1、1. Please pass through the detector one by one.请一个一个通过探测门。2. Hello.put your baggage on the belt please.您好,请把您的包放在传送带上。3.Please put all your metallic objects such as coin,cellphone,chewing gum,cigarettes,and anything with Aluminum foil into the basket.请把您随身携带的所有金属物品,如硬币、手机、口香糖、香烟、以及带锡纸的物品等放在篮子里。4. Co
2、uld you hold the baby in your arms and let the pram be checked by the X-ray machine?您可以抱起婴儿,将婴儿车通过 X 光机检查吗?5. Excuse me, sir.please take your computer out and put it in the basket.对不起,先生,请把您的电脑从包里取出放入筐里。6. Take off your jacket, please.请把您的外套脱下。7. Antthing else in your pocket?口袋里还有其它物品吗?8. Im sorry t
3、o tell you that flammable items cannot be taken with you into the aircraft.很遗憾的告诉您,易燃品不能随身带上飞机。手检岗位:1 Please come over for inspection.请过来接受检查。2 Please raise your arms.请您抬起双臂。3 Turn around please.请转身。4 Please unbutton your coat.请把您的衣扣打开。5 Im sorry to tell you that it is a prohibited item.youcant take
4、 it with you into the aircraft.很抱歉告诉您,这是违禁品,您不能把它带上飞机。6 Checking is done, thankyou for your corporation.检查完毕,谢谢合作。7 You can take your baggage now.您可以拿行李了。移交台岗位:1 These items are forbidden by law and will have to be confiscated. Here is your receipt.这些东西是违禁品,我们必须没收。这是给您的没收单据。2 We could check it in fo
5、r you ,or you could have it deposited temporarily at our place for up to one month.您可以办理托运或在我们这儿办理暂存,我们可以替您保留一个月。3 Within a month, if you return to Beijing, take this receipt to the Domestic Security office to get your things back.一个月之内,当您再来北京的时候,您可以到国内安检值班室凭单据领取您的东西。4 If you cant come back within a
6、 month, we wont keep it for you.如果一个月之内,您不来领的话,我们将不再替您保存。5 This is the governments rule. For your own safety and other passangers, we need your understanding and corporation.引导岗位: 1. Please pass through the detector one by one. 请一个一个通过探测门。 2. Hello.put your baggage on the belt please. 您好,请把您的包放在传送带上
7、。 3.Please put all your metallic objects such as coin,cellphone,chewing gum,cigarettes,and anything with Aluminum foil into the basket. 请把您随身携带的所有金属物品,如硬币、手机、口香糖、香烟、以及带锡纸的物品等放在篮子里。 4. Could you hold the baby in your arms and let the pram be checked by the X-ray machine? 您可以抱起婴儿,将婴儿车通过 X 光机检查吗? 5. Ex
8、cuse me, sir.please take your computer out and put it in the basket. 对不起,先生,请把您的电脑从包里取出放入筐里。 6. Take off your jacket, please. 请把您的外套脱下。 7. Antthing else in your pocket? 口袋里还有其它物品吗? 8. Im sorry to tell you that flammable items cannot be taken with you into the aircraft. 很遗憾的告诉您,易燃品不能随身带上飞机。 手检岗位: 1 P
9、lease come over for inspection. 请过来接受检查。 2 Please raise your arms. 请您抬起双臂。 3 Turn around please. 请转身。 4 Please unbutton your coat. 请把您的衣扣打开。 5 Im sorry to tell you that it is a prohibited item.youcant take it with you into the aircraft. 很抱歉告诉您,这是违禁品,您不能把它带上飞机。 6 Checking is done, thankyou for your c
10、orporation. 检查完毕,谢谢合作。 7 You can take your baggage now. 您可以拿行李了。 移交台岗位: 1 These items are forbidden by law and will have to be confiscated. Here is your receipt. 这些东西是违禁品,我们必须没收。这是给您的没收单据。 2 We could check it in for you ,or you could have it deposited temporarily at our place for up to one month. 您可
