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汉英翻译基础教程 冯庆华(一).ppt

1、汉英翻译基础教程(一) 主编 冯庆华,词法翻译的一般技巧,对等 增词 减词 合并 转性 换形 褒贬,第一节 对等译法,一、“假朋友”问题(false friend)“假朋友”即“看似相同,实则有别”的假词义相符词语。翻译过程中很多误译现象往往由“假朋友”所导致。 这里介绍四种类型的“假朋友”:,1、生搬硬套,2、字面对应,3、指称意义对应但忽略语言差异,4、 忽视具体搭配,二、对等译法 即使在汉英这两种相差较大的语言之间,也存在大量的对等表达,其中以单词对等率最高,而成语、谚语、词组的对等率相对较低。 1. 单词: 草 grass 太阳 sun 唱歌 sing 漂亮的 beautiful 迅速

2、的 fast 他是只狡猾的老狐狸。He is an old fox.,2.成语: 博而不精 extensive in knowledge but not expert in any particular field 捕风捉影 to clutch at shadows 看风使舵 to watch how the wind blows and steer the rudder accordingly 脚踏实地with ones foot on the ground 狡兔三窟 a cunning hare has three warrens 既往不咎 let bygones be bygones 寄

3、人篱下to live under somebodys roof 灰心丧气to lose heart 沧海一粟a drop in the ocean 冷眼旁观to watch on the side-line with a cold stare,3. 谚语: 趁热打铁 strike while the iron is hot. 滴水穿石 constant dropping wears the stone. 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧 As long as green hills remain, there will never be a shortage of firewood. 路遥知马力,日久见

4、人心 As distance tests a horses strength, so time reveals a persons heart. 他是不到黄河不死心。He would not stop until he reached the Yellow Riverto give up until all his hope was gone. 世上无难事只怕有心人 Where there is a will , there is a way.,练习,好家长 好孩子 好妻子 好丈夫 好学生 大风 大雾 大雨,a loving parent an obedient child a virtuou

5、s wife A dutiful husband A hardworking student Strong wind Thick fog Heavy rain,第二节 增词译法,一、语法需要的增词 汉英属于两种不同的语系(汉藏语系和印欧语系),在词法、句法和语法上差异极大。 1. 增加冠词 冠词是英语所特有的一类词,汉语无对应词类,在翻译是要在英语的一些名词前加冠词(抽象名词、专有名词和物质名词除外)。,例1. 他在那个大学里任英语教师。,He worked as an English teacher in that university.,例2. 他抓走了小偷的衣领。,He seized t

6、he pickpocket by the collar.,注意:seize/catch sb. by the 或 hit sb. in the face/on the head是英语中的习惯用法,因此collar前的the一般不能改成his。注意英语中类似的表达。,增补介词,例1: 中国是一个幅员广大、历史悠久的大国。,China is a great country with a vast territory and a long history.,例2. 公共场所禁止吸烟。,Smoking is prohibited in public places.,增补代词,例1. 学习外国的经验,必

7、须有分析、有判断地学,不能盲目的学。,We must learn from foreign experience with an analytical and critical eye, not blindly.,例2. 他走进屋里,大衣上尽是雪,鼻子冻得通红。,He entere16d the room, his coat covered with snow and his nose red with cold.,语义和修辞需要的增词,例1. 人民犯了法,也要受处罚,也要坐班房。,When anyone among the people breaks the law, he too shou

8、ld be punished, imprisoned.,例2. 结婚大办酒席,实在可以免去了。,The practice of giving lavish feasts at wedding can well be dispensed with.,课堂练习,1. 就是小孩也能回答这个问题。 2. 这是我们队的队长。 3. 我不能用英语表达思想。 4. 这篇文章浅显易懂。 5. 这本书很受青年人的欢迎。 6. 一点钟开饭。 7. 出去时请随手关门。 8. 中国人民勤劳勇敢。,参考答案,1. Even a child can answer this question. 2. This is the

