1、考研应该从哪里入手开始准备?应该如何选择报考专业和院校?应该选择考研还是选择就业?目前,有许多准备 2010 年考研的同学都被这样一些问题所困惑,纷纷在网络上向考研教育网咨询专家或者考研同路人询问相关问题。为了解决大家的疑问,并帮助考生尽快进入考研状态,考研教育网小编特意为考研新手们编写这篇文章,希望对广大考生有所帮助! 考研是每年 1 月份开设的全国硕士研究生入学统一考试的简称,考研全程具有阶段性特点。因此,考生应该在考研初期熟知考研流程、了解考研常识,从而提前做好考研各阶段的准备工作。 一、明确考研目的 很多人都说考研是一场挑战自我、挑战极限的耐力赛。的确,在考研初试前就主动放弃的人不在少
2、数。经过调查与分析得出,很多人放弃考试的原因在于考研目的不明确、信心不够坚定。只要坚持不懈地努力,能够坚持到底的同学,最后大部分都取得了胜利!可以说,明确考研目的是确保成功的基础! 希望大家在萌发考研想法的时候先问问自己:我为什么要考研? 目前,广大考生考研的目的主要集中在以下几点:1.为了逃避就业而选择考研;2. 同学们都考研,自己也 “跟风”似的加入考研队伍;3.想通过考研换个专业,从而改变命运;4. 为了经历考研。无论你选择考研的原因是什么,如果一旦决定要为此而努力拼搏,那么就要把考研进行到底!因为,明确考研目的是确保成功的基础!二、搜集考研信息 如果决定要考研,那么从现在就要开始收集信
3、息,以便及早有针对性的进行备考。考生首先要收集招生单位真实有效的信息,并对这些信息进行综合对比。一是招生单位的录取分数线,是高于还是低于全国统一最低分数线;二是所要报考的专业院系的录取平均分和最低分数;三是报考人数和招生人数的录取比例,了解竞争的激烈程度。 三、选择报考专业、院校及辅导机构 (一) 选择专业及院校 考生在报考专业时应该从自己的实际出发,准确地为自己定位。部分专业总体的报考人数很多,但并非所有学校的竞争都很激烈,考生应该全面分析,不宜仅以报考人数来判断专业的冷热程度和竞争激烈程度。而且不应该盲目地跟从大众的潮流,报考所谓的热门专业,应该从自己的实际出发,量体裁衣,准确地为自己定位
4、。 首先,应选择喜欢的专业。研究生阶段的研究方向可能将决定一生所从事的职业。再者,尽量选择本专业相关的专业。大学打下的良好基础,将有助于研究生阶段的进一步学习。最后,清醒地认识自己的实力。只有既认清形势,又认识自身实力,才能做出理性的选择,使自己的成功概率最大化。如果感觉自己的基础很扎实,而且很早就有换专业的打算和准备,可以考虑换一个相对不错的专业。跨专业考研的同学应更早做准备,以保证必要的学习时间。因为各个专业有自己的学科范畴,不同专业之间的学生在知识体系和结构上存在着较大差异,因此需要在专业上面投入比较多的时间和精力。 硕士研究生招生单位包括两大系统,一是高等院校,二是专业研究单位。高等院
5、校大致分为几个档次:第一类,名校。定位为国际知名的院校。如清华大学、北京大学、复旦大学等等。第二类,重点高校,即 34 所自主划院校。第三类,“211 工程”和教育部直属的高校(除上面所提到的学校 )。 选择研究单位时主要参照自己的竞争实力,另外再结合其它一些因素,例如单位所在地等等。选择招生单位时一方面要完全清楚自己的需要,另一方面需完全了解招生单位以下情况:1.学术地位。 2.就业计划、毕业分配去向等。3.生活条件、校园环境等。4. 学费 (二)选择辅导机构 参加考研辅导班的主要目的在于:1.使复习更有条理,更有重点,更有计划;2. 参加辅导班可以强制带动学习兴趣,提高效率,避免学习低谷。
6、但并非所有的考研辅导班都可以上,还是要有所选择。目前社会上开设考研辅导班的机构较多,那么,如何选择适合自己的考研学校和辅导班呢?有关专家为考生提供如下判断标准: 1.口碑好不好。多搜集一些考研过来人对各个辅导班的评价,可以避免金钱与时间的多重浪费。 2.资料全不全。全面、系统的好教材代表着雄厚的辅导力量和良好的服务意识。 3.师资强不强。判断师资力量关键在于综合实力,因为任何一门课程,都不是由一、两个教师包到底的,而是一批教师配合的结果。还要深入了解教师的学术背景、资料著述成就、辅导成就等。 4.服务好不好。权威的辅导机构,不应该仅仅办班,同时还应提供资料、信息等方面的配套服务。服务项目越齐全
7、,服务周期越长,对考生帮助越大。 5.规模大不大。规模一定程度上代表了过去的辅导成绩,代表了公众的认可程度 一、开头段1.The arguer may be right about, but he seems to neglect to mention the fact that2.Contrary to generally accepted views, I argue that3.There is an element of truth in this argument, but it ignores a deeper and more basic fact that4.It is tru
8、e that, but this is not to say that5.The main/obvious problem with this argument is that it is blind to the basic fact that6.It would be natural/reasonable to think that, but it would be absurd to claim that7.In all the discussion and debate over, one important fact is generally overlooked/neglected
9、.8.There is absolutely no reason for us to believe that9.To assume thatis far from being proved.10.A close inspection of this argument would reveal how flimsy (groundless.it is.11.On the surface (At first thought), it may seem an attractive idea, but on second thought, we find that12.Too much emphas
