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1、 00 级临床医学、预防医学专业儿科学考卷 2005.6姓名 学号 班级 成绩一、选择题(每题 1 分,共 40 分)A 型题1. During fetal life, the earliest synthesized immunoglobin is A. IgMB. IgDC. IgGD. IgAE. IgE2. The range of serum natrium concentration inisonatremic dehydration should be A. 120140mmol/LB. 130160mmol/LC. 140160mmol/LD. 140150mmol/LE. 1

2、30150mmol/L3. A boy, one year old ,with high fever 6 days, listlessness, frequent cough, paroxysmal respiratory distress . Physical examination: nares flaring, marked inspiratory retractions, dullness at both lower lungs, decreased breath sounds, small amount of fine moist rale through both lungs. T

3、he white blood count was 9.0109/L, the chest x-ray showed bilaterally patchy shadow of density. The most likely diagnosis is: A. staphylococcal pneumonia B. respiratory syncytial virus pneumonia C. adenovirus pneumoniaD. mycoplasma pneumoniaE. pneumoncoccus pneumonia 4. Which is main difference betw

4、een dehydration of severe degree and moderate degree?A. poor skin resiliencyB. orbit pitting C. oliguria or anuriaD. metabolic acidosisE. peripheral circulatory failure5. A pre-term baby of one month and two days old, gestational age 35 weeks, born in winter, breast feeding, weight is increasing fro

5、m 2.0kg to 3.0kg. Now which supplementary food is added to at first and why? A. rice-water, for supplementation of energyB. vegetable soup,for supplementation of mineral substancesC. rice-paste,for supplementation of energyD. cod liver oil, for supplementation of Vit AE. cod liver oil, for supplemen

6、tation of Vit D6. What time is better for weaning in breast feeding baby? A. 4-5 months of ageB. 6-9 months of age C. 10-12 months of ageD. 13-15 months of age E. 18 months of age 7. The ratio of Calcium and Phosphorus in breast-milk is A. 1:2B. 1.5:1C. 2:1D. 1.2:1E. 1.5:28. What is the most importa

7、nt clinical feature of nephritic syndrome? A. ProteinuriaB. EdemaC. HypertensionD. HypoalbuminemiaE. Hypercholesteolemia9. Very low birth-weight infant is the newborn whose birth weight is less than A. 2500gB. 2000gC. 1500gD. 1000gE. 800g10. The major manifestation of Tuberculous meningitis in child

8、ren is A. A tense anterior fontanealB. ConvulsionC. StuporD. Cranial nerve palsiesE. Mood changes11. If the mothers Rh blood type is CcDdee and the fetus is CcDdEe, then Rh incompatibility should be A. C antigenB. c antigenC. D antigenD. E antigen E. e antigen 12. DTP (Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis

9、 vaccine), Primary immunization should be takenA. Just one time B. Once a month, two timesC. Once a month, three timesD. Once a week, two timesE. Once a week, three times13. Physiologic weight lower of a normal newborn will be recovered in A. 13daysB. 35 daysC. 57 daysD. 710 days E. 1014 days14. A h

10、ealthy boy, one year and six months old, how much energy and water should he require everyday ? energy (kj) /kg water(ml) /kgA. 418 (100 kcal) 100B. 460 (110 kcal) 100C. 418 (100 kcal) 110D. 418 (100 kcal) 125E. 925 (150 kcal) 15015. An infant, weight 7 kg, length 65 cm,head circumference 42 cm, the

11、 infant should be A. 5 months oldB. 6 months oldC. 7 months oldD. 8 months oldE. 9 months old16. If a staphylococcal pneumonia patient suddenly breath difficultly, we should consider that is because : A. high feverB. acidosisC. pneumonia developedD. pyopnemothorax E. heart failure17. Which one is th

12、e most common type of TB in children A. Primary pulmonary tuberculosisB. Miliary tuberculosisC. Tuberculosis meningitisD. Tubeculosis of abdomenE. Tuberculous pleurisy18. Which one is the cyanotic type of congenital heart disease A. ventricular septal defectB. atrial septal defectC. tetralogy of Fal

