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1、 宁夏大学硕士学位论文傲慢与偏见三个中译本的功能文体学分析姓名:刘丽祥申请学位级别:硕士专业:英语语言文学指导教师:马菊玲2011-03摘 要 文 学翻译 成 功 的关 键 之一 在 于 是否 能够准 确传达原 文 风格。 对 于译 者来说, 文 学翻译 最棘 手 的问题 莫过于 原 作 风格的传达。格翻译 , 但是功 能文 体 学却给 文 学翻译 批评 提 供了 崭新 的视 角 。 功 能文 体 学以 韩礼 德尽管 传统文 体 学越 来越 多 地 被用 于 小说风的系统功 能语 法 作 为理论基 础 , 基 于 语 言 的三 大元功 能 概 念功 能、 人 际功 能、 和语 篇 功 能对 文

2、 本进行 较全 面的分析, 是一 门结 合语 言 学描 述和 文 学鉴 赏 的交 叉学科 。 本论文 主要 分析比较 傲 慢 与偏见 三 个 具 有 代表 性的中 译 本风格( 即 文 体 特 征), 这三 个 中 译 本分别是: 王 科 一 译 ( 2007 版 ), 孙 致礼 译首先 根 据语 域 理论的传递 及 各 个 译 本的优 缺 点( 2008 版 ), 张 玲Chinese Translated versioniiiList of Figures and Tables the lexical choices in differentregisters, carefully des

3、igned irony, and witty and sparkling dialogues among characters arethe novels stylistic features. R.A Brower observes that “the dialogue is dramatic in thesense of defining characters through the way they speak and are spoken about, and speechplays a major role in character presentation” (Page, 1972

4、, p. 25). Pride and Prejudice istold in a readable prose with conciseness, characteristic of vivid and impressive dialogues1宁夏 大 学硕 士 学位 论文Introductionnot only revealing the minds of characters but also producing dramatic effects of stage tothe readers.The translation of style contributes much to th

5、e essence of literary translation. Fortranslators, the most complicated and thorny problem is how to translate properly the styleof the original work. Given that FS holds a more comprehensive and penetrating view onstyle, it relates style to the function of certain linguistic choice, which sheds lig

6、ht on theunderstanding and identification of style. Therefore, FS is adopted as the theoretical modelfor the current study. An adequate and effective stylistic analysis can ensure a literarytranslator a more satisfactory translation with functional equivalence, thus FS is mostapplicable to the study

7、 of translation of style in fiction.1.1 Introduction to the Style of Pride and PrejudiceThe American famous literary critic Edmund Wilson holds that in the recent onehundred years, the English literary history has witnessed several revolutions of taste, andperhaps only two reputations have never bee

8、n affected by the shifts of fashion, that is,Shakespeare and Jane Austen (Zhu Hong, 1985, p. 1). In her novels, Austen only describesher own acquainted common things around the country yard. However, she has a specialgift of delicate and subtle exploration full of vivid and humorous dialogues, beaut

9、ifullandscape and impressive characters. She shows witty humor and satire upon theaffectations and funny hypocrisies in life, thus displaying her values of moral or marriage.“It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a goodfortune must be in want of a wife” (Austen, 2

10、007, p. 1). This is the opening of the wholebook and it points out the importance of marrying a rich man at that time, which is also thegreatest wish of Mrs. Bennet for her five unmarried daughters Jane, Elizabeth, Marry,Kitty and Lydia. Mr. Bingley, a wealthy young gentleman, falls in love with Jan

11、e, theeldest, for the first time at a party. Mr. Darcy, Bingleys friend, is less pleased with theevening and haughtily refuses to dance with Elizabeth, which makes Elizabeth view him asarrogant. Later, Wickham, who feels romantic love for Elizabeth tells Elizabeth how Mr.Darcy brutally cheats him ou

12、t of an inheritance. In fact, it is no the truth. That is themeaning of the title: Pride and Prejudice Darcys pride and Elizabeths prejudice towards2宁夏 大 学硕 士 学位 论文IntroductionDarcy. The story focuses on how Mrs. Bennet has her five daughters married. The Bennetsis a big family in Longbourn. Accordi

13、ng to the law, the successor to Mr. Bennets estatemust be a man. Because Mr. Part Two to Four are thecomparative analysis of each stage by applying Mood, Modality and the Appraisal Systemsrespectively, and to what extent these stylistic features in the original text are rendered andreproduced in the

14、 three different translated texts. Chapter Five is the conclusion whichsummarizes the main findings and the defects that this thesis leaves.7宁夏 大 学硕 士 学位 论文Literature ReviewChapter 2 Literature ReviewThis chapter is dedicated to a review on previous studies in the relevant fields of thethesis. First

