1、提高句子档次的小结:1. 用高级结构和词汇2. 用分词短语合并句子;用介词短语合并句子;用独立主格结构合并句子;用连接词连接句子3. 用定语从句、主语从句、强调句、倒装句4. 用不同结构和词汇5. 合适的过渡性词汇 写作(共两节,满分 40 分 )第一节 基础写作 (共 1 小题,满分 15 分)你很荣幸地成为 2008 北京奥运会的一名志愿者,负责编写奥运比赛项目的英语介绍。请根据以下中文提纲,编写射击项目的英语介绍:背景:射击最初只是生存工具,19 世纪末才发展成为一项体育运动。1896:第一次成为奥运项目1904:中断 1928:中断 1932:重回奥运会 1968:第一次允许妇女参加奥
2、运射击比赛 现状:稳步发展,1896 奥运会只有三项射击项目,现今有 17 项。写作要求只能使用 5 个句子表达全部内容评分标准句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。写作中复合句常见的错误1.The keeper who had lived in the light tower for a long time, so he could keep calm in the storm.2.The old man thought of his son, tears came down from his face.The hall is different from all other build
3、ings , it is made of glass.3.There are over fifty students in this school who are going to take part in the sports meet next Sunday.4. It is a beautiful day, and the sun is shining and a breeze is blowing. We were driving out into the country, and we saw our English teacher riding in a bus, and the
4、bus was crowded. 请看范例My English Learning It is six years since I began to learn English. With the help of my teachers and classmates, I have made progress in my English. Now Im doing well both in writing and reading in English. But I still find it hard to learn English, such as some difficult idioms
5、. Difficult as it is, I have made up my mind to master this useful language by my hard work.从上述例子同学们可以明白什么样的句子叫“规范的英语句子”。其实, “规范的英语句子” 就是我们经常讲的三种句子:A) Simple sentence: Hearing the news, he was happy. B) Compound sentence A:He gave me a book but I forgot to bring it back home. C) Compound sentence B:
6、What he is doing has nothing to do with me.Here are 3 ways to make sentences:I.巧妙运用短语,写出规范的简单句:1)借助名词短语做同位语如:李立,男,19 岁,1986 年生;籍贯:广东。2)借助介词短语做定语如:李飞,男,10 岁,棕色短发,身穿白色茄克。3)借助介词短语做状语如:有了 Tom 的帮助,我们很快就找到了他们的村子。4)借助非谓语动词短语做定语或状语如:他们站在大树下,等待着总统的到来。II. 巧用连接词,写出规范的并列句:如:他给我钱,我不要。如:我刚到拐角处,就见到你啦。III. 用好从句和引导词
7、,写出规范的复合句:1) 名词性从句如:老师生气。原因:王力迟到。2) 定语从句如:中国,地处亚洲东部;特点:地大物博、人口众多。3) 状语从句如:雷锋还活在我们心中,我深受感动。用一句话表达 Kate is a new student. She comes from a northern province. She speaks a dialect. We find it hard to understand her dialect.不是人人都能学好英语,小学生同时学汉语和英语反而会影响汉语学习。第一步:拆分成几个简单句第二步:分别翻译这几个简单句第三步:合并句子情景说明通知:新光中学高三年
