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1、全世界最感人的一封信:生命不是一场竞赛 1鐢熷懡涓嶆槸涓鍦虹珵璧?Life Isnt a Competition涓浣嶄紵澶 屽張骞冲嚒鐨勭埗浜诧紝涓灏佹儏鐪熸剰鍒囩殑淇傜埗浜茬殑蹇犲憡锛岄佺粰浠栦笁宀佸鐨勭埍瀛愶紝鍚屾椂涔熷惎绀烘墍鏈変汉锛氫汉鐢熸槸涓娈电編濡欑殑鏃呯锛岃櫧鐒朵細鏈夐槾闆 紝閲嶈 鐨勬槸瀛細鐖憋紝瀛細浜 彈鐢熸椿锛屼粠鑰屽揩涔愪竴鐢熴?浜茬埍鐨勫 鏂?Dear Seth,1 浣犵幇鍦粎浠?宀侊紝姝埢浣犺繕涓嶈瘑瀛楋紝鏇翠笉鐢 璁綘鍘荤悊瑙垜鎺笅鏉兂鍦繖灏佷俊閲屽 浣犳墍璇寸殑璇濅簡銆備絾鏄 垜宸茬粡鑻濆啣鎯充簡濂戒箙锛屽叧浜庝綘鍗冲皢闈 复鐨勪汉鐢熶互鍙婃垜鐨勭敓娲伙紝鎴戝弽鎬

2、濇垜鎵瀛細鐨勶紱鎬濊冧竴涓 埗浜茬殑鑱岃矗锛屽姏鍥捐浣犱负鏈 潵宀佹湀涓 嵆灏嗛潰涓寸殑鍥伴毦鍋氬鍏呭垎鍑嗗 銆?1 You鈥檙 e only three years old, and at this point in your life you cant read, much less understand what I鈥檓 going to try to tell you in this letter. But Ive been thinking a lot about the life that you have ahead of you, about my life so far as

3、 I reflect on what Ive learned, and about my role as a dad in trying to prepare you for the trials that you will face in the coming years.2 浣犱粖澶苟涓嶈兘鐞嗚 杩欏皝淇殑鍚 箟锛屼絾鏄 煇涓澶紝褰撴椂鏈烘垚鐔燂紝鎴戝笇鏈涗綘鑳藉湪鎴戜笌浣犲垎浜 殑鍐呭 褰撲腑鎵惧 鍒颁簺璁哥殑鏅烘収鍜屼环鍊笺?2 You wont be able to understand this letter today, but someday, when youre ready

4、, I hope you will find some wisdom and value in what I share with you.3 浣犺繕寰堝勾杞伙紝鐢熷懡杩樺皻鏈 紑濮嬫懅娈嬩綘锛屾病鏈夊湪浣犵殑浜虹敓閬撹矾涓婂竷缃 鏈涳紝浼績锛屽 鐙 紝鎸墡鍜岃嫤鐥涖備綘杩樻病鏈夎 婕 暱鐨勪箯鍛冲伐浣滐紝琚 棩甯哥敓娲荤殑鎵撳嚮鎼炲緱绛嬬柌鍔涘敖銆?3 You are young, and life has yet to take its toll on you, to throw disappointments and heartaches and loneliness and strug

5、gles and pain into your path. You have not been worn down yet by long hours of thankless work, by the slings and arrows of everyday life.4 鍥犳 锛岃阿澶阿鍦板惂銆備綘姝 鍦汉鐢熶竴涓 編濡欑殑闃舵 銆傝繕鏈夊緢澶氱編濡欑殑闃舵 浼氭潵鍒颁綘闈墠锛屼絾鏄 兘涓嶆槸鍞炬墜鍙 緱鐨勶紝浣犻兘寰椾粯鍑轰唬浠凤紝缁忓巻椋庨櫓銆?4 For this, be thankful. You are at a wonderful stage of life. You hav

6、e many wonderful stages of life still to come, but they are not without their costs and perils.5 鎴戝笇鏈涢氳繃鍒嗕韩涓浜涙垜鎵瀛埌鐨勬渶濂界殑閬撶悊鑳藉府鍔綘璧板浜虹敓璺 傝嚦浜庝换浣曞缓璁 紝涓旀妸瀹冨綋浣滀綈鏂欙紝鍥犱负閫傚悎鎴戠殑骞朵笉涓瀹氶傜敤浜庝綘銆?5 I hope to help you along your path by sharing some of the best of what Ive learned. As with any advice, take it with a