9、 head of our team. 3. I cant express myself in English. 4. This article is easy to read and understand. 5. The book is very popular among young people. 6. Dinner is/was at one oclock. 7. Shut the door after/when you go out, please. 8. The Chinese people are industrious and brave.,第三节 减词译法,在汉英两种语言的翻译

10、过程中,为了让译文更易于接受,对原文结构做些调整或增减词语是很必要的。减词译法也叫省略译法,就是在译文中删去原文一些可有可无的、或已经包含在上下文中的、不言自明的成分。与词的增补相反,原文中有些词语从译文的角度来看往往是多余的,可以甚至必须删去。,减词译法也是很常用的翻译方法。省略可以使译文用词不显得累赘、臃肿。如果汉译英时一字不漏地照译文直译,往往会使译文显得生硬累赘,而减词译法可使译文显得简洁、流畅。省略的目的正是为了使译文更加符合英语的表的习惯和修辞特点。,注意: 省略词语见不意味着可以随意删减原文的词句,而是必须在遵循“信”的原则下,即忠实于原文的前提下,去掉一些冗余的词语,使得译文更

11、加“达”,更加“雅”,做到“减词不可损意”。,一、省略表示范畴的词语,治安措施 整顿工作 紧张局势 分配关系 越轨行为 犯罪现象 解决办法 灵活态度,Security Check-up Tension Distribution Irregularities Crime Solution flexibility,例1. 他是在我不知道的情况下拿走它的。,He took it without my knowledge.,例2. 我们必须杜绝浪费现象。,We must put an end to waste,例3.周教授把自己的一生都献给了语言教学事业。,Professor Zhou devoted

12、 his whole life to language teaching.,二、省略重复的词语,“重复”(repetition)在汉语修辞学上又叫“反复”,是汉语一种常见的语言现象,它通过有意识地重复某个词语或句子,突出某种思想,强调某种效果。而英语不喜欢原词的复现,一般需要通过省略替代等手段来表意。因此在汉译英时,对一些重复的词语进行省略。,例1. 我们从事了10多年的英语教学,教学质量高,教学经验丰富。,We have over ten years of experience in teaching quality English.,例2. 我们必须坚持社会主义道路,坚持人民民主专政,坚持

13、共产党的领导,坚持马列主义、毛泽东思想。,We must adhere to the socialist road, the peoples democratic dictatorship, the Communist Partys leadership and Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought.,三、省略华而不实的修饰语,不必要的浪费 不应有的误解 毫无根据的诽谤 人类文明 胜利完成 热烈拥护 隆重召开,Waste Misunderstanding Slander Civilization Fulfill Support open,例1. 中国政

14、府郑重声明,The Chinese government declared,例2.只有充分发展商品经济,才能把经济真正搞活。,The development of a commodity economy is the only way to invigorate our economy.,例1中原文的“郑重”表示强调,无实际意义,因为没有哪个政府的声明是开玩笑的。例2的“充分”“真正”都是为了加强语气,不必译出。,例3. 人群渐渐地安静了下来。,The crowd came to silence.,例4 一座古塔阴森森地矗立在山腰上。,An ancient pagoda frowns on t

15、he mountainside.,上述两例中的副词“渐渐地”和“阴森森地”都已经包含在动词came to和frowns的含义中了,无需赘译。因此在汉译英时, 选择合适的动词很重要,也反映出译者的英语功底。,四、调整句法结构,省译某些词语汉译英时,有时按原文的句子结构直译也能得到勉强过关的译文;但是如果调整句法结构,会得到地道简洁的译文。,例1. 有个年轻人名叫比尔.盖茨,家里很穷,缺吃少穿,住的房子又小。,。,译文1. There was a young man named Bill. Gates. His family was so poor that they did not have e

