1、+第一幕场景:郊外的树下人物:爱丽丝、兔子先生旁白 很久以前,古老的城市里流传着一个传说,如果是纯真可爱的少女,到郊外的那棵有Long long ago ,there is a rumour in the old city.If a inncent and lovely girl falls asleep on the (just dance)树洞的树下睡着了的话,就会有一位兔子先生来带她去到梦幻的仙境,遇见梦幻的王子outskirts of the tree hole, a Mr rabbit will take her to the wonderland,and she will meet
2、 the deam prince。 爱丽丝:所谓的纯真可爱的少女不就是像我这样的人吗?看我一身纯白的衣裙,(转圈,A:who is a innocent and lovely girl ? Isnt it me! (innocence)Look at my white dress, and my 展示衣裙。) 如春风般的可爱容貌(自我陶醉中)啊 如此纯真可爱的我,是一定lovely smile like spring. So smart as me,I will sure meet 会见到梦幻中的王子的!说起来,昨天通宵上网还真的想睡了,还是睡一下吧!my deamly prince. I s
3、urfed the net all through the night,Im sleepy ,let me have a sleep(爱丽丝在树下坐下,闭眼入睡)兔子先生(上场,环视四周):好不容易放出传言说可以带美少女到梦幻界去,但是一年到R:it is hard for me to get people into the saying that I can take the beautiful girl to the wongderland .But all year round,头来的都是一些连是不是女人都分不清楚的丑八怪,我难得到外面来观光一下的说,想看看No one but mons
4、ters came to me I can hardly tell wether they were men or women,I hardly ever went out for a seeing , (monster)美女也没错吧?What if I miss the beautiful girls(走到树下,看到爱丽丝。)兔子先生:啊,今天来的这个看上去还不错呢,正好我假期快结束了,运气真好呢(蹲下R; oh this girl looks good。My vocation is going to be over,what good luck! 来,仔细的看着爱丽丝)恩稍微单薄了点但还好
5、。She is a little thin, but just ok !.爱丽丝(醒来):啊!色狼!(把兔子先生一把推开)A:oh, a bastard!兔子先生(站稳):你说什么!?你见过有这样风度翩翩英俊潇洒的色狼吗!?(整理头R: What? Have you ever seen such a hanson attractive bastard ?发,摆酷)爱丽丝(仔细打量兔子先生):还是值得怀疑,外在是会骗人的A:it is also doubtful.Appearance can cheat peoples eyes.。我是要等梦幻界的兔子先生带我去看王子的,你在这里干什么?Im w
6、aiting for Mr rabbit from the wonderland,he will take me to t my prince .what are you doing here?兔子先生(再次抚过自己的头发):你要等的人就是我。R:Im Mr rabbit , Im the right person youre waiting for.爱丽丝(惊讶状):骗人!你根本就没有兔耳朵嘛!(指着兔子先生)A;what a lie.you dont even have long ears.(兔子先生轻笑,对场下一挥手,场务 A 拿着兔耳朵上场,交给兔子先生。)兔子先生(走到爱丽丝的面前,
7、把兔耳朵带上):你看像这样的一张脸(凑进爱丽丝)这样的发型,这样的穿着,长着这样的耳朵,配吗?R:look at my face my hair and my clothes ,if I had such ear ,wasnt it strange?爱丽丝(摇头):的确是很奇怪A:Maybe兔子先生(取掉耳朵扔在一边,顺势搂过爱丽丝的腰):所以说那些细节就不要在意了,重要的是看见现在面前的我就可以了。R:So dont care about these details,just look at me.爱丽丝(退开一步,再次仔细看兔子先生的脸):也好,现在带我去见梦幻的王子殿吧!A:thats
8、right.please take me to the wonderland now.兔子先生(无语状),场务 A 上,在兔子先生头上举汗水的牌子,然后和爱丽丝,兔子先生一起下场alice 片段第二幕场景:梦幻仙界,红桃女王的花园人物:兔子先生,爱丽丝,红桃女王,王子样,骑士红桃女王(上场,身后跟着护卫的骑士):我说,小兔兔出去观光也不少日子了,差不多该K:I think it is time for Mr rabbit to come back,isnt it?回来了吧?(气势高傲,不可一世)骑士:应该是差不多了。Kt:that is ok红桃女王:不知道小兔兔有没有带什么土特产啊?听闻上面
9、有家快餐店的汉堡还不错K:Will he take some present to me?I heard that hamburgers are great.场务上,在骑士的头上举汗水的牌子兔子先生和爱丽丝上。兔子先生:你是叫做爱丽丝啊,很好听的名字啊,果然是很配你这样纯真可爱的女孩子呢。R:you are called Alice? It is a good name for a innocent and lovely girl like you.爱丽丝:是啊。话说回来,我要什么时候才能见到王子殿啊?(站住,盯着兔子先生A:Yes ,maybe.but when could I meet m