7、 grain of salt. What works for me might not work for you.鐢熸椿浼氬緢娈嬮叿Life Can Be Cruel6 浣犵殑鐢熸椿涓 竴瀹氫細鏈夊苟涓嶅弸濂界殑浜恒備粬浠 荤瑧浣犲洜涓轰綘涓嶅悓锛岃屽湪娌湁鏇村鐨勭悊鐢便備粬浠 彲鑳戒細娆鸿礋浣犳垨鑰呬激瀹充綘銆?6 There will be people in your life who wont be very nice. Theyll tease you because youre different, or for no good reason. They might try to

8、bully you or hurt you.7 瀵硅繖绉嶄汉浣犻櫎浜嗗 浼氬拰鍏舵帴瑙棤璁彲鏂斤紝鍚屾椂浣犱篃瑕佸 浼氭嫨鍙嬶紝閫夋嫨閭簺瀵逛綘鍙嬪杽鐨勶紝閭簺鐪熸 鍏冲績浣犵殑锛岄偅浜涗护浣犲 鑷 繁鎰熷埌寰堝鐨勪汉鍋氭湅鍙嬨傚綋浣犲 鎵惧埌鍍忚繖鏍风殑鏈嬪弸锛屽氨涓瀹氳 鍧氬畧杩欎唤鍙嬭皧锛岀弽鎯滀粬浠 紝鑺变簺鏃堕棿鍜屼粬浠 湪涓璧凤紝鍙嬪杽鐨勫 寰呬粬浠 苟鐖变粬浠?7 Theres not much you can do about these people except to learn to deal with them, and learn to choose friends

9、who are kind to you, who actually care about you, who make you feel good about yourself. When you find friends like this, hold on to them, treasure them, spend time with them, be kind to them, love them.8 鏈夋椂浣犱細閬 亣鎸 姌鑰岄潪鎴愬姛銆傜敓娲诲苟涓嶆讳細濡備綘鎵鎰裤傝繖鏄 彟涓浠朵綘闇瑕佸 浼氬鐞嗙殑浜嬫儏銆備絾浣犺 鎸轰綇鍚戝墠锛岃屼笉鏄 杩欎簺浜嬭 浣犻櫡鍏綆璋枫傛帴鍙楁尗璐苟瀛細

10、鍧氭寔锛屼笉鐣忛 闄湴杩芥眰浣犵殑姊兂銆傚 浼氭妸娑堟瀬杞 寲涓虹 鏋侊紝涔嬪悗浣犲氨鑳藉仛鐨勫寰楀 銆?8 There will be times when you are met with disappointment instead of success. Life wont always turn out the way you want. This is just another thing youll have to learn to deal with. But instead of letting these things get you down, push on. Acce

11、pt disappointment and learn to persevere, to pursue your dreams despite pitfalls. Learn to turn negatives into positives, and youll do much better in life.9 浣犲悓鏍蜂細闈 复蹇冪 鏃跺埢浠強浣犳繁鐖辩殑浜虹殑鎶涘純銆傛垜甯屾湜浣犳棤椤荤粡鍘嗗澶氭 绫讳簨浠讹紝浣嗗 鏋滀笉骞稿彂鐢熶簡锛屽啀涓娆紝闄簡鎱參鎰堝悎蹇冧腑鐨勫垱浼苟缁 画涓嬪幓浣犵殑鐢熸椿锛屼綘鍒 棤閫夋嫨銆傝 杩欎簺鐥涜嫤鎴愪负浣犻氬悜鏇寸編濂界敓娲荤殑鍨 剼鐭筹紝骞跺 浼氬埄

12、鐢畠浠 鑷 繁鏇村潥寮恒?9 You will also face heartbreak and abandonment by those you love. I hope you dont have to face this too much, but it happens. Again, not much you can do but to heal, and to move on with your life. Let these pains become stepping stones to better things in life, and learn to use them to

