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1、,英语教学的文化回归之路 - 兼谈大学英语教程(南方版)的教学思路,1. 变化中的全球社会文化图景2. 语言文化基本观念再认识3. 全球化英语的趋势4. 英语教学的文化回归5. 大学英语教程(南方版的基本教学思路,“新”的诱惑与“推陈出新”语言系统与文化传统大学英语教学改革的模式,变化中的社会文化图景,全球化与全球化时代多层面多方位的全球物质和人为能量的互动,直接影响到每一个人在趋同的冲动下无国界最优化地占有知识信息资源(高等教育全球化的两种声音?名校公开课),追求财富和生存空间。各有利弊,但都离 不开教育软实力的竞争与科技生产力对于社会物质生产和生产关系的魔咒般的影响和支配。启示:从历史的眼

2、光,具有忧患意识地看待人类今天的生存空间和生存状态,历认一个时代,实事求是,脚踏实地,预测未来。 多元多极共生 冷战结束后政治与文化的特性(转入经济利益和国家民族身份);趋同和逐异的悖论: 趋同的经济外壳包容,分蘖着多元多极(民族主义和民族文蛤)和而不同:共享繁荣,区域自立发展悖论和共同命运感 启蒙主义的理想在新的全球化时期显现出来的矛盾(科技的进步走向反面,福祸同体,可持续发展的限度,贫富分化,环境恶化带来的诸多问题);大同社会理想的破灭导致对未来社会的焦虑和统筹的渴求,语言文化基本观念认识,对语言的认识:文学载体-符号系统-交际工具-交际过程-存在形式洪堡特:语言世界观:语言与民族精神,发

3、生过程论(be, have)。萨丕尔-沃尔夫假设”(语言决定思维?语言相对论) 启示:学习外语,就会发生两种语言世界观的碰撞。对文化的认识:当下的存在中的生活方式Whole way of life; 他在(观念文化、制度文化和器物文化的积累,知识的累加),我在(过程意义)对应于学习的意义:交际过程中的主体文化意义(individualized subjectivity)对英语的认识:L1,L2, FL, 国际通用语言在lingua franca的作用下逐渐消融趋同,以文化交际沟通能力形成不同文化间的基准英语中的文化:现代国家-民族主义-文化权力-文化身份connotation, stylist

4、ics, rhetoric, civilization ideology (identity, class, gender, race)全球化背景下的英语:多元组合,对话行为,交往方式,英语文化:历史的视野,现代国家与语言现代性的焦虑,rise of EM English provides for the rise of English nationalism-imperialism: ideology through language English, the vehicle of an ambitiously vigorous culture: Shakespeare & Bible 就这

5、样,我们的英国语言就被他们弄成了用 五花八门的方言做成的什锦杂拌菜啦。So now they have made our English tongue a gallimaufry or hodgepodge (hotchpotch) of all other speeches.Edmund Spenser The Shepherds Calendar 1579,文化帝国主义意识形态,imperialism-colonialism orchestrated by cultural cult (cultural heroes)Consider now, if they asked us, will

6、 you give up your Indian Empire or Your Shakespeare, your English; never have had any Indian Empire, or never have had any Shakespeare? Really it were a grave question. Official persons would answer doubtless in official language; but we, for our part too, should not we be forced to answer: Indian E

7、mpire, or no Indian Empire; we cannot do without Shakespeare! Indian Empire will go, at any rate, some day; but this Shakespeare does not go, he lasts forever with us; we cannot give up our Shakespeare! 试想,假如有人问我们:你们能够放弃印度帝国,放弃莎士比亚,放弃英语?你们愿意从来没有过印度帝国,从来没有过莎士比亚?这的确是个值得的认真考虑的问题。对此,当权者会毫无例外地以官腔十足的语言作答。

