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1、1,现代西方文论 Contemporary Western Literary Theory 李志雄 文学博士、副教授、硕士生导师,2,一、本课程的教学和学习设置 1、汉语教学为主,部分采用双语教学中文和部分双语言教学,帮助大学生初步形成具有面向世界的学术研习和交流的能力。 2、考试方式 开卷考考试或撰写与本课程学习内容有关的简短论文一篇(依课程结束时具体情形而定 3、成绩构成考查成绩占70,平时成绩占30。平时成绩由出勤、学习态度、学习表现等构成。,3,二、现代西方文论梗概 1、时间跨度 主要指从20世纪初到当今。 2、特征 鲜明的反传统倾向 当代性 3、两大哲学思潮 人本主义:以人为本的哲学

2、理论,把人当作哲学研究的核心、出发点和归宿,通过对人本身的研究来探寻世界的本质及其他哲学问题。,4,象征主义、意象派诗论、表现主义、精神分析文论、直觉主义文论、现象学和存在主义文论、西方马克思主义、解释学和接受理论等科学主义:以自然科学的眼光、原则和方法来研究世界的哲学理论,把一切人类精神文化现象的认识论根源归结为数理科学,强调研究的客观性、精确性和科学性。 索绪尔的语言学理论、俄国形式主义、布拉格学派、新批评、结构主义、叙事学等,5,4、两次转移 研究作者研究文本(作品) 浪漫主义:天才、作家的创造、想象、灵感 现实主义:艺术真实(作家) 实证主义:生平、传记 精神分析:作家童年、少年的心理

3、或病历 意识流派:作家的心理和意识活动 俄国形式主义:语言形式和结构 新批评:意图谬见(孤立研究作品本身) 结构主义:文本是唯一研究对象,6,研究文本研究读者(接受) 接受美学:读者参与创造 解释学:艺术接受对艺术意义显现和持存的决 定性作用5、两次转向 非理性转向 理性主义:亚里士多德-笛卡尔-康德-黑格尔 非理性主义:叔本华-尼采-克罗齐-伯格森-弗 洛伊德-卡西尔-海德格尔-伽达默尔-姚 斯-德里达,7,语言论转向 认识论:古希腊的“是什么”十七世纪 欧洲哲学“何以是什么” 语言论:索绪尔-石里克-罗蒂美国哲学家罗蒂,8,6,What is theory?A body of genera

4、lizations and principles, or an ideal or hypothetical set of facts and circumstances. 7,What is Literary theory?Speculative discourse on literature and on practice of literature.,9,三、象征主义和意象主义诗论 1、名称提出和代表人物 1886年希腊诗人让莫雷亚斯在象征主义宣言中正式提出象征主义。象征主义前期代表人物为法国的波德莱尔、马拉美等,后期的为法国的瓦莱里、英国的叶芝等。 1913年美国诗人庞德在诗刊上回顾一文

5、中就他们的诗歌创作三原则正式提出意象主义的口号,称为意象主义宣言。代表人物还有英国文论家休谟。,10,2、瓦莱里以音乐化为核心的象征主义诗论 首先,音乐化是诗的语词关系在读者欣赏时所引起的一种和谐的整体感觉效果。 其次、诗情世界同梦幻世界有着某种联系。 再次、音乐化还包括语言的音乐化,音韵谐美节奏合拍。 诗的世界实质上是:语言(词)- 意象(形)-感觉(情)三者之间的 和谐、合拍的音乐化关系。,11,3、叶芝的理性与感性相统一的象征理论 象征的内涵:全部声音、全部颜色、全部形式,或者是因为它们的固有力量,或者是由于深远流长的联想,会唤起一些难以用语言说明,然而却又是很精确的感情。 感情的象征即

6、唤起感情的那些象征;理性的象征只唤起观念,或混杂着感情的观念。 感性与理性相结合的主张。一方面, 诗歌象征的创造,具有非理性和神秘 的性质。另一方面,理性具有激发灵 感和催化象征的作用。,12,4、庞德和休姆的意象主义诗论 庞德的生平 埃兹拉庞德(Ezra Pound)(1885-1972), 美国著名诗人,意象派的代表人物 。 代表作:灯火熄灭之时、诗章等。 庞德意象主义诗论的理论主张 (1)直接处理无论是主观的还是客观的“事物”。 (2)绝对不用任何无益于呈现的词。 (3)至于节奏:创作要依照乐句(musical phrase)的排列,而不是依照节拍器的机械重复。,13,休姆的生平:188