13、 make you stronger.浣嗘棤璁哄 浣曪紝閮借 寮犲紑鍙岃噦鎷姳鐢熸椿But Be Open to life Anyway10 鏄 殑锛屽湪浣犵殑鐢熷懡鍘嗙涓 綘浼氶亣鍒版畫閰凤紝鐓庣啲鈥絾涓嶈 璁繖浜涜 浣犳嫆缁濇帴鍙楁柊椴滀簨鐗備笉瑕侀冮伩鐢熸椿锛屼笉瑕佽翰钘忥紝鎶戞垨灏侀棴鑷 繁銆傛嫢鎶辨柊椴滀簨鐗紝缁忓巻鍏柊浣撻獙锛屾帴瑙柊鐨勪汉銆?10 Yes, youll find cruelty and suffering in your journey through life 鈥?but dont let that close you to new things. Dont r

14、etreat from life, dont hide or wall yourself off. Be open to new things, new experiences, new people.11 浣犳垨璁稿績纰庝簡 10娆紝浣嗘槸鍦 鍗佷竴娆壘鍒拌嚦鐖便傚 鏋滀綘鎶婅嚜宸卞叧鍦埍鐨勯棬澶栵紝浣犲氨浼氶敊杩囪繖涓 瀛愶紝鍜屼綘鐢熷懡涓 渶蹇 箰鐨勬椂鍏夈?11 You might get your heart broken 10 times, but find the most wonderful woman the 11th time. If you shut yourself o

15、ff from love, youll miss out on that woman, and the happiest times of your life.12 浣犲彲鑳戒細琚 綘閬囧埌鐨勪汉鑰荤瑧娆鸿礋浼 鈥屽湪瑙佷簡涓鎵撹繖绉嶇濂囧彜鎬 殑浜哄悗锛屼綘浼氭壘鍒颁竴涓 湡姝殑鏈嬪弸銆傚 鏋滀綘鎷掔粷鎺 鏂颁汉缇紝骞朵笉鍚戜粬浠 暈寮蹇冩墘锛屼綘浼氶伩鍏嶅彈浼絾鏄 悓鏃朵篃澶卞幓浜嗚 璇嗚繖浜涗笉鍙 濊 鐨勪汉鐨勬満浼氾紝浠栦滑浼氬湪浣犵敓鍛芥渶鍥伴毦鐨勬椂鍒婚櫔浼寸潃浣狅紝骞跺甫缁欎綘浜虹敓褰撲腑鏈缇庡鐨勬椂鍏夈?12 You might get teased and bullied a

16、nd hurt by people you meet 鈥?and then after meeting dozens of jerks, find a true friend. If you close yourself off to new people, and dont open your heart to them, youll avoid pain 鈥?but also lose out on meeting some incredible people, who will be there during the toughest times of your life and cre

17、ate some of the best times of your life.13 浣犱細澶辫触澶氭 浣嗘槸濡傛灉浣犺 澶辫触鎵撳埌浜嗕綘锛屼笉鍐嶅姫鍔涳紝浣犲氨浼氶敊杩囬偅绉嶅綋浣犺揪鍒版垚灏辨柊楂樺害鐨勯毦浠鍠荤殑鎴愬氨鎰熴傚璐槸鎴愬姛涔嬫瘝銆?13 You will fail many times but if you allow that to stop you from trying, you will miss out on the amazing feeling of success once you reach new heights with your accomplish

18、ments. Failure is a stepping stone to success.鐢熷懡涓嶆槸涓鍦虹珵璧?Life Isnt a Competition14 浣犱細閬囧埌涓浜涗汉浠栦滑鎬绘槸璇曞浘瓒呰繃浣狅紝鍦腑瀛紝澶 锛屽湪宸綔涓 備粬浠 兂瑕佹嫢鏈夋洿濂界殑杞紝鏇村鐨勬埧瀛愶紝鏇村鐨勮。鐗紝鏇撮叿鐨勫皬鐜剰銆傚 浠栦滑鏉 锛岀敓鍛藉氨鏄 竴鍦虹珵璧?-浠栦滑涓嶅緱涓嶆瘮鍚岃緢鍋氬緱鏇村鏉 鑷 繁鎰熷埌蹇 箰銆?You will meet many people who will try to outdo you, in school, in college, at work. T

19、heyll try to have nicer cars, bigger houses, nicer clothes, cooler gadgets. To them, life is a competition 鈥?they have to do better than their peers to be happy.15 杩欓噷鏈変竴涓 璇锛氱敓鍛藉苟涓嶆槸涓鍦虹珵璧涖傝屾槸涓娈垫梾绋嬨傚 鏋滀綘鍦斾腑涓鐩撮兘璇曞浘缁欎粬浜虹暀涓嬫繁鍒诲嵃璞紝瓒呰繃鍒 汉锛岄偅浣犲氨娴 垂浜嗚繖娈垫梾绋嬨備笌涔嬬浉鍙嶏紝瀛細浜 彈瀹冿紝璁箣鎴愪负蹇 箰涔嬫梾锛屾案鎭掔殑瀛範涔嬫梾锛屾寔涔呯殑杩涙 涔嬫梾浠