8、级学生将于 9 月 9 日去体检。体检地点:第一人民医院体检时间:9 月 9 日,星期六 注意:1、7:45 在医院门口集合,可以骑车或步行前往;2、体检前空腹;3、在医院要保持安静,听从医生和护士的安排。现象 学生作文中出现很多错别字1.上网聊天时经常使用网络语言。原因2.每天有很多作业做,没有记住生字。要求:1. 用两句话表达表格内容 2. 两句话要有连贯性一. 较高级的词汇、短语1. I used to like reading and writing poems at middle school.2. Suddenly I thought of a good idea.3.You ca
9、n find my house easily.二. 丰富的语法结构 1. When she heard he had died, she went pale with sorrow. 2. I was walking along Park Road towards the east. At that time, an elderly man came out of the park on the other side of the street.实战演练:以下是你根据图画内容和题目要求,经过观察、整理排列成的五个信息块,请分别用一个句子表达出来,并组成一篇连贯性的短文。1.一个乞丐在路边讨钱(
10、ask for money)。李先生匆忙赶路上班,没有注意到那个乞丐。2.乞丐很生气,伸出(stick out)拐杖,差点把李先生绊倒了(trip over)。3.李先生意识到他是个残疾人,便在口袋里找钱给他。4.李先生拿出了一张百元钞票(a 100-yuan note)。突然一阵风把钞票吹到了空中。5.乞丐迅速跳起来去追那张钞票。李先生站在那里,惊得合不拢嘴。读写任务写作模版解题步骤 (1)审题(宏观着手):阅读材料,明确体裁, 标出要点,确定思路: (2)提纲(大体把握):正确分段,写出段意, 列齐要点,选好句型; (3)行文(具体下笔):连句成篇,联想佳句, 注意关联,注意时态: (4)
11、检查(最后推敲):词句篇 1标题。如果题目要求自拟标题,要注意以下要点: (1)位置:第一行的中部,如标题过长,就写成两行,第二行应比第一行短,写在第一行下方的中部。 (2)大写:题目中每个单词的首字母都大写,介词、连词和冠词通常可不大写,例如:One Day in the University Life。但如标题中的介词是五个以上字母构成的(如:through,between ,above,beyond,against,among 等),这个介词通常大写,例如: To Learn English Through Reading。 (3)符号:标题一般不用引号或括号;即使是完整的一句话,也不用
12、句号,但可以使用问号和感叹号。如:What a Hero He was!How Do You Like the Film? (4)原则:标题是文章内容的集中与概括。要求:准确醒目简练。 2概括。这是 07 年广东高考读写任务的新形式和新要求。 (1)如有标题,标题中的蕴含的信息往往是关键。 (2)任何一篇文章都是围绕某个主题展开的,因此许多文章中最明显的特点是有一个反复出现的中心词,即高频词,也叫做主题词。抓住了它便容易抓住文章的中心 第一段: 概括所给短文内容要点注意利用原文中所给的语言材料,用自己的话来写;概括后的文章意思要通顺,行文要连贯。 写作具体方法和要求: 1. 巧妙利用主题和写作
13、要点,预测材料内容。 读写任务先读后写。那么“读”的材料肯定是与要“ 写” 的材料话题是相同的,至少是相关的。因此,我们可以利用这一关系来进行有效的预测。比如: 有一道题的主题是“如何保护我国文化遗产”, 要点包括: 1)你如何看待我国的文化遗产遭到破坏的现象。 2)保护文化遗产有何意义? 3)我们该如何保护我国的文化遗产? 那么,我们可以根据这个主题进行什么预测呢?1)阅读材料是说明文了什么现象?2)现象的原因是什么?3)我们应该怎样解决? 3.划出关键词和句子。 注意首段和尾句4.灵活变化表达,适度进行改写。( in your own words) (1)同义替换。即用同义或近义的词语或句
14、型改写。 (2)语态互换。即主语语态与被动语态的转换。 (3)非谓语动词短语与从句的互换。 (4)合并句子。就是将几个意义联系紧密的句子合并为一句话。 5. 削“枝”去“ 叶”,实行精“兵”裁“ 员”。 由于字数有限制,所以在写 summary 时还应采取一些必要的手段来进行精“兵”裁“员”, 减少字数。惯常采用的方法有: (1)主谓缩写。如 they will theyll; we are were; should not shouldnt; can not cant 等。 (2)句式省略。如 When he crossed the road=when crossing the road.
