1、口译与口译研究- 兼谈上海外国语大学 联络陪同口译/商务口译 项目,一、口译(一)口译的定义跨文化、跨民族之间的:1、语言活动2、文化活动3、社交活动,(二)口译的历史1、古代对口译人员的称呼:译、寄、象、狄鞮、通事、通译2、当今的译员:a. 专业译员 b. 兼职译员c. 自由人译员3 、20世纪初,口译成为国际公认的正式专门职业 a. 一战结束后,1919年,巴黎和会 接续翻译/连续翻译- consecutive interpretation)b. 巴黎和会后,上述人员在欧洲成立了很多翻译学院、机构c . 二战后,纽伦堡战犯审判(近乎今日的同声传译 simultaneous interpre
2、tation)d. 原因:欧洲语言的源头 拉丁语 (发音相近,语法相近,语序相近),注意a. 偶尔做些简单应急之类口译工作的人不是通常意义上的译员b. 双语人不是自动会成为口译译员(说话 v 主持人, 北京人v 语文老师,唱歌 v 歌手)c. 译员必须经过严格训练 ( 语言知识、语言能力、反应能力、记忆能力、信息组合能力、信息复原能力、 信息表达能力、文化背景知识, 心理素质 ),(三)口译的特点1、 不可预测性、即席性(记者招待会、商务谈判、突发事件 )2、现场气氛带来的压力 (心理压力、紧张、临时失忆等)3、 单打独斗(个体性操作)、译责重大(劳动强度大、无依无 靠)4、语言能力的综合运用
3、 (视、听、说、读、写、译)5、内容包罗万象(跨学科、跨专业、 一专多能、百科全书、杂家)(四)口译的标准1、笔译的标准:信、达、雅2、口译的标准:信、达、快,(五)口译的分类1、按操作形式:a. 交替口译 ( alternating interpretation)b. 接续翻译 ( consecutive interpretation)c. 同声传译( simultaneous interpretation)d. 耳语口译( whispering interpretation)e. 视阅口译 ( sight interpretation)2、 按传译方向:a. 单向口译(one-way in
4、terpretation)b. 双向口译 (two-way interpretation)3、按任务分类:a. 导游口译( guide interpretation)b. 礼仪口译 (ceremony interpretation)c. 宣传口译(information interpretation)d. 会议口译(conference interpretation)e. 谈判口译(negotiation interpretation ),(六)译员的素质1、职业道德(外事活动)2、语言基本功(语言知识、运用能力等)、表达能力(清晰、流畅、达意)、敏捷的头脑、良好的心脑记忆能力、逻辑思维能力、
5、应变反应能力、广博的知识(杂家)(语言、文化、生理、心理),二、目前国内主要的口译证书、上海市英语中高级口译岗位资格证书 (上海市教委、上海市成人教育委员会、上海市委组织部、上海市人 事局)、全国外语翻译证书(教育部考试中心北外;笔译初、中、高;口译初、中、高)、翻译专业资格(水平)证书(资深翻译、一级、二级、三级笔译口译)、上海外国语大学商务口译证书 (国内获得国际承认的唯一口译证书)(陪同口译、商务口译、会议口译),附:上海外国语大学资质(1) 上海外国语大学是教育部 唯一 指定口译培训基地()上外也是中国 唯一 受联合国口译司、欧盟口译司总部、AIIC认定的会议口译人 才培训机构。(AI
6、ICInternational Association of Conference Interpreters,俗称同声传译“金指环”,是 会议口译这一专门职业 唯一 的国际性协会,建于1953年,在全球80多个国家与地区拥有2700多名会员,中国约30人。) ()上外是中国大陆 唯一 翻译学博士学位点()上外口译项目是国家 重点 学科增加项目()上外口译证书乃国内 最高 水平的口译证书()按 联合国 会议译员标准设计课程()由上外培训并授权的省内 最好 的教师授课()往期通过率全国 最高 ()由国际MPS猎头公司和中国 人才e站提供在上海、济南、青岛等地专业 就业服务()我国2010世界博览会
7、办公室将上外口译证书获得者全部揽入人才库,供中外 跨国公司 选聘,三、 联络陪同口译(世界标准/中国独一无二/首批) - 口译工作的基础,日常口译工作的主体 (3000元)第一部分:礼宾礼仪1、迎来送往 2、办理手续 3、宾馆入住4、交通安排 5、宴会招待 6、生活服务第二部分:会展服务7、会议接待 8、技术支持 9、商贸展销10、工业展览 11、科技展览 12、教育展览,第三部分:商务访问 13、金融机构 14、政府部门 15、科技园区16、工厂农庄 17、教育机构 18、文化场所第四部分:休闲娱乐19、市容市貌 20、购物中心 21、名胜古迹22、风味小吃 23、体育健身 24、文艺活动第
8、五部分:日常生活25、日程安排 26、问路指点 27、社区生活28、医疗服务 29、银行服务 30、邮电消费,四、 商务口译大商务(除了政治以外的任何东西)(6000元起)(口语、听力、阅读、翻译)五、(上外硕士学位)会议口译(同声传译)(12000 18000元)学制:2年学费:16万- 30人(包括新近上外毕业的8人),六、口译的难点一)称谓的翻译1、这位是王厂长。president (总统、国家主席、大学校长、学院院长、学会或者协会的会长或主席、公司的总裁或董事长、会议主席) ( president, governor, mayor, professor, judge) 2 、 总 ch