15、ly, after a brief introduction to the development of FS, its research both at homeand abroad is reviewed. Then, the thesis follows to review the researches of applyingfunctional stylistic approach to translation studies both at home and abroad. Finally, thestudy of the Chinese versions of Pride and

16、Prejudice is reviewed. Through these reviews,it is concluded that although the applications of SFG in translation are various, little hasbeen done to apply the theory of FS to literary translation, especially to the translation offiction; applying FS approach to analyzing different Chinese versions

17、of Pride andPrejudice comparatively is scarcely touched.2.1 Functional Stylistics and Its DevelopmentFunctional stylistics started around the year 1971 when M.A.K Halliday published histhesis “Linguistic Function and Literary Style: All Inquiry into the Language of WilliamGoldings the Inheritors”. T

18、he publication of a collection of essays in functional stylisticsin 1988 indicated the maturity of this branch of modern stylistics. In addition, some morerecent publications based either partly or wholly on the functional framework, e.g., Toolanand Simon Vandenbergen, and the latest international c

19、onference papers on functionalstylistics, e.g., Benson et al, Sasaki and Toolan show that functional stylistics still keepsadvancing forward ( Liu Shisheng, 1998, p. 20).The theoretical basis of functional stylistics is M.A.K Hallidays systemic-functionallinguistic theory, “the most influential theo

20、ry in the development of modern stylistics” (LiuShisheng, 1998, p. 53). Systemic-functional linguistics includes the functional theory, thesystemic theory, and the contextual theory. With regards FS, Zhang Delu (1998, p. 47) everassumes that:Hallidays Functional Stylistics bridges the two discipline

21、s of linguistic studyand literary investigation well. He analyzes language phenomena like a linguist andhe, like 1iterary researchers, probes into the historical background, social and8宁夏 大 学硕 士 学位 论文Literature Reviewpsychological environment in which a text is produced and he interprets the result

22、ofanalysis through context, according to which he determines its style.Stylistics is the study of style. Mainly we have three kinds of views, namely, style asdeviation, style as choice, and style as foregrounding (Wang Shouyuan, 2000, p. 12). FSviews style as foregrounding, i.e. artistically motivat

23、ed deviation. As Leech points out,foregrounding is “a useful, even crucial concept in stylistics, providing a bridge betweenthe relative objectivity of linguistic description and the relative subjectivity of literaryjudgment”. It is “a criterion by which we may select, from a mass of linguistic deta

24、il, thosefeatures relevant to literary effects” (Wang Shouyuan, 2000, p. 20). Style is thus identifiedwith various linguistic features, devices and patterns, which function to produce artisticallyor thematically related effects; and language is naturally examined in the context of literaryinterpreta

25、tion.FS focuses its analysis on the text style. Would this focus, then, be adequate for acomplete translation of fictional style? The answer is “yes”, because, it is argued, thefaithfulness of translation of wider matters, such as authorial style, relies ultimately on thefaithfulness of the represen

26、tation of the particular text style (Leech Hatim and Mason (2001); Bell (2001); Baker (2000).Hatim and Mason (1997) propose a model of analyzing texts in their book TheTranslator As Communicator. They argue that the underlying reason for setting up such amodel is to chart the routes which the major

27、players travel along and to set the entireexercise in terms of a set of parameters within which textual activities are carried out.Although they suggest that it would of course be desirable to proceed by observation basedsolely on sound empirical evidence, their work is a description of communicativ

28、e events asheuristic procedures.Hatim (2001), in the book Communication Across Cultures, argues that “translationtheory, contrastive linguistics and discourse analysis have grown immensely, but fewbooks have actually ventured into meaningfully fusing the three perspectives, and thisbook attempts to

29、establish such links and explore areas of common interest”(Hatim 2001, p.115). The author outlines the text-processing model and sees this in terms of context, textstructure and texture. In particular, Hatim studies the translation of direct speech and thedynamics of news reporting, and the importan

30、ce and relevance of defining the “register”membership of a given text for the translator.Mona Baker (2000) looks at equivalence at a series of levels: word, above-word,grammar, thematic structure and cohesion and pragmatics in her book In Other Words: ACourse book on Translation. Her application of

31、functional grammar to thematic structureand cohesion is of particular interest. This is typical of many translation scholars who make10宁夏 大 学硕 士 学位 论文Literature Reviewdetailed use of the terminology of functional grammar and discourse analysis.Bell (2001), in the book Translation and Translating, mo

