1、Expert says change of attitude might be best approach 专家说转变态度也许是最好的办法 Youve got the flawless resume, impeccable credentials and the perfect look - you are an employers dream candidate. So why is it youve been on the job hunt for almost a year and there are no prospects in sight? 你的简历完美无缺、各种证书无懈可击、相貌
2、无可挑剔你是雇主的理想雇用对象。可为什么你已经找了快一年的时间,还是没找到工作? You also need to have the right attitude. Here are some reasons why you might be having trouble with your job search. 你还需要有端正的态度。下面是一些妨碍你找到工作的原因。 1. Youre not making finding a job a job itself: Many people dont adopt a committed, passionate, failure-is-not-an
3、-option attitude and dont recognize that finding a job is a numbers game. When it comes to interviews, its all numbers: the more interviews you get, the better your chances of getting called back; the more times youre called back, the better your chances of landing a good job. 你没有将找工作当成一项“工作”来完成:许多人
4、态度不认真、没有热情、没有做好“不许失败”的思想准备、没有意识到求职是一个“数字游戏” 。面试完全就是 “数字游戏” :你获得的面试机会越多,接到回访电话的机会就越多;接到回访电话数目越多;找到一份好工作的机会就越大。 2. You havent developed a system of finding a job: The system should entail everything from goals and intentions that dictate planned activity to role-playing of interviews. 你还没有将找工作建立成一个系统过
5、程:这个系统应该包括一切事情,从确定活动的目标、意图到面试时的角色扮演。 3. You have an unrealistic idea about the market for your skills: There is a tendency for people to over inflate the ease of their ability to find a job, based on a distorted view of the marketability of their skills. This can lead to frustration and disappointme
6、nt when the job search takes longer than expected. 你对自身技能与市场的看法不够实际:由于错估了自身技能的“销路”,人们往往容易拔高自己找工作的能力。当找工作的时间比预期的长时,求职者就会感到沮丧和失望。4. You arent acknowledging the psychological and emotional stress that changing jobs entails: By denying this reality, people operate out of fear of rejection. They confuse
7、activity with productivity and focus on minor things that appear to be job-finding activities, but arent the most fruitful activities.你还没有意识到换工作要承受的心理压力和情感压力:否认这些压力,人们会因为害怕拒绝而做出一些行为。他们搞不清“活动”和“ 成效”;关注那些找工作中的小事情,而不是能带来成果的事情。5. You ignore small businesses: Youve forgotten or dont realize that 97 perce
8、nt of the businesses in the United States employ fewer than 100 people. America is not run by big business. It is run by small groups of people who organized to provide goods and services.你忽略了小公司:你忘记或者没有意识到在美国,97%的公司的雇员人数都不超过 100 人。美国不是由大企业所主宰的;而是一些提供商品和服务的小公司。6. You dont recognize that face-to-face
9、 interviews are the only things that matter: There are all kinds of things you can do to get face-to-face interviews, but you have to get them. Pulling out all the stops by doing anything you can to get in front of a hiring authority with pain (the need to hire someone) is key.你没有认识到面对面的面试是最重要的:获得面对
10、面面试的方法多种多样,重点是要获得面试。全力以赴,尽一切可能站到求才若渴的招聘人员面前才是关键。7. You dont prepare well for interviews: Most people are either not confident in themselves or act arrogant in the interviewing process simply because they are not as prepared as they should be. They dont prepare and practice presentations on themselve
11、s with others.你对面试准备不足:在面试过程中很多人要么不自信要么表现傲慢。原因很简单:他们没有做好应有的准备。他们没有和别人一起来准备、练习。8. Youre not selling yourself: The vast majority of people going into an interviewing situation simply dont sell themselves very well. People neglect to do everything from dress properly to focus on what they can do for a
12、prospective employer. And worst of all, they dont come right out and ask for the job.你没有很好地推销自己:参加面试的大多数人都没有很好地推销自己。人们总会忽视各种各样的事情,从衣着到思考能为未来的老板做什么。最糟糕地是,他们没直接提出想要这份工作。9. You have the attitude, “What can you do for me?“: Most people consider interviews a two-way street. They believe that the employer
13、 is just as responsible for selling them on the company and the job as they are for selling themselves to the employer. They dont realize that there is nothing to consider until you have an offer. If you give enough reasons to employers as to why they ought to hire you and what you can do for them,
14、they will give you plenty of answers on what they can do for you.你的态度问题,总是“你能给我什么?”:大多数人认为面试是一个双向选择。他们认为雇主的职责是“卖给求职者公司和工作”,就像“ 求职者将自己卖出去 ”一样。他们没有意识到,在获得工作机会之前其实是“没什么要考虑的”。如果你能给出足够的理由让雇主聘用你、告诉他们你能为公司做什么,那么雇主也会告诉你他们能给你什么。10. You give poor reasons for leaving your job: Whether its why you left your las
15、t employer or why you want a new job, most people present the reason from a selfish point of view. They badmouth and criticize their current or past employers and justify their own convictions, thinking that a prospective employer is going to identify with them. Theyre wrong!你给出的离职原因很糟糕:不论是被问到辞职的原因还是被问到为什么想跳槽,多数人给出的理由都很自私。他们诋毁、批评现在或过去的雇主,为自己的观点辩解,认为未来的雇主能同情自己。他们错了!