1、代 购 协 议Procurement Agreement甲 方:Purchaser(hereinafter called “party A”)乙 方:启东凯文房产经纪有限公司Agent:(hereinafter called “party B”):KEVIN PROPERTY CONSULTANTS LIMITED甲乙双方经过讨论同意下列几项条款This Agreement is entered into between the parties to develop business on terms and conditions mutually agreed upon as follows
2、:1. 甲方委托乙方代理采购甲方所需的商品,包含但不限于生活用品船料物资、食品饮料、电器设备、 办公用品等。Party A hereby appoint Party B to act as his procuring agent to purchase the commodity including but not limited to household items, shipping material supplies, food and beverages, electrical equipment, office supplies.2. 甲方须至少提前半天告知乙方采 购的商品清单,乙方
3、应在收到清单后及时安排相关人员购买清单所列项目。Party A shall notice Party B half day earlier about the order. Party B shall arrange the procurement in time after getting the order.3. 乙方负责商品完好无损,并送至甲方指定的地点,如遇相关商品缺货或不能及时到货的,因提前告知甲方,经由甲方再次确定清单项目后进行购买,不得私自决定购买项目。Party B shall be responsible for the quality of the goods and sh
4、all deliver the goods to the pointed destination according to Party A in time.In case of the delay or the condition of out of stock, PartyB shall inform Party A in advance. Any procurement without the consent of Party A shall be regarded as invalid.4. 甲方在确认商品无 误后支付商品金额及服务费,乙方提供发票或者收据。It is agreed th
5、at Party A shall pay for the amount of the commodities and the service fee after inspection, while Party B shall provide the receipt.5. 如乙方购买商品与甲方要求不一致,或者双发对商品定义存在差异的,甲方可拒绝支付相关商品的费用,服务费按照剩余部分 20%正常收取。If there is misunderstanding about the commodity requirement, Party A has the right to refuse to pay
6、 for the relevant commodity, but Party A shall still pay for the service fee according to the remaining amount of the commodities. 6. 乙方的收费标准: 服务费(商品金额 20%)+ 燃油费 70 元人民币。Standards of charge: service fee(20% of the amount of commodities )+fuel costs(¥70)7. 本协议有效期为壹年。This Agreement, after its being si
7、gned by the parties concerned, shall remain in force for one year. 凡因执行本协议有关事项发生的一切争执,应由双发通过友好方式协商解决,如不能达成协议,可向当地法院提起诉讼。All disputes arising from the execution of this Agreement shall be settled through friendly consultations. In case no settlement can be reached, the case in dispute shall then be submitted to the local court.甲方: 乙方:Party A: Party B:(Signature) (Signature)日期: 日期:Date Date