1、 l : 2007-06-13 s : 2007-11-19 “: i g S1 S “(CSTC,2007BB1457)bTe:B(1965) ), o, +=; 60 d HSe 0) =, ) 5=; 80 d HSe 0) =0 , Se 015) =0 ; 110 mg/ kg) 5=0 br 110 mg/ kg m 3,4 29# 29 Rc ,M9 R 2s,9F m 9 ;Se015) rKD,srA bV ( Se115210 mg/kg)A m 3, 2a9 Rc , 0 “90 sbVr m,r V110 mg/kgR,; ?KvK4 m 2a9 Rc , V gh g
2、Yb1oM:; m;9; Rms |: S14317; S517 DS M : A cI|: 1008-505X(2008)04- 0721- 07Effectsof seleniumapplicationoncontent, distributionandaccumulationofselenium, flavonoidsandrutinintartary buckwheatTIAN Xiu-ying1, 2, WANG Zheng-yin1*(1 College of Resource and Environment, Southwest University, Chongqing 400
3、716, China;2 Department of Life Science, Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences, Chongqing 402168, China)Abstract: Besides its high nutritional value, buckwheat is also rich in many kinds of flavonoids such as rutin andquercetin in its leaves, stems, flowers and seeds, which can serve as very use
4、ful resources for high-quality flavonoids.Flavonoids are known fortheir effectiveness in antioxdant activity and reducing cholesterol levels in blood, keeping capi-llaries and arteries strong and flexible, and preventing against high blood pressure. It was also used to treat many otherchronic diseas
5、es, such as cardiovascular diseases. Selenium is oneof the indispensable nutrient elements to humans andpoultry, but 2/3 of the world lacks it and so does China, 1/3 ofwhich is considered to be critically deficient in selen-ium. Over 40 kinds of humans and poultry diseases arerelated to deficiency o
6、f Se, this seriously threats thehealth of hu-mans and thedevelopment of animal husbandry. Plant is thekey link throughwhich the inorganicSeis converted into or-ganic Se and it is also themost direct Se resourcefor human beings and poultry. Se application to soil or plant directlycan increase Se cont
7、ent in plant, which is the most effective method to improve thedeficient Se status of humans. A potexperiment was used to explore the effect of selenium in the form of sodiumselenitewith five levels (0, 015, 110, 115and 210 mg/kg, soil) on distribution and accumulation of selenium, flavonoids and ru
8、tin in different organs of tartary!g 2008,14(4) :721- 727Plant Nutrition and Fertilizer Sciencebuckwheat(Fagopyrum tataricum Gaertn). The results showed when application of Sewas in the range of 015-210 mgper kg soil, tartary buckwheat absorbed and accumulated a large amount of Seby root at seedling
9、 stage, and theSe con-tent in all organs of tatary buckwheat were decreased in order of root leave stem in the 40 days of tartary buckwheatgrowth, leave root flower stem in Se 0 treatment and flower root leave stem in all Setreatments in the 60 daysof tartarybuckwheat growth, while it was thehighest
10、 in flower, followed byroot, leave, stemandseed at Se0 treatment,flower leave root seed stem at Se 015 treatment and flower leave root seed stem with Se application 110mg per kg soil in the80 days oftartarybuckwheat growth. Treated withSe 110mg perkgsoil, thegrowth, drymat-terweight, the content and
11、 accumulation of flavonoids and rutin in all organs were enhanced, and the accumulation offlavonoids at themiddle and last growing stage was improved and the distribution of flavonoids in different tartary buck-wheat organs was not affected. Application of Se at 015mg/kg was thebest treatment. Theac
12、cumulation of flavonoids intartary buckwheat was highest and fastest in the blooming and breeding period (60 d) in all treatments. Excessive Setreatment ( 115-210 mg/kg) significantly decreased the growth, dry matter weight, and content and accumulation offlavonoids and rutin in all organs of tartar