9、ief, general, head, managing (chief engineer, head coach, general manager/managing director, secretary-general, general secretary),3、副(杨县长 vs 杨副县长) vice (chairman, president, governor, mayor ) deputy (secretary general, dean, director) associate (professor, research fellow, senior doctor)4、助理 assist
10、ant (engineer, professor)teaching assistantassistant to the president (assistant president) 5、高级 senior (engineer, editor, translator) 6、首席 chief (executive officer, judge, correspondent, interpreter, negotiator),7、代理、常务、执行、名誉 acting (premier/mayor/president) managing director/standing committee/per
11、manent member executive chairman/chair/presiding chairman honorary president8 、当选 secretary of state-designate / president-elect 9 、主任、主治、特级、特派、特约 chief secretary (主任) 、attending/chief doctor/physician(主治) 、 special-grade senior teacher、accredited correspondent (特派)、 contributing editor( 特约),10、军衔 c
12、ommander-in-chief vs. major generalArmy 陆军 (英国) Field Marshal 元帅 General 上将 Lieutenant General 中将 Major General 少将 Brigadier 准将 Colonel 上校 Lieutenant Colonel 中校 Major 少校 Captain 上尉 Lieutenant 中尉 Second Lieutenant 少尉 Warrant Officer (Class I) 一级准尉 Warrant Officer (ClassII) 二级准尉,Air Force 空军 (英国)Marsh
13、al of the Royal Air Force 元帅 Air Chief Marshal 上将 Air Marshal 中将 Air Vice Marshal 少将 Air Commodore 准将 Group Captain 上校 Wing Commander 中校 Squadron Leader 少校 Flight Lieutenant 上尉 Flying Officer 中尉 Pilot Officer 少尉 Warrant Officer (Class I) 一级准尉 Warrant Officer (Class II) 二级准尉,Navy 海军 ( 英国)Admiral of t
14、he Fleet 元帅 Admiral 上将 Vice Admiral 中将 Rear Admiral 少将 Commodore 准将 Captain 上校 Commander 中校 Lieutenant Commander 少校 Lieutenant 上尉 Sublieutenant 中尉 Acting Sublieutenant 少尉 Warrant Officer (Class I) 一级准尉 Warrant Officer (Class II) 二级准尉,Army 陆军 (美国)General of the Army 五星上将 (美国为什么没有元帅?) General 上将 Lieut
15、enant General 中将 Major General 少将 Brigadier General 准将 Colonel 上校 Lieutenant Colonel 中校 Major 少校 Captain 上尉 First Lieutenant 中尉 Second Lieutenant 少尉 Chief Warrant Officer 一级准尉 Warrant Officer 二级准尉,Air Force 空军 (美国)General of the Air Force 五星上将 General 上将 Lieutenant General 中将 Major General 少将 Brigad
16、ier General 准将 Colonel 上校 Lieutenant Colonel 中校 Mayor 少校 Captain 上尉 First Lieutenant 中尉 Second Lieutenant 少尉 Chief Warrant Officer 一级准尉 Warrant Officer 二级准尉,Navy 海军 (美国)Fleet Admiral 五星上将 Admiral 上将 Vice Admiral 中将 Rear Admiral 少将 Commodore 准将 Captain 上校 Commander 中校 Lieutenant Commander 少校 Lieutena