13、lotD. Patent ductus arteriosusE. pulmonary stenosis 19. The major manifestions of acute glomerulonephritis are A. hypertension, hematuria, proteinuriaB. proteinuria, hypertensionC. edema, hypertension, hematuriaD. oliguria, edema, hypertension, hematuriaE. oliguria, edema, hematuria, hypercholesteol

14、emia 20. PPD test is a reliable diagnostic test for tuberculosis, an infected patient respounds positively of infection A. immediately B. within 1-2 weekC. within 2-4 weekD. within 4-10 weekE. after 10 week21. 4 个月健康婴儿,生活在某地。因无母乳,当地只有羊奶。而喂羊奶的唯一缺点是A. 蛋白质含量稍多,但以白蛋白为高B. 脂肪含量多,但其脂肪球少C. 叶酸与维生素 B 12 含量少D.

15、 矿物质含量过高E. 每 100ml 羊奶中的热量过低22. 男孩,5 岁,营养发育中等,平时少病。其标准体重、身长最可能为A. 15kg、100cm B. 16kg、110cm C. 16kg、100cm D. 18kg、115cmE. 18kg、100cm23. 女孩,1 岁半。咳嗽 4d,发热 2d,气急 1d,门诊诊断支气管肺炎。确诊最主要的体征是A. 呼吸急促B. 口唇、甲床青紫C. 两肺叩诊浊音,呼吸音减低D. 肺部细小湿罗音E. 鼻翼扇动,张口呼吸24. 男孩,4 岁,因轻度浮肿、尿量减少,诊断为急性链球菌感染后肾炎。下列哪项最相符?A. 大量尿蛋白B. 低白蛋白血症C. 明显浮

16、肿D. 高胆固醇血症E. 血清尿素氮、肌酐在正常范围25. 女孩,8 岁。低热 1 周,咳嗽剧。体检:两肺底有水泡音,初步诊断为支原体肺炎。选用何种抗生素最合适?A. 阿莫西林(羟氨苄青霉素)B. 头孢氨苄C. 邻氯青霉素D. 红霉素E. 四环素26. 下列哪项对诊断川崎病最具特征意义?A. 发热呈稽留热或驰张热B. 红眼、唇干裂、草莓舌C. 手、足皮肤广泛性硬性水肿,伴掌心、足底红斑D. 全身泛发麻疹样、荨麻疹样或猩红热样皮疹E. 热退时,指、趾端和甲床交界处呈膜样或片状脱皮27. 患儿,6 个月,诊断为法洛四联症。在一次哭闹后出现呼吸困难,随即昏厥,抽搐。产生此现象的最可能原因是A. 呼吸

17、衰竭B. 心力衰竭C. 循环衰竭D. 因血液粘稠而产生肺栓塞E. 以上均不是28. 营养性缺铁性贫血患儿,血红蛋白 90g/L,最合适的治疗是 A 反复多次少量输血B 肌注右旋糖酐铁C 服用硫酸亚铁及维生素 CD 服用枸橼酸铁胺E 多进含铁丰富食品29. 10 个月婴儿,生后母乳喂养,奶量不足,未添加辅食,已逐渐苍白,肝肋下 3cm,脾肋下 1cm,质软。血:红细胞 31012/L,血红蛋白 70g/L,白细胞 8109/L,中性粒细胞 35%,淋巴细胞 64%,大单核细胞 1%,可诊断为 A 营养性缺铁性贫血B 营养性巨幼红细胞性贫血C 营养性混合性贫血D 溶血性贫血E 生理性贫血30. 男