13、y buckwheat, and restricted the transformation of Se from other organs to seedand the distribution of flavonoids in seed. In summary, for tartary buckwheat planted in low Se soil, Se application lessthan 110mg perkgsoil can promoteplant growth, increase content and accumulation of Se, flavonoids and
14、 rutin in all or-gans of tartary buckwheat and befriendly to the environment.Keywords: selenium; tartary buckwheat; flavonoids; rutinm(Fagopyrum tataricum Gaertn)( ) S , B+ J0 JTb mK1 3, F 1 b“1 ? 2-3, ? A4-6a Fa5a =s f“d,7a ) Fhb R m1s,980%, %5Yia5 1i, %5T, “5 1Uha 8b ,S =4 | R1 , , ? s g p,7 m 3 ,
15、 0 , a Se 110 Se 0 Se 115 Se210b m=8, 273%78%, Q0,7135%17172%br P i9Fv,31vMl( 01152a01094a0108901063)b 110mg/kg H, 2 (4, 015 mg/kgrTKz,A4a=a0 2b Se 110mg/kg H, 2AbV a m 3V749,7 O , 31, m! 3 3 3 a, 046 bV 5A m3, 2bm1 m# 2Fig.1 The drymatter of plant and different organsof tartary buckwheat at maturit
16、y212 3 m 2c sY P m 2c 3 (A ) (V1)bc 340 d H 9F+9F, H 2v015 mg/kg H9F lb 2c : 40 d H=; 60 d H,Se 0) =,7 ) 5=bV m 7 L |V! 2_ 2Mb80 d H,Se 0) =0 , Se 015) =0 , 110 mg/kg) 5=0 bV a m 3 V1 m 3 2c sY(Lg/g)Table1 Effect of Seapplicationon content anddistributionof Se in allorgansof tartarybuckwheat at diff
17、erent growingstages) RootStem=LeafFlower0 Treatment 40 d 60 d 80 d 40 d 60 d 80 d 40 d 60 d 80 d 60 d 80 d SeedSe 0 0171 e 0180 d 1129 d 0112 d 0118 e 0181 e 0160 e 0187 e 0173 d 0134 e 2111 c 0165 bSe015 8185 d 8117 c 6151 c 4172 c 4178 d 6187 d 6130 d 7119 d 8124 c 7121 d 9116 b 7119 aSe110 14126
18、c 9101 b 8191 ab 5105 c 5147 c 8157 c 6170 c 7176 c 10177 b 13109 c 12116 a 8114 aSe115 23152 b 10137 a 8143 b 6169 b 7151 b 9126 b 7134 b 16163 b 12113 a 8115 aSe210 31116 a 10192 a 9140 a 7144 a 8104 a 11105 a 8152 a 8195 a 11139 a 19173 a 11189 a 8118 a(Note):3 V Usr5%A ,/Different letters mean s
19、ignificant at 5% level. The same below.|VM0 ,VV ( _0 Mb 3 , m 2c 7sb ) ac Mt B, ( 3v9F;=c 60 d - 3?79, 60 dvb ) c (40 d)K, /, (80 d)K,=c ( 3v9F,“Se 015) ( 7 L 9 H(60 d)K, bV r P m v l,i , 3 HW,v 2b213 m YV2 A, m 3 , A47234 B,: ma9 Rc as Y qb 34060 d H,Se 015) K,80 d HSe110) K; B 6, q (v/b i ?A4 m“,V
20、 5 ?4 m 2c , 3 s,3 h , q h , h bV2 A, 3 ) m y s Ab 115 mg/kg H,3 -40 d, q,0102 0116Lg/(pot#d), M q9133%19112%, V? m 3 , ; 3 (6080 d) va q y,r01223146 Lg/(pot#d), M qr35% 58%b210 mg/kg H, 60 d - 3v 6, y 3 s7bV2 3 m YTable2 Effect of different Se treatments onthetrend of flavonoidsaccumulationintartar
21、y buckwheat at different growingstages) Treat. Period accum.(Lg/pot) qSpeed of accum.Lg/( pot#d) M qPeriod accum. ratio(%) Accumulation amount(mg/pot)M qRelative ratio(%)40 d 60 d 80 d 40 d 60 d 80 d 40 d 60 d 80 d 40 d 60 d 80 d 40 d 60 d 80 dSe0 0197 d 4139 e 5104 c 0102 0122 0125 9133 42121 48146
22、 0197 d 5136 e 10140 e 9133 51154 100Se015 10178 a 47160 a 51102 a 0127 2138 2155 9185 43151 46162 10178 a 58138 a 109140 b 9185 53136 100Se110 7113 b 41123 b 69112 a 0118 2106 3146 6107 35110 58184 7113 b 48136 b 117148 a 6107 41116 100Se115 6159 b 29184 c 29191 b 0116 1149 1150 9193 44198 45109 61
23、59 b 36143 c 66134 c 9193 54191 100Se210 4119 c 18177 d 7173 c 0111 0194 0139 13165 61116 25119 4119 c 22196 d 30169 d 13165 74181 100214 9c sY m 29c 3 AY(V3)b 110 mg/kg ?4 H m 29c , ma=a0 9c 3 1Se 0) sY40109 0136a01260179a1132 3120112s,015 mg/ kgrKz,srA ;9c M Ab 110 mg/kg P m9c 3 Se 0) ;= 9 3 VCB,0