16、nough food to eat or enough clothes to wear, and they lived in a small dilapidated house.,译文2. There was a young man named Bill. Gates, whose family was poor. They lived in a small dilapidated house, and never had enough to eat or wear.,译文1“照单”全译,结构未调整,句子失衡,啰嗦,。 译文2 在不改变原文意思的情况下对语序作出调整,句子结构紧凑,合理,符合英

17、语表达习惯。,例2. 推动农产品生产、加工和销售的有机结合。,We should integrate the production, processing and marketing of agricultural products.,Integrate 的语气较强,包括combine和so as to become fully a part of sth. Else两层意思,与“有机结合”匹配。,练习翻译句子,省略范畴词: 改革开放扭转了经济停滞不前的局面。 他担任了鲁迅作品的翻译任务。 会上,双方集中讨论了保护知识产权的问题。 省略原文的重复成分: 4. 生产力是最活跃、最革命的因素,是社

18、会发展的最终决定力量。 5. 出现问题也容易纠正和改正。,省略原文中多余或空洞的词语: 6. 我们需要从其他国家进口先进的工艺设备。 7. 我们强烈要求美国政府就这次事件向中国郑重道歉。 8. 鼓励国内外投资者到中西部投资。,Reform and opening-up reversed the stagnation of national economy. He has undertaken the translation of Lu Xuns works. During the meeting , their discussion centered around the protection

19、 of intellectual properties rights. Productive forces are the most dynamic and the most revolutionary factors as well as the ultimate decisive force of social development. When problems emerge, they can be easily put right.,The policy of reform and open changed the economy situation. Open and reform

20、 can twiest economic stagnation. He engaged in the translation of Nuxuns. He work as Luxuns translator.We are focus on the issue about protectting knowledge copyright in the conference. In the meeting both side have discussed how to protect the right of knowledgement. The two sides discussed about p

21、rotecting intellectual property at meeting.,He work for Luxu to translate his masterpieces. The presenting problem can be revise easily. The both side discussed the protection of intellectual property. He undertook the task of translate Luxuns masterpiece. And it determining the development of our s

22、ociety. Both sides are focused on the issue of protecting the right of knowledge in the meeting. Productivity is the most active and revolutionary forces, it can finally control the development of society. Its easy to correct when problems occurred.,He works as a interpreter for Luxuns opus.,6. We n

23、eed to import advanced industrial equipment., 7. We demand that US government apologize to China for this incident. 8. Encourage both Chinese and overseas investments in the central and western regions.,第四节 合并译法,汉语中四字词组或成语经常在一起使用,起到加强语气的效果。英语中也有类似的体现,只不过是成对的词,如: sound and square 公平; hard and fast 严格

24、; right and proper 完全正确;cozy and comfortable 非常舒适;等等。,一、 异词同义重复,异词同义重复,即同义词的重复,在汉语中很普遍。汉语表达讲究平衡,对称,尤其是四字词组,用两个同义词或近义词成为对称结构,极富感染力。而英语与汉语不同,如果将汉语的对称结构照搬到英语中,则多余啰嗦。所以,翻译四字词组时要么只翻译其中的一个同义或近义词,要么用笼统的英语词对这两个同义或近义词概括翻译。,贪官污吏 生动活泼 浓妆艳抹 街谈巷议 土崩瓦解 光辉灿烂 繁荣昌盛 医德医风,Corrupt officials Lively Heavily made up Stree

25、t gossip Fall apart Brilliant Prosperity Medical ethics,例1. 中国人民正满怀信心,昂首阔步地迈向21世纪。,The people of China are advancing confidently towards the 21st Century.,“满怀信心,昂首阔步” 是异词同义,合在一起表达是一个意思,即自信。 并且英语中无“昂首阔步”的形象,翻译时只把“满怀信心”译出即可。,例2. 本公司生产的地毯美丽大方、光彩夺目、富丽堂皇。,The carpets made in our company are beautiful and

