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Lecture 7 商务班P.ppt

1、Lecture 7 P.B Shelley,Mojiao,Poetry is the record of the best and happiest moments of the happiest and best minds. - Percy Bysshe Shelley,contents,1. His life 2. His major works 3. A close reading of “Ode to the West Wind” 4. Discussion 5. Resources,1. Shelleys life,1. 1792, Sussex 2. Days at Eton 3

2、. Days at Oxford University 4. Marriage with Harriet Westbrook 5. Marriage with Mary Godwin (Marry Shelley),作者简介,波西比希雪莱(1792-1822)出身于贵族家庭,1810年10月进入牛津大学,半年后,因印发无神论的必然性(The Necessity of Atheism)小册子而被开除。离开学校后,雪莱来到伦敦,结识了哈丽特(Harriat Westbrook)并与之结婚。1812年,雪莱到爱尔兰,为激励爱尔兰人民争取自由而活动和写作。1814 年 7月雪莱与妻子哈丽特分手,不久与

3、玛丽戈德温(Marry Goldwin , 即著名女作家Marry Shelley)结合。1818年,雪莱被迫离开英国,到意大利定居。1822年,雪莱在海上遇难,时年30岁。雪莱一生创作勤奋,在去意大利前创作的重要诗作有长诗麦布女王(Queen Mab, 1813)和伊斯兰的反叛(The Revolt of Islam, 1817)。在意大利生活的最后几年是他创作最旺盛的时期,他先后完成了诗剧解放了的普罗米修斯(Prometheus Unbound, 1819)和钦契(The Cenci, 1819),以及悼念济慈的阿多尼(Adonais, 1821)等。此外雪莱还创作了大量充满激情的政治诗歌

4、和脍炙人口的抒情诗,如1819年的英国(“England in 1819”, 1819)和西风颂(“Ode to the West Wind”, 1819)等。雪莱的文论著作有诗辩(A Defence of Poetry, 1821)。,2. Shelleys Works,1. The Necessity of Atheism,1811 无神论的必然 2. Queen Mab, 1813 麦布女王 3. The Revolt of Islam, 1817 伊斯兰的反叛 4. Prometheus Unbounded, 1819 解放了的普罗米修斯 5. The Cenci, 1819 钦契 6

5、. The Masque of Anarchy, 1819, 暴政的假面具 7. Song to the Men of England, 1819 8. Ode to the West Wind, 1819 9. “A Defense of Poetry”. 1821,“Kings, priest and statesmen blast the human flower Even in its tender bud; their influence darts Like subtle poison through the bloodless veins Of desolate society.

6、”,“But the poor man, Whose life is misery, and fear, and care; Whom the morn wakens but to fruitless toil; Who even hears his famished offsprings scream, Whom their pale mothers uncomplaining gaze Forever meets, and the proud rich mans eye Flashing command, and the heart-breaking scene Of thousands

7、like himself;-he little heeds The rhetoric of tyranny; his hate Is quenchless as his wrongs; he laughs to scorn The vein and bitter mockery of words; Feeling the horror of the tyrants deeds, And restrained but by the arm of power, That knows and dreads his enmity.”,-“Poets are the unacknowledged leg

8、islators of the world.”,“The great secret of morals is love; or a going out of our own nature, and an identification of ourselves with the beautiful which exists in thought, action, or person, not our own. A man to be greatly good, must imagine intensely and comprehensively, he must put himself in t

9、he place of another and of many others; the pains and pleasures of his species must become his own. The great instrument of moral good is the imagination; and poetry administers (=contributes) to the effect by acting on the cause.”,conclusions,1. William Wordsworth: “One of the best artists of us al

10、l” 2. Byron: “Without exception the best and least selfish man I ever knew.” 3. Mrs. Shelley: “Shelley love the people; and respected them as often more virtuous, as always more suffering, and therefore more deserving of sympathy, than the great. He believed that a clash between the two classes of s