20、強鐖变箣鏃呫?Heres a secret: Life isnt a competition. Its a journey. If you spend that journey always trying to impress others, to outdo others, you鈥檙 e wasting your journey. Instead, learn to enjoy the journey. Make it a journey of Happiness, of constant learning, of continual improvement, of love.16 涓嶈

21、涓烘嫢鏈変竴杈嗘洿濂界殑杞垨涓鎵鏇村鐨勬埧瀛愭垨鑰呬换浣曠墿璐殑涓滆锛屽嵆渚挎槸涓浠借柂姘存洿楂樼殑宸綔鎿嶅績銆傝繖浜涙牴鏈 棤瓒宠交閲嶏紝涔熶笉浼氫娇浣犲揩涔愩備綘鍙 兘鍦嫢鏈変簡杩欎簺涔嬪悗鍙 槸鎯宠 鏇村 鐨勩備笌涔嬬浉鍙嶏紝瀛細婊冻浣犲凡缁忔嫢鏈夌殑-鐒跺悗瀛細鍒敤浣犲師鏈 兂瑕佹氮璐瑰湪涓烘專閽变拱杩欎簺涓滆鐨勬椂闂村幓鍋氫綘鐪熸 鐑 埍鐨勪簨銆?16 Dont worry about having a nicer car or house or anything material, or even a better-paying job. None of that matters

22、a whit, and none of it will make you happier. Youll acquire these things and then only want more. Instead, learn to be satisfied with having enough 鈥?and then use the time you would have wasted trying to earn money to buy those things 鈥?use that time doing things you love.17 鎵惧埌浣犵殑婵鎯咃紝鍧氭寔涓嶆噲鍦拌拷姹傚畠銆傚

23、埆璁嚜宸辫 涓涓 繕鍊虹殑鐨勫伐浣滄墍绱 傜敓鍛藉鐭 殏浜嗭紝鏇翠笉鍙 皢涔嬫氮璐瑰湪浣犳墍鍘屾伓鐨勫伐浣滀笂銆?17 Find your passion, and pursue it doggedly. Dont settle for a job that pays the bills. Life is too short to waste on a job you hate.鐖卞簲璇垚涓轰綘鐨勭敓娲诲噯鍒?Love Should Be Your Rule18 濡傛灉璁竴涓 瘝鎴愪负浣犵殑鐢熸椿鏀 拺鐨勮瘽锛岄偅瀹冨簲璇槸鐖便備篃璁歌繖鍚 潵宸叉槸鑰佺敓甯歌皥锛屾垜涔熸竻妤氣?浣嗘槸璇蜂俊浠

24、绘垜锛屽啀娌湁鏇村鐨勭敓娲诲噯鍒欎簡銆?If theres a single word you should live your life by, it should be this: Love. It might sound corny, I know 鈥?but trust me, theres no better rule in life.19 涓浜涗汉浠垚鍔熶綔涓虹敓娲诲噯鍒欍備粬浠 殑鐢熸椿浼氬緢绱 紶锛屼笉寮蹇冨苟涓斿緢娴呰杽銆?19 Some would live by the rule of success. Their lives will be stressful, unh

25、appy and shallow.20 鍙竴浜涗汉鐨勭敓娲诲噯鍒欐槸涓 汉鍒泭-浠栦滑灏嗕釜浜洪渶瑕佺疆浜庝粬浜洪渶瑕佷箣涓娿備粬浠 鐙竴鐢燂紝缁堢涔熶笉浼氬揩涔愩?20 Others would live by the rule of selfishness 鈥?putting their needs above those of others. They will live lonely lives, and will also be unhappy.21 杩樻湁涓浜涗汉浠栦滑涓烘 涔夎岀敓-鍔 姏灞曠鍏堕亾璺 殑姝鎬 紝骞惰瘯鍥惧姖鏈嶄换浣曚竴涓 笉浠 涔変负鐢熸椿鍑嗗垯鐨勪汉銆備粬浠