26、 magnificent.,例3. 我们为此进行了长期不懈的努力。,We have made unremiting efforts for it.,二、 并列成分的省略,汉语中常常用两个并列的词语或词组,甚至两个并列的句子来表示强调或加强语气。英译时,应合译。,例1. 目标的轻重缓急、孰先孰后应该仔细研究、认真考虑和反复推敲。,Target priorities should be very carefully studied.,例2. 那件令人不快的事件,已经是满城风雨、人人皆知了。,There has been much publicity about the unpleasant cas

27、e.,练习,我们就要有这个雄心壮志。 他从小就认真读书、刻苦学习。 海峡两岸的中国人民都是骨肉同胞,手足兄弟。 全体员工精诚团结,上下一心。 打了两个小时的篮球后他感到精疲力竭。 他决心洗心革面,重新做人。,We must have this ambition. He worked hard at his studies even in early childhood. The Chinese on both sides of the Taiwan Straits are the same flesh and blood. All the staff unite in absolute sin

28、cerity. After playing basketball for two hours, he felt exhausted. He is determined to turn over a new leaf.,第五节 转性译法,转性译法是指在翻译过程中,根据译入语的规范,把原文中某种词类转换成另一种词类的词,即词类转换。,我怀疑他是否还活着。,I am doubtful whether he is still alive.,她是世上一切美的化身。,She personified the beauty that was in the world.,他不参加比赛,我感到很失望。,To my

29、 disappointment, he did not attend the competition.,我们必须广泛利用新技术。,We must utilize new technology on a wide scale.,第六节 换形译法,两种民族的文化差异一定会体现在语言上,由于文化或习惯的差异,翻译过程中有时要转换不同的表达方式,即换形, 以符合译入语的习惯。 英语中有:four score and seven years;a quarter of a year; a dozen and a half apples 但汉译时要灵活处理为:87年; 三个月; 18个苹果 这就是换形译法,

30、通过改变表达方式来符合译入语的习惯。最重要的换形方式是替代。,替代(substitution)是在新语境中用来再现已知信息的一种方法,以避免重复、连接上下文。汉语多原词复现,通过重复原词,力求把意思表达清楚,很少使用替代。英语则力求用词简洁,不重复啰嗦,多用替代省略手段。 下面介绍三种替代方法: 名词性替代 动词性替代 分句式替代,1.名词性替代,汉语中重复的名词和名词性短语,译文常用代词、同义词或近义词来替代。可分为代词替代和同义近义替代。 1)代词替代:把汉语句子中重复的名词,根据不同的语境和句法结构在英语中用代词替代,使译文流畅自然,使原文的“意”与译文的“形”融为一体。,例1. 200

31、3年,上海人均收入是14867元,北京人均收入是13882元。,In 2003, the average income per capita of Shanghai was 14,867 yuan and that of Beijing (was) 13,882 yuan.,例2. 如果他是一位英雄,是他的父母使他成为英雄的。,If he is a hero, it is his parents who have made him so.,2) 同义近义替代 在减词译法中,已经探讨过重复词语的省略译法,现在讨论重复词语的替代问题。,例1. 我们要抓住机会, 现在就是好机会。,We must g

32、rasp opportunities; the present offers an excellent one.,一定文化是一定社会的政治和经济的反映,一定的文化又给予一定社会政治和经济译巨大的作用和影响。 Any given culture is a reflection of the polities and economics of a given society, and the former in turn has a tremendous effect and influence on the latter.,2. 动词式替代,动词式替代是用代动词或复合代动词或固定结构来代替汉语中

33、的重复的谓语动词或谓语。 1)用代动词do或do so 替代。,例1. “你请医生了吗?”“现在还没有请,我会请的。”,“Have you called the doctor?” “ I havent done yet, but will do.”,2) 用so do或nor/neither do 替代,例1. 她的舞跳得很好,她妹妹的舞也跳得很好。,a. She dances well and her sister dances well, too.,b. She dances well, so does her sister.,例2. 你不愿落后,张三也不愿落后。,a. You do no

