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1、UNit Five,Moral values,Character, in the long run, is the decisive factor in the life of an individual and of nations alike. -Eheadaie Roasevelt,从长远看,品德是人生中的决定因素,对个体如此,对国家亦是如此。,Honesty is the first chapter of the book of wisdom.-Ehamas Geffevsan,诚信是智慧之书的第一章。,We must remember that intelligence is not

2、 enough. Intelligence plus character-that is the true goal of education.-Maitin Cuthei King ,gv,仅有智慧是不够的,智慧加品德,这才是教育的真正目的。,Trust men and they will be true to you; treat them greaty, ang they will show themselves great.-Ralph Walda Emvsan,相信别人,别人才会对你真诚,尊重别人,别人才会显示其可敬之处。,Text A,目 录,斯蒂芬 科维生平简介 斯蒂芬 科维的主

3、要贡献 斯蒂芬 科维的主要著作,斯蒂芬科维,1932年出生在美国犹他州首府盐湖城的一个摩门教家庭,这一点对于他的思想形成至关重要。作为一个虔诚的摩门教徒,他一直秉承摩门教徒的基督信念一切学问都应该以实践性为基础,就像他自己的职业一样。1950年毕业于犹他大学,继而又取得哈佛大学工商管理学硕士、杨百翰大学博士学位。科维毕业后留校任教,在杨百翰大学期间,任职校长助理以及组织行为和企业管理学科教授。他还是科维领导中心创始人。1989年,史蒂芬科维出版了高效能人士的七个习惯这本书,在商界产生巨大影响,该书曾高居纽约时报最畅销书籍排行榜之首,并占据畅销书排行榜长达七年之久。这本书也让他雄踞管理大师的行列

4、,他的影响力已经超越了商界,波及到整个社会的各种人群之中。1997年,该机构与富兰克林公司合并,成立了富兰克林科维公司,斯蒂芬科维出任联合主席。富兰克林柯维公司是一家为组织和个人提供培训和管理咨询的世界顶尖级公司,与财富500强中80%以上的公司和成千上万家中小型企业以及政府职能部门都有建设性合作关系。史蒂芬科维的职业生涯是典型的双栖型经理人与教育家。作为教育家,他的思想影响了一代的美国人,被认为是美国历史上最成功的教育家之一;作为经理人,他经营的富兰克林-科维公司拥有数千名员工,业务遍及世界30多个国家,取得了极大的效益。,斯蒂芬科维(Stephen R.Covey):美国时代周刊“25位最

5、有影响力的美国人之一”,人类潜能导师。 斯蒂芬科维(Stephen Covey)的高效人士的七个习惯一书广为人知,他更被时代周刊列为25位最有影响力的美国人之一。他教人“捕鱼”,帮助数以百万计的人经历卓有成效的人生,而且,这种卓有成效远远超过了物质的丰裕,更是一种道德人生和幸福人生。可以说,柯维的哲学给人很大的启示,他坚信,传统智能中的一些原则必须坚持,而以科学面貌出现的一些结论则必须被超越,并以此为重要的基石,让我们看待世界的范式可以被改变。,科维在领导管理理论,家庭与人际关系,个人管理等领域可谓久负盛名。 1989年,其著作高效人士的七个习惯出版,在商界产生巨大影响。该书曾高居纽约时报最畅

6、销书籍排行榜之首,并占据畅销书排行榜长达七年之久。目前,这本书已被译成30多种语言,全球销量过亿册。这本书俄文版在莫斯科上市时,普京对媒体发表感慨说,俄罗斯应该出现这样伟大的思想家,并建议俄罗斯公民阅读这本书。2002年,福布斯将高效人士的七个习惯评为有史以来最具影响力的10大管理类书籍之一。 这部力著倡导的七个习惯是:积极主动、以终为始、要事第一、双赢思维、知彼解己、集思广益和自我更新。这些观念给人们特别是管理者带来一场意义非凡的变革。科维成功运用心理上和精神上的洞察力激励管理者(和许多其他类型的读者),提高他们的工作业绩,改变他们的生活。 科维传授的内容不是某种流行时尚或管理技巧,而是经过