17、nt 上尉 Lieutenant Junior Class 中尉 Ensign 少尉 Commissioned Warrant Officer 一级准尉 Warrant Officer 二级准尉,11、其他称谓尊敬的主席先生,市长先生阁下,中国工程学院院士、原中国海洋大学校长管华诗先生,各位代表,各位来宾,女士们先生们,,Respected Mr. President,Your Excellency Mr. Mayor,Mr. Huashi Guan, former President of the Ocean University of China and academician of th
18、e Chinese Academy of Engineering,Distinguished guests,Dear representatives,Ladies and gentleman,阁下: His/Her/Your Excellency 殿下: His/Her/Your Royal Highness 陛下: His/Her/Your Majesty 皇帝陛下: His/Her/Your Imperial Majesty 尊敬的首相 亲王殿下: Respected Mr. Prime Minister, Your Highness Prince 王储: Crown Prince 尊敬的
19、 阁下: Your Excellency Respected and Dear 总统阁下:Your Excellency Mr. President 尼克松总统阁下的夫人: Your Excellency Mr. President and Mrs./Mme. Nixon 大使先生和夫人:Mr. Ambassador and Madame 周恩来总理阁下和夫人:Your Excellency Mr. Premier and Mrs. Chou 布朗博士和夫人:Dr. and Mrs. Brown 国王和王后陛下:Their Majesties Kingand the Queen,12、同样职务
20、称谓各异premierprime ministerchancellorpresident (US President, Chinese President)secretary of stateforeign ministersecretary of defensedefense ministerSecretary-general (UN) 翻译? parliament/congress/diet/duma/npc (deputy to the NPC),二)名片的写法(名片是您的脸) 中华人民共和国山东省青岛市台东六路4号 (香港中路60号) 电话:手机:邮编: 266000No. 4, Ta
21、idong 6 Road (No. 60, Hong Kong East/middle/west Road)Qingdao City Shandong ProvinceP. R. ChinaTel: 5950000H.P.: 135xxxxxxxx ( Hand/ Cell phone)P.C.: 266000,名片的正确写法:4 6th Taidong Road (60 East/Central/West Hong Kong Road) Qingdao Shandong 266000 P. R. ChinaTel: 5950000 Mobile: 135xxxxxxxx,三)专有名词的翻译、
22、读音大陆 台湾 香港 东南亚等海外华人1. 政要胡锦涛 李登辉 董建华 陈嘉庚 李显龙 孙中山 宋庆龄 蒋介石Hu Jintao/ Lee Teng Hui/ Tung Chee Hwa/ Tan Kah Kee/ Lee Hsien Loong/ Sun Yat-sen/ Soong Ching Ling/ Kiang Kai-shek2. 普通专有名词My name is Zhang. Jimo Zhang. Call me Jimo.I was born in Qingdao/QingDao/Tsingtao.Tsinghua University/Qingdao UniversityH
23、aitian Hotel vs. Hai Tian Hotel3. 历史人物秦始皇( Qinshihuang, the first emperor of China)4. 地名译法Marco Polo Bridge / Ruins of St. PaulsWen County/Wenxian County,四) 日常用语的翻译 “请”字的翻译(进门时)您先请。 (吃饭时)请。/ 请吃鱼。 (饭中)请请请。请这边走。请您回避一下好吗? 今天我们有幸请来了青岛大学的张教授给我们作报告。张教授是现在请张教授作报告。,After you. Help yourself. Help yourself to
24、 some fish. Have some more. This way, pls./Would you follow me? Will you excuse us? It is a great honor to have with us this evening/tonight Prof. Zhang. He is Now Professor Zhang.,五)数字的翻译 1、大数的翻译万、亿、十亿、万亿(兆) 十几、几十、成千上万、几千万、记忆、百亿、千亿、2万3千亿2、序数词的翻译a.你在家里排老几? b.你们队得了第几?c.这是你第几个孩子?/这孩子是老几呀?d.这是你第几本护照?e.