34、t want to lag behind and Zhang San does not want to lag behind, either.,b. You do not want to lag behind. Neither does she.,例1、例2中,译文a.与译文 b.的比较,a.译文按照汉语表达习惯。b. 译文语义上前后呼应,句式生动活泼,符合英语表达习惯。,3. 分句式替代,分句式替代指用英语的从句、非谓语动词以及其他简化了的结构替代汉语句中重复的主谓短语和动词短语。,1)用so/the same 和not替代 so/the same用于肯定,not用于否定,例1. 人们认为中

35、国队会赢这场比赛。张三也认为中国队会赢这场比赛,但李四认为中国队不会赢这场比赛。,It is believed that the Chinese team will win the game. Zhang san thinks so/the same, but Li Si believes not.,例2. 你结婚了吗?如果结婚了,请说出你妻子的名字。,Are you married? If so, give your wifes name, please.,例3. 今天下午忙吗? 如果不忙,我希望你跟我们在一起。,Are you busy this afternoon? If not, I

36、wish you would stay with us.,2) 用不定式符号to替代不定式短语,例1 我想在网上发电子邮件,但不知道怎么发。,I would send an e-mail on the Net, but I do not know how to.,例3. 他想看电视,而他妈妈不让他看电视。,He wanted to watch TV, but his mother told him not to.,练习,他们的意见并没有什么不同。 他惊讶地望着我。 那消息很快传遍全世界。 独立思考对学习是绝对必要的。 他的目标是成为一个成功的作家。 人民大会堂给我们留下了深刻的印象。 我们应该

37、尊老爱幼。 他起得很早,并且一向如此。 我答应了给他买票,我一定要买到票。 你明天去公园吗?如果不去的话,就去图书馆学习吧。,1. There is no difference in their views. 2. He looked at me in amazement. 3. The news quickly spread throughout the world. 4. Independent thinking is an absolute necessity in study. 5.He aims to be a successful writer. 6. The Great Hall

38、 of the People impressed us tremendously.,7. We should respect the old and love the young. 8. He rose early, as he had always done. 9. I promised to get a ticket for him and I will do so. 10. Will you go to the park tomorrow? If not, you should go to the library for study.,He gets up very early, and

39、 always him does. I promise him to buy the ticket, I can get it. The news is spread quickly around the world. They are committed to being a successful writer. He was surprised to look at me. The news has been spread all over the world. He aims at a successful writer. He looked at me surprisely. Inde

40、pendent thinking is indispensable for study. I promised that I will buy a ticket for him. So, I must did it.,He gets up early, and its always been so. It is absolutely necessary that think about something independently is good for study. It is necessary for learning to think independently.,第七节 褒贬译法,

41、词汇按照感情色彩分为褒义、贬义和中性。翻译词语时一般严格按照原文的词的色彩翻译。 在翻译过程中还应注意词语在不同文化背景下的不同的感情色彩。比如,汉语中龙往往是褒义,如龙腾虎跃、龙马精神。但是英语中的dragon却是指口中吐火、无恶不作的怪物,喻指凶猛的人、罪恶的势力。因此“亚洲四小龙”一般译为“the Four Asian Tigers”.,例1. 他热衷于个人名利。,He is always hankering after personal fame and gains.,例2. 她热衷于花样滑冰。,She is fond of figure skating.,例3. 他与侵略者合作,出卖

42、了自己的国家。,He collaborated with the invaders and betrayed his motherland.,例4. 我们应加强合作。,We should enhance our mutual cooperation.,汉译英时冠词的活用,冠词(article)是英语特有的词类,分定冠词、不定冠词和零冠词, 是英语中使用频率最高的虚词。 冠词的意义看似简单,但其与所限定的名词和名词短语 英语紧密相关,与名词数的概念紧密相关,不同的语境下意义不同。 汉语没有与英语冠词对应的词类。因此在汉译英时很容易忽略冠词,在汉译英时一定要注意冠词的添加。,一、补足不定冠词,英语

