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1、E-C Translation of Lin Yutangs The Importance ofLiving in Light of Language Character Theory从语性理论试析林语堂生活的艺术的汉译byGUO HongxiaTHESISPresented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree ofMaster of Arts in English Language analyze the current researches onLin Yutang and The Importance of

2、Living home and abroad in chapter two. In chapter three thetheoretical framework of the thesis will be introduced. And chapter four presents the features of LiniiYutang and The Importance of Living. Based on the previous analysis, back-translation will be analyzedwith specific examples from The Impo

3、rtance of Living and the E-C translated version by Yue Yi, andalso some shortcomings from the translation will be analyzed according to the Language CharacterTheory in chapter five. In the last part, conclusion is made and limitations of this thesis on the E-Ctranslation of The Importance of Living

4、are presented. Through the analysis and study, the author arrivesat the conclusion that in the practice of translating The Importance of Living, the translator should bearin mind those language characteristics,target-language-centered approach should been encouraged,thatis,the translator should have

5、 a thorough comprehension of the language characters of both the sourcelanguage and target language before he finds the best compatible or fusional point, and then conveys allfrom the source into the target language,perfect either in content, form, or style.Key words: The Importance of Living; E-C t

6、ranslation; Language Character Theory; back-translationiii摘要林语堂是我国文学史上著名的双语作家,文学翻译家,和语言学家。勿容置疑,翻译是一种跨语言、跨文化、跨社会的交际活动。如果说翻译的可能性建立在文化的共性上,那么,翻译的局限性则建立在文化的个性上(陈宏薇, 1998:11)。而生活的艺术的汉译属于纯然同一文化范围内的翻译,这就使这种翻译带有在其译入语方面一定的复其原作的特点,故对语性的关注也就显得尤为重要。高健的语言个性理论或许是认识译出语与译入语之差异并超越这种差异的真正钥匙。该理论认为,语言各有其不同的个性,这种个性对每种语言

7、特色的形成关系极大;写作与翻译,尤其是后者,不注意这一事实便会造成不佳的译作(秦建华,2003:12)。据高健先生考究,从林语堂先生前期散文作品的双重文本来看,林语堂的同一内容的汉语译文就总是比他那英文原文更加漂亮和讲究一些(尽管他的英文也写得非常好),这其中原因必然是语性。(高健, 2006:173)林语堂先生在生活的艺术中以译写结合的方式传承中国文化,他打破了传统翻译形式规则,灵活运用节译、摘译、编译等翻译变体,以编译为主体的编、译、创的会通与融合,使译写完美地结合,并获得了成功。此书能获得成功,不仅得益于林语堂先生精炼的写作文笔,也得益于他的近乎完美的翻译创作。而林氏文章的魅力在很大程度


9、习惯,将译文,从内容到形式以至风格,尽可能完美地融入汉语中,并以它为中心,只有这样,才可能成就理想译文。关键词:林语堂; 生活的艺术; 语性理论; 汉译; 回译ivTable of ContentsAcknowledgements iAbstract(in English).iiAbstract(in chinese)ivTable of Contentsv.Introduction.11.1 The research object. 11.2 Significance of the research 51.3 Strategies adopted in the research.51.4 O

10、rganization of the thesis. 5Literature Review. 72.1 Early researches on Lin Yutang 72.1.1 Critical period (1925-1949). 72.1.2 Silent period (1950-1978) 72.1.3 Period of breakthroughs (1979-1984) 82.1.4 Period of development (1985-present).82.2 Early reseaches on Lin Yutangs The Importance of Living9

11、. Theoretical Framework. 113.1 An introduction to Gao Jians Language Character Theory113.1.1 Gao Jian. 113.1.2 Language Character Theory.123.2Application of Language Character Theory to analyzing The Importance of Living143.2.1 Analysis on Lins early double version writings153.2.2 Views of style pro

12、posed by L.C.T183.2.3 Translation of The Importance of Living. 20.Lin Yutang and The Importance of Living. 224.1 Lin Yutangs language style. 224.1.1 Lin Yutangs Language style.224.1.2 Natural,simple and familiar stye.23v4.1.3 Lins specific language style.244.2 Hsingling and genetic adaptation24. E-C

13、 Translation of The Importance of Living in Light of L.C.T.275.1 Back-translation for quotations.275.1.1 Definition of back-translation 275.1.2 Study on back-translation in the E-C translated version 285.2 E-C translation of the Chinese version in light of L.C. T. 365.2.1 E-C translation at lexical

14、level. 365.2.2 E-C translation at syntactic level. 38Conclusion. 41Bibliography 42Papers published during MA program45viThesis for Masters DegreeChapter Introduction1.1 The research objectLin Yutang was a significant and prolific writer and translator in Chinese literary history. His book,The Import