15、If theyre corrected too much=if corrected too much. (3)使用代词或含有替代含义的词。如有学生这样写:Once a king wanted to cover the road with leather to protect his feet. A servant advised the king not to cover the road and just make a pair of shoes for himself. Finally the king agreed and made shoes for himself. 这时,我们可以利
16、用代词将其改写如下: Once a king wanted to cover the road with leather to protect his feet, but he was persuaded not to do so. Instead, he made a pair of shoes to achieve the same goal. 6 概括要做到开门见山,要抓住要点, 语言精练 例如:Patterns 1 The passage mainly tells us that 2 From the passage, we know that 3 According to the p
17、assage, we know that 4 Through the story/his experience +about sth/that clause, the writer 5. By recalling/mentioning +that clause, the writer/author 6. The passage tells us about sth which/that 7. This article is mainly about8. The writer states that9. As can be learn ,this passage10. As the passag
18、e says that 3过渡。过渡部分是读写任务第一部分和第二部分的润滑剂,使文章可以更自然连贯。过渡词或过渡句均可以。可以使用以下几种过渡手法: (1)社会现实引入。如:With the development of science and technology,the world is changing rapidly every dayTV is a fast and convenient medium which helps us to grasp advanced knowledge (2)普遍真理引入。如:It goes without saying that we cannot
19、 be young forever (3)相关数据引入。如:According to a recent survey,about 75of the college students wanted to further their study after their graduation 第二段: 过渡词引出主题句-自己的观点 -理由。 第二段的开头用语: I do agree with the author In some way, I agree with , but This opinion sounds right but is hardly practical. It is defin
20、itely not like that. As a matter of fact, From my personal angle alone In my opinion, From my personal point of view As far as Im concerned It reminds me of I also experience such a before. When I As to me No4正文。高分作文都有以下的特点,这些特点也是考生写作训练努力的方向。 (1)条理要清晰:按照题目要求对要表达的内容进行分段,注意英语的表达习惯,最好在段落开头使用总起句,以便老师清楚知
21、道你想表达的内容。 (2)内容要充实:“无话可说”是考生反映得最多的问题。建议可平时进行针对性训练,对着练习的写作题目进行迅速思考,写出论点。或进行 “Brain Storm”(头脑风暴 )训练 (3)主题要鲜明:不要加入过多与主题关系不密切的内容。 (4)观点要明确:不要做墙头草,两边倒。不需要为了凑词数而对各方面问题都平均用力进行论述。 (5)句型要优美:不必自己花精力去创造一些句子,直接套用优美的句型,可达事半功倍之效。 5结束。明确提出结束语,可以是总结式或呼吁式,不必过长,但也不要太简。最好套用一些常用结束句型,使文章主题更突出,观点更明确。 6检查。检查是最后的把关,是经常被考生忽
22、略的重要环节,要给予足够的重视。 (1)词名词单复数;动词单复数;动词时态语态;非谓语动词。 (2)句句型结构;短语搭配。 (3)篇句子之间的连接词;段落之间的过渡。 一、记叙型阅读材料的读写任务 这类读写任务一般都会包含几部分的内容: 1.短文叙述的内容给你的启示或者你从短文中得到了什么人生道理; 2.结合该启示或者人生道理谈自身生活实际; 3 结合体会谈自己今后的行动。 在表达某现象给自己的启迪或者自己对某事的看法时,可用的句型有: 1. A proverb says, “.” (适用于已记住的名言) 有句谚语(格言)说. 2. It goes without saying that .(
23、适用于自编的语言) 不用说;.毋庸置疑 3. No one can deny that. 没人能否认. 4. What amazes me most is that. 最让我感到惊讶的是. 5. From the above passage, it can be seen that . 从以上的文章,我们可以看到、了解到. 6. The old proverb “. (名言或谚语)” reminds us that.(释义). 7. Indeed, we can learn many things from the passage. 在结合某种现象谈论自身实际时,为了让过渡更自然、更贴切,可用
24、以下的句型来引出对自身的实际的描述性语言: 1. Take my experience for example. I firmly believe that. 2. As far as I am concerned,. 3. I, for example, liked to do. 4. Confronted with the same situation, I often. (说明自己在相同的情况下的表现) 面对同样的情况,我经常. 5. Compared with the author, I . (反思自己与阅读材料的作者的差距) 与作者相比较,我. 而在最后结合体会谈自己的行动时,可用的
25、句型有: 1. It is important (necessary, difficult, convenient, possible) for me to do sth.对我来说,做.重要、必要、困难、方便、可能 2. I think it is necessary to do sth 3. It is high time that.(从句动词用过去式或 should do) 是时候做某事了 5. After reading the passage, I decide to . 6. From now on, I. 7. Only if I do., I can. 只要我., 我就能. 在整
