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1、学校代码: 10246学 号: 硕 士 学 位 论 文Title in ChineseTitle in English院 系: 经济学院专 业: 应用经济学(中国经济)姓 名:指 导 教 师: 完 成 日 期 : 年 月 日UNIVERSITY CODE: 10246STUDENT ID: TITLE OF THE THESISMA THESISPresented in Partial Fulfillment of theRequirement for the Master Degree by theGraduate School of Fudan UniversityByLast name,

2、 First nameFudan University2015Defense Date: April 24, 2015 EMA Chinese Economy ProgramComment a1: List of Professors Who Guided You at the Thesis Proposal Meeting Comment a2: ProfessorComment a3: Associate professorComment a4: LecturerComment a5: Professors Chinese name指导小组成员名单熊继洲 教 授孙立坚 副教授朱 叶 副教授

3、杨长江 讲 师Comment a6: TABLE OF CONTENTSComment a7: 1Please add subtitles after each chapter(“章”) and section(“节”) for example:第一章 宏观经济 .1 第一节 经济运行.12Translation of some of the items listed here: 摘要 Abstract引言 Introduction结论 Conclusion参考文献 Bibliography后记 PostscriptI目 录摘 要 .1Abstract.2引 言 3第一章 (略) .7第一节

4、7第二节 9第三节 17第二章 .22第一节 22第二节 23第三章 .29第一节 29第二节 35第三节 40第四节 43第四章 .46第一节 46第二节 49第三节 54第四节 56结 论 65参考文献 68后 记 71Comment a8: Chinese AbstractComment a9: Body of your Chinese AbstractComment a10: Key WordsComment a11: Type your key words in Chinese (about three).Comment A12: Chinese Library Classifica

5、tion CodeComment a13: Just keep the original code if you dont know how to do it.1摘 要金融控股公司作为企业,特别是金融企业实现业务多元化战略的一种有效的组织结构形式,在经济全球化的浪潮中已成为金融业发展的一种主流趋势。对金融控股公司的理论和实证研究没有对其独特优势形成一致结论,可以说,金融控股公司的优势与风险并存,而且其优势的发挥要具备一定的内外部条件。但是在实践中,金融控股公司在发达国家展示出了强大的生命力,成为许多国家金融企业增强竞争力的有效手段。我国正处在经济体制转轨的关键时期,在加上入世时承诺的 2006



8、践和我国实际,从金融控股公司发展模式、发展步骤、内部建设和外部监管四个方面提出一些政策建议。关键词:金融控股公司 发展模式中图分类号:F276.62AbstractAs an effective form of organization structure for an enterprise, especially a financial intermediary, to fulfill the strategy of diversify, Financial Holding Co-pany(FHC) has become a major growth tendency of financia

9、l industry in the process of economy globalization. The research in theory and demonstration for FHC has not draw a consistent conclusion for its particular superiority, which means the concurrence of its predominance and risk, and it needs some inner and external conditions to achieve the superiori

10、ty. But in the practice, FHC has shown its strong vitality and become an effective method for many countries to improve their competitive position.It is a realistic issue of how to cope with the strong competition of foreign financial intermediaries in the period of economic system transformation an

11、d the general opening after 2006. According to the growth trend of global financial in-dustry and its present status in China, FHC is a efficient approach to achieve the integrated operation under the restrict of separate operation. In the thesis, we try to find a way suited to Chinese FHCs developm

12、ent through the analysis and comparison of the developing process and mode of FHC in major developed countries.The thesis is composed of four chapters. The 1st chapter is the theory review of FHC. Firstly, we give our opinion to the sectors absolutely necessary for FHC according to the research of f

13、oreign and domestic. Then we review the foreign research to the theory on FHC. Finally, we will see about the demonstration to its related theories. In chapter 2, we discuss the feasibility of FHC in China from the point of view of market admittance through the analysis to the operation of financial

14、 industry mode and the concentration of banking. In chapter 3, we do a simply review to the process of emergence and development of FHC in several major developed countries firstly, then we analyze and compare the three different modes of FHC, and do a research to the diversify strategy of FHC by a

