1、最 新 校 对2012.6.16大连海事大学英语2580题库中英文对照学习完整版1_, as the chemical extinguisher agent, should be used for an electric fire.A. dry chemical or foam B. foam or soda acidC. carbon dioxide or foam D. carbon dioxide or dry chemicalKEY: D 二氧化碳或干粉灭火器作为化学灭火器,用于扑灭电器火灾。2_: A room on or near the bridge provided with
2、the necessary fittings and furniture for the handling and stowage of charts and where the chronometers are placed.A. Captains cabin B. Chief Officers locker C. Chartroom D. Pilots cabinKEY: C 海图室:在驾驶台或附近提供必要的设备和家具用于处理和储存海图和放置天文钟的房间。3_:The main center-line structural member, running fore and aft alon
3、g the bottom of a ship, sometimes referred to as the backbone.A. Frame B. Deckbeam C. Stringer D. KeelKEY: D 龙骨: 重要的中心线结构之一,沿着船舶底部前后方向铺设,有时也被称为脊椎骨。4_:the vertical distance measured on the vessels side amidships from the load water line to the upper side of the freeboard deck or a point corresponding
4、 to it.A. Buoyancy B. Freeboard C. Draft D. DisplacementKEY: B 干舷:船中部从载重水线垂直测量到干舷甲板上边缘或相应的点的距离。5_20 targets can be tracked at one time. When maximum tracking capacity is reached, no further acquisitions are possible.A. As many as B. So many as C. As much as D. As more asKEY: A 一次能跟踪多达20个物标,当达到最大跟踪能力
5、的时候,就不能再进一步获取了。6_amplify charted detail and contain information needed for safe navigation.A. Admiralty Sailing Directions B. Admiralty List of LightsC. Admiralty List of Signals D. Admiralty Notices to MarinersKEY: A 英版航路指南详细描述制订的细节和安全航行所包含的信息。7_are published for the correction of Admiralty Charts.
6、A. Admiralty Sailing Directions B. Admiralty List of LightsC. Mariners Handbook D. Admiralty Notices to MarinersKEY: D 英版航海通告出版是为了英版海图的改正。8_are to be used for dunnage if you load rice.A. wooden planks B. rush mats C. steel bars D. wooden planks and rush matsKEY: D 如果你装载大米,木板和草席被用来做垫舱料。9_at 53N3 127E
7、4 moving ely 12kts with cold front from center passing 51N3 126E1 to 51N2 125E4 and warm front from 46N1 128E2 passing 40N2 125E2.A. Low 1002HPA B. Low 1045 HPA C. High 1002 HPA D. High 1045 HPAKEY: A 低气压1002百帕位置在53N 127E4向东12节速度移动,伴有冷锋从中心经51N3 126E1至51N2 125E4,和暖锋位置从46N1 128E2 至40N2 125E2 。10_causi
8、ng strong winds and rough sea north west Bay of Biscay.A. Strong low pressure B. Strong high pressure C. Steep pressure gradient D. Steep gradient pressureKEY: C 强气压梯度导致了比斯开湾西北的强风和狂狼。11_chart 3994, positions read from this chart should be shifted 0.03 minutes Northward.A. To consider B. To check C.
