agent and compound leavening agent.2.2.1 single leavening agentCommonly used single leavening agent for NaHCO3 and NH4HCO3, both alkaline compounds. Due to the decomposition of NaHCO3 residue Na2C

25、O3 with oils at high temperatures will produce saponification reaction, make the products poor quality, taste pure, pH value, color deepened, and disrupt the structure of the organization; And decomposition of NH4HCO3 of NH3 gas form NH4OH soluble in water, make the products have bad smell, the pH v

26、alue increases, for vitamins are severely damaging. So NaHCO3 and NH4HCO3 should minimize used alone, the two share can reduce some flaws, NH4HCO3 are usually only used in products less moisture content products, such as biscuits.2.2.2 composite leavening agentComposite leavening agent generally con

27、sists of three components: carbonate and fatty acid, acid salt, starch, etc. According to basic salt composite leavening agent composition and reaction rate of classification.The use of the 3, raising agentYeast and they are widely used in the food industry in the baked food and beverage fermented b

28、everages () and have an very important role in condiment production.3.1 the yeast in the application of the baked goodsYeast is commonly used in food as a leavening agent, mainly used for the bread and the production of soda biscuits and other baked goods.In the dough fermentation to produce a large

29、 number of CO2 gas, make the bread is porous, volume change, loose delicious taste, meet peoples requirements of the senses.When the dough fermentation to produce a variety of volatile and nonvolatile matter related to the flavor of bread, in the baking process to form esters, the unique flavor of b

30、read (chemical leavening agent had no effect).Yeast is the chief component of protein (30% 40%) of the dry weight, and the amount of necessary amino acid, especially the amino acid content is higher. Yeast, on the other hand, also contains a large number of b vitamins, in per gram dry yeast, contain

31、ing 20 40 mu mu g g thiamine, riboflavin, mu mu 60 g to 80 g 280 mu g niacin.3.2 yeast in the application of beverage wine productionFood additives, most products are mastering many skills while specializing in yeast except as a leavening agent, in beverage wine, condiment production is also essenti

32、al. Drink wine is welcome by the masses of the peoples food, production has a long history. Drink wine is divided into fermented alcohol (beer, wine, rice wine) and distilled spirits (white wine, brandy), drinks wine contains alcohol has excitant, can make people nervous excitement, speed up blood c

33、irculation, eliminate fatigue, yeast plays an important role in drinks wine production.3.3 in the application of seasonings fermented yeastBrewed condiment production process, it is raw material under the action of a complex system of microbes in the process of a series of biochemical changes. Yeast

34、 close connection and brewing industry, soy sauce, soy sauce, vinegar fermentation and all kinds of flavor formation of bean products, mostly need to yeast.3.4 yeast leavening agent of other applications3.4.1 track of flavor substances extractionYeast is mainly composed of protein, and also contains

35、 other nutrients, it can from yeast to produce a variety of useful flavour extract.3.4.2 nutrition additiveYeast extract contains a large number of soluble ammonia and a certain amount of B vitamins. Phosphorus and trace mineral elements, can be added in the food, and has certain health care functio

36、n.Rule 3.4.3 enzyme concentrateYeast autolysate can release the invertase and beta - half glycosidase, these enzymes can be used in the food industry.3.4.4 made from brewing yeast nucleic acidAll in all, yeast in food and industry, application is very extensive.4 hidden trouble in security, raising

37、agentAccording to experts, the current market of puffed food (including bread and Fried dough sticks) almost always had residual aluminum paint. Is the cause of excessive aluminum, the enterprise in the process of production to food joined the baking powder (chemical leavening agent), if you want to

38、 change the aluminum paint, must choose the bulking agent without aluminum. Without aluminum leavening agent cost is higher than ordinary chemical leavening agent 3 4 times. So some unscrupulous vendors to reduce costs, will inevitably choose low-cost chemical leavening agent, therefore the phenomen

39、on of excessive aluminum still exist. And aluminium is not the human body needs trace elements, on the contrary is harmful to health food contaminants. Aluminum on toxicology is belong to the low toxicity of metal elements, it will not cause acute poisoning, but into the cells of aluminum with a var

40、iety of proteins, enzymes, as well as the combination of human body important material such as adenosine triphosphate, affect the body of a variety of biochemical reactions, interfere with the normal metabolism of cells and organs, caused some dysfunction, appear even some diseases. Long-term consum

41、ption of high aluminum content of puffed food, interferes with the mind, consciousness and memory function, cause the nervous system lesions, characterized by memory loss, visual and motion coordination failure, severe brain damage, mental decline and dementia. Consuming too much aluminum, can repla

42、ce the calcium deposition in bone and inhibit bone formation, osteomalacia, etc. In addition of puffed food that contains high aluminum most high-fat, high-calorie foods, will cause acidic fluids, also easy to bring obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and other diseases of the w

43、ealthy. And puffed food is generally high in salt, monosodium glutamate, make the child adulthood can lead to high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease, etc., so we must strengthen self-health care consciousness, try not to eat or eat less Fried dough sticks, puffed food, such as French fries,

44、bread, biscuits and so on, especially in the market regulation under the condition of insufficient, how to choose the natural fermentation production of steamed bread and cakes. In the growth of hair huang children period should eat less puffed food. So as not to affect the normal diet, resulting in

45、 malnutrition. At the same time, consumers should choose to buy normal manufacturer production sealed packaging of puffed food, minimize the chance of harm.Is not to say that all of the leavening agent is harmful to human body, now in the market have a bulking agent without aluminum is harmless to t

46、he body, without aluminum composite leavening agent generally consists of three components: carbonate and fatty acid, acid salt, starch, etc.References:Life of qinfeng. 1 raising agent and its application. The food science and technology, 1999 (01).2 Liao Geng; Chen Yizhun. Food additives product in

47、troduction. Guangzhou chemical, 1986 (03).3 Sun Yuting; Lin Dan. Raising agent profile of food additives. Chemical education, 2009 (8).4 JingXiQuan. Raising agent of life effect of loose and soft paper. Paper and paper, 1999 (02).5 Shi Ning. Leavening agent used in food processing. Chinas urban and

48、rural health enterprise, 2002 (02).6 liu peng. Low calorie bulking agent in frozen dairy food. Chinas dairy industry, 1996 (03).7 Qiu Junwei. The application of the biochemical raising agent in bread production. The western grain and oil science and technology, 1998 (03).8 Li Huiqin; Ceng Yongqing.

49、New leavening agent for food safety. Processing of agricultural products, 2010 (8).9 Xu Guangze; Zhang Limeng. Food leavening agent. The advent of the fine and specialty chemicals, 1992 (04).10 Guo Ying. Raising agent used in food analysis of the survey and research. The wuhan institute, 2011 (05).11 Ceng Yongqing; Wu Huixun; He Jinyin; Li Huiqin. Quick-frozen rice flour food research of raising agent. Food additives in China, 2011 (04).12 Hu Xinping. Different raising agent in pasta. Food science and technology of China to

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