8、但是我们可以真诚地,发自内心地回答:管它什么印度帝国不印度帝国,我们不能没有莎士比亚!不管怎样,印度帝国总有一天要消亡,但莎士比亚不会离开我们,他与我们永远同在;我们不可能放弃我们的莎士比亚。(Shakespeare=English) - Thomas Carlyle:On Heroes 1841,英语在殖民主义文化中的最后声音,英语作为我们的母语给我们带来诸多好处:英语使用面广泛,懂英语的人口之多,覆盖面积之广,其他语言概莫能及。如是,英语几乎就是通向世界各国的通行证。英语词汇浩繁广博,语法相对简洁,使得其语言表达丰富多彩,灵活自如,即使倒序拼写,亦不会出格。英语对惯用习语和外来词来者不拒,

9、使其表达显出多彩的风姿和戏剧的气质,此等优势,无以伦比。而对我们来说,说英语最大的好处,就是能够原文阅读威廉 莎士比亚的戏剧 - Issac Asimov, 1970,全球化英语:现实存在与趋势,全球化英语范式观念,世界图景-科学范式-社会语言意识观前现代:信仰统筹时代 预见变化轮回 他族意识 语言彰显社会地位和身份 语言与文化的紧密联系现代:理性统筹时代 民族国家意识 科技崇拜 人类进步意识 民族共同语的地位 地方语言的焦虑 语言霸权追寻统筹的优势文化后现代:信仰危机 多元多级共生 文化冲突 社会变迁的不确定精英与大众 科技的悖论 语言不确定性:语言指意文化的怀疑主义全球化英语:后现代经济和

10、文化 多元文化的“人造儿” 语言指意的文化回归,什么是全球化英语,功能:在全球化过程中的数字化、传媒信息、经济文化和日常交 往中的带有文化印记的工具范围:世界大多数国家的认可使用(官方语言或L2)可持续性:世界大多数国家的优先外语教育文化特征:与相关语言文化冲突与融合的场所,全球英语范围和影响,第一语言 3.75亿 第二语言 3.75亿 外语 7.50亿 (中国2亿以上) 英语教学国家100以上 官方语言 60多国家 英语学习人口:未来15-20年 20亿以上 85%国际组织列为通用语言 80%以上电子储存 80-90%互联网和出版物 1997 925,000 论文 95%英文 其中50非母语

11、作者,NEW ENGLISH HYBRIDITY,新英语-文化身份-文化交流 a milk bottle under construction bridge I finish eat, senior sister wash mouth next tomorrow morning meal give me chance/way Im not financial 中式英语的魅力 people mountain, people sea (brevity is the soul) smilence (conflation: cultural identity) no winds, no waves (

12、poetical imagination and rhetorics) American Chinese not enough (absurd multiplicity),英语的地位和未来全球调查,94%:英语作为全世界传媒通讯的主导语言95%:英语在未来25年是世界高科技交流和信息流通的主要手段,这对于人类进步仍起到关键的作用96%:英语在未来25年仍是国际交往的世界通用语学习英语的人口在急剧增加,全球化英语的结果:语言载负多元文化,加速全球化过程(经济、文化、科技、日常交往、文明的冲突) 英语母语优势及其单一文化身份的消亡 英语作为外语意识的衰退,本土化文化的彰显 与他者文化的碰撞导致英语

13、变体的兴起 弱势语种的消亡和小语种的反抗 语言教学中的文化优先(内容高于形式,文化交流高于语言准确) 对英语教学的启示:语言交际中文化权力的凸现,英语教学的文化回归,语言学习理念的文化回归,知识(Meaning):知识就是语言文化知识就是力量知识就是权力知识就是文化语言本体论:语言文字语言系统语言工具(语言技能)语言文化学习目标:西方文化语言知识(indoctrination)语言能力(communicative) 文化能力(cultural competence);社会英语观:历史文化标准英语全球化英语英语文化素质语言学习方法:本土文化科学(行为,认知,交际,任务建构)信息科学文化旨归 学生

14、主体与教师主导;一种文化回归的声音;网络主义教学观与人本主义教学观:技术与文化的对抗,英语学习策略的文化旨归,彰显自身文化身份,交际自然流畅为本。cultural bias and the magic of Chinglish talk show文化意义集中优先,语言形式无形自见。Ive got sth. to say before I can say it! Suit the action to words!听说读写循环重点,带动拓宽兴趣层面。Ive got sth. to hang it on before I can explore my interests.本族文化意识驱动,英语文化意