25、你这是第几次来中国了?,Key:a. How many children are there in your family?Are you the youngest/oldest child in your family?Are you the only child in your family?Do you have any brothers and sisters? (另:I am in between.) b. How did your team come out (in the match)?Did your team win the match/championship?Did yo
26、u win the first place in the championship?c. Is this your eldest child?Is this your youngest child?d. Is this your first passport?This is certainly not your first passport, is it?e. How many times have you been to China?How many times have you visited China?This isnt your first visit to China, is it
27、?Is this your first visit to China?,六)谚语习语的翻译a. 形同意和A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit.Like father, like son.More haste, less speed.b. 形似意和Speak of the devil/angelThe same knife cuts bread and fingers. Gifts blind the eyes.c. 形异意和The pot calls the kettle black.Many kiss the baby for the nurses
28、sake. Late fruit keeps well (a late bloomer).d. 空缺,七)引语的翻译古诗词、四书五经等典籍温家宝 - 清朝诗词子曰: 贵/我国古代诗人曾留下(这样)的诗句 贵/我国古代诗人曾留下 (著名)的诗句,大意是 当然,周总理的诗句大家都很熟悉,我这里不再重复了。to the effect that,七、口译的对策一)听力1. major varieties of English: American English, British English, Australian EnglishAustraliaAre we going to the Ming T
29、ombs today (to die) ?Words fail me.clerk/figure/million/value good/sun/son/song/month/done 2. liaison007I dont know where your books are. Israeli ceasefire vs. is really ceasefire,3. intensive listening vs. extensive listeningVOA,BBC4. dictation5. knowledge/commonsense/stress/grammar/logic/contextIs
30、lamic Jihad, Ground Zero, targeted killing15/50While setting no deadline, the agreements saidComputers are ubiquitous in todays world. Everyone uses a computer. The party was over. Everybody was longing for a horizontal position.,二)顺译(syntactic linearity)1. 常见词语的翻译1) beforeEat it before it gets cold
31、.There are 10 minutes before we call it a day.2) after (following)The conference will resume at p.m. after the board has met briefly.The Palestinians fired rockets into Israel following the Israeli bombing of West Bank and Gaza Strip.3) though/althoughThe deal will allow UN weapon inspectors uncondi
32、tional access to all suspected weapon sites. That includes 8 presidential palaces, although on those visits, diplomats will also have to be present.,顺译1)China is a developing country with a population of 1.2 billion, of whom 300 million are children under the age of 16, making up about one fifth of
33、the total number of children in the world.2)We need to prepare for the negotiations now, by taking a comprehensive approach and injecting a sense of urgency, if we are to bring them to a successful and early conclusion.3) Nowadays you can buy a computer that can play master level chess for a few hun
34、dred dollars.,三) 吃透原文1)When he was young, Chou Enlai wrote a poem for a schoolmate who was leaving to study abroad. Zhou appreciated the responsibilities that separated them, but remembered fondly the qualities that made them friends.2) The trick is a “sucker” trick the audience thinks your trick ha
35、s gong wrong, but it is really part of your presentation.3) The boat disappeared into the horizon.4) Get lost./ I am lost./ walking lost/ the lost generation/ (economies) entering into a lost period,4) Britain has been a whole-hearted supporter of free trade since the Gatts establishment. We remain
36、an unashamed champion of free trade today.5) The Memorandum of Understanding was signed in May by the Corporation of London and the Shanghai Municipality during the visit to London paid by the Mayor of Shanghai, Mr. Xu Kuangdi.6) When the going gets tough, the tough gets going.,四)口译精炼法1)老、弱、病、残 the
37、infirm2)比、学、赶、帮、超 an emulation drive 3)五讲四美三热爱 promoting moral standards 4)多快好省 cost-effectively, do more with less, in a cost-effective manner五)力避翻译腔 (translationese)What can you tell us about yourself?Tender exact fare.listening/reading comprehension/multiple choiceAbout what?when /early next year