15、ance of Living, an expansion of his last chapter in My Country and My People, waspublished in 1937. It became one of his most famous books as a grand synthesis of his philosophy. Thebook soon became the best-selling book in America in 1938, which secured for him the position of aleading interpreter

16、of China to the west. (Lin Taiyi, 1999: 6) In his book The Importance of Living, LinYutang imparts and inherits Chinese culture and achieves success by adopting translation variationssuch as selective translation, abstract translation and adapted translation, a perfect combination ofwriting and tran

17、slating.Therefore, the E-C translation of The Importance of Living is not cross-culture but justcross-linguistic, that is to say, although the source text and target text are two different linguisticversions, both them share the same Chinese culture background.This thesis is intended to study the E-

18、C translation of Lin Yutangs The Importance of Living inlight of L.C.T. As we know his English original written in native English was natural, fluent, andbeautiful, but its Chinese version was, to some degree, different.Gao Jians language character theory (L-C.T) is very important in understanding a

19、nd transcendingsuch differences. The fundamental concept of L-C.T. goes as follows: each language has its owncharacter and as such,has no small share in the shaping of a particular tongue ,both in translation andwriting. But while due care has been given to the latter,the same can hardly be said of

20、the former,forlaboring under the weight of the strange original,It is not unlikely that one forgets his duty to both,especially to the language character of the T-L,and so much so that the resultant translation is far fromsatisfactory. Thus,in translation,Target-language-centered approach should bee

21、n adopted,that is,thetranslator should have a thorough comprehension of the language characters of both the source languageand target language before he finds the best compatible or fusional point, and then conveys all from thesource into the target language,perfect either in content, form, or style

22、.(Qin Jianhua, 2003:12)Lin Yutangs own translation practice has been studied by many scholars; yet few have been doneon other peoples translation of Lin Yutangs English works. According to Lin Yutang, he was not always1Thesis for Masters Degreesatisfied with the translation of his works and thought

23、it was a pity that he was unable to meet theChinese readers “face to face“ sometimes. Therefore, this field is worthy of study and will be discussedin this thesis.1.1.2 Why choose the translation of Lin Yutangs The Importance ofLiving as a case study1.1.2.1 Lin Yutangs glamourLin Yutang(1859-1976) w

24、as one of the few outstanding Chinese scholars who could write theirgreat works both in Chinese and English. And there are not many writers and translators in Chineseliterature history like Lin Yutang who are good at and successful in writing as well as in translating, andwho are famous and have a l

25、arge readership both at home and abroad. He translated more than 50 booksin his life time, successfully bringing Chinese classics,Chinese culture,and the way of Chinese thinkingand living to Western audiences. Ryan M. Murray once said,“If ever a Person dedicated his life todeveloping an understandin

26、g between East and West,it is Lin Yutang.”(Murray,1999:3)The New YorkTimes said at the time of Lins death,“Lin Yutang had no peer as an interpreter to Western minds of thecustoms, aspirations, fears and thought of his people.” The United Daily News of Taiwan comparedLins achievements in introducing

27、Chinese culture to the West with that of Jesuilt missionary MatteoRicci,and said,“Dr. Lin Yutang is the scholar and writer who possibly made the greatest contribution inpromoting Chinese culture internationally in recent 100 years.”(Lin,1998:11) He was nominated for theNoble Prize for literature in

28、1975.As a writer and translator, Lin Yutang achieved brilliant success in fields of literature translation,and philosophy, and enjoyed great fame both at home and abroad. Lin wrote lots of works dealing withphilosophy, literature, translation, arts, history and politics, edited Kaiming English textb

29、ooks, compiledtwo dictionaries (Concise Oxford Dictionary and Lin Yutang Chinese-English Dictionary of ModernUsage) and invented a Chinese typewriter, the Mingkwai Typewriter.Lin Yutang was not only a writer who had a significant influence on the world,but also a learnedscholar. He had great interes

30、ts in and a deep understanding on both the East and West. (Wang,2007)Due to his complicated cultural and Philosophical background, Lin Yutang is said to be one of the mostimportant, yet at the same time the most difficult writers to analyze in the modern literary history of2Thesis for Masters Degree

31、China.(Shi,2005)Lin Yutang enjoyed a successful career in America. As an excellent bilingual writer, He isparticularly good at writing in English. Lins life experience and unique educational background explainhis mastery in English,which even evokes native English speakers admiration and envy. He wr

32、ote mostof his works originally in English and his translation works are also extremely good regardless of thefact that Lin is a native speaker of Chinese. My fondness for and interest in The Importance of LivingWith the increasing international culture communication, more and more his Englis

33、h works hasbeen translated into Chinese. His book, The Importance of Living, one of his most famous books and agrand synthesis of his philosophy, became a selection of the Book-of-the-Month Club in Dec. 1937; andbecame a runaway best-seller in America in 1938; and was translated into a dozen languag