7、3-1917,曾就读于剑桥大学,文学理论家、批评家。是意象主义的重要代表,代表作有 沉思录、续沉思录等。 意象主义诗论的理论主张 首先,追求诗歌意象,主张通过形象(主要是视觉形象)来表达诗人的细微复杂的思想感情。 其次,休姆也强调意象描绘的精确性。 此外,也对强调类比、暗示、感应等的象征主义观点有所呼应。,14,四、表现主义 表现主义是指20世纪初叶发端于德国的一场文学和造 型艺术的创作活动和思潮,在文学理论和批评史上, 代表人物是意大利美学家克罗齐和英国美学家科林伍 德。 (1) 克罗齐的艺术即直觉即表现论 1直觉与表现 直觉指的是心灵赋予形式于杂乱无章的物质世界的活动。主张直觉不依赖于理智

8、、知觉、感受和综合。他把前者称为心灵的事实,后者称为机械的、被动的、自然的事实。直觉是自在自为的,不受制于机械的、被动的事实。,15,直觉知识就是表现的知识。直觉或表象,就其为形式而言,有别于凡是被感触和忍受的东西,有别于感受的流转,有别于心理的素材;这个形式,这个掌握,就是表现。直觉就是表现,而且只能是表现,一分不多,一分不少。 2、 关于诗的新解 古典诗 、形式主义诗 和教诲诗。 诗的确定就是一个直觉和表现的过程 。 诗作为直觉和表现,克罗齐提出它理应是声音和意象的结合。,16,Full name:Benedetto Croce Birth:February 25, 1866 (Pesca

9、sseroli, Italy) Death:November 20, 1952 (Naples, Italy) School/tradition:Hegelianism, Idealism, Liberalism Main interests:History, Aesthetics, Politics The philosophy of spirit: Heavily influenced by Hegel and other German Idealists, such as Fichte, Croce produced what was called, by him, the Philos

10、ophy of Spirit. Croce was an ardent idealist, and denied any reality other than “pure concept“, or simply ideas. “Pure Concept“ to him are largely Platos Ideas, and are similar to Kants categories, which are concepts like quantity, quality, evolution, more or less any idea we have that can be descri

11、bed as a universal idea. He came to the conclusion that if all of reality was an idea, all of reality could be reduced to purely logical concepts, and most of his works from there on are expositions on logic. He rejected all forms of religion, as not logical enough, and came to view most metaphysics

12、 in the same manner. He felt that all metaphysics are simple justifications of religious ideas and not full, viable philosophical ideas. Nevertheless, he held onto his idealism.,17,Beauty: Croces work Breviario di estetica (The Essence of Aesthetic) appears in the form of four lessons (quattro lezio

13、ni), as he was asked to write and deliver them at the inauguration of Rice University in 1912. He declined the invitation to attend the event; however, he wrote the lessons and submitted them for translation, so that they could be read in his absence. In this brief, but dense, work, Croce sets forth

14、 his theory of art. He claimed that art was more important than science or metaphysics, since only the former edifies us. He felt that all we know can be reduced to logical and imaginative knowledge. Art springs from the latter, making it at its heart, pure imagery. All thought is based in part on t

15、his, and it precedes all other thought. The task of an artist is then to put forth the perfect image that they can produce for their viewer, since this is what beauty fundamentally is - the formation of inward, mental images in their ideal state. Our intuition is the basis of forming these concepts

16、within us. This theory was later heavily debated by such contemporary Italian thinkers as Umberto Eco.,18,Robin George Collingwood Philosopher and historian In The Principles of Art Collingwood held (following Croce) that works of art are essentially expressions of emotion. He portrayed art as a nec

17、essary function ofthe human mind, and considered it collaborative activity. In politics Collingwood defended the ideals of what he called liberalism “in its Continental sense“: The the essence of this conception is . the idea of a community as governing itself by fostering the free expression of all

18、 political opinions that take shape within it, and finding some means of reducing this multiplicity of opinions to a unit.,19,(2) 科林伍德的表现理论 1.巫术和娱乐的艺术 巫术,其特点是追求一种实用目的。确切的说是一种表现主义的艺术,它通过其明确的实用性企图重新唤起某种情感,而且能使这种情感得到释放。 巫术艺术的几种类型 :民间艺术 、低俗艺术 、宗教艺术 、爱国主义艺术 、体育活动、社交仪典等等。 娱乐艺术的功利性引向某种外部的目的,不是引向艺术本身。情欲 、恐怖