11、以办理托运或在我们这儿办理暂存,我们可以替您保留一个月。 3 Within a month, if you return to Beijing, take this receipt to the Domestic Security office to get your things back. 一个月之内,当您再来北京的时候,您可以到国内安检值班室凭单据领取您的东西。 4 If you cant come back within a month, we wont keep it for you. 如果一个月之内,您不来领的话,我们将不再替您保存。 5 This is the governmen
12、ts rule. For your own safety and other passangers, we need your understanding and corporation.2. 1.你为什么会选择安检这份工作? 2.你对安检工作范围认识有多少? 3.觉得安检是份怎样的工作(这个如果说不好就简单点回答是份需要高度责任心的工作就行了) 一般都是问这些问题,如果你以前不是安检专业的话 ,他就不会问你很专业的东西 ,反正进去都要培训一两个月的 而且要注意安检单位除了是执法部门,同时也是窗口单位,对旅客还是要微笑的3. 你得知道中文内容有哪些 再去找翻译内容 有: 请往这边(那边)走,请
13、将您的登机牌及证件那在手上 上面两个是经常用的4. 具体可能有小出入不过大致都应该差不多:面试,安检理论笔试,安检实际操作考试(包括人身检查,证件检查,开箱包检查)5. 1.你怎么认识安检这个职位。2.你自信能妥善高效处置安检过程中遇到的突发情况?3.对自己的职位有什么规划,长远的或者短期的。4.情景设置题。考官出情况,由你现场回答6. 注意要强调自己严谨的思维,一丝不苟的生活习惯。做事认真,并且能吃苦。学东西很快,专业技能可以迅速熟练掌握。好玩话题,何不来同话挨批屁唠唠7. 前年是第一个问题类似现在的工作与你理想差距很大你会怎么办 中文问题 第二个 你怎么看待你这个年代 英文问题 第三个 工
14、作三要素是什么 英文问题8. 初级安检员笔试分为单选、多选和判断,考试抠字眼的地方比较多,涉及的内容主要有职业道德、航空器和机场的一些名词解释、各航空公司的代码和简介、和民航有关的一些法律法规,验证检查、人身检查、开包检查的程序、方法、注意事项以及工作过程中遇到的一些问题的处理方法等等。 如果你有书的话真的需要把初级的内容几乎一字不差的记下来,而且初级考试通常会涉及到一部分中级的内容。9. 移来移去的那个叫做“手持金属探测仪 ”,不过我们安检员习惯叫它 “手探”。 放行李、包包过去检查的机器叫做“X 射线机”。 首先要旅客通过的会报警的门,我们就叫它做 “安全门”民航机场名词解释:紧急登机 机
15、场的规矩是提前 30 分钟关闸,停止办登机手续。如果因事情耽搁,离起飞时间只有 20 分钟,你可以去找机场值班主任办理紧急登机手续。此办法对没有购票的旅客同样有效,可以在这里临时补票紧急登机。不正常航班 若恰巧碰到航空公司的机务维护、航班调配等原因,造成航班在始发地延误或取消,你可以要求航空公司提供餐食或住宿。但如果是由于天气、突发事件、空中交通管制等非航空公司原因,你惟一可以享受的待遇是,航空公司协助安排食宿。流量控制 流控是流量控制的简称,也就是航路上空中交通流量相对比较拥挤,说得通俗一点就是马路上车子太多造成交通堵塞,上马路的车子需要得到控制,而在这里就是起降的飞机需要在某一时段得到控制
16、,避免航路上出现拥挤。机场费 对每一个从中华人民共和国国际机场出境的国际旅客,收取机场费人民币 90 元。对待持有外交护照的旅客,24 小时内过境的旅客以及 12 周岁以下儿童,免收机 场费。计重免费行李额 在国际地区航线上,按旅客票价等级,每一全票或半票旅客 免费交运的行李额为:一等票价客票 40 公担,公务票价客票 30 公斤,经济客票 20 公 斤。按成人票价 10%付费的婴儿无免费行李额。计件免费行李额 计件免费行李额适用于中美、中加国际航线上的行李运输。 按旅客所购票票等级,对每一全价票或半价票的旅客交运的免费行李额为:一级和公 务票价,免费交运行李为两件,每件最大体积不得超过 62
17、 英寸(158 厘米)。经济和 旅游折扣票价,免费交运的行李件数为两件,每件最大体积(三边之和)不得超过 62 英寸(158 厘米),但两件之和不得超过 107 英寸(273 厘米),每件最大重量不得超 过 32 公斤。按成人票价 10%付费的婴儿可免费交运一件行李,但体积(三边之和)不 得超过45 英寸(115 厘米)。另外还可免费交运全折叠式或轻便婴儿车或婴儿手推车 一辆。超过规定的件数及超过规定的最大体积的行李,应交付逾重行李费。行李包装 随机交运的行李应有承受一定压力的包装,应封装完整,锁扣完善, 捆扎牢固。对包装不符合要求的交运行李,承运人可拒运或不负担损坏、破损责任。不准做为行李运
18、输的物品 旅客的交运行李 和自理行李内不得夹带易 燃、爆炸、腐蚀、有毒、放射性物品,可聚合性物质、磁性物质及其他危险物品。旅 客不得携带中化人民共和国和运输过程中有关国家法律,政府命令和规定禁止出境、 入境或过境的物品及其他限制运输的物品。旅客乘坐飞机不得携带武器或随身携带利 器和凶器。交运行李内不得装有货币、珠宝、金银制品、票证、有价证券和其他贵重 物品。旅行证件 国际旅客在办理乘机及出境手续前,应办妥护照,签证及旅行证件等 一切手续。旅客的护照、签证及旅行证件应随身携带,不得放在交运行李中运输。由 于旅客旅行证件不完备而受到的损失和支付的费用,承运人不承担责任。但对于由此 使承运人受到的一
19、切损失和支付的费用,包括(但不限于)罚金,旅客应当负责赔 偿。有效的乘机身份证件有哪些? 乘机出行随身携带的首要物品是身份证件。但总有少数旅客在所持证件过期或遗失后,怕麻烦不及时更换或者说补办,心存侥幸冒用他人证件或继续使用过期证件,企图蒙混过关,结果事与愿违。有效乘机身份证件的种类包括:中国籍旅客的居民身份证、临时身份证、军官证、武警警官证、士兵证、军队学员证、军队文职干部证、军队离退休干部证和军队职工证,港、澳地区居民和台湾同胞旅行证件;外籍旅客的护照、旅行证、外交官证等;民航总局规定的其他有效乘机身份证件。中国民用航空安全检查规则对乘机证件范围有所放宽。16 岁以下未成年人可凭其学生证、
20、户口簿或者户口所在地公安机关出具的身份证明乘机。 中国民用航空安全检查规则同时规定,对持居民身份证复印件、伪造或变造证件、冒用他人证件吉不予放行登机。货物托运 托运国际货物,应先交海关检验,货物应附有一切必要证明,并应符 合货物运输过程中入境、出境和过境国家的有关规定。禁运货物 禁止运载易燃、爆炸、腐蚀、有毒等危险物品,以保证运输安全,承 运人对托运的货物须进行检查危险货物 国际航线上可载运危险货物,其品名、数量和包装等须按照承运人有 关规定办理。行李 国内航线,全票或半票旅客,每人的免费行李额,普通舱 20 公斤;公务舱 30 公斤;头等舱 40公斤。重要文件、货币、贵重物品、金银首饰等不得