10、y prince? (baby)兔子先生(扶住爱丽丝的肩膀,进一步靠近):我说,不要老是念着什么王子,他没什么好的,好好的看着眼前的人才是最重要的啊,这样的脸,(甩发)这样的发型,经过了名家的精心打理,这样的穿着,每一件都是名牌,不好好的被爱的话他们是会哭的啊(握住爱丽丝的手,放在胸口)你感觉不到我的心吗?它是为你而跳的啊!R :As I think,you neednt always miss the prince.he isnt perfect.In fact, the most impotant people is someone who is in front of you.this
11、face ,hair are made by the famous people.all my clothes are famous brand,if you dont love them,they will crycan you see my heart?they are work for you.爱丽丝(微笑):基本上的条件都还好拉,只是你不是王子啊!美少女梦工厂的设定都是以养成公主为基础的啊!(退开一步)虽然男人的脸很重要,但是家势也是很重要的啊!A:Maybe ,you are ok .But you are not my prince.兔子先生(无语,场务上,在他头上举黑线的牌子,另
12、举对话框,里面是省略号)兔子先生,爱丽丝和红桃女王,骑士相遇红桃女王:小兔兔,你回来了啊。(迎上,看见爱丽丝)小兔兔!这个女人是谁!不要告诉我是带给我的土产!(退一步,怒视兔子先生和爱丽丝)K:oh honey, welcome.Oh dear! Who is the woman.Dont tell me she is the local product you take to me兔子先生(有些慌忙,但保持镇静):不是啊女王陛下,她是我在外界遇见的,要见王子殿R:oh dear Queen, she isnt.i meet het in the out word, she want to s
13、ee the prince.爱丽丝:对啊!你是女王?那不就是王子他娘?快让我见王子殿吧!Aoh you are queen ,arent you? You are princes mom,arent you?let me see my prince.ok ?红桃女王(怒):荒唐!骑士!她的脑袋。K:how absurd you are.rider,let cut het head骑士(上前,拔剑):是!(奸笑)Kn:No promlem!兔子先生(挡在爱丽丝身前):等一下,女王殿下!R:stop!骑士停住动作,和女王一起看向他兔子先生:女王殿下,她是带来的,你就给我个面子,让她见见也好啊!(亲
14、昵的贴上,握住女王的双手说)R:my dear queen,she is taken here by me.give me a face,please let her have a look红桃女王:既然你这么说了,让她见一次吧,然后再砍她的脑袋。K:because of you,my dear rabbit.ok let her see the prince ,and then cut her head.爱丽丝:啊!答应让我见了啊!王子殿下,不知道会是什么样的帅哥呢(双手交握在胸前,做祈祷状,期待状 )A:oh you allow me.my dear prince,is he a hans
15、on?红桃女王(对骑士):去叫殿下到这里来。K:To ask my son to come here骑士领命,刚要下,王子上王子:啊,怎么这么多人啊,开 PARTY 啊?P:ohhow many peaple there are!is there a party?兔子先生和骑士(倾身):王子殿下!Rhow strong you are ,you are not afraid of me一阵沉默旁白:,兔子先生似乎仍在思考中Mr rabbit is also thinking 爱丽丝(对兔子先生):你还在那边干什么啊!A:what are you doing there ,come to hel
16、p me !兔子先生(忽然反应过来):啊!在!什么事?爱丽丝?(到爱丽丝的面前)R:Oh ,whats the matter?alice?骑士:这样的话,就让我用千辛万苦学来的绝招吧!(抛出丝带!)爱!Kn:so Im certain you will be dead. My unique skill! -my love.兔子先生转身,刚好接住丝带众人:啊!M:oh my lady gaga寂静中,兔子先生和骑士顺着丝带越牵越近。兔子先生(与骑士对望):你多有魅力啊!R:how charm you are 骑士(与兔子先生对望):你也很可爱!Kn:you are lovely.女王(惊异):不
17、会吧?果然是“爱” 的力量啊!K:oh ,is it love?兔子先生:,我发现我是真的爱上你了!我们私奔吧!R:I find that I fall in love with you.lets elope骑士(握住兔子先生的手):恩!到天涯海角我都和你在一起!YOU JUMP !I JUMP!Kn :ok ,I will be with you all the time .you jump! I jump骑士和兔子先生相携下场, cantstop love女王(反应过来):天啊!太过分了!现在的男人啊!K:oh my god ,are they men ?爱丽丝:是啊! A: yes I think so .王子(感叹):哎现在的男人啊P:oh ,are they men?王子,女王,爱丽丝,因崩溃而自杀P,:Oh(自杀)K:my (自杀)A:dont forger lady gaga.(自杀)女王和爱丽丝无语的看着他,助理上,在她们头上举汗水的牌子旁白:这个美丽动人的童话就此结束,兔子先生和骑士从此过着幸福快乐的生活!The wonderful and fine story is over.Mr rabbit and ride live in a fine and happy life,from now(Alice)