38、/month/late in the afternoonmake it possible maximize the good and minimize the bad,八、学语言的误区:1)迷信外教 (有国外经历熟悉两种文化的中国老师)2)速成 (3个月)3)出国 (5岁,12岁)语法4)没有环境 (talk to yourself, tapes, English DVDs),什么是口语? 1 . - I feel like having a ball. Lets splurge.- Forget it. I am broke.- Dont worry. Ill pick up the tab
39、. I am loaded today. Ill treat you.- No, well go Dutch. I dont like to freeload.(Its on me. Next time Ill treat.) (free lunch, free ride)地道的美语惯用语600句 (中国对外翻译出版社),2. - Are you ready to order?- Yes, Ill have a Big Mac. - Anything else?-Ill have a small fries and a large Coke. (比较 I want to buy a big M
40、ac.)- Is that for here or to go?- Thatll be for here.- What would you like to drink?- Id like a milk shake.- What flavor would you like?- Make it strawberry.一口气英语 (One Breath English) (刘毅),(Chicken leg vs. drumsticks) (pen pal / key pal / cyber pal, internet cafe)你不是中国人吧?中国人都不会说英语。(You dont increase
41、 your age. Your age is being frozen.) Whats up? Nothing Much. How are you doing? Just doing. Thank you. Sure.,九、 如何学好英语词汇量 vocabulary 聊天/青医研究生 Dont speak like a book!Active/passive 20,000 vs. 2,000 English: 900 words Americans: 1000 words Jimo: 2000 words,Baby: baby face / baby dictionary Dont be su
42、ch a baby (a silly thing). The plan for a citywide cleanup is the mayors baby. Thats your baby. Poor Tom, he always gets left with the baby. Which of you is the baby of the class? baby book / baby carriage / baby carrier / baby kisser baby farmer (baby wife/husband) carry/hold the baby baby a sick h
43、usband You baby her too much.(Dont humor her.) Baby a new car ,五指toilet seat / flush the toilet / toilet soap / the toilet smells红绿灯/双黄线speed check / safety island / zebra crossinga small / hot / couch / mouse potato,如何增加词汇量(1) 背字典 vs. 翻字典grandfather clock, afternoon farmer, a Mickey Mouse course, w
44、all flower, a bad sailor字典:1.Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English2.英汉大词典 (陆谷孙)上海译文出版社字典上的不一定都是对的。字典:释义。如:启蒙老师someone who introduces you into a certain subject,(2) 构词法:词缀: pentium, deodourantseptwolves, octopushemi / semi / demi uni, mono/ bi,di / tri(plets) / quaduplemicro/macro; mini/maxi; an
45、ti/pro词类转换:is it a he or she? a natural / a regular / find, a must for其它: beginners luck, baby luck, has-been, might-have-been,(3) 词性:nation, national, nationalize, nationalization, denationalize, denationalizationcenter, central, centralize, centralization, decentralize, decentralization(4) 反义词:pre
46、sent / absent, west / east, western / eastern, oriental / occidental,(5) 联想意义:He / She is a fox.He / She is a professional. (a working woman, career woman, a career-minded woman)(6) 巧记:The professor is going to meet his class this evening.lass assglisten listen/ perm (she wants a perm) sperm(7) 逆向记忆
47、:lamp/fan( wall, table, floor/stand, ceiling),词义变化:rubber / eraser, cock / rooster(乌鸡白凤丸/半夜鸡叫/金鸡奖) strange / queer / different (special), I am in trouble. wife: fishwife, housewifesilly: blessed and happy, innocent, simple, simple-minded, foolish衣冠禽兽,书记,跳槽,疲软,记忆单位:短语,句子make love to sb.take tocome to
48、上下文: No context, no text.Time flies.This is a table.surprise attack on Pearl HarborI is a student. Some people.,表层/深层结构:That is a good question. He is full of surprises. Give me a break.A wise guy/ a wise man/ a wise boy,切忌望文生义:high schoolgirl / womanShoes for street walking. Come in and have a fit.
49、lovereat ones words / go back on ones wordsbrave new worldhave butterflies in ones stomach,“脏话”There are no dirty words. There are only dirty minds. - Jimofuck (在国外呆了一年不会用)银行职员与美国人用英语对骂半小时,升迁。日本公司招工Someone who can swear in English.买夹克 crossbreed腰带 BO海大夜大女生 bitch ( son of a bitch),Dont fuck with me, ok? I am not fucking with you.Fuck me (Speed). What the fuckShe is fucking beautiful.听他妈什么讲座, 游他妈什么行 demonfuckingstrationShit ( shoot).ugly cunt (恐龙),