1、y !9n L = $ 1,2, 3,b S2( 1.杭州市消防支队,浙江杭州 310015; 2. 浙江大学城市学院计算机与计算科学学院,浙江杭州 310015; 3.浙江大学计算机学院,浙江杭州 310027)K1: 近年来我国的高等教育事业迅速发展, 由于高等院校的法制教育、消防安全教育以及消防基础设施未能同步发展, 火灾事故屡有发生, 损失惨重。针对高等院校的特点, 就发生火灾、地震等紧急情况下, 如何在最短时间内进行紧急疏散提出了具体的措施与对策。1oM: 火灾; 安全疏散; 疏散模型; 数学模型ms |: X913, TU244. 3DS : BcI|: 1009- 0029( 2
2、008) 10- 0752- 06n v,y O? v, 7M “, v,1 p,hTEsNbn q,n $ 6, Esf, 3“8 a ia J$ !, “9F,y P ?BM,B? 3,/ v ,hT Gb nTb15ss5 L0W =# BQ=Q,b a a ? a 8 L a f M “dbEy $ 40 : ( 1) ( 2) ( 3) “d ; ( 4) ? “d b 88 m1 Ub 8 HWT s V 7Vr i g HWT 1aV b , !3 g, 2 g H ( , ? I n1 g, =3 ?YV H ( kg/ s)a HWt 3= q( kg/ kg)a HWt 3
3、 q( kg/ kg)?Z t Mm,sY m10j13 Ub756 FireScienceandTechnology, October 2008, Vol 27, No. 10 3cv 8, o _ T, 8s 510- 5 b HW , P s 4 -b o _ 8 A oM , n5 S a ,/ .e,F i Vn, P s 4 bBy HW 1rBS, Vs 9 V ?h K b3 or, HWp Q,r, HW “ 0. 4/ m H, |$ /byN,L ! , H | 60%b9 ,B L O? 3107 i H, (, HW1. 5 s/ b T , (, HW| 10 bN
4、, T? 3 107 i,7 L gZ, * PB , HW9 b sV Li ? db49YVy * / ,V wL t M,i O C zbYV Y M t 9 , Kv Hq p HWby Bi ,I n Y,i O4 r, HW Q,|y Z TV HW M HW# r B Z T,ny 4 Ib ID 1 J J Fruin . Pedestrian Planning and Design M . M etropolitanAssociation of Urban Designers an d Environm ental Plann ers, In c. ,1971. 2 S te
5、phen Ph easant, Bod yspace: Anthropometry, Ergonomics and theDesign of the W ork 2nd Ed M . US A Taylor 2. School of Computer and ComputingScience, Zhejiang University Cit y College, Zhejiang Hangzhou310015, China; 3. College of Computer Science, ZhejiangUniversit y, Zhejiang Hangzhou 310027, China)
6、Abstract: The higher educat ion developed fast in Chinarecently. The educat ion of legal system, fire protect ion safetyand the infrast ructure construction in university did notdeveloped equally, and t he happening of fire in university costa lot . The countermeasures of evacuating in short time underfire and eart hquake condit ion w ere put forw ard considering thefeatures of university.Key words: fire; evacuation; evacuat ion model; mat hem aticmodel作者简介: 朱 江( 1981- ) , 男, 杭州市消防支队防火处技术科副科长,主要从事建筑防火监督管理工作,浙江省杭州市上城区望江东路1号, 310015。收稿日期: 2008- 06- 20757消防科学与技术2008 M1027 10