21、夹入行李内托运,可以作为随身携带物品。危险物品、易燃易爆物品、放射性物品等不得作为行李运输。超过免费限额的行李,应按规定另行付费。禁带物品,不能随带乘机。免费行李额 持成人票或儿童票的旅客,每位免费行李额为:头等舱 40 公斤,公务舱 30 公斤,经济舱20 公斤,持婴儿票的旅客,无免费行李额。逾重行李额 旅客对超过免费行李额的行李应支付逾重行李费。逾重行李费率以每公斤按经济舱票的票价的 1.5%计算,总金额以元为单位。随身携带物品 随身携带物品指经航空公司同意由旅客自行携带乘机的零星小件物品。随身携带物品的重量,每位旅客以 5 公斤为限。持头等舱客票的旅客,每人可随身携带两件物品;持公务舱或
22、经济舱票的旅客,每人只能携带一件物品。每件随身携带物品的体积均不得超过 20*40*55 厘米。超过上述重量、件数或体积限制的随身携带物品,应作为托运行李托运。旅客不得携带管制刀具乘机。管制刀具以外的利器或钝器应随时托运行李托运,不得随身携带。不准作为行李运输的物品 国家规定的禁运物品、限制运输物品、危险物品包括但不限于压缩气体、易燃、腐蚀液体、易燃固体、毒品、氧化剂、可聚合性物质、磁性物品、放射性物品、有害或有刺激性物质、及其具有异味或容易污损飞机的其他物品,不能作为托运行李或随身携带物品。不准在托运行李内夹带的物品 旅客不准在托运行李夹带重要文件、资料、外交信袋、证券、货币、汇票、贵重物品
23、、易碎腐蚀物品,以及其他需要专人照管的物品。航空公司对托运行李夹带上述物品的遗失或损坏,按一般托运行李承担赔偿责任。行李包装 托运行李必须包装完善、锁扣完好、捆扎牢固,并能承受一定压力。对包装不符合要求的行李,航空公司可拒绝收运。行李赔偿 旅客托运的行李从托运时起到交付时止,如发生丢失或损坏,航空公司负责赔偿,赔偿金额每公斤不超过人民币 50 元。如行李的价值每公斤低于 50 公斤时,按实际价值赔偿。旅客丢失行李的重量按实际托运行李的重量计算。行李声明价值 旅客的托运行李,每公斤价值超过人民币 50 元时,可以办理行李声明价值,航空公司收取声明价值附加费。声明价值不能超过行李自身的实际价值。每
24、一旅客的行李声明价值最高为人民币8000 元。已办理行李声明的行李丢失时,按声明价值赔偿,行李的声明价值高于实际价值时,按实际价值赔偿。TicketPassportAllowanceRemoveBaggageBoarding cardHand luggageSuitcaseScaleOverweightBring the weight downPay the excess baggage为超重部分付款Removefrom把从。 。 。中移开Charge somebody收费Leave from从 起飞Can I have you ticket please,sir/MISS/madam请出示您
25、的机票Can you place XX on here please您能把 xx 放在这里吗Your bags are over the allowance您的包超重了Your baggage allowance is xx kilos and your bags weight xx kilos行李限重为 xx 千克,但您的包重 xx 千克Your flight leaves from Gate xx at xx您的航班 xx 点从 xx 号登机门起飞Either or 或者 或者You can either or you can 您可以。 。 。 ,或者您也可以It cames to $xx
26、 总共 xx 美元Here is your xxx 这是您的 xxxIll have to charge you 我得收取您的费用Itover there,to our left/rightCan I have you ticket please,sir请出示您的机票Yes ,of course .here you areAnd your passport,pleaseOk,here you areCan you place your bags on here,sir您可以把包放在这边吗OK,here you go Im sorry,sir ,but your bags are over th
27、e allowance .your baggae allowance is 20kilas and your bags weight 28kilosWhat shall I doWell,sir you can eiher remove some items from your bags to bring the weight down or you can pay excess baggage您可以去掉一些包里的东西,减轻包的重量,或者您也可以为超额的重量付钱Ok/how much is itIt comes to $72总共 72 美元Here you areThank you.here
28、is your ticket,passport and boarding card next pleaseHow many pieces of luggage do you haveI have twoFine .do you have any hand luggage您有手提的行李吗Yes ,I have a suitcase and a small shoulder bag我有一个行李箱和一个小的肩包Thatfine.can you put your luggage on the scale您可以把包放在称上吗But your luggage is five kilos overweigh
29、t,so Ill have to charge you您的行李超重 5 千克,我的收取您的费用Just a minute,please. Ill put my dictionaries in my shoulder bag and then it wont be overweight从包中拿出两本字典,称的读刚好是 20 千克Thatfine ,sir your flight leaves from Gate 14Its over there ,to your left.在那边,向左转Thank you,sirConveyor belt 传送带Metallic object/items 金属制
30、品Tray 盘Metal detector 金属检测仪Take off 取下Step through 通过Raise ones arms 抬起胳膊Pocket 衣服口袋Please xxx here,please. 请把 xx 放在这儿Excuse me ,please check your pockets for xxx,and so forth请查找口袋里是否有 xxxSO=security Officer PAX=passengerSO: place your hand luggage here, please,miss. And place any metallic items in