15、识贯通。I feel safe when I am home from where I see the world as meaningful,小结:英语教学文化回归的新体验,语言 文化 英语是美的 汉语是美的 英语学习是美的 全球化的读图时代 英语学习的新趣味 英语与文化的美感,无极 2011 天际混沌流光 那是生命在狂欢 自由的盛会 上帝的葬礼 欲望的解放 送走创世的排列组合 迎来0和1的安抚和侵占 清晨露珠记录着昨日的信仰 阡陌纵横却是痉挛的神经四散 此在的欢愉彼岸的迷误 都在瞬间的和谐中 模糊忘却消亡,O You Heaven! I was tossd, Without my know

16、ing how, Before I knew the magic of the Bard Who summond me to the realm of his charm, Into this breeding space of glaring light. They say this place is holy and timeless With its own antique lakeside pagoda And grey-haired haloes monumental. I dreamed on, recollecting the warmth of arms; The instru

17、ction both benign and pontifical; The muffled curses for an irredeemable fall; The chuckle for a deal that commands jealousy; The sleepless frowns locked by desires for prizes; The anguish of an angelic love ruthlessly despised; The ecstasy of a condemned prisoner free and at large. All roam like sp

18、ecters from the frontier of my innocent days. In the rapture of success and comatose firmness, I was tossed, together with my dreams for a rose, Into this crowded nutshell which they say is universal. This is a glaring stage full of glory and sound and fury, Yet still haunted by the restless augurie

19、s and global care. In the class that insulates the hustle and bustle of the morning air, I am a yawning hippo confronting the zeal of a professor-orator, Sneaking the residue of my morning bread with a weird smile While swallowing down lectures that defies wits and memory. Class over, I am a cocky s

20、cholar armed with empty signifiers, Stuck in the hurly-burly of the 10 a.m. rush for the next class, While busily questioning the legitimacy of some distant theories. And the availability of certain work drowned in the dust of history. At noon I am a bankrupt gourmet, washing down my share With a bo

21、w of free soup, eager to escape into the open air And away from the maddening clanking of the kitchenware That mercilessly beats the advancement of a declining day. In the Library I am an odyssean sailor into a sea of books Fearful of water everywhere until I spot a reading specter Mesmerized by the

22、 holy serenity in those vast reading hall While the poor librarian is looking on, disinterested and calm. Now in the alluring smell of hamburger in the “Campus Cafe” I find myself a brightened art designer over my magic laptop, Proud of the luxuries of my rsum or the next powerpoint show, Neglecting

23、 the bubbling coke and my unwilling girl friend sitting by. The evening falls, I am a lovelorn sanctified by Weiming Lake Swearing thrilling love vows into the vibrating air of the night, Quite, quite vanquished while repudiated by the cruel idol of my love, And mercilessly mocked by a night bird th

24、at happens to patrol by. Returning to the dorm, I am a transfixed gunman glowing mad, Gambling away my pains in the shadows of digital illusion While striking terrors that drive a sadistic key at every kill Till my aching love cured by such devilish ecstasy in oblivion. Now the din of the day is dim

25、 and the noise of the night is near. Over the realm of this slumberland, I loom like a sophist in bed Hectically obsessed with the irrational human rationality, Preaching, swearing, contradicting, lamenting, regretting To my apathetic roommates till a drowsy voice grumbles: “Niu! Ni niu!* we are all

26、 but your sleeping idiots, if you like! ”Another groans: “Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow!” So Im all of these except Shakespeare, the beardd Bard I get to know all about From a class I stumbled into as in dreams. Im nothing but a Shakespearean fool. Like a weary traveler returning home, I come t