19、、谋杀、堕落、血腥、狂乱的宣泄与反常的行为表现都是属于娱乐艺术。,20,2作为表现和想象的艺术 表现首先指向表现者自己 ,一个表现情感的人以同一种方式对待自己和观众,他使自己的情感对观众显得清晰,。 艺术创作不应为一般而忽略个别,真正的艺术不但应当表现个别,而且表现的结果是使艺术家与欣赏者之间的界限趋于消失。 艺术作为想象性的创造与真实世界的区别:想象是艺术的真正的创造者,任何想象都能创造出事物。科林伍德还提出了“总体想象性经验”的概念,它既包括感官经验,又超越感官经验。一件真正的艺术品,是欣赏它的人运用他的想象力所领会、所意识到的总体活动。换言之,艺术语言所传达的只是艺术想象活动的一小部分,

20、总体想象性经验有赖于接受者在自己的头脑中完成。,21,五、俄国形式主义与布拉格学派 1.俄国形式主义理论背景 19世纪末至20世纪初,俄罗斯文坛迎来了一个诗歌与批评理论繁荣、小说成就显著、散文和戏剧获得长足发展的“白银时代”,俄国形式主义理论正是诞生在这一时代。 俄国形式主义是1914年至1930年在俄罗斯出现的一种文学批评流派。它对后来的布拉格结构主义和60年代的法国结构主义都产生深远的影响。俄国形式主义有两个小组:一是“莫斯科语言小组” ,另一小组是“彼得堡小组” 。 强调文学研究首先是一门独立的学科,同其他学科一样,有自己独有的体系和内在规律。形式主义者将文学的内在规律称为“文学性”(L

21、iterariness),试图通过对“文学性”的研究来建立评价文学,也就是文学批评的学科体系。,22,2. 俄国形式主义的主要理论主张 文学作品是“意识之外的现实” 。 文学创作的根本艺术宗旨不在于审美目的,而在于审美过程。 文学批评的任务是要研究文学之所以成为文学的内部规律,即文学性 。 现代语言学的研究方法是文学批评可以运用的主要方法之一。 .,23,3.布拉格学派的理论特征 狭义的布拉格学派是指本世纪20年代后半期以来,参加布拉格语言学会,以及在学术观点,学术活动上跟这个学会有密切联系的一批语言学家和文艺理论家。广义的布拉格学派则包括参加捷克斯洛伐克语言学会等语言学团体,继承布拉格语言学

22、会传统的当代语言学家。对法国结构主义和美国语言学等的发展具有重要影响。 注重语言的功能研究。 类比方法是布拉格学派主要的研究手段之一。 把共时性语言学研究与历时性语言学研究结合起来。 转向读者。,24,4什克洛夫斯基的形式主义文艺理论观点: Viktor Shklovsky (1893-1984) Shklovsky developed the concept of ostranenie or defamiliarization in literature. He explained this idea as follows: “The purpose of art is to impart

23、the sensation of things as they are perceived and not as they are known. The techniqueof art is to make objects unfamiliar, to make forms difficult,to increase the difficulty and length of perception becausethe process of perception is an aesthetic end in itself and must be prolonged. Art is a way o

24、f experiencing the artfulness of anobject; the object is not important.“ (Shklovsky, “Art as Technique“, 12) In other words, art presents things in a new, unfamiliar light by way of formal manipulation. This is what is artful about art. Shklovskys work pushes Russian Formalism towards understanding

25、literary activity as integral parts of social practice, an idea that becomes important in the work of Mikhail Bakhtin and Russian and Prague School scholars of semiotics.,25,文艺的自主性。文学性。 对“内容与形式”二分法的反对 。 艺术程序。 “陌生化”理论 。 (1)“陌生化”是俄国形式主义文论的核心概念之一 ,文艺的美感特征首先是惊奇陌生的新鲜感。 (2)文艺作品的美感只产生于语言、叙述方式、情节构造等形式上的独特性,

26、与内容无关。文学的价值就在于让人们通过阅读恢复对生活的感觉,在这一感觉的过程中产生审美快感。 (3)从“本事”到“情节”,必须经过作家的创造性变形。 (4)文学语言与日常语言的关系:在日常语言中,说话的意义(内容)是最重要的成分,其他的一切均作为手段为它服务;在文学语言中,表达本身(形式)就是目的,意义要么完全被排除(无意义语言),要么本身之成为手段,成为语言游戏的无关紧要的材料。诗歌语言的陌生化程度很高,因此,它总是处于文学语言的最高层次上。,26,5雅各布森对文学性的语言学阐释 Roman Osipovich Jakobson, Russian,11 October 1896 18 Jul