31、the trayOk乘客 a 走过金属检测仪,检测仪发出声响SO:excuse me , miss, please check your pockets for keys,mobile phones,and so forth请查找兜里是否有钥匙。手机等PAX A:在兜里找到几个硬币,Im terribly sorry.SO:could you please put them in the tray and walk through again,miss请您把硬币放在盘子里然后再走一遍,可以吗这次没有声响SO:next,please . please remove your keys,watch
32、 and other metallic objects.PAX B;OK,Im ready now.SO:please step through乘客 b 走过金属检测仪,检测仪又响了So:would you mind standing here please,miss .and raise your arms工作人员拿检测仪围着乘客 b 检测,在乘客手指附近发车声响So:it your ring,miss.would you mind taking it offPax b:ok ,on problem这次没有声音Can I go now Yes ,miss . have a nice tirp
33、.welcome the spring festivalAll the families clean their houses,wash their clothes and bed sheets. Fresh new clothes and sheets commemorate the fresh new yearThere are different traditional customs in different parts of china ,but th whole family having reunion dinner together in nex year eve is ind
34、ispensableUsually stay up late and set off firworks on new years eve. By the first day of lunar month, people are wearing festival dresses and begin to visit or welcome family,friends and loved ones .they greet each other “happy new year”and happy spring festival and invite guests to drink tea and c
35、hat at their homeImpotant celebrationCarry out a lot of activitiesClean their houses,wash thei clothesHaving reunion dinner together The new year eveStay up late and set off fireworksReet each other happy new year中秋节It is a traditional Chinese day which is celebrated every 15th august of Chinese lun
36、ar year . it is a veay important festival to Chinese people .because it is the day for family reunion.the whole family ger together,eating mooncakes and enjoying the moon.those who sna not do back home are especially missing their families .Moocakes and moonand round .in Chinese round is 圆 , 。圆 mean
37、s complete,full,anyhow ,it means sth good .such words are:团圆 reunion 圆满 sth ends wellThe day for family reunionEating moon cakes and enjoying the moonMissing their familiesComplete,full天气Whats your complaint Whats the troubleWhat symptoms do you haveDo you have fever Do you feel chillyAre you dizzyD
38、oes it hurtWhat foods should I avoid What about my diet Is there any adverse reactionI have a headacheMy head feels heavyI have a puffy faceMy eyes are soreMy eyes are hurt and painfulMy eye feel itchyMmy eyes feel irritatedI have a runny noseI have an inflammation in my mouthThere is a small canker
39、 in my mouthOne of my teeth in the back hurts If possible, Id rather not have it extracted. Could you just give it some temporary treatmentI have a sore throatI have dry coughsI strained my neck and I cant move my headI put my shoulder out of joint肩膀脱臼 leI am afraid Ive sprained my ankle害怕脚扭了Im alle
40、rgic to fishI had diarrhea. I wonder if I eat something bad yesterday高频句型Will you show me to my seat ,pleaseExcuse me ,would you mind trading seats with me I m sorry . I think you are in my seatCould you put my baggage into the baggage compartment How can I adjust this seatI cant do well with the be