11、ociety was inevitable, and he eagerly ranged himself on the peoples side.” 4. Engels: “Shelley, the genius, the prophet, Shelley, and Byron, with his glowing sensuality and his bitter satire upon our existing society, find most of their readers in the proletariat.”Shelley loved the people and hated

12、their oppressors and exploiters. He called on the people to overthrow the rule of tyranny and injustice and prophesied a happy and free future for mankind. He remained in this social and political ideal and fought for it all his life. He and Byron are justifiably regarded as two great poets of revol

13、utionary romanticism in England.,3. A close reading of “Ode to the West Wind”,Steps to read a poem: 1. Read it aloud 2. Try to understand its literal meaning 3. Try to analyze it from structure, rhythm, images and theme 4. Read it again Vincent_Price_-_Ode_to_the_West_Wind.mp3,西风颂,1 狂野的秋风啊,你这秋的精气! 没

14、看见你出现,枯叶已被扫空, 像群群鬼魂没见法师就逃避 它们或枯黄焦黑,或苍白潮红, 真是遭了瘟灾的一大片;你呀, 你把迅飞的种子载送去过冬, 让它们僵睡在黑黢黢的地下, 就像尸体在各自的墓里安躺, 直到你那蔚蓝的春天妹妹呀 对梦乡中的大地把号角吹响, 叫羊群般的花苞把大气吸饮, 又让山野充满了色彩和芳香。 狂野的精灵,你正在四处巡行, 既拉朽摧枯又保护。哦,你听!,2 你呀,乱云是雨和闪电的使者, 正是在你震荡长空的激流上 闪电被冲得像树上枯叶飘落, 也从天和海错综的枝头骤降: 宛若有个暴烈的酒神女祭司 把她银发从幽暗的地平线上 直竖向中天,只见相像的发丝 在你汹涌的蓝莹莹表面四起, 宣告暴风

15、雨的逼近。残年濒死, 你是它挽歌,而正在合拢的夜 便是它上接天穹的崇墓巨陵 笼着你聚起的全部水汽之力, 而黑雨、电火和冰雹也都将从 这浓云中迸发而下。哦,你听!,3 你呀,在巴亚湾的浮石小岛旁 地中海躺着听它碧波的喧哗, 渐渐被催入它夏日里的梦乡, 睡眼只见在那强烈的波光下, 微微颤动着古老的宫殿城堡 那墙上满是青春苔藓和野花, 单想想那芬芳,心儿就会醉掉! 你却又把它唤醒。为给你开路, 平坦的大西洋豁开深沟条条, 而在其深处,那些水底的花树、 枝叶譃曰有树汁的泥泞密林 也都能立刻就辨出你的号呼, 顿时因受惊而开始瑟缩凋零, 连颜色也变得灰暗。哦,你听!,4 我若是被你托起的一片枯叶; 我若是

16、随你飞驰的一团云朵; 我若是浪涛在你威力下喘息, 分享你有力的冲动,那自由,哦! 仅次于不羁的你;我若是仍然 在我的童年时代,仍然能够做 你在天空邀游时的忠实伙伴 因为那时,奔得比你快也未必 是梦想;那我就不会如此艰难, 无须这样哀求你。请把我掀起, 哦,就当我是枯叶、云朵或浪涛! 我,跌倒在人生荆棘上,滴着血! 我,太像你:倔强、敏捷又高傲, 但岁月的重负把我拴牢、压倒。,5 让我像森林一样做你的诗琴, 哪伯我的叶像森林的叶凋落! 这两者又美又悲的深沉秋音 你那呼啸的浩荡交响会囊括。 但愿你这刚烈的精神我也有! 但愿一往无前的你也就是我! 请把我已死的思想扫出宇宙, 就像你为催新生把落叶扫除