26、叧蹇冧粬浜猴紝鍗翠互涓绉嶆秷鏋佺殑鏂瑰紡锛屾渶缁堟鎶辫拷瀵讳竴鐢熺殑姝箟鑰岀粓锛岃屾 鍗存槸涓涓 碂绯曠殑浼翠荆銆?21 Still others will live by the rule of righteousness 鈥?trying to show the right path, and admonishing anyone who doesnt live by that path. They are concerned with others, but in a negative way, and in the end will only have their own righte

27、ousness to live with, and thats a horrible companion.22 鐢埍鏀 拺浣犵殑鐢熷懡銆傜埍浣犵殑濡诲瓙锛屼綘鐨勫 瀛愶紝浣犵殑鐖舵瘝浜诧紝浣犵殑鏈嬪弸锛屽叏蹇冨叏鎰忓湴鍘荤埍銆傜粰涓庝粬浠 綘鎵闇瑕佺殑锛屼笉瑕佹祦闇插嚭浠讳綍娈嬪繊锛屼笉璧炲悓锛屽喎婕犳垨鑰呭鏈涳紝鍙 湁鐖便傚悜浠栦滑鏁炲紑鐏甸瓊銆?22 Live your life by the rule of love. Love your spouse, your children, your parents, your friends, with all of your heart.

28、Give to them what they need, and show them not cruelty nor disapproval nor coldness nor disappointment, but only love. Open your soul to them.23 涓嶄粎浠呯埍浣犳繁鐖辩殑浜猴紝涔熻 鐖变綘鐨勯偦灞?浣犵殑鍚屼簨鈥敋鑷抽檶鐢熶汉鈥粬浠 槸浣犲箍涔変笂鐨勫厔寮熷 濡广傜粰浣犻亣鍒扮殑浠讳綍涓涓 汉涓涓 井绗戯紝涓鍙杽璇 備竴涓 弸濂界殑濮垮娍锛屼竴鍙 彺鍔箣鎵嬨?Love not only your loved ones, but your neighbo

29、rs 鈥?your coworkers 鈥?strangers 鈥?your brothers and sisters in humanity. Offer anyone you meet a smile, a kind word, a kind gesture, a helping hand.24 涓嶄粎浠呯埍閭诲眳鍜岄檶鐢熶汉鈥篃瑕佺埍浣犵殑鏁屼汉銆傚 浣犳渶娈嬮叿鐨勪汉锛屽 鏇剧粡瀵逛綘涓嶅杽鐨勪汉鈥埍浠栥備粬鏄 竴涓 鍙楁姌纾殑鐏甸瓊锛屾渶闇瑕佷綘鐨勭埍銆?24 Love not only neighbors and strangers 鈥?but your enemy. The pe

30、rson who is cruelest to you, who has been unkind to you 鈥?love him. He is a tortured soul, and most in need of your love.25 鏈閲嶈 鐨勬槸鐖变綘鑷 繁銆傚綋鍒 汉鎵硅瘎浣犳椂锛屽 鐫涓嶈 寮哄姞鑷 繁锛屽幓璁负鑷 繁涓戯紝绗垨鑰呬笉鍊煎緱鍘荤埍鈥岃 鎯崇潃鑷 繁鏄 竴涓 緢瀹岀編鐨勪汉锛屽煎緱鎷湁骞哥 鍜岀湡鐖扁苟瀛細鐖辩幇鍦殑鑷 繁銆?25 And most of all, love yourself. While others may criticize you, l

31、earn not to be so hard on yourself, to think that you鈥檙 e ugly or dumb or unworthy of love 鈥?but to think instead that you are a wonderful human being, worthy of Happiness and love 鈥?and learn to love yourself for who you are.26 鏈鍚庯紝瑕佺煡閬撴垜鐖变綘骞朵笖姘歌繙閮戒細锛屼綘鍗冲皢寮鍚 竴娈垫湁鐐瑰 鎬 紝浠汉瀹虫曪紝浠汉蹇冩偢浣嗘渶缁堝緢涓嶅彲鎬濊 鐨勫阀濡欐梾绋嬶紝鎴戞案杩滀細鏀 寔浣犮傜 涓囦簨濡傛剰銆?26 Finally, know that I love you and always will. You are starting out on a weird, scary, daunting, but ultimately incredibly wonderful journey, and I will be there for you when I can. Godspeed.

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