41、lt Will you tell me when the lavatory is vacantId like to smoke . is this seat a non-smoking sectiI feel vomiting . where is an airsickness bag Do you have any medicineBlanket and pillow .pleaseWhat is the local time now到达机场Here is my passport Where is the baggage claim/security行李提取(安检)在哪里Im missing
42、 one baggageDo you have your baggage claim tag你有行李牌吗When will you deliver my baggsge 你们什么时候托运我的行李Where is the trolley行李手推车在哪里I demand a compensation for my damaged luggage行李损失赔偿I dont understand. You will have to give me a reasonable explanation合理的解释May I leave now I am going to transfer to what sho
43、uld I do 将要转机,请问该怎么办Howdo I transfer to转机到Is this the transit desk这是转机柜吗What procedures do I have to go through需要办理什么手续Can I help youI flew eastern airway flight ab 123 to I cant find my luggageWhat s your nameMy name is sophie pan . the spelling is How many luggage do you have ? can you describe th
44、emWhat inside There are some clothes,shoes,personal items and giftsPlease give me your luggage tag and fill out this form. I will go check for you right nowIt is a large leather suitcase with my name tag . its dark blueIts a small overnight bag .it light brownBackpack: traveling bags briefpack 公文包 l
45、ay bagWaist bag shoulder bags 肩包Sport bag hand bag Flight bag /air traveling roller bag 空旅行箱Computer backpackLuggage upright 杆箱 travel suitcaseId like to cash a travelers checkI want to cash fifty dollars out of this hundred one Please change 100dollars for three 20 dollars and four 10 dollars What
46、about business hours你们的营业时间Any banks in the city open on weekends 哪家银行周末营业Can you exchange this RMB into dollars你们可以。 。 。换。 。吗Sure,how much can I give you One hundred dollar ,pleaseHow would you like it 您想怎么换Please give me half of this in small changesMay I see your passportHere it is Which window d
47、o I go to for parcelWindow number three ,pleaseI want t o mail this packagePlease put it on the scale .where are your mailing it toShanghaiDo you want to mail it by air or seaWhats the difference in price30 dollar by air ,12 dollar by sea How long will it take by airAbout 10days Then I will send it
48、by air ,thank youPlease fill out his form,and what s in your package ? anything fragileNo,just aome souvenirsThat will do it Thank you机场常见英文标识Departures 出发 Domestic departures 国内出发International departures 国际出发HKG/MFM/TWN DEP 港澳台出发Departures hall 出发大厅Arrivals 到达Domestic arrivals 国内到达International arr
49、ivals 国际到达Arrival hall 到达大厅Entrance 入口Exit 出口Arrivals exit 到达出口Check in 办票Domestic check-in 国内办票International check-in 国际办票Airlines service 航班服务Inspection and quarantine 检验检疫China inspection and quarantine 中国检验检疫Customs 海关China customs 中国海关Immigration 边防检查China immigration inspection 中国边检安全检查 security checkAnimal and plant quarantine 动植物检疫Green channel (nothing to declare)绿色通道(无申报物品)Red channel (goods to declare) 红色通道有申报物品)Waiting hall 候机厅First class lounge 头等舱候机室VIP lounge 贵宾候机室Baggage check 行李检查Baggage c