9、To examine D. To agree withKEY: D 为了与3994号海图一致,从这张海图上读出的位置应该向北移动0.03分。12_is a full nautical record of a ships voyage, written up at the end of each watch by the officer of the watch.A. Sea Protest B. Deck Log C. Accident Report D. Seamans BookKEY: B 航海日志全面记录了船舶的航次的情况,由值班驾驶员在每次值班结束后详细填写记录。13_is not a
10、 process of weathering of the oil spilled in the sea water.A. Biodegradation B. DissolutionC. Cleaning up by crew with skimmers D. Oxidation including photooxidationKEY: C 船员用浮油刮集器清扫不是一种油溢入海水中的风化过程。14_is not a process of weathering of the oil spilled in the sea water.A. Emulsification B. Sedimentati
11、on / SinkingC. Oxidation including photooxidation D. Burning organized by RCCKEY: D 由RCC(海上搜救协调中心)组织的燃烧不是一种油溢入海水中的风化过程。15_ is not a process of weathering of the oil spilled in the sea water.A. Evaporation B. Dispersion C. Emulsification D. DriftingKEY: D 漂流不是一种油溢入海水中的风化过程。16_is not contained in the
12、NM Weekly.A. Amendments to Admiralty Sailing DirectionsB. Amendments to Admiralty List of Lights and Fog SignalsC. Amendments to Admiralty List of Radio SignalsD. Supplement to Guide to Port EntryKEY: D 进港指南的附篇不包含在航海通告周版里。17_is the most visible signal of distress from a lifeboat at sea in the daytim
13、e.A. Smoke signal B. Flash signal C. Fire signal D. Radio emergency transmissionKEY: A 烟雾信号是白天救生艇在海上发出的最容易被看到的遇难信号。18_is the process by which the position of the vessel at any moment is found by applying the last well-determined position to the run that has been made since, using for this purpose th
14、e ships course and the distance being those indicated by log.A. dead reckoning B. dead weight C. dead slow ahead D. dead slow asternKEY: A 推算船位经过上一次准确的定位后任何时刻取得船位的过程,计程仪所显示的船舶航向和距离数据用于此目的。19_ it rain tomorrow morning, the loading _.A. Should / will be postponed B. If / shall be postponedC. Should /
15、would be postponed D. If / has to be postponedKEY: C 一旦明天早上下雨,装货将被推迟。20_ means a unit in which goods are totally enclosed by sufficient strong boundaries such as a freight container, a tank or a vehicle unit with fabric sides or tops.A. UNIT B. CONTAINER C. VEHICLE D. CLOSED TYPE UNITKEY: D 密闭式单元的意思
16、是货物全部通过足够强度的边界密闭, ,像货运集装箱、货柜或以织物包裹边、顶的运载工具。 21_means the curve on the earths surface which cuts all the meridians at the same angle.A. Great Circle B. Position Line C. Rhumb Line D. True BearingKEY: C 恒向线是一条地球表面的曲线,与所有的子午线成相同的角度。22_ moving rather quickly east expected 150 miles south of Cape Farewel
17、l 972 by 160000GMT.A. Developed low B. Developing low C. Being developed low D. Low to be developedKEY: B 发展中低压正在向东快速移动,预计972在160000GMT 在Cape Farewell南150海里。.23_objects are those which stand out clearly from the background or other objects and are easily identifiable from a few miles offshore in nor
18、mal visibility.A. Conspicuous B. Permanent C. Preliminary D. TemporaryKEY: A 显著物标是清楚地从背景或者其他物标中呈现和在正常能见度下能在离岸几海里的距离内容易识别的物标。24_of the following conditions will cause a vessels bottom to be subjected to tension stresses.A. Concentration of weight aft B. Concentration of weight forwardC. Concentration
19、 of weight amidships D. Concentration of weight at both ends of the vesselKEY: C 重量集中在船的中部,会使船底承受到拉应力。 (船舶中垂)25_of the following is (are) required on your cargo vessel when it has a refrigerated cargo space? A gas mask using a suitable canister to protect against the refrigerant. A self-contained br
20、eathing apparatus.A. only B. Either or C. only D. Neither nor KEY: C 当你货船上有冷藏货物时需要配备一种自给式呼吸器。26_should be used during the poor visibility if the raders screen shows heavy sea returns.A. Gain Control B. Brilliant Control C. Anti-clutter Sea Control D. Sweep InterceptKEY: C 海浪抑制干扰按钮应该在能见度差并且雷达屏幕上显示海浪回
21、波很大时使用。27_the incomplete nature of the survey, heavy draught vessels are warned not to navigate within the 10 fathom line.A. Because B. Owing to C. Having been D. BeingKEY: B 由于测量的不完整性,警告深吃水船舶不得在10拓等深线内航行。28_the survivors know more of how to cope with cold water in the sinking of MV Titanic in 1912
22、countless lives _.A. Have / could have been saved B. Have / could have savedC. Had / could has saved D. had / could have been savedKEY: D 如果那些幸存者多懂得一些在冷水中的救生方法,那么在1912年泰坦尼克号沉没事件中将会有更多的生命能幸存。29_will be paid by shipowners after tallyman doing the tally work.A. Cargo-handling expenses B. Tally money C.