10、is placed onmay obscure other facts13.The problem/fact are that14.However logical this argument may be, it only skims the surface of the problem.15.As far as I am concerned, I believe that16.Although I appreciate that, I cannot agree with17.Those who object toargue thatBut people who favor, on the o
11、ther hand, argue that18.Currently, there is a general concern over19.Now it is widely acknowledged thatBut I wonder whether20.These days we often hear about, but is this really the case?二、中间段1.The change inMainly results from2.The increase inIs due to the fact that3.Many people would claim that4.One
12、 of the reasons given foris thatWhat is also worth noticing is that5.There are a variety of reasons for this dramatic growth inFirstSecondFinally6.There is no evidence to suggest that7.Why are (is/do/did)? For one thingFor another8.There are numerous reasons why, and I shall here explore only a few
13、of the most important ones.9.It will exert remarkable effect on10.A multitude of factors could account for (contribute to.the change in11.With the development of, vast changes awaits this country society.12.History is filled with the examples of13.The story is not rare (isolated/unique), it is one o
14、f many examples.14.As is shown in the table released by the government, it can be learned that15.There is (no.good evidence to16.We must admit the undeniable fact that17.No one can deny (brush aside.the fact that18.Experience (Evidence.suggests that19.The same is true of20.As the saying goes三、结尾段1.T
15、aking into account of all these factors, we may reach the conclusion that2.Judging from all evidence offered, we may safely come to the conclusion that3.It is high time that we place great emphasis on the improvement of4.It is high time that we put an end to the unhealthy situation (tendency/phenome
16、non.of5.There is no easy solution to the problem of, butmight be useful.6.Given the factors I have just outlined, I can only say that7.Unless there is a common realization of, it is very likely that8.There is no denying that serious attention must be called to the problem of 9.It is essential that e
17、ffective measures should be taken to prevent the situation.10.It is fundamental that effective actions should be taken to control the tendency.11.It is suggested that great efforts should be made to control the growth of12.It is hoped that great efforts should be focused on finding (developing/impro
18、ving)13.It remains to be seen whether, but the prospect is not quite encouraging.14.It remains unknown whether, but the outlook is quite rosy.15.Anyhow, wider education should be given to the possible consequences of16.Anyway, more publicity should be given to the potential effects of17.To reverse the trend is not a light task, and it requires a different state of mind towards18.To control the tendency is not an easy job, and it involves a different state of attitude towards19.For the reasons presented above, I strongly commit to the notion that20.To put all into a nutshell, I