7、时间考验并且能够指导行为的基本原则。通过思维的改变达到行为的改变,从而加强组织内部的管理机制、培养组织内部的共同语言和价值观。这是一个“从里到外”的变化,企业领导人都知道:只有每位员工都成为高效能人士,企业才会真正成为高效率企业。 科维以后的著作大多以高效人士的七个习惯为基础,在广度和深度上不断拓展,尤其是在领导领域和家庭领域。在科维看来,生活各方面是互相联系在一起的。这方面的畅销著作有与成功有约、与领导有约、要事第一、与幸福有约美满家庭7习惯等。其中,与领导有约被人们认为是商务必读书。 科维的影响是世界性的,他的思想引起的非凡反响同他的思想本身一样重要。科维已经使人们广泛地感觉到有必要相信:

8、物质上的成就建立在人们可清楚理解的、可传达的个人道德原则的基础之上。他的教导反映了他作为虔诚的摩门教徒的基督信念以实践性为基础,就像他自己的职业一样。,Why Character Counts,Some time ago, I was asked to consult for a bank that was having a problem with employment morale. “I dont know whats wrong“, complained their young president, bright and ambicious, hed risen through ran

9、ks only to see his institution faltering. He blamed his employees, “No matter what incentives I provide“, he said, “they wont shake off this gloom.“,It was obvious now that the companys poor performance was caused by his conduct, but the greatest damage the man was doing was to himself. He was think

10、ing only of his own application disregarding long-term consequences. Moreover he had violated the trust with his wife. In a word, his failing was one character.,What Really Matters,Character is made up of those principles and values that give your life direction, meaning and depth. These constitute

11、your inner sense of whats right and wrong based not on laws or rules of conduct but on who you are.,品德是由原则和价值观组成,能够为你的生活指引方向,赋予你的生活以意义和深度。这些构成了你内心判断正误的标准,不是基于法律或行为准则,而是基于你个人。,They include such traits as integrity, honesty, courage, fairness and generosity which arise from the hard choices we have to

12、 make in life. So, wrong is simply in doing wrong, not in getting caught.,它们包括了正直、诚实、勇气、公平、慷慨等特点,来自于我们在生活中必须做出的艰难抉择。所以做错了就是做错了,而不在于有没有被人发现。,Yet some people wonder if our inner values matter anymore. After all, hasnt our noted bank executive succeeded in every visible way, despite his moral failing?,

13、然而,有些人会怀疑,我们的内在价值还重要吗?毕竟,我们这位有名的银行主管尽管品行不端,还不是照样在各方面很成功?,This question demonstrates a dilemma of our modern life. Many have come to believe that the only things we need for success are talent ,energy and personality. But history has taught us that who we are is more important than who we appear to b

14、e.,这个问题反映了现代生活的一个困境。很多人已经开始相信:要成功,只要有天分、精力和个性就够了。然而,回顾历史,我们会发现,内在品质比外在特征更加重要。,During the nations first century and a half, almost everything in the literature of success and self-help focused on what could be called the character ethic. Such eminent figures as Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson

15、made clear their belief that we can only experience true success and happiness by making character the guideline of our lives.,在我国历史最初的150多年中,几乎所有关于成功与自励的文献都聚焦在可称为品德标准方面。本杰明富兰克林和托马斯杰斐逊等杰出人物很清楚地表明了他们的看法:只有让品德成为我们的指南,才能体验真正的成功与幸福。,After we moved into the industrial age and after World War I ,the basic

16、 view of success shifted to what we could call the personality ethic. Success became more a function of charm, skills and techniques that lubricate the process of human interaction. Rather than struggle with difficult issues of right and wrong, we turned to making things run smoothly.,进入工业时代以及第一次世界大

17、战后,成功的基本观念转移到可称为个性标准的方面。成功更有赖于魅力、技能和技巧的运用,使人际交往的过程更加顺畅。我们不会在大是大非的痛苦问题上纠缠,而专注于如何使事情顺利运作。,Some of that philosophy expressed itself with harmless but superficial mottoes, such as “smiling wins more friends than frowning“. Other ideas were even deceptive,faking interest in others hobbies so they will li

18、ke you, for instance.,这种哲学可以从一些无害然而浅薄的说法中看出端倪,比如,“微笑能比皱眉赢得更多朋友。”其他的想法甚至带有欺骗性质,例如假装对别人的爱好感兴趣好让他们喜欢你。,With a value system based solely on skill and personality, we find heroes in athletes, musicians and in powerful business executives. But despite the admiration we feel for these achievers, we shouldn

19、t necessarily look upon them as role models. While skill is certainly needed for success, it can never guarantee happiness and fulfillment . These come from developing character.,在这种完全基于技能与个性的价值体系指导下,我们视运动员、音乐家或有权有势的商界主管为偶像。不过,尽管我们钦羡这些成功人士,我们倒也未必要奉他们为楷模。技巧固然是成功所必需的,但技能从来无法保证一个人的幸福和满足感。这二者有赖于品德的塑造。,Y