23、 Cargo-tallying dues D. Tally feesKEY: D 理货员在理货完成后,理货费将由船东支付。30_20 targets can be tracked at one timeWhen maximum tracking capacity is reached,no further acquisitions are possibleAAs many as BSo many as CAs much as DAs more asKEY: A 多达20个物标可以被同时跟踪,当达到最大跟踪能力的时候,就不能再捕获了。31_amplify charted detail and c
24、ontain information needed for safe navigationAAdmiralty Sailing Directions BAdmiralty List of LightsCAdmiralty List of Signals DAdmiralty Notices to MarinersKEY: A 英版航路指南增加制订的细节和包括安全航行所需的信息。32_are published for the correction of Admiralty ChartsAAdmiralty Sailing Directions BAdmiralty List of Signal
25、sCMariners Handbook DAdmiralty Notices to MarinersKEY: D 英版航海通告出版是为了英版海图的改正。33_cargoes chargeable at the same rate,part of one ton shall be taken as one tonAAt BFor COn DAboutKEY: B 对于货物按相同费率收费,一吨的一部分(零头)将当作一吨计。34_chart 3994,positions read from this chart should be shifted 003 minutes NorthwardATo c
26、onsider BTo check CTo examine DTo agree withKEY: D 为了与3994号海图一致,从这张海图上读出的位置应该向北移动0.03分。35同上36_day,pilot flag should be displayed from main mastAFrom BBy COn DWithKEY: B 在白天,引航旗应悬挂在主桅杆上。37_get your engine ready before six tomorrow morningAYoud better BYou would better CYou at least DYou at mostKEY: A
27、 你最好明天早上六点前备妥主机。38_is a device used to measure atmospheric pressureABarometer BThermometer CChronometer DSpeedometerKEY: A 气压计是用于测量大气压力的装置。 39_is a rounded projection at the forward end of a ship which reduces water resistance,thus allowing an increase in speed when the ships is in ballastABulbous b
28、ow BEllipse bowCCyclical projection DGnomonic projectionKEY: A 球鼻首是在船舶最前部圆形突出的部分它减少水阻力,因此使船舶在压载时速度增加。40_is an angle at which a cargo settles in the hold of a ship,between the horizontal and the slope made by a bulk cargo such as grain or iron oreAAngle of loll BAngle of inclination CAngle of repose
29、DAngle of listKEY: C 静止角是在货物进入船舶的货舱时,由于散装货(比如散谷和铁矿石)造成的水平面与倾斜面的夹角。41_is not a process of weathering of the oil spilled in the sea waterAEvaporation B Dispersion CEmulsification DDriftingKEY: D 漂流不是一种油溢入海水中的风化过程。42_is one of four uprights comprising a cell in a containership into which a container fi
30、tsexactlyThese uprights hold the container in positionAstanchion Bshore Ccellular doublebottom DCeil guideKEY: D 箱格导轨是由四个垂直支柱组成的,集装箱船上每个单元内能准确的装入一个集装箱,支柱用于固定集装箱的位置。43_is the number of millimeters by which the mean draft changes when a ship passes from salt water to fresh water,or vice versa,whilst f
31、loating at the loaded draftATPC BThe Fresh Water AllowanceCParallel sinking of the ship DUKCKEY: B 淡水限额毫米变化量,当船舶由海水进入淡水中吃水变化,或反之依然,装载吃水的浮力变化。44_is the process by which the position of the vessel at any moment is found by applying the last well determined position to the run that has been made since,
32、using for this purpose the ships course and the distance being those indicated by logADead reckoning BDead weightCDead slow ahead DDead slow asternKEY: A 推算船位是经过上一次准确的定位后任何时刻取得船位的过程,计程仪所显示的船舶航向和距离数据用于此目的。45 46_is used for heaving up and slacking away the anchor and chainAA mooring winch BA windlassC
33、A deck crane DA lifeboat engineKEY: B 起锚机用于拉紧松弛的锚和锚链。47_means the curve on the earths surface which cuts all the meridians at the same angleAGreat Circle BPosition Line CRhumb line DTrue BearingKEY: C 恒向线的意思是在地球表面与所有的经线(子午线)切割相交成相同的角度曲线。48_of a radar is governed by the horizontal beam width of the s
34、canner which depends to a great extent on its physical sizeARange discrimination BBearing discriminationCEcho discrimination DTarget discriminationKEY: B 雷达的方位辨别力是扫描物体的实际尺度在很大程度上取决于水平波束的宽度。49_of the following conditions will cause a vessels bottom to be subjected to tensionstressesAConcentration of
