1、美国2014年9月14 纽约,颊 针 疗 法,Prof Wang Yongzhou,美国天文学家兼科普作家卡尔萨根(Carl Sagan)说过:“科学与其说是大量知识的汇总,不如说是一种思考方式。” “Science is a way of thinking much more than it is a body of knowledge”,What it means bio hologram?,全息的经典表达就是“局部包含整体息”,全息探讨的就是局部与整体的特殊联系方式,如果我们把定义中的包含改变为“反映”、“影响”、“干预”、“投射”、“浓缩”、“表达”、“折射”、“涵盖”等语汇,全息的内
2、容将更加丰富。 The concept of bio hologram is the following :one part of the body could represent the entire body with all relevent information,What is the bio hologram?,Lets show the approach through some examples Metaphoric example Natural example Mathematical Modeling example,颊针疗法: 是指在人的面颊部的特定穴位上针灸或通过按压
3、、磁疗、激光等治病保健的方法。The Cheek Acupuncture Therapy is an acupunctural method through certain specific points on the cheek or by pressing, by magnetic or laser to treat diseases and keep one in good health .,1.颊针穴位图谱 Final representation for acupuncture cheek,颊针穴位图谱 The Cheek Acupoint Chart,颊针穴位图谱 The Chee
4、k Acupoint Chart,初步结论:在人的面颊部存在着一个涵盖整个人体的先天全息缩影系统颊针系统Our preamble remark : there exists a hologram epitome system (summary or miniature form; an instance that represents a larger reality) on human cheek that is the cheek acupuncture system.,生物全息论,张颖清指出:全息胚是作为生物体组成部分的、处于某个发育阶段的特化的胚胎,一个生物体是由处于不同发育阶段的、具
5、有不同特化程度的多重全息胚组成的,这样就给出了一个全新的生物整体观。,Bio-holographic law,Embryo contains the information about the whole organism (ECIWO)Or an Embryo holographic (EH) conceptNew Holistic Biology / Medicine approach : ECIWO are the components of an organism.An alive organism is composed by a multiple of holographic em
6、bryo in different states of development with different characteristics.,The ECIWO theory has broken down the border between the different and separated parts of the organism showing the uniqueness of all parts of an organism. It shows that the totipotent cells (capable of giving rise to any cell typ
7、e or (of a blastomere) a complete embryo) of plant and animal are the way to express the condition and the rule of distribution of the correlated parts of the organism.Therefore, it shows a correlation between different parts of a same organism,颊针适应症,Indications and some statistics of the Cheek Acup
8、uncture Therapy,颊针主要用于疼痛性疾病,具体见穴位主治,这主要是早期研究为了方便于我们判断和厘定穴位,疼痛性病症观察比较直接,通过对630例肢体性疼痛患者系统的临床观察。其即时止痛有效72.5,应用颊针治疗结果统计,总有效率87,显效58.9,有效28.1,无效l3。The cheek acupuncture therapy mainly treats the diseases of pains, concretizing the treatments by specific points. This is important because of the convenienc
9、e, for the early studies, to judge, measure and fix the points of treatment. For the diseases of pains, it can be relatively easy to observe. Through the systematic clinical study of 630 cases of member pains, the cheek therapy is 72.5% effective to stop immediately the pain. According to statistics
10、 of cheek treatment, the total efficiency amounts to 87%, notable efficiency is 58.9%, observable efficiency is 28.1%, and only 13% null and void.,100例内脏疼痛患者系统的临床观察,即时止痛有效率达68,应用颊针治疗结果统计,总有效率82,显效48,有效34,无效l8。目前我们又扩大到下肢循环障碍,亚健康状态,应激综合症的患者。The clinic observation of 100 cases of pains, caused by inter
11、nal organs, shows an immediate analgesic efficiency is 68%, and the total efficiency is 82% ( the notable efficiency is 48%, observable efficiency 34%), and 18% not effective. Now, we are dealing with the circulation handicap on lower members, the sub-health, stress.,颊针基本原理 Basic Mechanism of the ch
12、eck acupuncture therapy,颊针得气与多变量关系,Relation between De Qui and other elements,De qui positive responseneed a stimulationneed the QI,Induction of the change of the De Qui on the check,Sickness reason Psychology reason Physiology reason,Translation of the graphic,Stimulation,Response,Positive response
13、,Partial response,No response,MeridianLocalisationDepth,Time & Duration concepts,Manipulation TechniquePractiseExtraction of the needle,Tools Length Material Diameter,Patient - Consultation - Physical state - Psychological state,得气,得气与颊针穴位关系,颊针穴位三态,Three concepts and components,Normal StateBalanced
14、State,Idle State Non reaction,Active StateExtra Sensitive State,小 结颊针疗法具有理论系统的可解释性及操作系统的可验证性,颊针穴区呈现解剖靶点特异相关性,利用人体自然状态下的模型化研究,我们发现了一个全息微针新体系。,上世纪中期以来,头针、手针、足针、鼻针、眼针、腕踝针、腹针逐步面世,Conclusion (1),Since the last century, the acupunctures on ear, on head, on hand, on foot, on nose, on eye, on ankle and on a
15、bdomen have emerged successively,西方的耳针、虹膜诊断术及各种手足反射疗法也层出不穷,遥相呼应,渗透着人体全息思维的各种疗法及实践遍及世界,说明人体的全息现象绝非个别和偶然,经历了时间和地域的检验。,Conclusion (2),And in Occident, the techniques and therapy of iris and reflections have also succeeded one after another. All these complement each other : they are complementary techn
16、iques.,颊针疗法以全息思想为指导,历经了二十年的研究、探讨与总结,初步形成一个新的微针系统。,Conclusion (3),The therapies and practices of micro-needles have experienced successfully the tests throughout time and in different parts of the worldThis has shown that the existence of hologram in human body is not an accidental or occasional phen
17、omenon but an efficient concept.,作为生物与医学最为基础的解剖学、组织胚胎学、生理学,至今对于广泛存在的人体全息生命现象认识和理解基本上还是空白,这正是人体全息思想的生命魅力及价值所在。,Conclusion (4),At the same time, the knowledge and comprehensionrelating the phenomenon of human body hologramare extremely limited until now among the specialistsof anatomy, embryology and
18、biology: foundations of biological and medical sciences.,Conclusion (5),The most important signification of acupuncture and Chinese medicine is - to demonstrate the unknown and the vide of modern medical sciences and - to exert inspirations and influences on them, not to seek simple chiming or to ex
19、pect the others recognition.,中医存在的最大意义就是展现现代医学的未知与空白,并对其产生启示与影响,而不是简单的附和以及期望对方的认同。,Conclusion (6),Here, we try to catch and appeal for the attention from both the medical and biological worldIn China and in the other countries : we hope to be able to respond in an active, serious and responsible man
20、ner to the phenomenon of hologram, a phenomenon of human universality, a phenomenon of the nature of biological self-organization and a phenomenon of objective laws,在此,希望大家一同积极关注人体全息这一具有人类普遍意义的生命自组织现象及所展现的客观规律,尽管中、西医学对生命有各自不同的理解和诠释,但真正的经验事实将是永恒的存在。,Conclusion (7),In spite of their different comprehensions andexplanations of human life in Eastern and Westernmedical fields, the reality can always stand the test of duration and time.,