32、dels the process oftranslating, setting it particularly within systemic model of language. Chapter Fourspecifically investigates the nature of cognitive meaning and its expression through thesystem of Transitivity, an interactional meaning and its expression through the moodsystem, and the discourse

33、 meaning and its expression through theme systems.In China, many scholars show their interests in the application of SFL to translation. Ithas been proved that SFL is particularly useful in discourse analysis. For example, ZhangMeifang (2002) discusses the equivalence of translation in terms of genr

34、e and register onthe basis of SFG. Yang Xueyan (2003) applies SFL to translation teaching and punctuationmarks in English-Chinese translation. Li Yunxing (2000) also applies SFL to translationfrom a textual approach.Huang Guowen (2002) studies six different translated texts of Du Mus poemQingming fr

35、om the perspectives of interpersonal function and experiential function topresent how a functional analysis can shed light on the study of translation, and to test theapplicability of SFL on discourse analysis and translation studies. In 2004, Huang Guowenproposes a functional linguistics approach t

36、o translation studies by outlining six importantstages involved in the research process. He argues that there is more than one approach toissues related to translation and translation studies and that each approach can well acquit it(Huang Guowen, 2004).Xu Jun (2005) has applied the contextual theor

37、y of SFL to the textual analysis of TheScholars ( 儒 林外 史 ). In this article, the author conducts a contrastive study between theChinese and English versions of The Scholars within the framework of interpersonalfunction, using the evaluation system of the Hallidayan systemic function framework. Itrev

38、eals that there are similarities and differences in the expression of interpersonalmeaning in the two texts.Shen Dan (1995/2007) is among the first few to make a systemic study of theapplication of stylistics to translation in her book Literary Stylistics and FictionalTranslation. According to Shen

39、Dan, literary translation involves the encounter between11宁夏 大 学硕 士 学位 论文Literature Reviewliterary polysystems and aesthetic conventions, including the convention of artistic creation,of interpretation and criticism. In the discussion of lexical expression, Shen draws attentionto the distortion of t

40、he artistically or thematically motivated choices of deviant expressionmade by the translators due to the emotional interference into the ST or their negligence tothe extra-linguistic effects of these linguistic choices. It is also presented that thenegligence to the literary functions of syntax wil

41、l result in aesthetic losses. By comparingthe models of English and Chinese speech and thought presentation, Shen Dan offers somestrategies in dealing with the translation of distinct blend of models in the speech andthought discourse.From this review of Shen Dans book, it is clear that stylistics h

42、elps to sharpen onessensitivity to the workings of the language system, improve ones understanding of thefunction of stylistic norms and enhance ones awareness of the way the author takes tocreate aesthetic significance. It, thus, has a tremendous bearing on translation. It testifiesthat translation

43、 approached from the angle of stylistics will surely provide some insights tothe development of stylistics.In summary, the applications of SFG in translation are various, from equivalence oftranslation teaching and punctuation marks in E-C translation to the contrastive study ofEnglish and Chinese d

44、iscourse. Although general translation studies have received muchenlightenment from the development of linguistics and other disciplines, the studies seemto be insufficient when applied to the literary translation. More attention should be paid tothe problems intrinsic to or characteristic of litera

45、ry translation. This thesis attempts toinvestigate some “deceptive equivalence” in the translated versions of Pride and Prejudicethrough comparative functional stylistic analysis from the perspective of interpersonalfunction, and to prove the necessity of applying FS to translation of style in ficti

46、on.2.3 An Overview of the Study on Chinese Versions of Pride and PrejudiceAs a classical literary work, Pride and Prejudice has been enjoying a wide popularityand has been studied from various perspectives in China. Till the end of January 2010, itsChinese versions amount to more than 20 according t

47、o the lists on Dangdang Website.Tong Yahui (1996) and Ji Xiaobin and Shen Yingli (2007), compare some Chinese12宁夏 大 学硕 士 学位 论文Literature Reviewversions of Pride and Prejudice and find out the proper criteria on the conversationtranslation for the presentation of the characters. Hong Zhongxiang (1997

48、) compares twoChinese versions of Pride and Prejudice, with the purpose to find out some guidelines fortranslation practice. Ye Miao (2000), comparing many pairs of examples from two differentChinese versions, illustrates that “non-language context” has influence on literarytranslation, and emphasiz

49、es the importance of pragmatics on the “fidelity” of translation.Zhang Nanfeng( 2004) compares the language of the two Chinese versions with that of theoriginal work and points out that the “humor” in the translated versions is quite differentfrom the “humor” in the original, for the former is deeply influenced by both the Chinesetraditional culture and linguistic choice and the ideology of Marxist-Leninist concept ofclass. He Xin (2005) compares the equivalence of Sun Zhili

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