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1、基于 Pro/E的嵌入式插销多工位级进冲压模模具设计 班级:机设 06-4班 姓名:窦兴玉 11 多工位级进模的研究现状及发展趋势1.1 多工位级进模的研究现状多工位级进模是在普通级进模的基础上发展起来的一种高精度、高效率、长寿命的模具,是技术密集型模具的重要代表,是冲模发展方向之一。这种模具除进行冲孔落料工作外,还可根据零件结构的特点和成形性质,完成压筋、冲窝、弯曲、拉深等成形工序,甚至还可以在模具中完成装配工序 1-3。冲压时,将带料或条料由模具入口端送进后,在严格控制步距精度的条件下,按照成形工艺安排的顺序,通过各工位的连续冲压,在最后工位经冲裁或切断后,便可冲制出符合产品要求的冲压件。

2、为保证多工位级进模的正常工作,模具必须具有高精度的导向和准确的定距系统,配备有自动送料、自动出件、安全检测等装置。所以多工位级进模与普通冲模相比要复杂,具有如下特点:(1)在一副模具中,可以完成包括冲裁,弯曲,拉深和成形等多道冲压工序;减少了使用多副模具的周转和重复定位过程,显著提高了劳动生产率和设备利用率。(2)由于在级进模中工序可以分散在不同的工位上,故不存在复合模的“最小壁厚”问题,设计时还可根据模具强度和模具的装配需要留出空工位,从而保证模具的强度和装配空间 4,5。(3)多工位级进模通常具有高精度的内、外导向(除模架导向精度要求高外,还必须对细小凸模实施内导向保护)和准确的定距系统,

3、以保证产品零件的加工精度和模具寿命。(4)多工位级进模常采用高速冲床生产冲压件,模具采用了自动送料、自动出件、安全检测等自动化装置,操作安全,具有较高的生产效率。目前,世界上最先进的多工位级进模工位数多达 50 多个,冲压速度达 1000 次分以上。(5)多工位级进模结构复杂,镶块较多,模具制造精度要求很高,给模具的制造、调试及维修带来一定的难度。同时要求模具零件具有互换性,在模具零件磨损或损坏后要求更换迅速,方便,可靠。所以模具工作零件选材必须好基于 Pro/E的嵌入式插销多工位级进冲压模模具设计 班级:机设 06-4班 姓名:窦兴玉 2(常采用高强度的高合金工具钢、高速钢或硬质合金等材料)

4、,必须应用慢走丝线切割加工、成型磨削、坐标镗、坐标磨等先进加工方法制造模具 6。(6)多工位级进模主要用于冲制厚度较薄(一般不超过2mm)、产量大,形状复杂、精度要求较高的中、小型零件。用这种模具冲制的零件,精度可达 IT10 级。1.2 多工位级进模的发展趋势随着与国际接轨的脚步不断加快,市场竞争的日益加剧,人们已经越来越认识到产品质量、成本和新产品的开发能力的重要性。近年来许多模具企业因此加大了用于技术进步的投资力度,一些国内模具企业已普及了二维CAD,并陆续开始使用UG、Pro/Engineer、I-DEAS等国际通用软件,个别厂家还引进了Moldf随着与国际接轨的脚步不断加快,市场竞争

5、的日益加剧,人们已经越来越认识到产品质量、成本和新产品的开发能力的重要性 7。近年来许多模具企业因此加大了用于技术进步的投资力度,一些国内模具企业已普及了二维CAD,并陆续开始使用UG、Pro/Engineer、I-DEAS等国际通用软件,个别厂家还引进了Moldflow等CAE软件,并成功应用于多工位级进模的设计中。 目前,以汽车覆盖件模具为代表的大型冲压模具的制造技术已取得很大进步,东风汽车公司模具厂、一汽模具中心等模具厂家已能生产部分轿车覆盖件模具。此外,许多研究机构和大专院校开展模具技术的研究和开发,在模具CAD/CAE/CAM技术方面取得了显著进步。例如,吉林大学汽车覆盖件成型技术所