26、体的写作中,适当地使用这些句型能够让整篇文章显得层次清晰且语言规范。 二、议论型阅读材料的读写任务 一)这种提出问题分析问题解决问题的写作模版的议论文在高考中是比较常见的。下面有各种句型可选用。 单句模板: .谈论所面临的问题的句型: 1.In recent days, we have to face the problem of , which is becoming more and more. 2. These days we often hear that. 3. It is common that. 4. Nowadays, there are more and more. 5. I
27、n recent years, .has caused a heated debate. 6. The topic of. is becoming more and more popular recently. 8 has attracted extensive attention of the society. . 表达自己的看法、分析该问题的句型 1. In my opinion, .2. As far as I am concerned, . 3. Personally,.4. From my point of view,. 5. I think that.6.As I see it,.
28、 我个人认为. 7.I do agree with. As far as I am concerned, I do agree / disagree with. The reason can be listed as follows. For one thing, For another thing,(自己对此做法的态度及理由). If we let the situation go as it is, several years later it will. (说明不采取措施的可能的后果,进行过渡,强调后面建议的重要性).My suggestions to deal with the pro
29、blem are as follows. On the one hand, On the other hand,.(提出自己的做法、措施) (1)题目:读写任务(共 l 小题,满分 25 分) 阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇 150 词左右的英语短文。 Dear Ari, As you sleep in my arms, Im amazed at how light you feel. I stare at your tiny body, so fragile that a sudden wind could lift you up into the air. I love this fe
30、eling of protecting you and dreaming of all I have in store for you. I intend to bring you up to be brave and successful in an often difficult society. Thats why your mommy and I have named you Ari, which means “lion“. Its our hope that you will grow strong and eagerly grasp every opportunity to do
31、well for yourself and others. Before you came into the world, we had spent months imagining what youd be like. Would you be a boy or a girl? Would you look like Mommy, Daddy or your elder brothers? Anyway, we would find out soon. Finally your mothers labor came. And several hours later, we met the f
32、irst time. I held you high up in the air. I then was able to cut your umbilical cord (脐带) and put you in your mothers arms. She still had enough energy to radiate the love while she pressed you to her face. And here we are tonight. As I hold you close, you sleep so peacefully. I press my ear to your
33、 chest and hear your strength. I am listening to the first beats of a lions heart. Welcome to the world, Ari. Love, Daddy 写作内容 假设你就是信中的 Ari,父亲在你出生的时候写了这封信。今天是父亲 50 岁生日,你准备以写信的方式,祝贺他的生日。以下是信的内容(信的开头和结尾已经为你写好): 1以约 30 个词概括父亲在他信中对你的期望; 2以约 120 个词表达你对父亲的感恩,并包括如下要点: (1)读信后的感受; (2)以你自己成长的经历说明你的感受; (3)表达你对
34、父亲的感激和祝福。 写作要求 1作文中可使用自己的亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直接引用原文中的句子; 2信中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。 评分标准概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,篇章连贯。 w students in China celebrate their birthdays in many ways.Usually, a party is held. Best friends and relatives will come to the party. They usually buy a gift. They show their best wishes. Sometimes, people send short messages too and it is becoming very popular.But I think that its better to help other people. We know that its important to learn to help other people. Helping other people can do us a lot of good. People will help you because youve helped them and youll be happy