15、model, finally, we will draw any inspiration. In chapter 4, we especially analyze the necessity of developing FHC in China, and then we review its circumstance in China.we also do a systematic analysis to the risks faced by FHC, and give our suggestions to its developing modes, steps, inner construc

16、tion and external supervision.Keywords: financial holding company development modeChinese Library Classification Code:F276.6Comment a14: INTRODUCTIONComment a15: (Omitted)3引 言( 略)Comment a16: CONCLUSIONComment a17: (Omitted)65结 论(略)Comment a18: BIBILIOGRAPHY68参考文献1蔡浩仪.抉择:金融混业经营与监管M.昆明:云南人民出版社,2002:5


18、.南方金融,2004(10):33-35.9王学军.金融控股公司发展的理论基础及启示J.中央财经大学学报,2004(8):19-23.10祁国联.国外金融控股公司的比较与我国的发展模式探讨J.中州学刊,2004(6):53-55.11郑良芳.稳健发展我国金融控股公司的研究与建议J.经济研究参考,2004(35): 9-13。12孔令学.中国金融控股公司制度发展模式探讨J.济南金融,2003(9):28-30。13余敏.对商业银行发展金融控股公司的思考J.上海金融,2004(7):58-59.14汤斌,李健.金融控股公司:商业银行实践混业经营的组织模式选择J.乡镇经济,2004(7):38-40


20、融,2004(5):14-16.22段鸿斌.开放条件下我国金融控股公司监管制度设计J.新疆财经,2004(2)19-21.23冯静生.论我国金融控股公司的发展J.金融理论与实践,2004(4):15-17.24彭宗明.我国发展金融控股公司的模式选择J.商业时代,2004(17):14-16.25蔡才河.我国金融控股公司的发展J.浙江金融,2004(6):16-18.26王栋,王静然.中国商业银行集中度与回报率背离分析兼论我国银行市场结构的优化J.武汉金融,2000(4):31-33.27于忠,王继翔.对我国银行业集中度决定因素的实证分析J.统计研究,2000 (5):21-23.28徐杰.中国

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28、g Companies-Entry forNew Pal grave Dictionary of Law and Economics, Harvard Law School.Comment a19: POSTSCRIPT (similar to ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS)Comment a20: (Omitted)71后 记(略)Statement of OriginalityThe thesis is independently written by the author under the direction of the advisor. In addition to what

29、is specially labeled and contained in the acknowledgement, the thesis does not include anything published or written by other persons or organizations. Inspirations and contributions by other people have been clearly stated and appreciated in the thesis.Authors Signature: Date: Authorization Stateme

30、nt for Thesis UseThe author fully understands the provisions of Fudan University on keeping and using degree theses, namely: the school reserves the right to retain a copy of the thesis and allow it to be searched and read by others. The school may publish all or part of the thesis and retain it by

31、photocopying, microprinting or other reproduction means. Confidential theses Comply with these provisions after the decryption. Authors Signature: Advisors Signature: Date:Comment a21: A STATEMENT OF THE ORIGINALITY OF THE THESIS (i.e. the thesis is written by you) Comment a22: SignatureComment a23:

32、 DateComment a24: A STATEMENT OF AUTHORIZATION FOR THE THESIS TO BE STORED BY THE LIBRARY AND READ BY OTHERSComment a25: SignatureComment a26: Supervisors SignatureComment a27: Date论文独创性声明本论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。论文中除了特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,不包含其他人或其它机构已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。其他同志对本研究的启发和所做的贡献均已在论文中作了明确的声明并表示了谢意。作者签名: 杨宏宇 日期: 2012.6 论文使用授权声明本人完全了解复旦大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,即:学校有权保留送交论文的复印件,允许论文被查阅和借阅;学校可以公布论文的全部或部分内容,可以采用影印、缩印或其它复制手段保存论文。保密的论文在解密后遵守此规定。作者签名: 杨宏宇 导师签名: 熊继洲 日期: 2012.6

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