6、独立研制的汽车覆盖件冲压成型分析KMAS软件,华中理工大学模具技术国家重点实验室开发的注塑模、汽车覆盖件模具和级进模CAD/CAE/CAM软件,上海交通大学模具CAD国家工程研究中心开发的冷冲模和精冲研究中心开发的冷冲模和精冲模CAD软件等 8,9。 而多工位级进模技术的发展应该为适应模具产品“交货期短”、“精度高”、“质量好”、“价格低”的要求服务。专家认为,未来多工位级进模具制造技术有以下几大发展趋势: 基于 Pro/E的嵌入式插销多工位级进冲压模模具设计 班级:机设 06-4班 姓名:窦兴玉 3(1)全面推广CAD/CAM/CAE技术 模具CAD/CAM/CAE技术是模具设计制造的发展方

7、向。随着微机软件的发展和进步,普及CAD/CAM/CAE技术的条件已基本成熟,各企业将加大CAD/CAM技术培训和技术服务的力度;进一步扩大CAE技术的应用范围 10。计算机和网络的发展正使CAD/CAM/CAE技术跨地区、跨企业、跨院所地在整个行业中推广成为可能,实现技术资源的重新整合,使虚拟制造成为可能。 (2)高速铣削加工 国外近年来发展的高速铣削加工,大幅度提高了加工效率,并可获得极高的表面光洁度。另外,还可加工高硬度模块,还具有温升低、热变形小等优点11。高速铣削加工技术的发展,对汽车、家电行业中大型型腔模具制造注入了新的活力。目前它已向更高的敏捷化、智能化、集成化方向发展。 (3)

8、模具扫描及数字化系统 高速扫描机和模具扫描系统提供了从模型或实物扫描到加工出期望的模型所需的诸多功能,大大缩短了模具的在研制制造周期。有些快速扫描系统,可快速安装在已有的数控铣床及加工中心上,实现快速数据采集、自动生成各种不同数控系统的加工程序、不同格式的CAD数据,用于模具制造业的“逆向工程”。模具扫描系统已在汽车、摩托车、家电等行业得到成功应用,相信在“十五”期间将发挥更大的作用。 (4)电火花铣削加工 电火花铣削加工技术也称为电火花创成加工技术,这是一种替代传统的用成型电极加工型腔的新技术,它是有高速旋转的简单的管状电极作三维或二维轮廓加工(像数控铣一样),因此不再需要制造复杂的成型电极

9、,这显然是电火花成形加工领域的重大发展 12。国外已有使用这种技术的机床在模具加工中应用。预计这一技术将得到发展。 (5)提高模具标准化程度 我国模具标准化程度正在不断提高,估计目前我国模具标准件使用覆盖率已达到30%左右。国外发达国家一般为80%左右。 (6)优质材料及先进表面处理技术 选用优质钢材和应用相应的表面处理技术来提高模具的寿命就显得十分必基于 Pro/E的嵌入式插销多工位级进冲压模模具设计 班级:机设 06-4班 姓名:窦兴玉 4要。模具热处理和表面处理是否能充分发挥模具钢材料性能的关键环节。模具热处理的发展方向是采用真空热处理。模具表面处理除完善应发展工艺先进的气相沉积(TiN

10、、TiC等)、等离子喷涂等技术。 (7)模具研磨抛光将自动化、智能化 模具表面的质量对模具使用寿命、制件外观质量等方面均有较大的影响,研究自动化、智能化的研磨与抛光方法替代现有手工操作,以提高模具表面质量是重要的发展趋势。 (8)模具自动加工系统的发展 这是我国长远发展的目标。模具自动加工系统应有多台机床合理组合;配有随行定位夹具或定位盘;有完整的机具、刀具数控库;有完整的数控柔性同步系统;有质量监测控制系统。 2 我国多工位级进模发展中的几个问题级进模的设计与制造,近几年来在许多企业里无论是数量还是质量水平上,都已经有了一个较快的发展。但在此同时,与之相适应的冲压机床种类,对冲压料的要求,以

11、及级进模选用的结构类型和制造工艺等都必须更加引起我们的高重视和认真对待,因为这是先进的级进模技术赖以采用,并得以充分发挥效益的基础。2.1 级进模对中压设备的要求我国生产的大部分 100吨以下的中小型机械压力机,几十年来结构上没有大的变化。多数采用转键或拨销式剐性离合器,偏心凸轮式皮带动器,不仅机床噪声大,震动大,而且不能实现滑块的寸琐行程和瞬时紧急制动。滑块导向精度偏低,对侧向力承受能力差,行程多数也不可调节。这对于用级进模生产是不够理想的。主要体现在下几个方面:(1)级进模不可避免地存在着不同程度的侧向力和压力中心的偏移,因此不仅希望压力机精度好,刚强,而且滑块要能长期承受较大的侧向力。基

