1、2010 M 11 = B v ( S ) Nov. 2010 36 null 6 null null null null null Journal of Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities ( Social Sciences) null Vol.36 No.6从精神分析角度探讨null野性的呼唤 和null雪虎 null杜null 宁(内蒙古民族大学大学外语教学部,内蒙古通辽 028043)null null !K null 1 null野性的呼唤 和null雪虎 这两部作品是杰克#伦敦的两篇著名的中篇小说b从精神分析角度来探讨这两部小说的
2、创作过程,可知这两部小说都存在着俄狄浦斯情结,而且在null雪虎 中还包含有埃勒克特拉情结b从而可以说明无论是巴克还是雪虎,他们都是伦敦精神的化身,是伦敦童年的白日梦得以实现的载体b!1 o M null野性的呼唤 ;null雪虎 ;俄狄浦斯情结;埃勒克特拉情结! m s | I106.4null ! D S M Anull ! c I | 1671- 0215(2010) 06- 0090- 03null null X # 20 W S K T E B , l 3 , = L 1 , 3 Y , S Z 9 ,H 9 * H K s T E b V T null7 null E d bV *
3、 s A , null7 null i “ , f ,7 null T , X + f 1 V , f Y b, f ,g f %, * s B Q , * , i * # Y b H , f 3 Y B i M , = T H , 6 K X v , V B ,! V , m B Q 7 b ? / , 1897 M 3 , ? F X X b T L C? ? % $ m 9 B , h , u M 1 ? E bC L i T T L C : u , X B B $ H b X v 1 p , , 2007:89- 90.130.!5Abranam Rothberg. Introduct
4、ion to The Call of the Wildand White Fang!M.Bentam Books.Inc,1984:5.Psychoanalysis of The Call of the Wild and White FangDU Ning(Foreign languageTeaching Department,Inner MongoliaUniversity for Nationalities, Tongliao 028043,China)Abstract: T he Call of the Wild and White Fang are Jack London s famo
5、us novels. The thesis is intendedto analyze the creative processes of the two novels and discuss the Oedipus Complex in White Fang and the Callof the Wild from thepsychoanalyticperspective. And further analysis is given to theWhite Fang by using Elecnulltra Complex. Buck and WhiteFang are all the spokesmen of London, and London s day- dreams are fulfilledby them.Key Words: The Call of the Wild ; White Fang; Oedipus Complex; Electra Complex!3 I null null #92#