34、es, and itsecured for him the position of a leading interpreter of China to the west.( Lin, 1998:6)Cotter(2007)writes, “The Importance of Living appeared, and its antimaterialist, pro-leisure messagewas an instant hitIt still has fans.”“Lin Yutang, who is best remembered, and was at one time widelyk

35、nown in the United States, for his book The Importance of Living, an early wisdom-of-the-East-helpguide aimed at a Western audience.”(Cotter, 2007)This book aimed to bring an understanding of Chinese culture for the West, to better theirappreciation and understanding of China and Chinese culture, an

36、d more importantly to teach Westernershow to relax themselves. It dealt with a huge variety of topics, such as home, dignity of human life,dreams, individualism, happiness, materialism, loafing, sexuality, aging, food, tea, smoking, nature,flowers, travel, culture, religion, and common sense. (Murra

37、y, 1999:33)Although Lins books were translated into Chinese and well-received, he was not always satisfiedwith the translation. He said in the end of his life, My regret is that I did not, through most of my works,meet my readers face to face.”(Lin, 2005:7)I was deeply impressed when I first read on

38、e of the works of Lin Yutang, the English version ofThe Importance of Living; I admired his skilled language, enjoyed the style, loved the humor and somany things in it, and was even astonished to find it was so beautiful and excellent when he expressedhis ideas. While when I read Chinese version of

39、 The Importance of Living, translated by Yue Yi, Icannot have the same feelings for that. I think there are some differences between the original and the3Thesis for Masters DegreeChinese version. Examples are following:E.g1: I am interested only in presenting a view of life and of things as the best

40、 and wisest Chineseminds have seen it and expressed it in their folk wisdom and their literature. (Lin Yutang, TheImportance of Living, 2009:2)译文:我只表现一种中国最优越最聪慧的哲人们所见到而在他们文字中发挥过的人生观和事物观。(Translation of Yue Yi)E.g2: A man believing in individualism and carrying it to its logical consequences can stil

41、l be avery intelligent being, but a man believing in cold head as against the warm heart is a fool.(Lin Yutang, The Importance of Living, 2009:182)译文:一个相信个人主义者向着它的合理后果而进行,尚不失其为一个具有理解力的生物。但专一相信冷静头脑,而毫不知有热情心肠者,简直是个呆子。(Translation by Yue Yi p184)E.g3:I do not think that, considered from the point of vi

42、ew of human culture and happiness, therehave been more significant inventions in the history of mankind, more vitally important and moredirectly contributing to our enjoyment of leisure ,friendship, sociability and conversation, than theinventions of smoking, drinking, and tea. All three have severa

43、l characteristics in common:first of all,that they contribute toward our sociability; secondly, that that they do not fill our stomach as food does,and therefore can be enjoyed between meals; and thirdly, they are all to be enjoyed through the nostrilsby acting on our sense of smell. So great are th

44、eir influences upon culture that we have smoking carsbesides dining cars, and we have wine restaurants or taverns and tea houses. In China and England atleast, drinking tea has become a social institution. (Lin Yutang, The Importance of Living, 2009:236)我以为从人类文化和快乐的观点论起来,人类历史中的杰出新发明,其能直接有力地有助于我们饿享受空

45、闲、友谊、社交和谈天者,莫过于吸烟、饮酒、饮茶的发明。这三件事有几样共同的特质:第一,它们有助于我们的社交;第二,这几件东西不至于一吃就饱,可以在吃饭的中间随时吸饮;第三,都是可以藉嗅觉去享受的东西。它们对于文化的影响极大,所以餐车之外另有吸烟车,饭店之外另有酒店和茶馆,至少在中国和英国,茶饮已经成为社交上一种不可少的制度。(Translation of Yue Yi p231)From above, we can see there is some difference between its translation in Chinese and its Englishoriginal. A

46、nd the fact that the studies on the E-C translation of Lin Yutangs English works are so few,especially on The Importance of Living, and the rising interest in Lin and recent publishing of Lin4Thesis for Masters DegreeYutang at home also give me the ideas for this thesis.1.2 Significance of the resea

47、rchThis thesis aims to study how to translate The Importance of Living, an English works written byLin Yutang, a bilingual and bicultural writer, into Chinese. The study of the E-C translation of TheImportance of Living employing the Language Character Theory can be rather enlightening.According to

48、Gao Jians Language Character Theory, the author will try to analyze theback-translation with specific examples from the original English and its corresponding E-C translatedversion by Yue Yi. The author hopes that this thesis will arose more interest in the translation of thisbook.The thesis also ai

49、ms to enrich the study on Lin Yutangs The Importance of Living and to add somebricks into the building of the study of Lin Yutang, and bring new insights into the study of bilingualand bicultural writers and their works.1.3 Strategies adopted in the researchAn analytical, descriptive and comparative approach along with case study will be adopted in theresearch.1.4 Organization of the thesisThe thesis consists of five chap

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