12、于 Pro/E的嵌入式插销多工位级进冲压模模具设计 班级:机设 06-4班 姓名:窦兴玉 5(2)级进模在连续生产中,为了避免因零件材料朱送到位,或发生较大的位置偏移,以及模具的局部故障等造成不正常冲压时的模具损坏,一般希望在模具上设置有自动保护及安全检测装置。一旦出现上述各类故障,机床能在极短暂的一瞬问(通常在 l00200 毫秒)停止运动。这要求压力机具有急停功能。以图 1所示为例,当条料没有送到正确的位置时,测杆便不能进入条料上已冲出的孔内。于是测杆被条料顶住,克服上面弹簧的压力而上移,利用其顶端斜面,迅速地推动微型开关而接通电路,从而对压力机控制箱给出一个要求紧急停止的电信号。对于每分

13、钟速度为 100冲次左右的压力机,只要检测杆部分精度可靠,参数合适,便完全可以在该冲次之内,即模具闭合之前,使滑块停止。类似的送料步距失误检测结构还有电接触式等几种,在引进的模具上常见,都属于比较成熟的结构,技术上一般没有什么困难。有些复杂的级进模,往往还同时装有几种检测装置,包括凸模损坏等各种不正常情况的检测,以保护模具。(3)级进摸生产均需配备自动送料器,对于厚料,还要有相应的开卷、校平机。但我国目前的机械压力机,大多不进行这项配套 13。若想选择精度好,可基于 Pro/E的嵌入式插销多工位级进冲压模模具设计 班级:机设 06-4班 姓名:窦兴玉 6靠性高,价格又适宜的送料器,则更是一件不

14、易之事。根据我们的体会,若配上好的自动送料器,同样一副模具的刃磨寿命可提高 310 倍。(4)现在多数压力机行程偏大,且不可调节。这对级进模非常不利。级进模固其本身结构上的需要,通常希望在冲压时导柱、导套不分离,以保证安全。对于行程次数在200次/分以下的压力机一般要求 5080mm 的行程,最好还可以根据模具要求进行调节。目前国产的压力机产品中,能满足这一要求的品种还不多。一些新研制的高冲次的机床又行程过小,有的仅 30mm 。2.2 对金属材料在规格、精度方面的要求级进摸冲制是一个多道工序连续进行的过程,模具在送进方向上尺寸较长。因此对于冲压材料的尺寸规范租精度、状态等提出了一些相对严格的

15、质量要求。反映在这样几个方面:(1)希望材料是较长的卷料,裁剪后的宽度公差通常小于 0.2mm,且不能有明显的毛刺等缺陷。(2)为了能保证零件在尺寸和形位误差方面有较好的一致性,要求材料有较高的厚度精度和较为均匀的机械性能。尤其对于有压弯和成形的零件,如果材料厚度误差大,材料的软硬状态从料头到料尾、边缘和中间都不均匀,相对轧制方向的各向异性较大,则弯曲成型后角疲误差,弯曲边长度误差等都会很大。而且许多零件由于排样上的困难,不得不将压弯线与轧制方向平行,从而在压弯线上容易出现裂纹。2.3 级进模结构对模具加工设备的要求级进模由于加工精度要求较高国外大都采用坐标磨床,慢走丝线切割机床等加工,国内大

16、多数厂家并不具备这些先进的高精度加工及检测设各 14。在这样情况下,我们认为,一方面要呼吁有厂家积极研制生产精度较高、适用(不终是最先进的)、价格适中的坐标磨床,模具磨床等精密加工机床,另一方面,模基于 Pro/E的嵌入式插销多工位级进冲压模模具设计 班级:机设 06-4班 姓名:窦兴玉 7具的设计、制造者应立足于现有普通设备条件,积极实行生产匝芑概念上的转变,努力发展级进模生产。在目前的阶段,在结构设计上应注意加工工艺性方面的选择。凸模形式的选择比较简单,通常可以尽量采用直通形式,避免根部用凸缘固定,这样有利于采用线切割方式加工,便于用投影仪检查精度。必要时还可以用工具磨进行精密修磨。对于凹