24、 9c AbV a ? m9,4 29c ,V 9F9c ,0 c b 3 m 29c , ) 37; H9 379b 0110 mg/kg H,9 37,=5 6,5 360 dH 380 d; 110 mg/kg P=9c 379bV3V ,) m9s,40 d H=,60 d=, sYb80 d H, 110 mg/kg H=0, 110 mg/kg H5=0 ,V V 90 sbV3 3 m 29c sY(%)Table3 Effect of Seapplicationon content anddistributionof flavonoidsin all tartarybuckwh
25、eat organsat different growingstages) RootStem=LeafFlower0 Treat. 40 d 60 d 80 d 40 d 60 d 80 d 40 d 60 d 80 d 60 d 80 d SeedSe0 0148 c 0153 b 0155 b 1119 a 0198 b 1106 c 5105 b 5145 b 4199 b 8163 b 5164 b 1159 bSe015 0184 a 0169 a 0167 a 1131 a 1106 b 1106 c 5131 a 6124 a 5174 a 9195 a 7118 a 1171
26、aSe110 0166 b 0163 a 0157 b 1126 a 1109 b 1107 c 5149 a 6118 a 5109 b 8186 b 6135 ab 1165 abSe115 0169 b 0164 a 0161 b 1128 a 1132 a 1157 a 5106 b 5147 b 5149 ab 8126 b 5179 b 1152 bSe210 0188 a 0162 a 0160 b 1127 a 1136 a 1166 a 5102 b 5142 b 5165 a 7137 c 7135 a 1149 c724!g 14 215 m9 YV4V , 3 m9 A
27、sb 340 d H,9 Se 0) K( 69161 mg/pot), qK y 117 mg/(pot#d) ,M qK(20136%) ,i 9F7h b4060 d H,Se 0) M q(79164%) ) ( 60% ), q“Se 015) , ) (Se0) b V ? m lV 0 s , 3? s,h b6080 d H,9 Se110 Se 015 Se115Se 210 Se 0,Se 0) 9 , V ? V P m 3+T, 9l,9c / b m 3 9 Se 015) K(456134 mg/pot) ,Se210)K (109134 mg/pot)bV4 3
28、m9 YTable4 Effect of different Se treatments onthetrend of flavonoidsaccumulationintartary buckwheat at different growingstages) Treat. Period accum.(Lg/pot) qSpeed of accum.Lg/( pot#d) M qPeriod accum. ratio(%) Accumulation amount(mg/pot)M qRelative ratio(%)40 d 60 d 80 d 40 d 60 d 80 d 40 d 60 d 8
29、0 d 40 d 60 d 80 d 40 d 60 d 80 dSe 0 69161 a 272163 b - 016 1170 13100 ) 20136 79164 ) 69161 a 341184 b 330135 c 20136 10010 )Se015 62174 b 312177 a 80183 b 1160 15160 4100 13175 68154 17171 62174 b 375151 a 456134 a 13175 82129 100Se110 32173 c 215105 c 108137 a 0182 10180 5140 9117 60153 30130 32
30、173 c 247178 c 356115 b 9117 69169 100Se115 23189 128193 61132 0158 6145 3107 12156 67177 32123 23189 152182 190125 12156 80133 100Se210 11148 d 81163 d 16123 c 0129 4108 0181 10150 74166 14184 11148 d 93111 d 109134 d 10150 86116 100216 m Rc as Y m Rc Y A, 9F, 2 Rc 5 6 t (V5)b 110 mg/kg) aa=a0 Rc v
31、) sY40102 0104a0119 0122a01131149a1101 11080129 0156s,“=,s (rA b 115 210 mg/ kg H, Rc 901080116s,0 01010118s, 2MAbV a ?4 m 2 Rc ,V50 Rc bV5V ,) R m 2s:=0,) i1b R9 Se 015 Se 0 Se110Se115 Se210,V i R ,V m 3, 3, R Ab 2= K,9 76%90%, Q0 (4%10%),(4%9%)(2% 6%) ,K (011% 012%)br 115mg/kg H, ma0 R 9 s1sY1Se0)
32、 414a2556s,=51014s,AM,r 210 mg/kg H, m 2 R s1M AbV5 m 2 Rc , #s 1 YTable5 Effect of Se application on rutin content, accumulation anddistributionratioinall organs of tartarybuckwheat) Treat.RootStem=LeafFlower0 Seed9 Totalaccum.(mg/pot)c Cont.( %) Accum.(mg/pot)1 Ratio( %)c Cont.( %) Accum.(mg/pot)1
33、 Ratio( %)c Cont.(%) Accum.(mg/ pot)1 Ratio(%)c Cont.(%) Accum.(mg/ pot)1 Ratio(%)c Cont.( %) Accum.(mg/pot)1 Ratio( %)Se 0 0102 b 0132 0116 0110 d 4146 2130 3150 b 71199 87167 4140 b 10130 5127 0194 c 9105 4161 196126 cSe015 0106 a 0176 0121 0132 a 16102 4148 4199 a282168 79109 5148 a 24117 6176 11
34、50 a 33180 9146 357142 aSe110 0104 a 0140 0118 0129 ab 13143 5183 3163 b178152 77154 5141 a 21110 9116 1123 b 16175 7128 230122 bSe115 0103 ab 0117 0115 0126 b 6116 5131 3160 b 92148 79179 4177 b 7101 6104 0193 c 10181 8170 115191 dSe210 0102 b 0106 0110 0118 c 1112 1180 3157 b 55134 89127 4155 b 3114 5106 0176 d 2133 3176 61199 e7254 B,: ma9 Rc as Y3 ) r 015210 mg/kgS, m 3 2c A4, Ovvi, P H, m ?Vr l“b 5 m , ? l“, 17av19a = 22a 18 TM bV ,v H P_0 M, s H,0 A 23b k9V , a m |V_, 3V! 2M0 ,V5 _ M,VV ( _0 Mbr P m v l,i “, 3vM 3 9 2, Pc ,=c 6br v H?C,vc CB,