27、y 1982) was a Russian linguist and literary critic, associated with the Formalist school. He became one of the most influential linguists of the 20th century by pioneering the development of structural analysis of language, poetry, and art.Functions referential (= contextual information) poetic (= a

28、utotelic) emotive (= self-expression) conative (= vocative or imperative addressing of receiver) phatic (= checking channel working) metalingual (= checking code working),27,文艺学研究的对象:文学性 不能从社会生活方面、作品的内容方面去探讨文学性,而只能 从作品的艺术形式中找。雅各布森进一步说明,不能从单部的 文学作品中去寻找他认为,文学性不存在与某一部文学作品 中,它是一种同类文学作品普遍运用的构造原则和表现手段。 艺术

29、形式则是固定的、不变的,可以而且容易成 为科学研究的对象。 文学性:诗性功能 诗歌(文学)语言往往打破符号与指称的稳固的逻辑关系,而 为能指与所指的其他新的关系和功能(如审美)的实现提供可 能。在隐喻和转喻的两极中,他把诗歌分为两类:隐喻和 转喻。,28,6艾亨鲍姆的科学实证主义文论 科学实证主义理论原则形式主义者研究的中心并不是所谓的形式方法,也不谋求建立一种独特 的方法论体系,而是要探索一些理论原则,根据这些原则去研究文学艺术 作品的特征。科学的特殊性和具体化原则便是这些原则中最重要的一个。 形式主义者的科学实证主义态度还非常明显的表现在对词语的研究上。他 们把词语的复活不仅理解为摆脱词的

30、一切着重强调的意义和任何象征意 义,而且特别是前期,要几乎彻底取消词语的意识形态意义本身。 文学史研究 文学发展具有其自身的必然规律性,存在着一条从作品到作品,从风格 到风格、从派别到派别、从一个主要结构成分到另一个主要结构成分的发 展道路。艾亨鲍姆“创新”即“发现”的观点:新的艺术形式的创造,本质上 是一种发现,此形式潜藏于以前阶段的形式之中 ,后来出现的艺术形式创 新也就是上一时期之前的东西。,29,六、精神分析批评 佛洛伊德的精神分析心理学 佛洛伊德简介主要理论观点 (1)潜意识 (2)泛性论 (3)本能说 (4)人格结构 (5)论梦,30,2. 荣格的精神心理分析学 荣格简介主要理论观

31、点 (1)集体无意识 (2)原型说,31,七、直觉主义和意识流 1、柏格森与直觉主义 (1)柏格森简介 亨利柏格森(Henri Bergson, 18591941)法国哲学家。 1914年选为法兰西科学院院士。 1927年,他被授予诺贝尔文学奖。 主要著作有:时间与自由意志 (1889)、笑的研究(1900)、 形而上学导论(1903)、 创造进化论(1907)。,32,(2)PhilosophyOne of Bergsons main problems is to think novelty as pure creation, instead of as the unraveling of

32、a predetermined program. His is a philosophy of pure mobility, unforeseeable novelty, creativity and freedom, which can thus be characterized as a process philosophy. It touches upon such topics as time and identity, free will, perception, change, memory, consciousness, language, the foundation of m

33、athematics and the limits of reason.Criticizing Kants theory of knowledge exposed in the Critique of Pure Reason and his conception of truthwhich he compares to Platos conception of truth as its symmetrical inversion (order of nature/order of thought)he attempted to redefine the relations between sc

34、ience and metaphysics, intelligence and intuition, and insisted on the,33,necessity of increasing thoughts possibility through the use of intuition, which would be, according to him, the only way of approaching a knowledge of the absolute and of real life, understood as pure duration. Because of his

35、 (relative) criticism of intelligence, he makes a frequent use of images and metaphors in his writings in order to avoid the use of concepts, which he considers fail to touch the whole of reality, being only a sort of abstract net thrown on things. For instance, he says in The Creative Evolution (ch

36、ap.III) that thought in itself would never have thought it possible for the human being to swim, as it cannot deduce swimming from walking. For swimming to be possible, man must throw itself in water, and only then can thought consider swimming as possible. Intelligence, for Bergson, is a practical

37、faculty rather than a pure speculative faculty, a product of evolution used by man to,34,survive. If metaphysics is to avoid “false problems“, it should not extend to pure speculation the abstract concepts of intelligence, but rather use intuition The Creative Evolution was in particular an attempt