17、模,这个问题较为复杂。在通常的设计规范上,级进模的凹模结构类型可分为整体式、镶套式、分段拼合式、综合拼合式等多种。从高精度等结构先进性角度来看,分段或综合拼合式自然具有无可争辨的优越性。但此类凹模要能够成功并发挥其优越性,有一基本条件便是必须要用坐标磨床或高精度成型磨削工艺进行加工。参考文献1 王哲英,马明旭,扬远龙.基于 ProE 的液晶显示器支架的冲压工艺与模具设计.黑龙江省:沈阳工业大学;2009.022 卢野.级进模结构设计中的几个问题.贵州省:贵阳市华阳电工厂;1992.093 王信培. 我国级进模发展中的几个问题.福建省:厦门宏发电声有限公司;1992.074 彭广威. 基于 PD

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20、业技术学院;2008.0114 J.Y.Li,A.Y.C.Nee, B.T.Cheok . Integrated Feature-Based Modelling and Process Planning of Bending Operations in Progressive Die Design . Singapore: National University of Singapore , 2002.0815 R.D.Jiang ,B.T.Lauw , A.Y.C.Nee . Insert design automation for progressive dies . Singapore:

21、 Institute of High Performance Computing ,2004.06基于 Pro/E的嵌入式插销多工位级进冲压模模具设计 班级:机设 06-4班 姓名:窦兴玉 91 Station level in many of the research and development trend of the status quo1.1 Many station level in the course ofMany station level in the course is normal to be set up on the basis of a kind of high

22、-precision and efficiency, long service life of the mold and technology intensive die of a development direction of progressive metal stamping tooling。This stencil off for a hole in the work, but according to the parts of the structure of the characteristics and properties, forming down and washed,

23、bent, deep and concrete step, and even in the process of assembling the machine mold。The ram, with material or section of the mold into the entrance to the end, and to strictly control step from the conditions in accordance with the concrete process of order, through various station of the ram, in t

24、he final cut down or station fnx, it will be charged with the product requirements pitch out the matter。To ensure more station level of the normal work in high precision tool must be oriented and accurate it is equipped with automatic system, material and automatically send out, the security device

25、detection and。So many station level in the course of the ordinary classes of punches more. compared with the following special features:(1)In a tool that can be completed, including at the deep and 基于 Pro/E的嵌入式插销多工位级进冲压模模具设计 班级:机设 06-4班 姓名:窦兴玉 10shape, and more stamp out the operation less ; use mor

26、e than vice die turnover and positioning process, significant increase their productivity and equipment utilization some。(2)As in the process can be dispersed into the course in different station, it is not a composite of the “issue“ mw minimum wall design molds is adjustable to strength and molds a

27、ssembly needs to leave vacant 工位 to ensure that the strength of the mold and assemble space。(3)Many station level in the course usually have a high accuracy in addition, external oriented ( be a guide for high precision, it must be implemented in a tiny ) and correct guidance to protect it from the

28、system to ensure the products of the part of precision and stencil processing life。(4)Station level in more often used at very high speed up production of the ram, mold adopted to automatically, a detection and automation, security and safety of operation, high efficiency。At present, the worlds adva

29、nced level in the course of many station, station for more than 50 multiple to stamp out the speed of time in more 。(5)Station level in more complicated in structure, of course, together with the demanding, mold manufacture, debug and maintain a certain degree of difficulty。To mold both parts of exc

30、hange. on mold parts worn or damaged after asking for change rapidly and convenient and reliable mould tool. therefore, work must be parts timber assortment ( often used of high strength of steel, alloy steel tool with or exhibitions and other materials ), we must take care of application processing

31、 and pelletized thread cutting, grinding and coordinate, coordinates worn for the chamber process manufacture of mould advanced。基于 Pro/E的嵌入式插销多工位级进冲压模模具设计 班级:机设 06-4班 姓名:窦兴玉 11(6)Many station level is primarily used to be rushed into the thickness of a thin ( do not usually exceed 2mm ), production

32、big and shaped complex and require a high precision, small parts. this tool at the parts and components for it10 level.1.2 Station level in many of the development trendAs to the international rulv the pace has been accelerated and market competition increasing, it has been increasingly recognized t