35、weight aftBConcentration of weight forwardCConcentration of weight amidshipsDConcentration of weight at both ends of the vesselKEY: C 重量集中在船舶中部的下述状况将会使船舶的底部受到拉应力。50_of the following need not be entered in the Official Logbook?AThe testing of the internal combustion engine driven emergency generators
36、 at least once each month the vessel is navigatedBThe testing of storage batteries for emergency lighting and power systems once each 6 months the vessel is navigatedCThe actual draft when the vessel arrives in salt water after departing a portDThe testing of the line throwing appliance once every 3
37、 monthsKEY: A 以下哪项不需要记入航海日志中?营运中船舶内燃机驱动的应急发电机每月至少一次测试。51_port anchor,one shackle in waterAThrow BHeave in CCut off DLet goKEY: D 抛左锚,一节入水。52_published in England amplify charted detail and contain information needed for safenavigationAAdmiralty Sailing Directions BAdmiralty List of LightsCAdmiralty
38、List of Signals DAdmiralty Notices to MarinersKEY: A 英版航路指南详细描述了制订细节和安全航行所包含的信息。53_refers to the angle between true north and the heading line of the vesselATrue position BTrue meridian CTrue course DTrue bearingKEY: C 真航向是参照真北与船舶船首线之间的夹角确定的54_the abstracts of deck logbook covering the said accident
39、AAttached herewith are BAttached is herewithCAttached are hereby DHereby are attachedKEY: A 同时附上包括上述事故的航海日志摘要。55_? Two degree on starboardAWhat rudder BHow heading CAre you on your course DHow answerKEY: A 什么舵角?舵角在右舷两度。56_water is the water to keep the ships stabilityABilge BBallast CSlop DSanitaryK
40、EY: B 压载水是水来保持船舶的稳定性。57_will reduce the visibilityAdust Bsea water Cland sand DWindKEY: A 飞尘,尘土,会令能见度下降。58_Yokohama,Well also call at some other Japanese portsABeside BBesides CExcept DExceptingKEY: B 除横滨外,我们还要靠于日本其它港口。59“Full speed ahead” and “Full speed astern” are _ given by the officers or the p
41、ilots.A. sailing orders B. speed orders C. wheel orders D. telegraph ordersKEY: D “前进三” 和“后退三”是由驾驶员或引航员给予的车钟令。60同上6112HOURS GALE WARNING VALID FROM 1103990700 UTC. From this phrase, the waring is expected to be valid from _.A. 0700 UTC MAR 11, 1999 B. 0700 UTC NOV 03, 1999C. 0700 UTC, 1103 UTC, 1999
42、 D. NOV MAR 1999 0700 UTCKEY: A 12小时大风警报从1103990700 UTC有效。从这句话得知大风警报从0700 UTC MAR 11, 1999起有效。62同上63 A “figure eight”knot is used to _.A. be a stopper B. shorten a lineC. join lines of equal size D. keep a line from passing through a sheaveKEY: D “八字结” 通常用于保持住穿过滑车的一条绳。64 A “Mediterranean moor” shoul
43、d be used when _.A. anchoring in the Mediterranean B. docking stern to a berthC. docking bow to a berth D. anchoring in a strong currentKEY: B “地中海系泊 ”被用于尾部靠泊时。65A band or collar on top end of a boom to which the topping lift, midships guy, and outboard guys are secured, is called the _.A. collar ba
44、nd B. guy band C. pad eye collar D. spider bandKEY: D 在吊杆顶端的箍或凸缘,千斤索、中稳索、边稳索系固处,被称为桅箍。66 A barometer showing falling pressure indicates the approach of a _.A. high pressure system B. low pressure system C. high dew point D. low dew pointKEY: B 气压计显示气压下降,表示低气压系统临近。67 A block and tackle is rove to adv
45、antage. This means that the _.A. blocks have been overhauled B. hauling parts of two tackles are attachedC. hauling part leads through the movable block D. hauling part leads through the standing blockKEY: C 滑轮组有利于移动,这意思是动力端穿过动滑轮。68A block that can be opened at the hook or shackle end to receive a bight of the line is a _.A. bight block B. gin block C. heel block D. snatch blockKEY: D 在滑车钩子处或卸扣末端能打开并置入一根绳圈的滑轮叫开口滑轮。69同上70A bonding cable should be connected for cargo operations aboard a tank vessel as s