27、o know I need to act out my due role On this vast stage under that great airy dome, where I joyfully sing life like a poem.,啊 苍天! 我恍惚之中 茫然不知诗圣之力, 被抛到这片天光灿烂的化成之地。 是诗的神力,是人文的召唤! 人说此地神圣庄严,恒古永固: 未名湖水拍岸处,古塔耸立默然, 智者的白发是知识的光晕和不语的丰碑。 我仍在梦中回想着那温暖的怀抱; 那慈祥而又显威严的训斥和教导; 那无可挽回的失误和低沉的诅咒; 那一时成功之后傲视仰慕的欢笑; 那为夺冠而眉头紧锁的

28、不眠之夜; 那纯真爱情遭受冷酷鞭挞的痛号; 还有那绝望的死囚终获自由的狂欢; 混沌少年的幽灵游荡出记忆的远山。,O You Heaven! I was tossd, Without my knowing how, Before I knew the magic of the Bard Who summond me to the realm of his charm, Into this breeding space of glaring light. They say this place is holy and timeless With its own antique lakeside p

29、agoda And grey-haired haloes monumental. I dreamed on, recollecting the warmth of arms; The instruction both benign and pontifical; The muffled curses for an irredeemable fall; The chuckle for a deal that commands jealousy; The sleepless frowns locked by desires for prizes; The anguish of an angelic

30、 love ruthlessly despised; The ecstasy of a condemned prisoner free and at large. All roam like specters from the frontier of my innocent days.,a)le affallsloneliness!,大学英语教程(南方版)的基本教学思路,避新而自新 2003-2004:课程标准? 南方?难度?来自教学的声音?文化的考虑? 综合利用多种教学方法,意义优先和本土文化相结合,驱动学习者文化认知,在主题循环中建立语言循环,以文化意义的认知带动语言形式的学习,达到文化建

31、构过程中的语言习得。 本土文化引领和2008年文化比较意义 例:1. 选材(文化难度与语言难度:写教材与编教材)2. 语境中的关键词汇和语块 (主题文化下的语 境构建,教学法的综合运用)3. 跨文化比较(教学双方参与的意义生成形式)4. 学习主体与学习主导 (brick effect 循环语言 生成),III. Course Design Profile,LINGUISTIC SENSECOMMUNICATIVE(Listening and Speaking)READING &EXERCISEREAD-WRITINGPRACTICE,Words in Sound,Idioms in Use,D

32、ialogue A and B,Mimetic Speaking,Idiomatic Speaking,Creative Speaking,Words Made Easy,Key Expressions,Native Alert,Pre- View Ques- Tion,Reading Selection Text A,Guided Discus- sion,Language Study and Practice,Native Alert,WordPrepa- ration,Reading Selection Text B,R-W Link,Writing Practice,Linguisti

33、c Sense,THEORETIC ACTIVITIES FUNCTIONING Meaningful 1. Meaningful input behavioral 2. Linguistic sense practice 3. Audio-vocal4. Preparatory5. Vocabulary building,KEY WRODS MADE EASY,KEY EXPRESSIONS,Communicative (Listening and Speaking),THEORETIC ACTIVITIES FUNCTIONING Notional 1. word preview Ling

34、uistic 2. sentence preview Cognition 3. Idioms previewInput presen- 1. authentic materials tation and 2. notional setting testing 3. comprehension checkCommunicative 1. communicative output with 2. Inductive graded tasks 3. task performance 4. reinforcement,Words in Sound,Idioms in Use,Dialogue A&B,

35、Mimetic Speaking,Idiomatic Speaking,Creative Speaking,Reading and Exercise,Native Alert,Preview Questions,Reading Selection Text A,Guided Discussion,Language Study and Practice,THEORETIC ACTIVITIES FUNCTIONINGCultural 1. motivation Cognitive 2. notional focus Communi- CativeLinguistic & Reading cult

36、ural Input acquisitionConstructive comprehension Follow-up & critical viewsPractice Reinforcement & consolidation,Reading-Writing Practice,THEORETIC ACTIVITIES FUNCTIONINGCultural 1. motivationCognitive 2. Vocabulary preparationReading 1. learner paced readinginput 2. Notional acquisitionSkill making skill connectionTransferCognition & awareness and practicePractice,Native Alert,Word Preparation,Reading Selection Text B,R-W Connection,Writing practice,

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