33、he quality, costs and the new product developing ability of the importance of。In recent years many machine mold is up for the technological progress, some of the mold business has been popular two-dimensional cad, and began to start using ug, pro deas engineer, i wait for international use of softwa

34、re, individual manufacturers also imported moldf as to the international rulv the pace has been accelerated and market competition increasing, it has been increasingly recognized the quality, costs and the new product developing ability of the importance of。In recent years many machine mold is up fo

35、r the technological progress, some of the mold business has been popular two-dimensional cad, and began to start using ug, pro deas engineer, i wait for international use of software, individual manufacturers also imported moldflow, cae software, and more successful application in modal station leve

36、l in the design of。 At present, the car covered with mould of a large stamp out the machine mold manufacture has made great progress and the mould factory car company, faws mold center and mould factory had to part with a mold car production。In addition, many studies and tertiary institutions in mol

37、d technological research and development in die cad, cae cam technology has made remarkable progress。For example, 基于 Pro/E的嵌入式插销多工位级进冲压模模具设计 班级:机设 06-4班 姓名:窦兴玉 12and jilin university car covered with a core technology and independent development of the car with a stamp out of shape kmas software ana

38、lysis, central university of sculptural techniques of the development of key state laboratory injection mould, the car with a mold and the level of the module into cad cae, cam software shanghai university die cad the state engineering research centres the development of the cold and was a progressi

39、ve metal stamping tooling up research center of the cold developed progressive metal stamping tooling and a progressive metal stamping tooling cad software。 More station level in technological development should be to mold a short delivery of products “ and “high precision,“ and “quality“, “low“ ser

40、vices. experts believe that the future more 工位 together technological level in the following major trend: (1) Comprehensive promotion of cad cam cae technology Die cad cam cae technology is a tool designed and manufactured in the direction of development. as computer software development and progres

41、s, cad cam cae technical terms is ripe, and all enterprises will expand cad cam technical training and technical service of ; further expand the scope of application cae。Computer and network development is that the cad, cae the cam technology and across enterprises institute in the industry to make

42、it possible to implement technical resources in the reshaping, making a virtual。 (2) High speed milling for sliding guide Abroad in recent years to develop high-speed milling machine, a chance to the efficiency and to the surface finish is very high. in addition, it is also high strength for process

43、ing module and a low heat deforms temperature rise, the advantages of。A processing speed innovation of technology, auto, household appliances industry in large type of mold manufacture a new vitality into. now it has to be 基于 Pro/E的嵌入式插销多工位级进冲压模模具设计 班级:机设 06-4班 姓名:窦兴玉 13quick, direction, integration

44、。 (3) Tool scans and digital systems High-speed “scanners and stencil scans provide a model or scan to work out in the model of the many functions, has greatly narrowed the molds on the development of manufacturing cycle。Some rapidly scan system, but the rapid installation of the existing digit cont

45、rol machine tool milling machine and processing center, achieving rapid data collection and automatically generate various digit control machine tool systems the processing procedures, the cad, to mold manufacture of the “reverse engineering“。Tool scans the system has been in cars, motorcycles and e

46、lectrical household appliances industry was successfully applied in the five-year period will play a greater role。 (4) Research on electro-discharge milling with tilting shaft Electrical sparkle a processing technology innovation is also called电火花in the processing technology, as it is a substitute f

47、or traditional with centerline electrode fabrication a new technology, it is a fast rotating column of simple tubular electrode make a two-dimensional or three-dimensional in processing (like digit control machine tool milling), so as to produce a complicated molding electrode, this is obviously ele

48、ctrical sparkle concrete process of the important development。Abroad have been using the technology of machine tools in a stencil processing of applications. it is expected that this technology will develop。 (5) Mold degree of standardization The country level is to improve their standards together,

49、 our standards of the mold using coverage has reached 30% or so foreign countries. in general, about 80%。 (6) High quality material and advanced surface treatment technology 基于 Pro/E的嵌入式插销多工位级进冲压模模具设计 班级:机设 06-4班 姓名:窦兴玉 14Use high-quality steel and application of the surface treatment technology for improving the life of the machine mold is necessary to mold and surface treatment. treatment is full of mold steel material performance of the key link。Mold heat treatment is development direction of the treatment a vacuum

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