20、ou can begin to build character at any age. The key is learning how to look within to work inside out.,Start at Home,品德的塑造是可以从任何年龄段开始的,关键是要学会如何内省,然后由内而外,推己及人。,With the inside-out approach, private victories precede public victories. These private victories are simply promises you make to yourself an

21、d others and then keep.,由内而外,个人生活中的成就便能引发公共生活的成就,而个人生活的成就无非是坚守你对自己和他人的承诺而已。,Day by day , as you make and keep increasingly challenging promises, you will be making deposits in your “character account“. What begins as great effort will eventually become a habit. And as you get into the habit of build

22、ing character in the smaller areas of your life, your ability to develop character strength in more important spheres will grow.,日复一日,你许下并恪守越来越有挑战性的诺言,你也同时在往你的“道德账户”上存“钱”。一开始需要很努力去做的事情,最终将成为习惯。逐步养成了在生活中一些较次要的方面塑造品德的习惯之后,你在更重要的领域培养品德力量的能力也会随之增强。,Private victories therefore lead to your larger public

23、victories. For instance, to gain more freedom to think and act in your job, you must first be a more responsible employee. To create a happy marriage, first be the kind of person who generates love, generosity, dependability and trust.,个人生活的成功因此能造就更大的公众生活的成功。比如说,要在工作中获得更高的职位,你首先得是一个责任心更强的员工。要缔造幸福的婚姻

24、,自己首先就要做一个有爱心、慷慨、可靠而又诚实的人。,Theres no more essential ingredient for character growth than trust. Whether it is trust we earn from colleagues or a spouse, it is built slowly over time in an infinite variety of circumstances.,在品德成熟的过程中,没有哪一种因素会比信任更加关键的了。不管是同事的信任还是配偶的信任,都是在无穷变化的环境中日积月累而沉淀下来的。,Another wa

25、y to build character is to admit your mistakes. Character is revealed in how we handle things that go wrong. 另一个塑造品德的方法就是承认自己的错误。处理错误的方式也能体现我们的品德。,The best opportunities to build character, however, are within our families, where we are constantly tested and most vulnerable to lapses. True character

26、 begins at home.然而,塑造品德的最佳机会是在家庭内部,在家里我们时时经受考验,也最容易犯错。真正的品德始于家庭。,Often we sense that we can get away with things around those who know us best, who will love us regardless of our conduct. This can end up destroying our character and our relationships. How often have we heard of someone who is an exc

27、ellent employee but treats his or her spouse like a piece of furniture? 我们常常会觉得,跟最了解我们、不管我们做了什么都会依然爱我们的人在一起,总是能免受惩罚。结果呢,我们的品德受损,关系也遭到了破坏。我们会不会经常听说这样的人,比如一个很出色的员工,却把自己的配偶当作一件家具那样对待?,All our relationships follow the patterns of life; they have ups and downs. This is why our families provide a critical

28、 measure of our character and the opportunity, again and again, to nurture it.,What became of the bank president who was involved sexually with an employee? He confessed to his wife to forgive him, then he called a meeting of his staff and addressed their morale problems. “I have found the cause of

29、the problem.“ he said, “It is me. Im asking you to give me another chance.“,It took time but eventually employees morale, a sense of openness, optimism and trust impove. In the end, the executive was finding his own path to charater.,HOW to build character?,You can begin to build character at any ag

30、e.The key is learning how to look within to work inside out. as you make and keep increasingly challenging promises, you will be making deposits in your “character account“. What begins as great effort will eventually become a habit. And as you get into the habit of building character in the smaller

31、 areas of your life, your ability to develop character strength in more important spheres will grow. Another way to build character is to admit your mistakes. Character is revealed in how we handle things that go wrong. The best opportunities to build character, however, are within our families, whe

32、re we are constantly tested and most vulnerable to lapses. True character begins at home.,重点词组,rise through the ranks 晋升 shake off=get rid of 摆脱;逃脱 gloom and doom 忧郁和沮丧情绪 look upon/on 看作;视为 inside out 由里到外 over time =go by =roll by 随着时间的流逝 get away with 做坏事未被发现 regardless of 不管不顾 ups and downs 沉浮;盛衰 become of sb./sth 发生或遭遇某种情况 do sb. a favour 帮某人一个忙,形容词,Thank You,

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