38、to think the continuous creation of life, which explicitly pitted itself against Herbert Spencers evolutionary philosophySpencer had attempted to transpose Darwins theory of evolution in philosophy and to construct a cosmology based on this theory; he was also the inventor of the expression “surviva

39、l of the fittest.“ Although Spencer is considered as an important influence of Bergson, some have downplayed it, as it seems that Bergson would have very early criticized him . Henri Bergsons Lebensphilosophie (Philosophy of Life) can be seen as a response to the mechanistic philosophies of his time

40、 11, but also to the failure,35,of Finalism.Indeed, he considers that finalism is unable to explain “duration“ and the “continuous creation of life“, as it only explains life as the progressive development of an initially determined programa notion which remains, for example, in the expression of a

41、“genetic program“; such a description of finalism was adopted, for instance, by Leibniz. Bergson thought that it was impossible to plan beforehand the future, as time itself unraveled unforeseen possibilities. Indeed, a historical event could always be explained retrospectively by its conditions of

42、possibility. But, in the introduction to the Pense et le mouvant, he explains that such an event created its causes retrospectively, taking the example of the creation of a work of art, for example a symphony: it was impossible to predict what would be the,36,symphony of the future, as if the musici

43、an knew what symphony would be the best for his time, he would realize it. In his words, the effect created its cause. Henceforth, he attempted to find a third way between mechanism and finalism, through the notion of an original impulse, the lan vital, in life, which dispersed itself through evolut

44、ion into contradictory tendencies (he substituted to the finalist notion of a teleological aim a notion of an original impulse).,37,(3)直觉与艺术 区分了直觉和理性分析两种认知世界的方式。环绕而过/进入内部;拆分孤立/物我统一 艺术中的直觉问题,提倡的是一种由内向外的直觉式、体味式的解读模式 。 笑被还原成一种展示了机械运动特征的人文行为,模仿了单纯、机械和无生命的那一方面,表现了个体或集体的不完善性,笑即为校正。而艺术不是此种功利的活动,是心灵的感知。 艺术是

45、一种直觉,生命永不重复自身。艺术作为直觉意味着鲜明的个别性,艺术家的禀赋,以直觉超越理性,在于一种无目的的感觉。,38,(4)绵延说 时间分为用钟表度量的时间,即“空间时间”;另一者是通过直觉体验的时间,即“心理时间”,并命名为“绵延”。 绵延既不是同质的、又不是可分的一种永远的运动过程,是我们每一个人的存在,为我们的直觉经验所感知的一种真正的时间,它存在于记忆之中,对肉体来说具有很大程度的独立性。 绵延是一个浑然不可分的整体,是不断的流动和变化,它不同于物质流,它的任何一刻都无始端和终结,它们是相互延展、紧衔在一起的。 绵延与艺术创造的关系,艺术创造不是抽象的而是涉及具体,必然导致那不可预见

46、的“无”才是艺术创造中的一切结论。“无”并不是一无所有的空无,而是摈弃物质,没入正在创造进化的时间生命之流,同时创造自身以为形式,在绵延中展开又与绵延合而为一。,39,2、威廉詹姆斯的意识流理论 (1)William James 1842.01.11 1910.08.26,美国本土第一位 哲学家和心理学家,也是教育学家, 实用主义的倡导者,美国机能主义 心理学派创始人之一,也是美国最 早的实验心理学家之一。 Theory of emotion James is one of the two namesakes of the James-Lange theory of emotion, whic

47、h he formulated independently of Carl Lange in the 1880s. The theory holds that emotion is the minds perception of physiological conditions that result from some stimulus. In James oft-cited example; it is not that we see a bear, fear it, and run. We see a bear and run, consequently we fear the bear

48、. Our minds perception of the higher adrenaline level, heartbeat, etc., is the emotion.,40,This way of thinking about emotion has great consequences for the philosophy of aesthetics. Here is a passage from his great work, Principles of Psychology, that spells out those consequences. We must immediat

49、ely insist that aesthetic emotion, pure and simple, the pleasure given us by certain lines and masses, and combinations of colors and sounds, is an absolutely sensational experience, an optical or auricular feeling that is primary, and not due to the repercussion backwards of other sensations elsewhere consecutively aroused. To this simple primary and immediate pleasure in certain pure sensations and harmonious combinations of them, there may, it is true, be added secondary pleasures; and in the,

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