18、孩,10 岁。患原发性肺结核。在其自然演变过程中,最为常见的情况是A. 自然吸收或钙化B. 发展为肺门淋巴结结核C. 病灶溶解、坏死形成空洞D. 血行播散E. 发展为胸膜炎31. 女婴,7 个月 ,体重 5.5kg。生后以母乳喂养,量少,未加辅食。尚未出牙,不会爬。体检:神志清,精神可,稍苍白,腹部皮下脂肪 0.5cm,肌肉稍松驰。可能诊断是A. 正常儿B. 第 1 度营养不良C. 佝偻病D. 第 2 度营养不良E. 第 3 度营养不良32. 维生素 D 缺乏性佝偻病的骨骼改变,下列哪一项叙述是不正确的? A生后 2-3 个月出现鸡胸或漏斗胸B枕部乒乓头是活动性佝偻病的早期表现,多出现于 3-

19、6 个月婴儿C生后 8-9 月出现方头D1 岁半后前囟仍未闭E出牙可延迟到 1 岁,或到 3 岁才出齐33. 佝偻病性手足搐搦症可有以下特点,除了A. 全身性抽搐B. 婴儿期可呈婴儿痉挛发作C. 喉痉挛D. 手足痉挛E. 面神经征阳性34. 女婴,4 个月。冬季出生,足月顺产,单纯牛奶喂养。近半个月来较烦躁,夜寐欠佳。体检应注意的体征为 A. 方颅B. 肋串珠C. 颅骨软化D. 鸡胸E. “O“形腿35. 测量皮下脂肪厚度主要是测 A 大腿内侧B 腹围C 面颊部D 腹部脐旁乳头线上E 以上都不是36. 下列哪一项不是哮喘的防治原则 A. 避免接触致敏原B. 应用支气管扩张剂C. 长期口服皮质激

20、素D. 适当应用抗生素E. 免疫治疗 37. 小儿肺炎应用抗菌药物治疗时其停药时间一般为 A体温正常,咳嗽消失B体温正常后 5-7 天,症状消失C体温正常,肺部体征消失,X 线摄片或胸透病变明显好转后 2-7 天D体温正常后 3-4 天,症状消失E体温正常后 3-4 天,肺部体征消失38. 小儿各系统器官发育最迟的是 A 生殖系统B 神经系统C 淋巴系统D 脂肪组织E 肌肉组织39. 下列头围与胸围情况中,哪一条适合小儿发育的正常水平? A出生时头围 34cm,胸围 32cmB出生时头围 32cm,胸围 34cmC6 个月时头围 46cm,胸围等于头围D1 岁时头围 56cm,胸围大于头围E2

21、 岁时头围 52cm,胸围大于头围40. 小儿运动发育,下列哪一项发育不属于运动发育异常? A 4 个月时不能竖头B 8 个月稳坐并开始学爬C 10 个月不会坐D 1 岁不会站E 1 岁半不能走二、问答题 (每题 15 分,共 60 分)1. 试述新生儿病理性黄疸和生理性黄疸的鉴别诊断。2. 试述腹泻伴脱水时静脉补液的原则。3. 试述肺炎合并心衰的诊断标准和处理原则。4. 试述室间隔缺损的血流动力学特点和临床表现。00 级临床医学、预防医学专业儿科学考卷2005.6.姓名 学号 班级 成绩选择题:1、 ( A ) 21、 ( C )2、 ( E ) 22、 ( E )3、 ( C ) 23、

22、( D )4、 ( E ) 24、 ( E )5、 ( E ) 25、 ( D )6、 ( C ) 26、 ( E )7、 ( C ) 27、 ( E )8、 ( A ) 28、 ( C )9、 ( C ) 29、 ( A )10、 ( E ) 30、 ( A )11、 ( D ) 31、 ( B )12、 ( C ) 32、 ( A )13、 ( D ) 33、 ( B )14、 ( D ) 34、 ( C )15、 ( B ) 35、 ( D )16、 ( D ) 36、 ( C )17、 ( A ) 37、 ( C )18、 ( C ) 38、 ( A )19、 ( D ) 39、 ( A)20、 ( D ) 40、 ( B )

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