43、中的不定冠词是指a/an,表示不定指,指“一类事物中不确定的一个”,即“多个中的一个”。 不定冠词只能与可数名词连用,如果名词是不可数的,一般名词前面就不能加不定冠词。 但是,不定冠词还可以用于某些抽象名词前,表示“一类,一种,一次,一番”等用于。,1.表示次数的概念 例1. 我有权要求你对你的话做一番解释。 I have the right to demand an explanation of your words.注意:当中文原文结构为: “作了/进行了+一次/一番/一场+名词” 结构时,英译时通常转换为:have,take,make+a/an+名词,即加上不定冠词。,例2. 他们对这所

44、学校作了(一番)视察。 They have made an inspection of this school. 例3. 气温突然下降。 There was a sudden fall in temperature. 例4. 他和同学们进行了(一场)辩论。He had an argument with his classmates.,2.表示种类或部分概念,汉语中表示品质或情状的名词前加“一种”、“一类”等词,而在英语中,这些词对应的是由形容词派生的品质抽象名词。在这些名词去使用不定冠词表示部分意义。 例1. 一种宁静的幸福充满了她的心田。 A serene happiness filled

45、her heart.,例2. 这(一种)病得了之后会使你虚弱数日。 Such a sickness leaves you weak for days afterwards. 例3. 他干工作有(一种)惊人的坚忍不拔的毅力。 He did his work with a perseverance that was truly amazing.,3. 表示具有某种品质的人或物,英文中品质抽象名词与不定冠词连用,转指具有这种品质的人或物。 例1. 你女朋友真是个美人。 Your girlfriend is quite a beauty. 例2. 百岁以上的人是少见的。 A man over a hu

46、ndred years old is a rarity.,4. 表示类指,当汉语的名词表示类指时,英译时应加上不定冠词a/an. 例1. 他我我们学校的英语老师。 He is an English teacher in our school. 例2. 火车停在了一个车站。 The train stopped at a station.,二、 补足定冠词、限定词,汉语中名词前面往往不需要系动词,但英译时要添加限定词,常用的限定词包括the。,例1. 犯罪行为很快就被发现了。 The crime was soon discovered.例2. 犯罪行为在增加。 Crime is increasin

47、g. (Crime is on the increase.)注意:例1中的“犯罪行为”是特指某一具体的事件,所以在crime前加定冠词the;例2在的“犯罪行为”是泛指,crime前不能加定冠词。,例3. 你听的音乐怎样啊? What do you think of the music?例4. 他的工作是制作音乐。His work is to compose music.,三、零冠词,在现代音乐中有不需要冠词的现象,即零冠词。 零冠词并非冠词的省略,它与名词搭配时赋予名词一定的意义色彩。其语法功能也产生作用。 1. 表示处所、建筑物、人物、事物的可数具体名词前,Go to school/col

48、lege/bed/hospital/market/prison/war In bed/town/prison/jail/church At school/college/sea/table/desk/church Play chess/basketball/golf/bridge,2. 零冠词与名词连用泛指一般人或事物 例1. 这个 学校很需要老师。 Teachers are needed in this school. A teacher is needed in this school. 例2. 新鲜的空气有益于健康。 Fresh air is good for health. 他们是学生

49、,不是老师。 They are students, not teachers.,课堂练习,1. 陈景润为老师是个失败者。 2. 摄影是艺术。 3.在村与村之间几乎看不到一个人。 4. 妈妈说电影很好看。 5. 狮子是百兽之王。 6. 太阳东升西落。 7. 牛奶可以用来制作黄油。 8. 知识总是在增加。,1. Mr. Cheng Jingrun was a failure as a teacher. 2. Photography is an art. 3. You saw hardly a soul between the villages. 4. Mom said the film was interesting. 5. The lion is the king of animals. 6. the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. 7. Milk is made into butter. 8. Knowledge is always expanding.,

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