17、! 而且凭着我这一诗歌的经咒 把我的话语传遍这人间各处, 像由未灭的炉中吹送出火花! 愿你通过我的嘴响亮地吹出 唤醒这人世的预言号声!风啊, 冬天既快来,春天难道还远吗?,后记,本诗构思于佛罗伦萨附近阿尔诺河畔的一处树林中,并基本上在那里写成。那一天狂风骤起,它温暖又爽人,收尽了将倾泻为秋雨的氤氲水汽。不出我所料,到了日落时分,暴风雨开始了,起先夹有冰雹,还伴有阿尔卑斯山以南地区所特有的声势浩大的雷鸣电闪。作者原注 又:本诗以五首十四行诗组成,但这些十四行诗的分节与韵式都受一种叫做tercarima的意大利诗体影响。 巴亚湾因古罗马时的温泉疗养胜地巴亚城而得名,即现在的波佐利湾(在那不勒斯湾西

18、北部)。浮石是火山岩的一种,因为那不勒斯一带都是火山区。 据雪莱原注,“这种现象,是博物学家们熟知的。同陆上的植物一样,江河海洋底下的植物的季节变化有着同样的反应,因此宣告这种变化的风对之也有影响。,3.1 the structure of the poem:,The first stanza: west wind on the land The second stanza: west wind in the sky The third stanza: west wind on the sea The fourth stanza: I wish I could be the west wind

19、 The fifth stanza: prophecy of a new world,3.2 Rhythm of the poem,This poem is a lyric on nature. It consists of five stanzas, with each stanza written in the form of terza rima(三行套韵体)。 These are iambic pentameter lines arranged in tercets in which line 2 of each tercet rhymes with 1and 3 of the nex

20、t, thus the rhyme scheme is : aba, bcb, cdc, ded, with a final couplet, ee.,3.3 The image of the west wind,What does the west wind symbolize in the poem?,3.4 The theme of the poem,西风颂赏析,西风颂是雪莱最著名的抒情诗歌,共分五节。在第一节中,西风在陆地上以摧枯拉朽之势横扫落叶,同时又把种子吹入泥土,点出了西风既是毁灭者又是保护者的主题。第二节描写西风在空中扫荡残云,带出了暴雨雷霆。在第三节中,西风在海上劈波斩浪,大

21、显神威,搅醒了沉睡的海洋。以上三节咏风,把西风在陆、空、海上的凛凛威风写得酣畅淋漓。接着诗人笔锋一转,由咏物而抒怀,在第四节中表达了自己愿随西风而舞的心愿,进而在第五节中发出了愿与西风合而为一的澎湃激情。 在这首颂歌中,雪莱愿借西风之力,荡涤自己心中的沉暮之气,激发自己的灵感,并将自己的诗名传播四方,唤醒昏昏然的芸芸众生。多少年来,西风颂的影响超越了文学、超越了国界,被一代又一代的革命者当作自由与革命的颂歌。既是毁灭者又是保护者的西风无疑是破坏旧世界、创造新世界的革命的极好象征,所向披靡、势不可挡的西风则成了革命精神的化身,尤其是诗歌末尾的“风啊,冬天来了,春天还会远吗?”,一直是革命乐观主义

22、者的口号。 这首诗的结构安排精巧,值得品味。诗歌每节有14行五音步诗行,每节可独立成为一首十四行诗,前三节的末尾均以“oh,hear!”结尾,既在形式上把不同诗节贯串起来,又在语气上也使诗节之间相互照应。在每节内部,前12行利用三行诗(terza rima)的形式,最后两行为一个偶句(couplet),押韵格式为aba bcb cdc ded ee,使诗行前后衔接,最后两行冲破格式,模仿了西风飞旋、不可阻挡的气势,既传神又达意。,4. Discussion,Discuss the following topics with your classmates and then present yo

23、ur ideas. 1. At the end of the first stanza, the poet says that the west wind is both a destroyer and a preserver. In what way is the west wind both a destroyer and a preserver? 2. What is the relationship between the west wind and the poet? 3. As “the trumpet of prophecy”, what does the west wind predict in physical reality? How do you understand it symbolically? 4. This poem is a lyric on nature. What is the difference of nature as depicted in Wordsworths and Shelleys poems?,5. Resources,http:/ 提供雪莱的生平和诗歌全集,

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