1、钢琴快速上手-和弦公式(2011-01-25 15:12:48) 初学者要快速上手,学会如何弹曲子,甚至听奏,作曲,一定要掌握和熟练钢琴和弦。现在介绍大家一个和弦公式,大家可以对着琴慢慢摸索,耐心练习,以达到出手成曲的境界Chord Formulas 和弦公式Piano chords are made by combining a series of notes from the major scale in a certain order to create each chord voicing. The formulas below tell which notes of the majo
2、r scale are used to create a chord.钢琴和弦,将一个大调音阶里的音符按照一定的顺序排列组合。以下的公式告诉我们在大调里的哪一些音符对应哪一个和弦。Major: 1 - 3 - 5 (M, maj) 大调和弦minor: 1 - 3b - 5 (m, min) 副调和弦Augmented: 1 - 3 - 5# (aug) 增和弦Diminished: 1 - 3b - 5b (dim) 减和弦Suspended 4: 1 - 4 - 5 (sus4) 挂留和弦6 Chords: 1 - 3 - 5 - 6 (6) 六和弦minor 6 Chords: 1 -
3、3b - 5 - 6 (m6) 正六和弦7 Chords: 1 - 3 - 5 - 7b (7, dom7, dominant 7) 7 和弦Major 7 Chords: 1 - 3 - 5 - 7 (maj7, M7) 正 7 和弦minor 7 Chords: 1 - 3b - 5- 7b (m7, min7) 副 7 和弦9 Chords: 1 - 3 - 5 - 7b - 9 (9, dom9, dominant 9)Major 9 Chords: 1 - 3 - 5 - 7 - 9 (maj9, M9)minor 9 Chords: 1 - 3b - 5- 7b - 9 (m9, min9)Notes on a Piano 钢琴上的音符On a piano, the white keys play no sharp or flat notes. The black keys on a piano play only the sharp or flat notes.Notes in Music Notation 五线谱里的音符